Stay with Me

How to Fall in Love with an Angel

   Kyuhyun carried the small boy upstairs into the flat and laid him on his bed. He sat down next to him. It was the first time he eyeballed him carefully.
   He noticed some bruised and scatches on Ryeowook's neck and chest peeking out from behind the small boy's v-neck shirt. Kyuhyun wanted to move away the shirt a bit to see if there were more wounds, which those bastards gave him, as suddenly the small boy grapped his wrist.
   Ryeowook slowly opened his eyes and asked confused in a sleepy tone: "Where am I?"
   "You are at home!"
   "Home? In heaven?"
Kyuhyun looked confused. Heaven? He must be tired and confused, Kyuhyun thought. "No, at my place!", he said quietly and Ryeowook turned his head to Kyuhyun.
   "Ah, Kyuhyun... what happened?", the small boy asked confused and tried to sit up, but he became dizzy and was about to fall backwards, but Kyuhyun grapped his hand and pulled him close to him, so he was able to lay his hands on Ryeowook's shoulders to stabilize him.
   "Are you okay?", Kyuhyun asked worried. Ryeowook laid his hand on his head and nodded slowly.
   "I'm just tired!"
   "Then take a rest!", Kyuhyun said, stood up and went out of the room. He closed the door carefully and leaned against it, before he slipped down on the floor, leaning his head against the door.
   "Why was I so worried about him?", he talked quietly to himself, "I don't like him, do I? That makes me crazy... But... I'm glad he is alright and back now!"
   He turned his head to the door like he was able to look through it, wittnessing the sleep of the small boy. Then he stood up and took a rest on the sofa.
   When Kyuhyun woke up again, he rushed into his bedroom to look for the small boy, who was still sleeping.
   Kyuhyun went back into the living room, where he called a delivery service to bring him some food, that he was able to give Ryeowook something to eat, because he never learned how to cook.
   As the delivery-man came and brought his order, he prepared the food on plates in the living room, before he went back into the bedroom to wake the small boy up.
   "Ryeowook!", he quietly called him by his name and shook his carefully to wake him up as nicely as possible, "Ryeowook, you have to stand up! It's time for dinner!"
   Slowly the small boy opened his eyes and rubbed them, before he sat up and looked confused around.
   "Did you sleep well?", Kyuhyun asked and tried to smile, but he felt awkward and stopped smiling again, "Are you hungry?"
   Ryeowook nodded and turned to the edge of the bed to stand up, as Kyuhyun reached out his hand to him in oder to help him.
   "Do you want to change clothes first or take a shower?", Kyuhyun asked and helped the small boy to stand up.
   "I want to eat first."
Ryeowook went ahead into the living room, while Kyuhyun followed him. He noticed another bruise on the backside of Ryeowook's neck and slowly he didn't liked what he saw. How could those bastards dare hitting his small boy?
   "I make them pay for it", Kyuhyun thought loud.
   "What did you say?"
   "What? Eh... nothing!", Kyuhyun said and sat down on the sofa next to Ryeowook and handed him the chopsticks and a plate, before he placed a bit from everything on his plate.
   After they finished eating, Kyuhyun cleared the table, then he handed Ryeowook one of his shirts and jogging-pants, in which the small boy should change after taking a shower.
   Ryeowook went into the bathroom and took slowly his jacket and shirt off, which caused him to groan in pain, because the guy's who took him away kicked him often on his back and into his stomach.
   Suddenly the door banged open and Ryeowook turned around frightenedly, to see Kyuhyun standing in the door frame.
   Kyuhyun didn't expected that the small boy took off his clothes so quickly. Actually, he just wanted to give him some fresh towels. He blushed, without knowing why and turned away, while he held the towels into Ryeowook's direction.
   "I... I just wanted to give you fresh towels!", Kyuhyun said, while he looked in the other direction. After Kyuhyun felt that the small boy grapped the towels, Kyuhyun turned around one more time to catch a glance of Ryeowook. He saw that Ryeowook's whole back was covered with bruises and scratches, which made clear that he got hit and punched really badly by the guys.
   As he wanted to leave, he noticed two big scar like scratches between Ryeowook's shoulder blades, which were just as long as his shoulder blades. Kyuhyun couldn't stop staring at them, because he never saw something like this before and he already saw a lot of wounds and scars.
   Suddenly the small boy cleared his throat and brought Kyuhyun back out of his minds. Kyuhyun laid his hand shyly in his neck and went out of the bathroom quickly. He went into the living room, where he sat down and thought about the scars.
   "Aish", he hit softly against his head, "Why do I keep thinking about it?! Stop it, Kyuhyun, stop it!" Kyuhyun laid his head on the back and stared into space as suddenly a though came up on his mind, "Sometimes, he is really weird... He has those weird scars, he thought of heaven when I said he is home and he always wants to see the heaven... and since he is here, those feathers appear very often..."
   Kyuhyun was so in thoughts, that he didn't noticed how Ryeowook came into the living room. He wore the clothes Kyuhyun gave him. The trousers were too big for him, even to big for Kyuhyun, but because he was so small, it looked like he was wearing a potato sack. Even the shirt was a bit to big for him, so he wore it crooked, so the shirt revealed more skin from his right shoulder than from the left. The shirt's neckline became to a lower neckline, which revealed Ryeowook's shoft, light chest.
   Ryeowook cleared his throat and Kyuhyun turned to him. He saw the small boy, who stood shyly in the door frame, holding up the pants with one hand, while he held the neckline up with the other hand, which caused the wide neckline sliping down from his right shoulder.
   "Oh...", Kyuhyun said and gulped, "Seems... seems like you're smaller than I expected!"
And while Kyuhyun observed the small boy, he noticed that he was blushing again.
