
The Third Wheel

Your POV:

I headed to my morning class as quickly as possible. I didn't want to think about the fact that your best friend is trying to take away the guy you like a lot who you can never have. 

I arrived at my morning class and started unpacking my school materials for my class. I tried to hold in my tears and I kept thinking about Woohyun..Ahh, what's wrong with me?! I'm not suppose to feel this way, I like Myungsoo too. Myungsoo is the only guy I can really talk comfortably without feeling nervous or jittery. I sat down and then started to stare at the window, as usual. The window is the only view that I can really feel peace because..there is always one tree that I loved the most:

I kept looking out the window, that it felt like I was hypnotized...until I snapped out from being hypnotized by a tap on my shoulder. I turned to my right, seeing Eun Hee on Woohyun's chair. 

"Hyun Jae-ah, why did you leave me there? Did you know, your boy-," she stopped.

"I know what you're going to say. 'Myungsoo, your boyfriend, was looking for you.' You say that every single time," I said in annoyance. 

"Hehe, we have telepathy! I'm so happy, I hugged Woohyun- oppa! He's soo cute, did you see the smile on his face when he was approaching me?" She rambled. 

"Yea...that's nice," I said while rolling my eyes. She kept rambling about how cute he is and how she's going to marry him and have kids.


"Everyone, please return to your seats, class is about to start," said the teacher while writing the today's objective on the board.

"Oh! Class is about to start, oh wells. I want to talk more about Woohyun-oppa with you! I love to go-," Eun hee stopped. Eun Hee turned around to see Woohyun glaring at Eun Hee. Woohyun's hand was on Eun Hee's shoulder as he looked over at me. 

I immediately turn my head to the other direction to look over at the window again.

"You would love to go die in a ditch, right? If you don't mind, I would love to see you do that," said Woohyun in a sarcastic tone. Woohyun pulled Eun Hee up by grabbing her shirt up and pushed her to her seat, which was 4 seats across us. 

"Annyeong, Hyun Jae-ah."

Woohyun's POV:

I hope she isn't mad about what happened earlier at the lockers :(( She always look out the window when she's depress. 

"Oh, hi oppa," she said while giving a fake smile and turned back to looking out the window. 


As lectures were being told by the teacher, Woohyun and Hyun Jae weren't talk to each other. Hyun Jae didn't even dare to have a glance at Woohyun because of what happened earlier. She knew that it happened many times but, she really wanted to talk to Myungsoo. Myungsoo is the only person who could make her smile. 

Woohyun kept glancing over often to try to start a conversation..but every time, Hyun Jae would listen & take notes intently to the teacher. 

As much as she wanted to talk to Woohyun, she knew that if she talked to him, Eun Hee would be watching. Eun Hee can see everything what both of them were doing by the TV above the whiteboard. The TV could reflect the whole entire classroom, so then it would be easy to catch what both of them were doing.

Eun Hee's POV: 

I can't believe their not talking today, usually their like the only ones that are so loud. They keep talking so much every time we have class, ugh. 


Tests and quizzes were being passed back to us as the whole class were nervous and closing their eyes. Everyone were so scared that they didn't do good on the tests. 

Your POV:

I can't look at my test scores, I ALWAYS FAIL ON THEM :(( Please, please be a good grade. I kept mumbling to myself with my hands folded while hitting my head. 

"Woohyun," said the teacher. "Ah, there you are," continued the teacher. 

"Here's your test and can you please pass this to Hyun Jae, for me?" The teacher passed the two tests to Woohyun and as the teacher walked away,...Woohyun flipped over both of the tests and read both of our test scores.

"YAH, Nuh jook-goh shipuh!? GIVE BACK MY TEST. NOW," I yelled. Woohyun kept scooting farther and farther away from me so I couldn't reach my test until, Woohyun scooted back closer to me. Nuh jook-goh shipuh= Do want to die?

"Arasso, here but, HOW CAN YOU DO BETTER THAN ME EVERY TIME WE HAVE TESTS >.< NOT FAIR," whined Woohyun. 

"Hehe, it's my specialty," as I smiled at him. I couldn't believe I beat Woohyun. 

"Good job, you worked hard for that grade," said Woohyun with a big smile over his face. 

End of Flashback

Eun Hee's POV:

Ugh, I hate how they always laugh and talk to each other. So annoying T_T I'm glad at least today their not talking. 


Classes were over and all of them moved to different classes as hour passed. Then, came across lunch. 

Your POV:

"Wahhh, I'm so hungry. What do you want to eat, Eun Hee-ah?" I asked. There was so much food today than any other days! I grabbed every healthy food that I saw and put them on my tray. Meanwhile, Eun Hee grabbed every single junk food she sees. 

"Whoa, stop picking up all the junk food," I said as I slapped her hand from grabbing a pizza. 

