An Angel

How to Fall in Love with an Angel

   Ryeowook woke up as warm sunbeams his face. He slowly opened an eye, peeking out through the window, before he slowly opened both his eyes. He sat up and observed the small room, where only the bed stood in the middle of the room, the big cupboard and two small bedside table besides the bed.
   He stood up and made the bed, before he walked into the living room, where he found Kyuhyun. He sat on the sofa, the laptop on his thighs, the hands on the keyboard, his head leaned against the back. Kyuhyun was sleeping.
   Ryeowook sat down next to him and eyeballed him carefully, before he slowly grapped the laptop to lay it on the table.
   "He looks so satisfied and relieved when he's sleeping", Ryeowook whispered to himself as quiet as possible, because he didn't want to wake him up. As Kyuhyun suddenly moaned sleepy and turned his head into Ryeowook's direction, the small boy was able to observe Kyuhyun's sleeping face clearly.
   "Oh good, I didn't wake him up", Ryeowook thought, "Maybe it's better when I'm going out, so he can sleep a little more without getting disturbed by any sounds."
   Ryeowook moved an inch to stand up as Kyuhyun, who was still sleeping, suddenly grapped his hand.
   "Don't go..."
   "What?", Ryeowook looked confused to Kyuhyun and noticed that he was talking in his sleep. "Maybe he is dreaming something", the small boy thought and sat back again.
   He looked at Kyuhyun, who smacked his lips in his sleep, which caused Ryeowook to giggle quietly. And suddenly, Kyuhyun's head moved on Ryeowook's shoulder and rested there. The small boy was a bit confused and didn't know what he should do, so he froze and didn't move anymore, because he didn't want to wake Kyuhyun up.
   So he sat there for one more hour without moving an inch, looking at Kyuhyun sometimes to check if he was still sleeping.
   Because he couldn't move while he was taking care of Kyuhyun's sleep, he had a lot of time to think. He wasn't sure if it was okay, that he liked Kyuhyun, but after all it was just his job to help him and to leave after he finished. But he started to like him, he always wanted the very best for Kyuhyun, but not like an angel should be. He really cared about him, was always worrying that he was okay.
   In his book of guidelines for angels were no statements about that things, which really confused Ryeowook, so he didn't know if it was okay or what he should do anyway, because with every minute he stayed longer with Kyuhyun, he didn't want to leave. But this wasn't possible. He wasn't allowed to stay with him forever and ever, even if he wanted it. He was an angel. He was trained to help all the humans, who needed help, even if they didn't know it.
   It was his duty. A duty to help. And didn't he became an angel to help them, because he wanted to change the earth to a better place? Didn't he decide to work on earth instead of enjoying the life of an angel, who works up in heaven, like his seonbae, who only came down on earth to tell Ryeowook and his hyungs about their new job?
   He never wanted to be like those 'pencil pushers' like the humans would say. He wanted to work with humans and Kyuhyun of all people had to be his own first job. A really though guy, who had bad manners and messed with a lot of people and ouf of all angels on earth, Ryeowook was the one, who had to help him and now, there was that weird feeling in his chest spreading in his whole body from his heart.
   It was something he had never read about and it totally confused him.
   Now he was sitting in this small flat, taking care of his duty's sleep without knowing if that was part of the job or if he was only doing it, because he liked that though boy.
   Ryeowook sighed heavily, because he didn't come to an anwser, but all those things really bothered the small boy.
   "What's the matter?", a serious voice asked from aside and Ryeowook turned confused to Kyuhyun, who was still laying on his shoulder. But now he was awaken and looked up to Ryeowook. "Why are you sighing? Is something bothering you?", Kyuhyun asked curiously and moved his head in his usual position, so he was able to observe the small boy.
   But Ryeowook only shook his head and smiled: "No, it's nothing. Everything is alright!"
   "Okay", Kyuhyun said and petted Ryeowook shoulder, which he used as a pillow for the last sixty minutes, "I take a shower now!"
   The small boy nodded, while he looked after Kyuhyun, who left the living room. After Kyuhyun was out of the room, Ryeowook sighed again and let himself fall aside, so he was laying on the sofa. He stared into space for a while, before he stood up again and wrote Kyuhyun a note, that he will be out for a walk, even he went upstairs to the roof.
   Actually, he wanted to spread his wings again after all the time he wasn't able to do it. But because he was afraid that somebody from the neighbor buildings could see him, he kept hiding them.
   He sat down, enjoying the sun on his face for some minutes before he called his seonbae: "Teukie seonbae, I need your help..."
   After some minutes, the wind blew some leaves in a circle over the roof and suddenly one of his hyungs appeared in front of him.
   "Sorry, Teukie hyung is busy!"
   "Eunhyuk hyung, hello. Long time no see!", Ryeowook said happily, jumped up and gave him a brotherly hug, while Eunhyuk petted his back.
   "I heard you had a though time because of your job!", Eunhyuk started and surrounded his dongsaeng to eyeball him, "Okay, seems like you are not hurt or something!"
