Crush on YOU!

Crush on You

Sandeul looked at his crush Ji Hye reading a book to herself in the library, as a smile spread across his face. Nervously making his way towards her, the library door burst open with Hyo Mi shouting out his name.


Everyone turned their gaze towards her, but Ji Hye didn't budge from her spot. Her eyes remained on her book, as everyone shushed Hyo Mi. 

"Oops, hehe," Hyo Mi covered , and then giggled. "What is it?" Sandeul whispered, as he snickered in annoyance. "Look, I passed my piano lesson. Thanks to you, I can regularly be placed in music class. Let's go out for lunch, my treat!" Hyo Mi cheerily said, as she dragged Sandeul out of the library room.

Sitting in front of the food inside the canteen, Sandeul didn't touch a thing. Hyo Mi quickly gobbled everything up like a wild pig, and had forgotten that Sandeul was there watching her.

"Eat up, Sandeul! The cafeteria food here isn't cheap, you know?" Hyo Mi said, as she ate some more of her food. "I'm not hungry, thanks," he simply gave out a flat reply, as he sighed. "Why not? I treated you," she replied, and Sandeul shook his head.

Sandeul turned his head towards his left direction, and then saw Ji Hye walking to the school's huge square quad with two friends. A smile crept up to his face, as he saw the beautiful Ji Hye talking with blissful of smiles to her friends. 

"Yah, yah! Lee Junghwan," Hyo Mi called to Sandeul, as she waved a hand in front of his face. "Hyo Mi-yah, how do you confess to someone you like without being scared?" Sandeul asked dreaming away, and Hyo Mi was confused. "What?" She asked, and Sandeul snapped back to reality.

'What am I saying to this girl?' Sandeul thought, and then sat up straight in his chair. 

"Do you like someone in particular?" Hyo Mi asked, and Sandeul quickly became red like a tomato. He was blushing, and Hyo Mi giggled at his tomato face. "It's okay, buddy. If you like someone, tell them straight up before it's too late," Hyo Mi advised, and Sandeul smiled a small one at her.

"Where will I even start, as I have no high potential to match up with the girl I like?" Sandeul asked, and Hyo Mi raised an eyebrow at him. "Well I can give you an example," Hyo Mi said, and Sandeul blinked at her. "Do tell," he replied, and Hyo Mi cleared .

"You see, I was really afraid of asking you to help me out on playing the piano, as you seem busy every single time I see you. However, I managed to still stand up to you, and asked if you can help me pass the music class. Therefore, the moral of this example is about guts. You need to use your guts," Hyo Mi explained, and Sandeul's expression went blank.

"Huh?" He asked, and Hyo Mi rolled her eyes. "You like the girl right? Then just tell her," Hyo Mi blurted, and Sandeul shook his head. "I'm afraid that she might reject me," Sandeul said, and Hyo Mi rolled her eyes. "You're ridiculous and hopeless in love then," she told him, and continued to eat her food.

"I am not hopeless. Besides, what do you know about love?" Sandeul asked, as he was offended by Hyo Mi's words. "I'm sorry," she quickly apologized, and Sandeul sighed. "I'm going back to homeroom," he tells her, and walks off.

Hyo Mi sighed in frustration, as she couldn't believe what she did to Sandeul. She watched him walk away in anger, or possibly hate towards her. Lots went through Hyo Mi's mind, as she scrunched up both hands into small fists. Hyo Mi's been in love with Sandeul for so long, that he doesn't even understand how much she had tried to confess. Of course she knows that Sandeul likes the popular Ji Hye, but Hyo Mi will try her best to win Sandeul's heart!

Besides, no one even knew that Hyo Mi lied about not knowing how to play the piano. She obviously just had Sandeul teach her, because that's one of the ways which Hyo Mi can only get close to him. 


Couple weeks passed, and all Hyo Mi could think of was being with Sandeul. She tried to find many ways to be with him, but nothing never works out. He's either too busy with classes, or lurking around after Ji Hye. However, the school's principal announced about the upcoming Spring Festival, and Hyo Mi was psyched.

After watching Sandeul sing to himself in the music room, and watching him dance, Hyo Mi thought of a brilliant idea. She wanted to perform with Sandeul at the talent show of the Spring Festival.

"Sandeul-ssi," Hyo Mi called to him, as class has ended. "Hm?" He looked up at Hyo Mi. "Have you ever thought about performing on the talent show?" She asked, and Sandeul shook his head. "I've been busy with school and work. Why, what's up?" Sandeul replied, and Hyo Mi smiled. "How about you perform with me then?" She asked with a huge grin, and Sandeul chuckled.

