Shameless Lie

Trial Period

Chapter One: Shameless Lie


Is it love, this exhilarating feeling?
If it's like this, I'm really in big trouble
I don't know (uh-oh) what should I do?
 Aigoo-ya, I'll be scolded for sure ah ah ah ah ah
There's no choice, you're mine. I must must must have you
Again again again I'm trembling, this strange yet nice feeling

“Hello, I’m Kwon Yuri,” the beautiful young girl said, smiling, shaking the hand of the man sitting opposite of her.

“I’m Kim Jooseong,” the man offered a smile back and they both sat down at the table of a restaurant. “I work as an architect here in Seoul.”

“Really? What have you designed?” She picked up her menu and peered at her lunch options.

“I’m pretty sure you’ve heard about the 63 Building in Seoul,” Jooseong said, still grinning.

“Oh, really? I have heard of it.” She laughed, turning the page in the menu, staring at the main courses.He mumbled something that Yuri chose to ignore. She rolled her eyes. He was just like the others. Boring. She had to get rid of him. Putting down her menu, eyes opened wide, she said, “What are you going to eat?”

“I’ve been really craving Dakbal,” he replied, seeming sort of shy.

Yuri giggled. “Why are trying to hide it? I’ll admit, I’m craving Gejang, let’s be honest with each other and get what we want.” She smiled at him kindly, and he gave her a thoughtful nod.

After placing their orders, Jooseong continued to try to entertain her with a story about some of the problems they faced with their building projects, and blueprint designs. Midway through his story about some building in some place that Yuri could care less about, she interrupted him and asked if she could excuse herself.

In the bathroom she washed her hands extremely slow and muttered to herself, “Ughh, why does this happen to me everytime? Why do I get some guy who’s either super boring and gorgeous or sweet and not cute?” She paused to dry her hands. “How am I going to escape this time? I honestly thought he would be the one...” Yuri glanced around the restroom and spied a window.

“Don’t tell that’s the only way out.”



He strummed on his guitar and sighed. Broke...again. He crossed his legs on the park bench, guitar pick clenched in his hand. He shut his eyes lightly, and inhaled the autumn air. Breath in, breath out. He slowly exhaled.


“Jongwoon! Jongwoon!” He scrunched his eyes, annoyed by this disturbance.

He opened his eyes, and shot his friend, Zhou Mi, and evil glare. “What the hell, Zhou Mi?”

“I found us a job, for the both of us!!” He was out of breath.

Jongwoon’s anger melted. “You did?”

“Yeah,” Zhou Mi laughed. “It’s at this restaurant,” He pointed to a building across the street. “I did well this time, right?”

Jongwoon just stared at his grinning face, and couldn’t help but laugh. Seconds later, he found himself hugging Zhou Mi, then ruffling his hair. “You little rascal, of course you did well.” He playfully punched Zhou Mi’s shoulder, “Go find out what they want from us, and I’ll pack up my stuff.” Jongwoon watched the other boy run off into the restaurant, and smiled to himself. There’s time for one more song... Sitting back down, as he had before, guitar in hand, the mood felt different. It was hopeful. He opened his mouth and began to sing, his eyes shut again.

“Like you said it's
Down in the heat and the summer rain of
The automatic gauze of your memories
Down in the sleep at the airplane races
Try to hold on
To this heart
A little bit longer”


A couple people passing by dropped bills and coins, motivating Jongwoon to keep on singing and playing his guitar.

“Try to hold on
To this love aloud
Try to hold on
For this heart's
A little bit colder
Try to hold on
To this love
Paperback scrawl your hidden poems
Written around the dried out flowers
Here we are still trading places...”



He strummed the guitar for a couple more seconds then stopped. Opening his eyes, he let out a sigh of relief. Time to get my life back on track. Collecting the money he earned in his guitar case, he got up and ran towards the building he saw Zhou Mi go into. He didn’t look back.



Yuri looked out the window. She’d spent the last ten minutes trying to find a way to get up to the window in order to look out of it and then come up with a plan to escape. So far all she had done was turn a trash can upside down and stand on top of it. Gazing out, she was blinded by the bright sunlight, but she found that right underneath the window outside there was a dumpster. Looking back into the mirror, she decided that this time it would be okay to get her clothes dirty. This was practically an emergency. Okay, here goes... She tucked her head in, under the frame of the window and with the help of her arms she pushed herself outwards.

The sun’s rays hit her and she smiled. I’m out! She proceeded to push the rest of her body out until only the lower half remained. Yuri gave another push, and an involuntary grunt, and found herself stuck. Her eyes grew wide. She only had half her body out, and her legs were still in. She wriggled, trying to find some way out, but soon gave up. I deserve this for trying to ditch. She hung down in defeat, still in the bathroom. As long as Jooseong doesn’t find me...

“Are you sure you didn’t see her?” Her ears perked up. Jooseong. Yuri’s mind officially entered panic mode. If he found her, it would mean complete embarrassment, but if he didn’t she’d be stuck there forever. She weighed her options and decided that since she’d probably never see Jooseong again it didn’t matter if he did save her. She put her hands to her lips and opened to shout.

