
Unaware Of Fate

Months had passed filming with Seohyun. The married life isn't as bad as I expected it to be. That's all my youth talking. Let's be real. It has just been months, and not years. Of course the married life will have more rollercoaster rides after years being together. We might have gotten to know each other for these past months, but she still doesn't fully know me yet.  I'm not saying Shinhye knows me more, although that'd be a wish fulfilled. Am I with the wrong person? Am I not showing enough interest already? Even though it might seem scripted to viewers, there is of course a slight percentage of me showing my true feelings.

A week after our one year anniversary as a fake married couple, it was Shinhye's 21st birthday. Even if it was a week before, I was still scratching my head. I tried so hard to come up with something nice, cheesy yet at the same natural. What kind of message should I send her? A handwritten one? Who sends personal letters these days? Sure it's romantic, but wouldn't it be too obvious? At least not now. I need to give it some time. Truthfully speaking, haven't I given her enough time already? Doesn't it seem obvious to her that I like her? Does she secretly know? 

Yet here I am in the van, with the phone turned off showing its black screen and not knowing where I should go on this day off. I am pretty much dead and done. I had just wanted to get out of the company because the schedules made me feel stuffed. All I asked was to be alone with the manager so that I could get some fresh air. It's been hours. No, days. Her birthday is just around the corner. There was no time left. I couldn't keep myself hanging out in the open, expecting something from Shinhye.

"Where do you wanna go?"

"Anywhere, it's up to you."

"Would you really consider going to watch a movie with me?"

"Movie? With you? Isn't that a bit -"

"You said it was up to me."

"Oh fine, let's go watch a movie."

"You don't have to go if you don't want to. Besides, shouldn't the artists lead their own managers towards the right decision? Don't think all the managers working for artists know every detail there is when it comes to schedules and contracts. I can be a klutz sometimes. And today is a special day - well sort of. This is a rare chance for you that Han Sung Ho CEO-nim gave you a day off."

"First, let's go get some coffee at my favourite coffee shop. After that, find a place to park with a nice view."

"Does it seem to you that parking tickets are cheap? It's not like we're that much of a worldwide star that we could keep staying on the same parking spot for a long time. Are there any parking places with a good view? Might as well rent an RV for us to truly experience the camping life and nice views."

"You really do talk well. My mind is not in its greatest condition today, hyung. The weird thing is that I actually don't feel the need to sleep at all."

"Why? Is it because of her?"

"Yes, her birthday is coming up in a few days. I'm still wondering what kind of birthday message I should send her."

"Write whatever you want. Whenever it comes to confessing, you should take the lead. Make it seem like you're confident enough to lead her into being in a relationship with you. If you put it that way, it could even lead you to marriage."

"Confessing? Marriage? Did I even say these words?"

"Ah sorry. I can't come up with better advice, I'm sorry. Aren't you smarter than me? Why are your thoughts so complicated and entwined?"

I was at loss for words hearing my manager's advice. I can't beat him. He's the best when it comes to discussing matters. But whatever the reason, I had to it, I had to figure it out and I had to make it happen. Could I really? Just a couple of taps on the mobile screen wouldn't hurt, right?

Finally I had picked up the courage to send my first ever text message to her:

"Hello. I'm Yonghwa."

'Hello. I'm Yonghwa', what kind of a lame text message is that? It's short, dull and boring. Why did I even bother to send it in the first place?! She's never gonna reply now. At least I sent it with honorifics. Maybe I made the a little too big. She could have possibly thought I'm some old man. It doesn't matter anyways since I don't think everyone has her phone number. 




15 minutes had passed by and there was no reply. I sat there slurping on my hot coffee and started murmuring to myself. I started coming up with weird reasons to why she wouldn't answer my text message even if it took a decade. I sat there fidgeting with my mobile phone, doing all kind of tricks with it. With all the anxiety building up inside of me and wanting to burst, Shinhye finally replied. Ah so it took you 20 minutes?