   "Yes, it's a bit to big for me", Ryeowook said with a shy smile, before he sat next to Kyuhyun, who still had his head turned away, "What's up with you?"
   "No... nothing!", Kyuhyun anwsered quickly and turned back, where Ryeowook came closly with his face to Kyuhyun's. "What... what are you doing?", Kyuhyun asked shocked and the small boy laid his hand on Kyuhyun's forehead.
   "Are you sick?", he asked naivly and laid his other hand on his own forehead to compare his temperature with Kyuhyun's, "Mhh, feels like you don't have a fever... but your face is so red!"
   "Stop that!", Kyuhyun said and slapped Ryeowook's hand away.
   Ryeowook smiled and turned away: "Are you mad at me?"
Kyuhyun looked confused to the small boy, who stared into space: "Mad? Why?"
   "Because I broke your game console...", Ryeowook said and looked down on his knees, before he quietly added, "And because you're always mad at me..."
   Kyuhyun took a deep breath to encourage himself, then he took all his courage together, laid his arm around Ryeowook's slim shoulder and pulled him closely to him. "Dummy, I'm not mad anymore!"
   "Really?", Ryeowook asked and Kyuhyun nodded, while he was still hugging the small boy. After that, he released Ryeowook out of his hug and tried to give him a smile, which didn't really worked.
   "Ehhh... do you want to open the new game console together with me?", Kyuhyun asked.
   "If you want to!"
Kyuhyun nodded and turned everything on, before he handed Ryeowook a controller and they started to play together again. They played different games, racing and fighing games, where they had to play against each other and even games, in which they had to play as team.
   Ryeowook liked to spend time together with Kyuhyun, when he was happy and enjoying his life. Even if Ryeowook could never be his real friend, because he had to leave after he finished showing Kyuhyun a better life. But in the moment, Ryeowook didn't want to think about leaving.
   They played all night long and didn't noticed, how fast the time passed, because they had fun together, until the small boy fell asleep while playing.
   "Ya! Are you nuts? Why are you driving against the wall?", Kyuhyun shouted in a pissed tone and turned to Ryeowook, where he noticed that he had fallen asleep. Kyuhyun turned back to the game and saved it, before he turned it off and carried Ryeowook in the bedroom.
   On the next morning, Ryeowook prepared breakfast and woke Kyuhyun, who slept on the sofa again, up with the nice smell of the breakfast. He walked sleepy in the kitchen, where the small boy just finished cooking.
   "Ah good morning!", Ryeowook greeted Kyuhyun happily with a bright smile. He handed Kyuhyun his plate, before he walked back in the living room, where they had breakfast together.
   After Kyuhyun was totally awake, he turned to Ryeowook: "We should go and buy some new clothes for you, because those are totally to big and you can't go out with them!"
   Ryeowook nodded in agreement: "That's a good idea! So we can spend some more time together!"
   Actually, Ryeowook had to use this time to see if Kyuhyun already changed, which would mean that his duty was done and that he had to go back to heaven, protecting him from above until he would get a new job.
   They finished their breakfast and got ready for leaving. Kyuhyun opened the front door and wanted to go out, but Ryeowook stopped him.
   "Wait! What's with your cap and the sunglasses. Don't you want to wear them?", Ryeowook asked confused and wanted to hand Kyuhyun his stuff, but to his suprise, Kyuhyun refused them.
   "No thanks! I can bear with their looks now. Besides that, I don't care anymore, if they may think I became weak... Maybe I became softer, but now I don't think it's so bad anymore", Kyuhyun explained with a small smile. And with each smile he tried, his smile became more honestly.
   Then they went to the store to buy new clothes for Ryeowook. For outstanders, they looked like close friends, who enjoyed shopping together. While Ryeowook tried on different outfits, Kyuhyun waited and searched for something new. When the small boy presented the outfit, Kyuhyun said his true opinion about it, which really amused the store's employee.
   "That looks... oh god! I don't know. It's creepy, please change quickly! That's better, if you want to be a trot singer! No comment! That's nice! The shirt is okay, but those trousers... no way..."
   After a while spending all the time in the same store and after Ryeowook felt like he changed over a million times, they bought five different new outfits.
   Ryeowook laid everything on the store counter, where he wanted to pay, but Kyuhyun stopped him. "This time, I will pay for you!", Kyuhyun said and laid the cash for the clothes.
   "Are you sure?"
   "Of course! You already bought the new table, the console and even all the food. Now it's my time!", Kyuhyun explained with a smile, before he turned to the employee, "Please put everything in a bag!"
   After the employee packed everything, they went out of the store, went around the corner and already stood in front of the main door of Kyuhyun's house. They went upstairs and Kyuhyun laid the bag on the sofa, before he took of his jacket. He turned to Ryeowook, who still stood in the floor, looking down on the ground.
   "Hey, what's up with you?", Kyuhyun asked confused.
   "You did it!"
   "I said, you did it! You changed..."
Kyuhyun raised an eyebrow and looked confused at the small boy, who suddenly seemed to be really sad. "Hey, what's the matter?!"
   "You changed! You became a better person, which means I have to go!", Ryeowook explained in a sad tone, because he didn't want to leave yet.
   "What? Are you serious? No... no... you can't leave yet!", Kyuhyun said shocked, "I'm... I'm not healed yet! Say your boss, that you can't leave now! That you have to stay longer!"
   Kyuhyun was even shocked about his own words, but he said the truth. He didn't want Ryeowook to leave so soon. Then he grapped Ryeowook's hand, and before he knew what he was doing, he hugged him tightly.
   "I don't want you to go away... Please... please stay with me", Kyuhyun said quietly, while he laid one hand on Ryeowook's head and the other one on his back to press the small boy closely to himself.