A chirping whistle filled the air. Yuri turned to see who it was, dropping her arms and they dangled lifelessly along the wall. A dark haired boy strolled casually through the alleyway, holding a big black bag, whistling to his heart’s content. It was as if the world had stopped and they were the only two in it. Yuri’s mouth opened in an odd fascination at him, the way he walked, the way his eyes--she couldn’t stop looking at him. Then she realized he was walking towards her. To the dumpster. Trash bag in hand.

“Excuse me,” Yuri said loudly, careful so only he would hear. The boy flinched, dropping the trash bag to the floor. Yuri giggled into her hand and the boy glared at her.

“What do you want?

Yuri’s mouth hung open. How could he not know, seeing her position as is. Pushing that thought aside, “I’m stuck, can you help?”

He shook his head, tossing the trash bag into the dumpster, climbing in to flatten the bags. Then he stood, facing her, his deep brown eyes burning through her lazily. Her heart skipped a beat. “I don’t help people like you.”

Yuri couldn’t help but to lean in closer to his face, “What? People like me?” Her voice was a bit uneven.

“Yeah, trying to leave the restaurant before paying the bill.”

Yuri laughed, “You’re wrong about that, I’m escaping a date.”

He shrugged his shoulders and jumped down to the floor as the back door of the restaurant opened.

“Jongwoon!! What’s taking you so-” Another dark haired boy said, but his cheeks were sharp and angular, pointed at Yuri, who in returned grinned at them and waved. “Is that a girl stuck in a window?”

Jongwoon shrugged, “Let’s leave her alone, she interrupted my work.”

The other boy rushed to her, quickly climbing up the dumpster, “How could you leave her?”

Jongwoon rolled his eyes, “I’m going back in.”

Yuri stuck her tongue at his retreating back, and faced the other pretty boy, who looked so gentle. “What’s your name?”

He smiled at her, “I’m Zhou Mi, and that was Jongwoon.” Zhou Mi pulled at her arms but she wouldn’t budge.

Yuri blushed, “Sorry.”

“For what?” His eyebrows knit together, “Okay, this is going to be a bit uncomfortable.”

“Wha-?” He rested his hands on her waist, and Yuri felt about ten thousands volts of electricity go through her body.

“Hold onto me so I can pull you out.” She did so, and with a couple grunts, she flew out, landing, as predicted, in the dumpster. What was unpredicted was landing straight on Zhou Mi.

“Owww,” he rubbed the back of his head which had hit the wall of the dumpster.

“Are you okay?” She was on his chest, hands still gripping him.

He laughed and started to get up, Yuri immediately detached herself from him, getting up also.

“I’m fine, are you okay?” He was so kind and so...

She didn’t know the word for it.

She nodded, “I should get going.”

He jumped out first and helped her out of the dumpster.

“Will I see you again?” He said breathlessly, as if he were speaking his mind.

A smile formed on her face, and she tucked some of her hair behind her ear.

“Well this is all charming, but Zhou Mi, you’re needed.” A voiced drawled from the door. They both turned to see Jongwoon leaning from it.

Yuri quickly folded a piece of paper into Zhou Mi’s hands and he ran off.

She glared at Jongwoon. “You’re lying, aren’t you?”

“And if I am?” He said it pointedly.

“I hope you’re not.”

“You think you can get away with everything just because you’re pretty.”

Yuri blushed, “You think I’m pretty?” She became conscious that he was only inches away from her.

“What if I do?” He stared down at her lips and her heart began to beat.

“Yuri-ssi!!” They broke their gaze from each other to look at Jooseong, who appeared to have finally found Yuri.

Instinctively, Yuri put her arm around Jongwoon, who turned rigid at her touch.

Jooseong ran towards them, a smile plastered on his ridiculous face. He stopped right in front of the two of them, suddenly looking confused.

“Who are you?” He said, pointing at Jongwoon accusingly.

“Me?” Jongwoon pointed  at himself.

“Yes, you,” he snapped. “And how do you know Yuri?”

“I’m Kim Jongwoon, and I don’t-”

“He’s my boyfriend!” Yuri interrupted, squeezing her eyes shut.

Jongwoon’s eyes widened and he looked down at Yuri.

"He's my boyfriend, so leave," she threatened, pulling Jongwoon closer.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter~

Again, this story is not a oneshot anymore

but a chaptered story :)

i will try to update soon

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[Trial Period] Story is still under works but possibility of it being chaptered!


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AnimeKitty #1
Chapter 1: Please don't give up on this story! It's reaaaally good!!!
ParkEunIn #2
Chapter 1: Update soon!!!!
Update soon......! and YAY! for chaptered stories!!!!
saranghaeSUJU_SNSD #4
update soon..
sayonaracrawl #5
Subscribed :)
YAY!! YULSUNG! sounds super interesting!!! I hope you update soon! I look forward to reading it!!!!