"Oh! Yonghwa-ah! How are you? It's been a while hasn't it? I've seen your episodes on We Got Married you know. Aigoo~ you're too childish for your age. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ At least you're taking good care of Seohyun. You do really like her, right?"

This was the sort of reply I've always expected from Shinhye. Doesn't matter if she replied late anymore, because the reply was just cute, sincere and supportive all at once. I stumbled upon the last sentence. Do I now? I had written, 'No, I like you more.' on the white box, when I just snapped back to reality. What was I thinking? I quickly erased the message and sent a proper one, feeling more comfortable this time. After actually seeing her reply now, I don't feel worrisome.

"Shinhye-ah! I've been good. How have you been? Yes! We definitely need to meet up someday. Eyyy~ don't say that. This is only for entertainment. I'm actually an angel in real life. Why would I tease and joke around a girl? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ  Of course I'm taking good care of Seohyun! She's been nice to me, so why should I treat her bad? About liking her...... well my feelings for her are growing more and more. I don't think I can take this anymore. I might actually fall for her. Help me, Shinhye-ah. ㅠㅠ"

'Help me, Shinhye-ah'?!?! Well here's another stupid sentence. Probably even dumber and duller than the first one I sent. Nevertheless, Shinhye's reply came quicker than before. Maybe she isn't busy lately. A rest is what she deserves anyways. I wouldn't like to see her sick. 

"I've been good~! Of course! Should we go for a trip to the karaoke place? I'll show you how good I know CNBLUE's songs. Bring on the challenge! Entertainment purposes, huh? Such lies am I supposed to believe? ㅋ Well I don't know. Just in case you felt shy around her. But no worries, your personality isn't like an introvert. You're outgoing. Ahhh really? I should grab the chance to steal you here and now then. Yonghwa, come meet me tomorrow then. I'll save you. ㅋㅋㅋ"

Hold up a second. What. I couldn't believe it. Although it was meant to be a joke, this obviously doesn't seem to be one in my eyes. Enough of that. I need to get back to my main point - the main reason I sent her a message in the first place. It was to ask her few days before her birthday since I know she would probably be busy with other schedules. I didn't hesitate to send her a message, "If you want to save me, let's hang out tomorrow. I heard you liked ham too. I'll find a restaurant with delicious food so please come. I have something to give you too." I had unconsciously written the last sentence. What do I give to her? In this last minute? A cake? A necklace? 

A couple of minutes later I got the wanted reply from Shinhye. "Let's do it! I mean why not? I can't afford you dying just after you sent me messages. What if it becomes a big deal and the police tracks all your past records. Ah~ I'd be in huge trouble. ㅋㅋㅋ I'm called "Pig Park" for a reason. I love food, so it doesn't matter which restaurant you take me to, because I'll eat all the food deliciously. A present? What is this? Don't tell me you're going to hold an event for me? Is tomorrow a special reason? What's the reason?"

Yes. It is going to be a special day - for me. I giggled as I sent her my reply, "Secret~ Mehrong~ Get ready at 10 a.m. tomorrow. I'll pick you up and we could stroll the morning market in Dongdaemun to see what kind of food you want to eat. You can decide everything besides the meeting point tomorrow morning. Is it a deal?"

"How could you! We're friends! Shouldn't at least some secrets be revealed between friends? But of course! I'll be ready just in time you ring the doorbell. See you until then!"

"You'll know tomorrow! Alright~ See you tomorrow!"

I felt relieved. It felt as if I had taken a huge burden off my chest. I guess I was itching to ask Shinhye out. Thankfully she accepted it. Now, on to buying her presents. Ah! I should get her a birthday card too! 




"Hyung, I did it! Look!" as I teasingly waved the mobile around, proudly showing off the hard step I had taken. 

"Did what? Confessing?"