"I don't work well with performances, sorry," Sandeul apologized, and then left the homeroom quickly. "But you're good at singing!" Hyo Mi shouted, but Sandeul was already too far to hear her compliment.

"Whew, finally faraway from her," Sandeul mumbled, as he walked out of the school gates and saw Ji Hye. Both their eyes locked together, when Ji Hye's eyes met his. "Hi," Sandeul greeted her, and Ji Hye smiled. "Ji Hye-ssi!" A man called to her, and Sandeul looked up to find a tall man wearing a different school uniform from theirs.

"Oppa~" Ji Hye called the guy, as she ran to give him a side hug, and then walks away. "Ugh, she already has a boyfriend?" Sandeul mumbled angrily, as he scratched the back of his head.

Hyo Mi watched Sandeul walk away in agony, and her heart cried. She didn't wish for him to be sad, as Hyo Mi only likes the smiling face Sandeul.

"Hyo Mi-yah, you really think that you can convince Junghwan to be your talent show partner?" Her guy friend Jinyoung asks, and Hyo Mi nodded her head with confidence. "He's been my long love crush. If I can't be his girlfriend, then I might as well make my last high school year have great memories with him," Hyo Mi answered, and Jinyoung snickered.

"I bet that he won't ever look your way," Jinyoung joked, and Hyo Mi punched him hard on the arm. "How dare you? I will sew your lips together," she threatened, and Jinyoung chuckled. "What are you going to perform then, if Sandeul says yes?" Jinyoung asked. "A duet," Hyo Mi answered. "You can't sing for though..." He again.

"Jinyoung oppa, I will kill you!" Hyo Mi yelled, and he laughed at her dorky personality. "I'm just kidding. You can really sing, but don't just waste it on a guy who might not ever happen to be yours in the future," Jinyoung advised, and Hyo Mi nodded her head.

As the days slowly flows by, Hyo Mi would try harder everyday by hanging out with Sandeul. As for Sandeul, he firstly found Hyo Mi annoying and clingy, but soon gave and hung out with her. After getting to know Hyo Mi slowly, he noticed how she wasn't a shy person at all. Hyo Mi is such a blabber who can't ever stop talking when it comes to drooling at her favorite movie actor So Jisub. 

"Hyo Mi, can I ask you a question?" Sandeul asked, as he and Hyo Mi sat in the music room together alone. "Sure, what's up?" She gaped at him with wide smiling eyes. "What do girls like for surprises?" Sandeul asked, and Hyo Mi knew where this was going to. 

"Well, I don't think it matters. As long as it comes from the heart, then a girl would love it," Hyo Mi answered, and Sandeul pursed his lips together. Hyo Mi shifted back to the keyboard, and started to play a melody. Sandeul's head shot up from his seat, and walked over to her post. "Nice song, did you learn how to play it yourself?" Sandeul asked, and Hyo Mi chuckled.

She stopped playing the song, and turned her head up to face Sandeul.

"I was given a lesson by you, remember?" Hyo Mi said, and Sandeul sat down next to her. "Are you planning on performing in the talent show with this song?" Sandeul asked, and Hyo Mi shrugged. "I don't know," she mumbled, as her fingers randomly tapped on the keyboard. "So you have the lyrics of this song written out?" He asked another question, and Hyo Mi nodded her head.

"I actually planned on dueting it with you. said you didn't like to perform, so I just drew back," Hyo Mi replied, and Sandeul smiled. "Silly girl, you can still perform on without me," Sandeul said, and playfully messed up Hyo Mi's hair. "Tch," she snickered, as she played the song again. "Teach me too!" Sandeul said, and Hyo Mi agreed.


The festival was coming closer, and Hyo Mi's heart beated faster. Even though she and Sandeul hangs out a lot, it's just pretty mutual to her, as Sandeul is still into Ji Hye. What makes it even more lucky for Ji Hye, is that Sandeul found out Ji Hye is single, and he planned on confessing. It was a sacrifice that Hyo Mi wanted to make, so she decided to give something up for him.

"Sandeul-yah, if I don't perform my song, will you do it?" Hyo Mi asked, and Sandeul looked at her. "Why so?" He asked back, not understand why. "Well...the song talks about a crush, and since you once asked me about how to surprise a girl. Why not surprise Ji Hye with it at the talent show?" Hyo Mi asked, and Sandeul's eyes lit up.

