Ch. 24


another chapter....


After breakfast with Shiki, Chunji decided to go meet up with them at the cafeteria, "Shiki-san i am heading out!"

Shiki nodded, "Chunji be careful, and if you feel weird then come straight to me alright?"

Chunji opened the door, "Sure but dont worry, I'm fine..promise see ya!" He shut the door on his way out.

Shiki sighed, "I hope so..." 


Chunji walked to their table and sat down in his usual seat, "Hey guys! Was yesterday fun..."

Ricky immediately hugged him, "Chunji!!!!! Hey, I'm so glad that your not mad!!!"

Chunji laughed, "Why would I?"

Niel also hugged Chunji, "Today I'm going to make it up to you!!! What do you want to do?"

Chunji smiled, "I dont know...something fun!!!!!!!"

"Hey Chunji," Changjo interrupted, "what was special about yesterday that you needed their help," Ricky instantly glared at him but he ignored it.

Chunji got both of the two to stop hugging, "Well..." he took a moment of pause, "you guys were busy doing something else that i didnt want to bother you guys with such silly things."

"Which was....." Cap encouraged for him to go on.

"It was nothing really, not important now.... hey Niel did you had fun yesterday!" Chunji turned to him.

Niel nodded, "Yea it was awesome!!! So glad that we went to the cafe!!!"

Chunji laughed, "That's good, tell me the details later..."

"Wait," Changjo said and Ricky glared at him again, "if it was silly then it wouldnt be important. What was yesterday?"

Chunji sighed, "Yesterday was Shiki-san's birthday..." they all sat there eyes wide and shocked even L.joe, "so I thought you guys would come over and help with everything and we could celebrate it together, but you guys seemed busy so I didnt want to bother..."

"Chunji!!!!!" Niel shouted and made Chunji flinch, "and here i thought you owed us!!! Why didnt you tell us!!?!?!? We so would have came, I thought you just wanted to hang out or something!!!!!"

Chunji tilted his head, "Owe you....."

"Yea cuz we were looking all over for you but forget that!!! God I feel so horrible!!!! Ugh... you should have told us....." Niel shook his head.

Cap agreed, "Yea, that isnt silly. So if you ever have something to say, then say it regardless if we're busy or not... you shouldnt have kept that in..."

Chunji broke out a smile, "I'll try I guess..."

Niel turned to him, "No," he grabbed his shoulders and shook him, "you wont try, you will say it okay!!!!!"

"Oooooookaaaaaaayyy....." he grabbed his head when Niel stopped, they all laughed even L.joe, "damn I'm dizzy..."

Ricky was going to say something but didnt, he thought it would be best if he stayed quiet. Changjo looked at him and wondered how Ricky knew about Shiki's birthday, it was obvious for him to figure out.

"So," Niel said and hugged, "I'm really sorry about yesterday. So today, what do you want to do?"

Chunji hugged him back, "I dont know...and it's okay...." 

Silence fell until someone phone buzzed. They all looked at a certain person, it was L.joe. He was confused himself, he totally forgot about his phone. He took it out and someone had texted him, "What the..." he looked even more confused.

"Who is it," Changjo asked.

"Umm.... Shiki-san, he said he wants to see us..."

"Why did he text you?" Cap asked.

He just shrugged his shoulders, "Beats me...well lets go...."


"Good, you guys came...." Shiki walked around the table.

"Course we would," Chunji exclaimed, "so what happened?"

"Here," Shiki placed something in Chunji's hand, "since none of you came yesterday, that will be your punishment, good bye," he left the room after that.

They stood there shocked, "That's not fair!!!!!! It's not our fault we didnt even know," Niel shouted.

Chunji ignored him and stared at his hand. He smiled, "Thanks Shiki-san...." he mumbled. He knew that Shiki knew he was stressed out yesterday, and was very upste.

"We didnt even get to say Happy late Birthday," Ricky sighed.

"Forget about that, I'm soooo not doing the punishment," Niel huffed.

Changjo stared at the stiff boy, "Chunji? What is that?"

Chunji smiled wider and turned around, "Trust me Niel, you will like this," he held the things in his hand, "We're going to the amusement park!!!"


When they got there Ricky, Chunji, and Niel were practically acting like little kids. Cap chuckled, "Well they seem hyper..." Changjo agreed.

L.joe just grumbled, "I still dont get why I had to come...."

Cap smirked, "Come on it'll be fun. Shiki-san gave us these tickets so lets not waste them.."

Niel and Chunji squealed while Ricky was laughing, "Wow... this is amazing!!!"

"I know," Niel spun around, "oh lets go on the teacups!!!!" 

"Yea," Chunji agreed, "you coming Ricky...."

Ricky grinned, "Hell yea...race ya!" he started ahead.

"Hey...that wasnt fair...." Chunji pouted.

"Come on," Niel linked his arms together with Chunji and dragged him, he turned his head, "we are heading to the teacups first okay!!!!!!" he started running dragging Chunji with him.

Changjo laughed, "Wow, they are just like kids..."


After a few more rides they decided to get something to eat. They sat on table while Cap came back with the food. "This is just awesome, i'm having so much fun!!!" Chunji shot his arms through the air.