   "No, I'm okay", the small boy anwsered with a smile.
   "But you fainted, didn't you?! Angel's normally don't faint. What happened?", his hyung asked curiously and sat down, after he spread his wings once more, before he made them hide away.
   "It was just because I was afraid... I never saw a gun in reality and even we get hurt when somebody hurts us with a weapon. I mean, I don't have any wounds because they hit me. It healed really fast", Ryeowook explained, "But I was afraid and then he even hit me, but I didn't get wounded!"
   "I'm glad, you are okay! There were a lot of rumors up there", Eunhyuk said and pointed at the heaven, "They said you would never be able to end that job!"
   "Why did they say such things?", Ryeowook asked and looked at his hyung with his big, brown, confused eyes.
   "Allegedly, that was a job for older ones, with more experiences, but somebody changed the state by accident. So Teukie hyung gave it to you as your 'debut' and after we noticed the mistake it was already to late to recall you", Eunhyuk explained.
   "Ah I see", Ryeowook said quietly and looked down on the ground with a sad expression, before he turned back with a bright smile to Eunhyuk, "But I'm okay and he is really on a good way!"
   "We know that!", Eunhyuk nodded and over Ryeowook's back of his head, "You are really doing a great job! But you had a question, right?"
   "Yes... hyung... I don't know...", Ryeowook stammered, "I never read about this... But what if an angel starts to like the human, he should help?"
   Eunhyuk looked worried at his dongsaeng and sighed: "Puhhh... that's difficult... I will tell you a story about Teukie! Before he became our leader, he did the same as we. He went down on earth to help humans. He always did a great job and helped a lot of people for a couple of years, but someday he had to help a guy, who was really though. He needed a lot of time to help him and in the end, they fell in love. Teukie was recalled to heaven, because we aren't allowed to fall in love with humans! Since then he is our leader and trains the newbies and doesn't go down to earth often anymore."
   "Oh okay...", Ryeowook sighed and looked with a sad expression down on the ground again, "What happened to the guy Teukie seonbae helped?"
   "He was on a good way to become a good person, but after Teukie had left him, he fell back into his usual doings and become even worse than before... You already met him!", Eunhyuk explained.
   "What? I know him?", Ryeowook asked confused.
   "Yes, he is now a member of Kyuhyun's gang... What was his name again?... Kangin, I think", Eunhyuk said and thougt about the name of the man, "Yes, I think it was Kangin!"
   "What a prospect! I have to leave or they will recall me to heaven and then, I'm not able to go on earth often anymore", Ryeowook thought desperately. He was in a dilemma. He didn't want to leave Kyuhyun, because he really liked him, but he didn't want to be stuck in heaven, doing boring work all day long.
   "Are you alright?", Eunhyuk asked and looked worried at Ryeowook, who just nodded and forced himself to smile at his hyung.
   "Yes... Thanks for helping me, hyung! I should go now, before he gets mad at me, because I was outside for so long!", Ryeowook said and stood up.
   "Okay, take care of yourself and don't allow him to get you down!", Eunhyuk encouraged his dongsaeng, who nodded and left the roof through the door, "You have to take care of your feelings, Wookie, or you will be in trouble!"
   Ryeowook went downstairs. He wanted to knock at the door, so Kyuhyun let him in again, but as he tapped the door, it opened itself.
   "Kyuhyun?", Ryeowook said loudly in a curious tone and went in, but the flat was empty. The small boy only saw Kyuhyun's phone, which laid on the table. It vibrated and a small picture appeared on the screen.
   "Incoming Call - Donghae!", Ryeowook read, before he grapped the phone and anwsered the call, "Donghae?"
   "Is that you? The small boy?", Donghae asked.
   "Yes, I'm Ryeowook!"
   "Where is Kyuhyun?"
   "I don't know, I was outside and when I came back, the flat was empty and his phone laid in the living room", Ryeowook said in a worried tone.
   "Aish, damn it...", he only heard from Donghae's side, before he only heard some noises, like Donghae was searching something.
   "What's the matter? Where is Kyuhyun?"
   "I don't know. That Chinese guy, who wanted revenge, called all of us, we should meet him at Cheongdam-Park, but we all said, we won't go, because that fellow only wants to cause trouble", Donghae explained through the phone, "But as we discussed it in conference circuit, we only heard that Kyuhyun murmured something like 'He will pay for it' and then we lost him!"
   "Maybe he went to the park?", Ryeowook said in a asking tone.
   "No, Zhoumi went there to check it, because he lives near there. But he didn't meet Kyuhyun, nor the Chinaman!", Donghae spoke, "Ah, can you check Kyuhyun's phone?"
   "Look if he got a message from that guy!"
   "Okay...", Ryeowook said and moved the phone away from his ear to search for Kyuhyun's messages. Because he didn't was used to phones and even not those new smartphones, he tapped everywhere until he found the messages.
   "Donghae! I found it. They will meet in Dosan-Park!", Ryeowook said.