"What a brilliant idea!" Sandeul shouted, and Hyo Mi chuckled. "Slow down now, mister. Just because I taught you how to play the melody, does not mean that I taught you how the lyrics goes. How about I give you the lyrics later around lunch time?" She suggested, and Sandeul smiled cheekily at her. "So you're not mad that I'll be using your song?" He asked, and Hyo Mi shook her head.

"Not at all," she answered with a smile. 

Sandeul thanked her, and then told her that he'll treat her to dinner after work.


Hyo Mi skipped to the music room, and found Sandeul blankly staring at the keyboard. She smiled, as she hugged the sheet of paper in her arms.

"Here Sandeul, this is the song I wrote," Hyo Mi said, as she handed a sheet to him. "Crush?" He asked, while he read the printed title and scanned through the lyrics. "You like Ji Hye, right? So why don't you sing that song to her at the talent show?" Hyo Mi suggested, and Sandeul flashed her a smile.

"Thanks Hyo Mi, I guess you are a great friend afterall," Sandeul said, as he played with Hyo Mi's hair. "Well, you did help me once, so I should help you in return," Hyo Mi replied, and Sandeul pulled her in for a hug.

Hyo Mi hugged him back, as she knew that this hug might be her last. Why must this be her last hug? As you see, if Ji Hye accepts Sandeul's feelings through her own song, then there will be no more Hyo Mi and Sandeul time. 

Sandeul practiced the song with Hyo Mi playing the piano, as he had no intentions on thinking what the sing actually meant. While singing it to Hyo Mi during practices, Sandeul just keeps spazzing out and about of how the song matches his view for Ji Hye. Hyo Mi just simply agrees, as Sandeul is still clueless about Hyo Mi's feelings.

"Go tell her," Hyo Mi said, as she slightly pushed Sandeul towards Ji Hye's lunch table. Sandeul pouted with fear, as he made his way to Ji Hye's. "Hey uhmm...Ji Hye?" Sandeul stuttered. "Hi, Junghwan," she greeted him with a smile. "Hey, I was wondering if you're free this Saturday?" Sandeul asked. "Yes, I'm free. What's up?" She replied, and then questioned him next. "Would you like to go to a movie with me?" Sandeul asked, and Ji Hye giggled.

"I'd love to," Ji Hye answered, and Sandeul smiled. "Great, I'll see you then," he replied, and Ji Hye nodded her head. 

Sandeul raised two thumbs up at Hyo Mi, and she did the same back. If you can't be happy to be with the one you like, then be happy for them, right?


"You don't look so good. What's wrong?" Jinyoung asked Hyo Mi, as she's been sighing couple of times. "I gave up my song for him," Hyo Mi answered, and Jinyoung gave her a shocking expression. "What do you mean you gave up the song? Does this mean that...he's going to sing it for someone else?" Jinyoung asked, and Hyo Mi nodded her head.

"What? Hyo...What? Why are you so stupid?" He raised his voice, and Hyo Mi just sighed again. "Love is blind, okay?" She replied, and Jinyoung cackled. "The guy doesn't even know that you exist, and you still helped him out? Hyo, don't be the girl that can forever be used on, please. What happens if he doesn't get the girl he wants, and comes to use you?" Jinyoung threw questions at Hyo Mi, but she ignored them.

"Jinyoung, have you ever been in love?" Hyo Mi asked, and his eyes widened. "Been in love? Heck, I've been in so much love dramas, I don't even want to think of it," he answered, and Hyo Mi gurgled. "Sometimes when you like or love the one who doesn't ever look at you, you'll end up doing the most silliest things in the world just to make them happy. So that's what I did. I wanted Sandeul to be happy," Hyo Mi replied, and Jinyoung rolled his eyes.

"You're not in a movie here," Jinyoung said, and Hyo Mi slapped him. "Yah, I'm not a punching bag, okay?" He cried, and Hyo Mi laughed. "Anyways, I've got lots of homework to do. So I'll just see you tomorrow. Don't forget to come by for the festival next week," Hyo Mi said, and Jinyoung nodded his head. "I won't forget a thing!" He shouted, as he watched Hyo Mi run off.

'That dang kid Sandeul. Just who does he think he is to make my kiddie Hyo Mi fall for him this deep?' Jinyoung asked inside his head.


It was the day of Spring Festival, and students walked around talking and laughing loudly. Hyo Mi has slowly kept her distance from Sandeul, when she saw how close he was getting with Ji Hye. However, she couldn't keep her distance this time, as Sandeul needed her for to play the piano. 

"I'm sorry Sandeul, I've injured my hand last night from helping my dad move his things. I won't be able to play the piano. Luckily I taught you, so you can play it yourself and sing. I'm sure of it that Ji Hye would be absolutely surprised," Hyo Mi said, and Sandeul gave her a tiny pout. 