"I know right," Ricky agreed, "too bad Shiki-san isnt here..."

Niel nodded while munching on his food, "True, I mean he did provide this trip.."

Changjo was stunned, " actually want him to come even though you despise him..."

Chunji laughed, "That's true...." Niel pouted.

Cap shook his head and chuckled, "We should owe him back..."

"No," Chunji said, "no need trust me..... besides whatever you do he'll give you something to do in return."

Cap was surprised, "Oh.... kay then nevermind."


After they ate Niel wanted to go to the gift shop. Cap decided to company him since he didnt want Niel to get lost. Chunji stared at them both, "They seem really close now."

Changjo nodded, "Of course, they are dating after all...."

Chunji eyes widened, "They're dating?!?!?! When?"

He just looked at that boy in shock, "Uh....Ricky and I are dating too...."

Chunji's eyes grew bigger, "You guys too!!?!?!!?? How come I didnt know this!!!!?" he pouted.

Changjo was speechless, 'This kid is extremely slow!!!!!!!' "Well.... uh  you kinda know that we did it so....yea"

Chunji was confused, "Do what?"

Changjo bit his lips, "Umm...."

Chunji blushed, "You m-mean when you d-do it someone then you are d-da...."

Changjo gasped and shook his head, "No no no no no! You are only dating when both partners want because they feel love for each a different way."

"Different way?"

Changjo nodded, "Yea, it's kind of hard to explain. So that's why they are close to each other and they are going to have....some fun lets call it that... again so be prepared when you see something...weird..."

Chunji was even more confused, "What kind of fun?"

Changjo mentally facepalmed, 'Even with his ity taken he's still as pure and innocent.... good job how the hell am I suppose to explain things, it's like telling a five year old this!!!!' he sighed, "You know where babies come from right?"


Changjo almost literally fell, "WHAT!!!?!?!? Y-y-ou dont!!!!"

Chunji shook his head, "No where do they come from?"

Changjo was speechless, "Thats it, I'm giving you a whole health lesson!!! First of, babies come from wh-"

"Ahhhhhhhhhh...." Ricky cut in between them, "ahahahahaha now we came here to have fun, we are not in school..."

Chunji frowned, "But I want to kn-"

"Ah," Ricky cut iin again, "Let's go have fun in some rides," he started pushing Chunji to one of them, 'Tch.... of course he wouldnt know...with the way he's been raised!!!!'

"What," Changjo said, but ricky simply ignored him and went with Chunji. "This is.....i am so going to get the truth out of them.....where's L.joe?" he looked around and spot him with a girl who was flirting with him. L.joe looked really pissed though, he didnt want anything to do with other people right now. Changjo chuckled, "Have fun with the girl L.joe...." and walked away to follow the other two.


Ricky and Chunji rode on a few rides, and Changjo just decided to just watch the little kids. Chunji was having so much fun, and didnt notice where he was going. He turned around only to see the other two gone, "Guys? Guys...." he started to panick, "no way....I'm lost..."


L.joe was relieved that he finally got away from that girl. He decided to just hang around a bit since he was alone. He walked to the nearset bench to sit but spotted a boy who looked lost.

"Guy? Where are you....." it was Chunji of course. He looked like he was on the verge of tears and you could defenitly see he was trying to be a bit mature.

L.joe sighed, 'Walk away L.joe you see nothing.... just walk away....' he walked away convincing himself that he wont go back. But he stopped, 'God...what the hell is wrong with me? I blame you for the changes in me Chunji....' he turned around and walked towards the crying boy. "Stop crying...."

Chunji looked up with his teary big eyes, "L.joe!!!!" he hugged him, "thank god...*sniff*"

L.joe sighed, "Yea yea...stop crying seriously, people are looking...."

"Sorry," he pulled away and wiped the tears.

It was akward and Chunji didnt know what to do. L.joe thought as long they're here why not, he grabbed Chunji's wrist. Chunji was surprised, "Where are we..."

L.joe smirked, "The hunted house...." he felt Chunji tense and his smirk got wider.

They were in the middle of the house and Chunji was holding onto L.joe's arm for his dear life sobbing, "I w-want *sniffs* to g-get out of h-here..."

L.joe couldnt help but laugh all the way in the house, "This is so much fun.... come on," he started walking and continued laughing as Chunji whimpered. They almost made it out of the house and Chunji couldnt wait.

Just as they were walking out the door, a hand grabbed Chunji's ankle and he started screamimg, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......" he was hugging L.joe's arm not letting him go.

L.joe laughed harder, "Okay the hand let go now come on," they walked and Chunji was still hugging his arm crying. L.joe chuckled, "That was fun..."

"W-what was so fun about th-that..."

L.joe smirked, "Seeing you all scared and crying was the most fun part...."

Chunji puffed up his cheeks, "You are really mean...."

L.joe smiled, "Lets go that over there.... it looks like you have to throw water balloons at the other teams....sounds like fun, lets go."