"This hyung is really all about confessing. When was the last time you had gotten so nervous like me to muster up the courage?"

"Five years ago perhaps? That time when I wanted to become a manager for you guys."

"And I bet all that nervousness is still there. Don't you have flashbacks about being that nervous?"

"No it isn't to be honest. I could strip and dance to Gee right now if you asked me. The only flashbacks I have... are the times I spent with my girlfriend during the high school days."

"Ok do it. That long ago? "

"I didn't really mean it! Do you think I'm that crazy and weird? My nervousness disappeared ever since I started being serious about managing the band. Oh and what do you mean that long ago? I'm not that old. I'm 32 years old, ok?"

"Haha, see. I guess that's a good thing then. 32?! You age pretty fast. ㅋㅋ"

"I'm taking that as a compliment! Ok, so you got your reply and coffee, where do you want to go now?"

"Perhaps the morning market in Dongdaemun?"

"Why does it have to be in Dongdaemun? If you're looking for food it could easily be found before arriving there."

"I'm not sure, I just got the feeling that it had to be in Dongdaemun."

"Fine, let's go."

My foot tapping hearing CNBLUE's song appearing on the radio, the nice weather as we drive by, more coffee in the van, and a decent conversation with Shinhye. It couldn't get any better.


A/N: Subscribers have waited for a long time, huh? I'm sorry I lack at updating. What can I do when school's always in the way? >< Please give some understanding~ Nevertheless, thank you for subscribing to this story even though it has taken a long time! And thank you for the beautiful comments ~!! You make my day even brighter~ Oh and did you watch "The Future Choice" and "The Heirs" well? I know I did. And I truly love CNBLUE's comeback with "Can't Stop"! I've listened to it so many times now. The reaction video of Shinhye listening to the song was so sweet <3 I wish I could buy the album but I'm broke ahhhh ~~~

Anyways, I hope this chapter was alright. Lots of Yonghwa x Manager interaction, haha. I don't really know about CNBLUE's manager that well so his personality and lines are from my imagination. Sorry if it becomes too much and exaggerated. I have a thing for those characters, haha. So the next chapter will be their early birthday date and I'm already writing the draft. ヾ(´▽`;)ゝI would probably cringe and die from cute moments from that chapter. Please don't expect that much since I'm not a skilled writer, but I will try my best!

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140510 // Update of Chapter 11. (FINALLY!) Sorry for the long wait omg. FIGHTING to those dealing with exams too! Hope you like the chapter ;3;


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Wendy-1977 #1
so sweet yongshin story😍
Update pls
jacqueline1215 #2
Chapter 12: Please continue
ratriana #3
Chapter 12: Author-nim,continue the story please
Bebot7794 #4
Chapter 12: There goes the monster, wonder why she should react that way seeing yh and sh together. She's trying to catch yh's attention! Hmph, this girl!
Hope for another update. Thanks.
sailormoon87 #5
Chapter 12: Yah Yong be honest with yourself and come to terms with what you feel... You cant forever keep it! Thanks for the update authornim :-)
diehard_yongshin #6
Chapter 12: i always dislike that girl's name...hehehe Yongshin fighting!!!! :)
Hawaali #7
Yonghwa is so nice and sweet and what's with seohyun why she angry she don't own yong psssh..... No offense but she gets on my last nerve. Hehehehe anyways authornim I hope this is fluff ff no seohyun or other guy is just sounds so sweet like that heheehehehe well your the writer I'm sure as doolier you will make us happy thanks update soon. Good luck with your finals
stalla #8
Chapter 12: yong u so sweet, n whats wf seohyun anger she doesnt own yong, he likeserr loves shin wahhh, cnt wait 4 ure nxt updte
Riko_waiwai #9
Chapter 11: Very looking forward to next update! I
enjoy reading this chapter. They are sweet and cute! Thx!
Hatchi06 #10
Chapter 11: And I hoping they would stay at one room together kkkkkkk