"WHO CARES!? I'M HUNGRY," yelled Eun Hee. She has so much mood swings. All of the sudden she was all happy and then turned to a huge devil head :OO 

After choosing all of my fruits, I went over to my 'usual' table with Eun Hee. 

Myungsoo's POV:

"Ahh, I'm so tired. Do you guys want anything to eat? If not then, I'm going over to Hyun Jae," I said. Every lunch time I have, I would always sit with Hyun Jae to eat. I don't want her to be alone with Eun Hee since..there is always something fishy about that . She's always hurting my Hyun Jae. 

"Why are you always eating with Hyun Jae," asked Dongwoo. Infinite and I were relaxing a couch in the teacher's lounge. We would always use the teacher's lounge as an excuse to study but in reality, it's just a nice place to relax. 

"Because, I always know that she's hurt from someone.." I mumbled. 


Woohyun suddenly looked over at Myungsoo when he heard that Hyun Jae is hurt by someone. Woohyun then looked away and continued to close his eyes and relax on the couch. 

Your POV:

"Are you enjoying your food? It looks so oily and disgusting looking," I complained. I didn't like the way she ate. She would always eat like a pig and would never stop. 

"It's really good, trust me. Want some?" asked Eun Hee. She swirled around a fork fill of spaghetti. "Ahhh," as she gesturing me to open my mouth. 

"No thanks," I replied as I moved the fork into . 

"So..do you still like Woohyun? He's a kingka after all."

"Well, I'm never going to have a chance with Myungsoo so, I can't with Woohyun. I can't love both but I do. For now, friendship is the only between me and those two," I said while tearing up. I don't like falling in love with kingkas but I have to admit to myself that,I really do like them. As much as I tell myself I don't like them, I do. I bet Woohyun only cares for me as a friend and nothing but that. 

"Oh, so that means I have a chance after all? YAYYY! Unlike you, I only Woohyun. Woohyun is my #1 and there is no other number for him! ^O^ You can't have Woohyun, you have Myung-," stopped Eun Hee.

"Don't call me by my real name, or I'll make you die in a real ditch," said Myungsoo. I'm so happy, Myungsoo actually came but...sadly, he didn't come alone. He came with Woohyun that made me even more mad. 

The more Woohyun keeps appearing in front me, The more I like him even more. 

I still like Myungsoo but, Woohyun is different. Woohyun always made me feel like in another world when I'm laughing with him. 

Hello everyone! Sorry, I spent the whole entire chapter talking about school and really boring stuff. I have a weird feeling this isn't a good fanfic but, I'm trying my best! Thank you to all my subscribers & commenters! ^O^ I kept thinking of updating in the morning but I updated now due to allergies. I had allergies this morning and sneezed probably about 20 TIMES. T_T but, luckily I took medicine. [Caution: May cause DROWSINESS.] No wonder I feel so sleepy, ughh. I hope you guys like my fanfic! If not, don't tell me, just leave this page already T_T Please, NO SILENT READERS. I REPEAT,NO SILENT READERS! Please subscribe & Comment!

GIFS as I promised

This reminds me of the drama, You're beautiful. Bibi Noodles <3

I want your lips sealed to mine! :DD 

Where is this from? It's like a drama or something with Junhyun :OO KYEEOOPTA!

The best superman alive! hehe. 


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Hey yo! Hehe ^^ UPDATEEE SOON! :D
greattt, haha. to be honest, having eye contact with him is really difficult. his eyes are like...dark. when i think of dark, i think of VAMPIRE. LOL
Omg hahahahah this totally seems like school ahha~ Especially the test paper part hahahahahhahahahahhaha SO CUTE!~ <3 I remember staring at you two during Math Class with my "OBSERVATION EYES" > : D Lol I sound like a creeper lool But, I mean there was really nothing else to do but watch you two lovebirds >____< LOOOOL Every minute it'd be like "SABBYYYY!!!!!! THEIR TALKING TO EACH OTHER!!!!" or "HEY HEY HEY CL!!!!! THEY MADE EYE CONTACT!!!!!!" lol good times... ORIENTATION'S TODAY :OOO See ya there!
hehe ikrr, totoro is shooo' cute ^O^ well, you got to update too! :DD
Okay omg lol you finally started a new ff and OMG TOTORO!!!~ <3 <3 <3 You know how much I love him~ ^___^ and wow, i ABSOLUTELY LOVE this ff:) hehe ^^ ahhh!~ I keep staring at Totoro >___< HE'S SO CUTE!!!~ <3 Anyways, UPDATE SOON~ :DD
Thank you! ^O^
I'm looking forward to the first chapter^^
Oh, thank you! That really meant a lot! ^O^
_uniquelynghi #9
I like the plot :D
HWAITING for your next update~<33