He looked down at Hyo Mi's bandaged left hand, and gently grabs it. Sandeul kissed her hand like what a prince would do, and lightly pats it.

"I hope your hand gets better then," Sandeul said, and Hyo Mi blushed. 

'If only you were mine.' Hyo Mi spoke in her head.

"Thanks for your concern. You better hurry up and change out of your uniform. You're almost up next to sing," Hyo Mi said, as she pushed Sandeul inside the backstage room. "What about you?" Sandeul asked, and Hyo Mi smiled at him. "I'll be in the audience rooting for you," she answered, and Sandeul grinned.

Sandeul entered inside the backstage, and watched everyone around him get ready for their talent show. He quickly walks inside a changing room, and changed into a fancy black suit. When he entered out, there was a high school boy staring straight at him.

"You must be Sandeul," the guy spoke up, and Sandeul nodded his head. "And you are?" He asked the high school kid, but the kid scoffed. "I'm Hyo Mi's friend. I'm guessing that she doesn't talk about me much?" The guy asked. "Actually, I don't think she ever mentioned about you before," Sandeul answered, and the guy chortled.

"I'm Jung Jinyoung, a childhood friend of Hyo Mi's. I'm quite sad that she doesn't talk about me to you, but tells me every single story about you to me everyday," the guy Jinyoung said, and Sandeul chuckled. "You're kidding," Sandeul said, and Jinyoung shook his head. 

"Do you even know what the song you're going to sing is about?" Jinyoung asked, and Sandeul nodded his head. "It's about a person's feelings towards their crush," Sandeul answered, and Jinyoung nodded his head. "Did you know that Hyo Mi liked you?" Jinyoung asked, and Sandeul laughed shaking his head. "No way would she be into me," he replied, and Jinyoung gurgled.

"Why won't you read the lyrics once more, and think about it. I mean, since Hyo Mi did wrote the song afterall," Jinyoung said, and then walks towards the exit door. "By the way, I hope you know that Hyo Mi lied about her injured hand," Jinyoung spoke lastly before exiting.

'Hyo Mi lied about her injured hand? No way would she ever do that. Also, she wouldn't like me. We're just friends.' Sandeul thought, and then waits for his turn to perform.

After waiting a while, Sandeul's turn came up. Hyo Mi eyes lightened, as she saw Sandeul dressed handsomely in a suit. He bowed at the audience, and walked towards the piano. Hyo Mi smiled, as she saw Ji Hye and her friends sitting up on the front row. As soon as the piano started playing, Hyo Mi exited the room. She couldn't listen to the song she wrote for Sandeul, as he sings it for someone else he likes.

It’s been so long
Me, liking you and you never know
I worry that I might get caught
Keep thinking if I should say or not

Do you know my mind?
Are you pretending like you don’t know?
Pretending like you can’t overcome it
Can’t you just accept my heart?

My love, my love
Please open up your mind
I’ve been tired of waiting
So exhausted but so that I won’t fall
Please hold my hand

The audience was awing at the song that Sandeul sang with his beautiful voice. It wasn't very often that Sandeul would show off what he has, as he only cares for his studies. All the girls squealed at the lyrics, and write when Sandeul came to the last sentence of the paragraph, Jinyoung's words floated inside his head.

'Did you know that Hyo Mi liked you?'

"It's been so long, me liking you and you never know...HYO MI!" Sandeul mumbled the first few sentence, and then dashed off the stage after shouting Hyo Mi's name. Ji Hye held onto Sandeul's arm, but he gave her an apology, as he searched through the audience. 

There were no Hyo Mi to be found, but Jinyoung was found at the door.

"She left when you got on stage," Jinyoung said, and Sandeul thanked the guy.

Hyo Mi sat at a park alone, as she fed the ducks around her. She smiled at how cute and friendly the ducks were, as one came close to have it being pet. After feeding the ducks, Hyo Mi stood up and turned around to find a tired and panting Sandeul in front of her sight.

"Sandeul-ssi..." Hyo Mi muttered, as Sandeul walked up towards her. "Pabo," he said to Hyo Mi, as Sandeul pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly. "Y-y-yah," Hyo Mi stuttered in confusion, as she pushed him off, "how did you know I'd be here? What about the talent show and Ji Hye?"

Sandeul looked at her, and sighed as he tried to catch his breath. "You told me this was your favorite park, remember?" Sandeul refreshed Hyo Mi's memory, and she nodded her head. He stared deeply into her eyes, as Hyo Mi felt a bit scared for a second.