As I promised, the new chapter on saturday (okay it's still saturday in Germany^^)
I hope you liked it!

And have you seen Ryeowook's new twitter update?
I'm sure he is reading my story haha <3
(sry just joking and dreaming around <.<)

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Chapter 3: omg omg! why didn't I saw this earlier? *glowing eyes* ♡♡♡♥♥♥♡♡♡♥♥♥♥♡♡♡♥♥♥♡♡♡
Keyv88 #2
Chapter 13: Well i would like kkkk ~~ and theyre very sweeet
Keyv88 #3
Chapter 8: Wooooe!! This is really cuteee~~~ kyu start to worry about wookie.. Cant wait to read next chapter ^^
Keyv88 #4
Chapter 4: Aweee... This storys so cuteeeee_____~~~~ how could i miss this one @.@
kyungsooful #5
Chapter 43: why the fudge is this ending so sad, im gonna cry soon, this story is one of the most daebak stories i read
13elieveSuJunior #6
Chapter 43: oh my God! It's a really good story... >.<
The way you described the story is really good. It made me feel like i'm inside the story and see all the scene with my own eyes... (maybe it's sound too over but i really felt like that XD)
I really really love this story and thank you for this awesome story kkk~
Chapter 43: why the sad goodbye's?? they can meet again right? i mean that's why the fighting happened..for them to be able to love humans ..i'm just about the kyuhae ending..
Chapter 43: i love this story!!!
my fav kyuwook story ever!!!
i swear i had tears on my cheeks after the last chapter.
it's just soo sad!!!!! TT_________________________________TT
the way u write is soo good and understandable.
if u ever publish one of your fanfics (wee alll want that..a little can do that) i will be your first buyer !!!!! even if it's my first story i read from u, i already know i'll love them all~!!!!
keke, i think i already recommended this story to all my friends who like ! hope they'll like it (if not,i will need to open their eyes who dont see what a good story is..i hope they like it buz way tooo much work keke lazyyy)!
anyway,i want ya to know that i realllly loved it..and..well that's all
(*press* Ji-Hoo/stories *scroll down* this will be a looong nite~! xD)
butterfry90 #9
Chapter 37: I really love this story! U should consider publishing a book! I read the middle chapters on my way to school today, it was so sad and my whole day was so gloomy. I felt like crying the whole day. Until when i read how kyuhyun became an angel and reunited with ryeowook then i became happy again. Your story really can control my emotions. Its not really about suju now, i think i'm more into the story. But I love kyuwook pairing more than anything.
HuntKW #10
ahhhhhh T___T the ending was so sad -sob- so sad, that they can't be with their friends, especially Donghae T-T but I hope, they'll become happy -sob-