   "Dosan? That's near Kyuhyun's flat. I will call the others, you can go ahead and we come after you! And take Kyuhyun's phone with you!", Donghae ordered the small boy, who was really confused.
   "Okay", he said and hung up, "A park near the flat? Ah that has the be the park, we were yesterday!"
   He put the phone in his pocket, stormed out of the flat and shut the door with a loud bang. He ran through the streets as fast as possible.
   "I wish I could fly, then I would be faster...", he thought while he ran like crazy, because he suddenly had a bad feeling about Kyuhyun meeting the man, who wanted revenge so badly.
   Because Ryeowook was in thoughts and running through the streets like blind, he got almost hit by a car, but he was able to get out of the way on time.
   "Ya, you damn son of a , are you crazy!", the driver yelled out of the window, but Ryeowook only bowed to him quickly before he ran ahead. Even he was never unfriendly and always apologized honestly, he didn't have time for it this now, because he was really worried about Kyuhyun.
   He finally reached the park, where he at first looked around and hoped that he would catch a sight of Kyuhyun quickly, before he walked ahead looking around for Kyuhyun.
   As he was near the playground, where they sat on the swing last day, he heared voices, which were really familar to him.
   "Just take your damn revenge, but never touch Ryeowook again!", he heard Kyuhyun saying in a very seriously tone. Ryeowook walked ahead until he finally saw Kyuhyun, who stood in front of the chinese man. He had his hands in his pockets and smirked at him, while the chinese man looked kind of pissed.
   "But it would be to easy to take revenge on you... It would be more fun to see you suffer like I did!", the chinese man said and smirked, as he suddenly took out a gun and pointed at Kyuhyun.
   "I don't care about what you would like to do, but if you have to take revenge, just do it, but never touch Ryeowook again or I kill you for sure!", Kyuhyun said and gazed with rage in his eyes at the chinese man.
   "How will you kill me, when I do it first?", he asked and lifted his arm, so the gun was pointing at Kyuhyun's head.
   The chinese was about to shoot and slowly his finger pressed down the withdrawal, as suddenly a stormy wind blow white feathers into his face, so he has to close his eyes and turned away.
   "NO!", Ryeowook screamed and flew between Kyuhyun and the other man. His white wings were spread out hiding Kyuhyun behind them, while he spread his arms away to protect him.
   His heart was beating like it would brust out. He really did it. He broke the #1 rule all angels have, to never be uncovered by a human. But because he liked Kyuhyun and only wanted to protect him, he put up to be uncovered, no matter what would happen to him afterwards. And no matter when Kyuhyun was afraid or would hate him now, because he wasn't that honest to him.

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Chapter 3: omg omg! why didn't I saw this earlier? *glowing eyes* ♡♡♡♥♥♥♡♡♡♥♥♥♥♡♡♡♥♥♥♡♡♡
Keyv88 #2
Chapter 13: Well i would like kkkk ~~ and theyre very sweeet
Keyv88 #3
Chapter 8: Wooooe!! This is really cuteee~~~ kyu start to worry about wookie.. Cant wait to read next chapter ^^
Keyv88 #4
Chapter 4: Aweee... This storys so cuteeeee_____~~~~ how could i miss this one @.@
kyungsooful #5
Chapter 43: why the fudge is this ending so sad, im gonna cry soon, this story is one of the most daebak stories i read
13elieveSuJunior #6
Chapter 43: oh my God! It's a really good story... >.<
The way you described the story is really good. It made me feel like i'm inside the story and see all the scene with my own eyes... (maybe it's sound too over but i really felt like that XD)
I really really love this story and thank you for this awesome story kkk~
Chapter 43: why the sad goodbye's?? they can meet again right? i mean that's why the fighting happened..for them to be able to love humans ..i'm just about the kyuhae ending..
Chapter 43: i love this story!!!
my fav kyuwook story ever!!!
i swear i had tears on my cheeks after the last chapter.
it's just soo sad!!!!! TT_________________________________TT
the way u write is soo good and understandable.
if u ever publish one of your fanfics (wee alll want that..a little can do that) i will be your first buyer !!!!! even if it's my first story i read from u, i already know i'll love them all~!!!!
keke, i think i already recommended this story to all my friends who like ! hope they'll like it (if not,i will need to open their eyes who dont see what a good story is..i hope they like it buz way tooo much work keke lazyyy)!
anyway,i want ya to know that i realllly loved it..and..well that's all
(*press* Ji-Hoo/stories *scroll down* this will be a looong nite~! xD)
butterfry90 #9
Chapter 37: I really love this story! U should consider publishing a book! I read the middle chapters on my way to school today, it was so sad and my whole day was so gloomy. I felt like crying the whole day. Until when i read how kyuhyun became an angel and reunited with ryeowook then i became happy again. Your story really can control my emotions. Its not really about suju now, i think i'm more into the story. But I love kyuwook pairing more than anything.
HuntKW #10
ahhhhhh T___T the ending was so sad -sob- so sad, that they can't be with their friends, especially Donghae T-T but I hope, they'll become happy -sob-