"Why, huh? Why didn't you tell me anything? Why didn't you tell me that you had liked me?" Sandeul asked, and Hyo Mi's expression softened.

"You liked Ji Hye, and I thought that I wouldn't be good enough compared to her. So I chose not to say anything. Besides, we're just friends, right?" Hyo Mi answered, and Sandeul shook his head. "Wrong, you're very wrong. Everything about the song 'Crush' was your confession. Yet, you made me think stupidly about only Ji Hye. Hyo Mi-yah, just because I was into Ji Hye, did not mean that I didn't like you," Sandeul said, and Hyo Mi looked at him confusedly.

" like me?" She asked, and Sandeul nodded his head. "At first, you came off quite annoying. However, as the days passed with us hanging out so much, I found how you're very comfortable in just being yourself. You don't try to impress anyone, you laugh at anything that isn't even funny, and you're not someone who will sleep through a movie I like," Sandeul answered, and Hyo Mi felt like her heart had stopped beating right then.

"Wait, did Ji Hye sleep through the movie?" Hyo Mi asked, and Sandeul laughed. "That's not the case," he answered, as he looked at Hyo Mi's hand. The bandage was gone, and Sandeul held Hyo Mi's hand like earlier. "You can lie to me about your hand being injured, but you won't ever be able to hide your feelings from me, Han Hyo Mi," Sandeul said, as he kissed Hyo Mi's hand again.

Hyo Mi's heart burst in happiness, as she wanted to cry.

Even I’m talking with people
but I still think of you all day
How to do so I can tell you about my mind
You’re my only one

My love, my love
Please open up your mind
I’ve been tired of waiting
So exhausted but so that I won’t fall
Please hold my hand

Because I love you so much,
Because I like you so much,
Please don’t turn away
Please accept my heart
I’ll make you happy forever
I want to be with you
Can’t you just come to me

My love, my love
Please open up your mind
You’re more important than my life
I love you, Until this world ends
will you be with me

Both Hyo Mi and Sandeul continued singing the song together, as the two held each other's hands walking towards the beautiful sunset. 

"Sandeul, can I tell you something?" Hyo Mi asked, and he looked at her. "What is it?" Sandeul asked, and Hyo Mi giggled shyly. 

"I lied that I didn't know how to play the piano, just so that you can teach me. Sorry!" Hyo Mi confessed, and Sandeul pinched her cheek lightly. "I'm going to punish you," Sandeul said, and Hyo Mi pouted. "Why?" She asked sadly. "Because you lied to me more than once. Now close your eyes, as this will sting a bit," Sandeul told her, as he raised his finger to flick Hyo Mi's forehead.

"Meanie..." Hyo Mi mumbled, and shut her eyes tightly. "That's who I am," Sandeul said, and then surprisingly pecks Hyo Mi's lips. 

Her eyes fluttered open in shock, and Sandeul pulled away laughing.

"LEE JUNGHWAN!" Hyo Mi yelled, as she chased after the runaway Sandeul.




OMG, i kinda lagged. =_= 

THIS WASN'T WHAT I IMAGINED. Idk what is wrong with my head. >_<


I know you all wanna beat me up like this, as the one shot was kinda bad. T_T

I think my brain battery needs to be recharged like Zelo's only. hahaha.

*goes recharge with Zelo*

I hope you all like this tiny fluff. 


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Itsmy1nonlyhimchan #1
Chapter 1: Is it me, or am i screaming too loudly?
I wish you could do a sequel for this. I really love this.
After I read this witch was months ago I fell in love with him, his voice and B1A4 !!!!! ^_^
Sleepincorner #4
Chapter 1: Omgosh <3 I fell in love ! While listening to Sandeul's CRUSH!!!! OMGOSHH!!!!!
CUTEEEEEEE :) really loves it!!!!!!!
-ximini #6
Aw, finally read it. That was so keeeewt =u=
LMFAOOO, awe~ :) That's so cute Jinyoung thanks for telling the slow Sandeul! Puahahhah! :) THANK YOU MOFOOOOOO!! ;D I liked it regardless if your brain lagged, I mean... it always does.. LMFAO JOKES DONT KILL ME I LAH YOUS! <3 PUHAHAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHHAHAH!
gotbam #8
Kyyaa~ So cute xD
XD i still like it even though it didn't go as you planed it.
-ximini #10
i'm afraid i'll fall asleep and forget all the sanduckkie-ness that i read so i'll read it after i sleep. </3
goodnight! or good morning! or good whatever because i don't know your time zone~