Chunji nodded. They walked over there and it seemed like there are two people in a team. They get changed in their bathing suit or whatever and a red mark is drawn on their backs. They have to throw the water balloons at the people's back and if there mark is gone they are elimanated. The last team that has their mark wins and gets to pick a prize. L.joe was excited, he knew he could easily win. They got into their swimming shorts, and a red mark was drawn in their backs. Chunji didnt feel good about this but he didnt want to ruin L.joe's fun.

They got to their place, and L.joe noticed people staring at Chunji. He looked at him and realized why, he had such a feminine like body, his waist really did give a bit of a curve. L.joe got mad at the looks he was getting especially from guys. They looked like they wanted to eat him. L.joe couldnt stand it so he slipped his hand around his waist, giving them all a glare. Chunji looked at him confused but didnt think much of it, he was oblivious to his surroundings. L.joe's eyes widened at that action, 'What the hell am I doing? Damn...gotta be careful..'


When the game ended Chunji raised his arms in the air, "We won!!!!!!!" 

L.joe smirked, "Piece of cake..." he was dry not even a single drop of water fell on him. Chunji in the other was soaked.

"L.joe, there are some water balloons, here," he tossed them at him thinking he was going to catch but L.joe wasnt paying any attenetion to him at all. The balloons got him and he was now wet.

L.joe turned towards him, "You...."

"Eep..." Chunji's eyes widened in horror, "i-I'm sorry...I th-thought you were..ahhhhhhhhhhhhh......" he started running and L.joe immediately chased him. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry....." but L.joe didnt care, he was much faster. He tackled Chunji to the wet floor. Chunji whimpered his eyes closed and tears forming, "Im soo so so so sorry!!!!"

L.joe looked at him, he looked so vulnerable and he couldnt help but crack up. Chunji got mad, "Yahhh!!! Not f-funny...."

"Whatever.....get up," L.joe got up and helped the other, "we better get dried up..."

After they got dressed in to their normal closed L.joe looked at the prizes, "Pick a prize, I really dont want none..."

Chunji face lighened up, "Okay! I want that," he pointed to a huge stuff animal.

L.joe just stared, "Really.... okay sure..."

"Yay!!" he hugged his huge stuffed animal. L.joe couldnt help but smile. He felt something warm in his chest, and sighed, ''s nothing...just ignore..'

They walked out and L.joe decided to search for the others but stopped when Chunji stopped. Chunji spotted something that caught his eyes, "Fishies!!!!" 'That'll be a good present for Shiki-san since I didnt get to give him anything....'

L.joe sighed, it was getting late but, "Okay, lets go get fishes...."

Chunji gasped, "Yes!!" he ran to over to the fishes.

L.joe followed and saw that you have to catch the fishes in order to keep them, "Hmmm...."

"Woah...the blue one will be mine and the red one will be Shiki-san's," Chunji tried to get them but failed.

L.joe chuckled at Chunji pouted and how cute he is, "You need help?"

"No," he shook his head, "I need to do this or it wont be a present from me. Besides you already got me the stuffed animal."

L.joe watched him and he kept failing. He smiled, he actually had fun today, 'Damn you Chunji.... you did the impossible. Now the punishment is you have to be stuck with me for the rest of your life...'

"Got them!!!!" Chunji shouted. The guy took the fishes and placed them in a plastic bag full of water. Chunji stared at them with wide eyes like their the world precious treasures, " pretty..."

L.joe chuckled and ruffled his hair, "We have to look for the others...come on," Chunji nodded and stood up with his stuffed bear.


"Heh heh heh..."

"Stop laughing to yourself you wierdo..."

"Shut up Hyori."

She sighed, "What are you laughing at Chin-Hwa.."

"Where's he?"

She stuck out her tongue, "You mean y big brother, I have no idea. So, what are you laughing at?"

Chin-Hwa pointed to a certain direction and Hyori's eyes widened, "Yup, apparently he's here...."

"Well, we have to tell them!!"

"Oh dont worry, I told Hyo-jin and she said she will handle it."

She smirked, "We are getting closer arent we..."

He smirked back, "Yup, he will get exactly what he deserves..."


kk i am done........

i hope you enjoy

and comment and suscribe plzzzzz



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i am sooooo sorry i have been busy alot lately so ill try to update as soon as i can


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talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show-stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before
Read this again and again. I miss you and chunjoe too. T.T
even if you told me not to....
Happy Birthday~!!
Chapter 37: Reread this story for the two times again ♥♥
TakeshimaTaki-desu #5
Chapter 37: favorite part was when A looked at Jinsung with a motive and him rejecting A right then and there! nyahahahahahaha

i like this one too, author-san! ^0^
TakeshimaTaki-desu #6
Chapter 33: Chunji is the hugest cry baby ever! haha
TakeshimaTaki-desu #7
Chapter 25: i was laughing sooooo hard!!!!! nyahahahahahahah
TakeshimaTaki-desu #8
Chapter 24: awwww L.Joe acknowledged his feelings already, but Chunji's siblings are closing in on him!
TakeshimaTaki-desu #9
Chapter 20: i love Ricky's character here! hahahahah not the shy and innocent one we're so used to seeing in fanfics! wao! ^^