Please tell me it isn't true.

Is this a dream?

♫Our own travel. Shall we take a journey?♫

This chapter is inspired by:


There was no turning back for you and Kevin. You were aleady on the plane which was in mid air. Kevin was sleeping, but you were still awake thinking about Changmin. Your memories with him, even to the reasons why he was still looking for you.

People have always told you that you never forget your first love. You didn't believe them until now. You still had the pain inside of you, as well as the love you used to share.

You thought you were crazy, but then you just figured that it's a part of life. You laid your head on your hand, hoping to fall asleep.

Unfortunately, it didn't work out well. You felt weary, but couldn't sleep. After an hour of trying to fall asleep, you gave up. You were such in a rush you didn't pack anything entertaining, so it made you sigh. Your sigh woke up Kevin who started a conversation.

"Did you get a chance to sleep?" he whispered. You whispered back. "Not really, for some reason I can't sleep well."

He patted your head and sat upright. "Well, how about we share our feelings?" You just shrugged. It's not like you had anything better to do. And maybe it would take away some of your worries and clear your conscience.

"I'd like that." You scratched the back of your head. "Whatever I tell you, you can't tell to anyone else okay?" He held out his pinky and he pinky promised.

In China:

Sungmin slammed the door in frustration. "Aish that girl! Doesn't she know how to take a hint?" The Super Junior members went up to him and patted his back. "Calm down. It's okay, she's probably gone now."

Sungmin shook his head. She's probably somewhere near here. And she's probably going to start rumors once those pictures come out.

He just went upstairs to go to bed. He had a long day and he felt he couldn't take it anymore. Before he went to bed, he looked at his phone. No text from ____? He texted you saying "Hi~ I miss you. Do you miss me?" He waited for about 10 minutes.

You were a fast texter and always had your phone on you so he was surprised when you didn't reply.He tried to call you, but the service always said "I'm sorry, the person you are trying to reach is not in an area that can be reached."

What happened? He rushed down the stairs, and his bandmates looked up at him. "Is there anything wrong?"

He paced back and forth. He was pulling his hair out of frustration. "I don't know what happened to ___, but I can't get in contact with her." They yelled in unison. "What?! She always contacts you back." Then they all started to grab their phones to call you.

They all got the same message he did. "Yah! What are you going to do?" Sungmin looked down "I don't know.."

Honolulu International Airport:

The plane had landed, but fresh tears were still in your eyes. The whole time you spilled your heart out to Kevin who listened sincerely. You hugged him tightly expressing your appreciation. "Thank you so much for listening to me. I really needed it."

He hugged you back, and got up to retrieve your bags in the overhead compartment. You got up as well, wiping away your tears.

Everyone else had gotten off the plane so it didn't take you long to get through the aisles. The flight attendants bid you goodbye and you both said goodbye back. As you were walking down the ramp, you found yourself smiling, the tears already dried up.

There you were, breathing in the air, smelling the ocean nearby and feeling the summer heat. You jumped up and down.

"Wah! Here I am back home. It feels so great. I missed this place a lot." You could hardly contain your excitement. Even Kevin couldn't keep up with you. He just smiled and walked towards the baggage claim. "____-ah" he called out.

"Hmm?" You still had a big grin on your face. "Oh- nothing." You shrugged it off, making sure the bag with your laptop didn't fall down.

The escalators and stairs were already starting to get packed from passengers from another flight so you both ran down.

You quickly grabbed his and your bag, and walked outside. You turned your phone on and saw a text message from Changmin. "___-ah, where are you? Let's meet up." You ignored the text, and tried to cross the street. You saw the taxi booth and tapped Kevin's shoulder. "Kevin-ah let's go over there." You pointed to the taxi booth.

"Oh! Yeah we should. But, we didn't make any reservations at any hotels." He said worriedly. You gently flicked his forehead. "Yah! you think I wouldn't plan this out? We're going to stay at my old house." His face lit up. "Really?!" "Yes, really. Now let's go."

You both spoke excellent English, so it wasn't hard for you to communicate with the taxi driver. He asked where you were going, and you said you would lead him there. While you were busy directing the taxi driver, Kevin was busy looking outside the window.

"Wow! This place is really beautiful." he exclaimed. You didn't hear him, but he didn't mind.

You were nearing your old house when Kevin asked "So is anyone else living there?" You shook your head. "No, it'll be just you and me. Everyone moved out a long time ago but the house is still there."

He replied with an "Oh..." and continued to look at the surroundings. You were already at the house, and you told Kevin to grab the bags while you paid the taxi driver.

As soon as you were done, you grabbed the key out of your carry on. While you were trying to open the door, Kevin was playing around in the yard. "What kind of flower is this?" He pointed to a yellow flower. "Oh, that's a hibiscus." You replied back. "Yay!" You successfully got the door open.

You called out for Kevin. "Kevin, the door is open come in now." He ran inside and looked around. "Where are we going to sleep?"

During your flight, you thought carefully about that problem. There were tons of rooms downstairs, but you were afraid of being by yourself so you wanted him to sleep in one of the rooms upstairs. Yet at the same time, you remembered he confessed his love for you not too long ago.

In the end, you decided you'd be too afraid so you told him "Let's sleep upstairs. I'll take one room and you take another."

He didn't make a reaction, nor did you expect one. You both walked up the stairs. You saw that everything as the way it was when you left and it almost made you cry. But you didn't want to cry. It was such a happy day.

You both got settled in. You took the master bedroom while Kevin took the room next to it. You were off cooking dinner, while Kevin was organizng his things.

You wanted to make something easy, so you decided on spaghetti. While you were waiting for the noodles to boil, you went on the computer and surfed the internet.

In China:

It was already the next day, but Super Junior got a day off. All the members went off to do their own activity to spend their day off. Sungmin however was the only one who stayed at home and practiced playing his guitar.

He soon got bored, and decided to use his computer. After he got bored, he surfed the internet and looked at the "news" section.

He scrolled down, and something caught his eye. "Sungmin's wife cheating on him?" He clicked on the link and read the full article. When he read the words, his heart beat faster and faster.

" Recently, Sungmin's wife has been spotted at Rainbow bookstore with a man. Witnesses said that it was Changmin of Dong Bang Shin Ki. After doing complete research, the man has been confirmed as Changmin. People also claimed that they heard their conversation. Included in such conversation were the words "I miss you." So it seems they have had a past relationship together somehow. That isn't the end of it though. Based on evidence, they also shared a kiss!"

Sungmin scrolled down and saw the picture. No, she wouldn't do this to me.  He tried to contact you one more time, but his phone died. "Ah!" he said in frustration. "Why couldn't I have charged my phone last night? I still don't know where she is."

Underneath it was a new article. "Sungmin and Wife cheating? Woman claims she' s Sungmins's wife."

Angrily he hit the wall. That witch! I should have known she'd do something like this.  His blood pressure was rapidly rising. He saw a picture of Kevin in one of the articles about U-kiss. That's right! I should just call him. I'll ask if anyone has his number.


You were still on the internet, but this time you checked social networking sites. You spent quite a long time on facebook.

The food was already done so you and Kevin were already eating. Kevin was amazed at your cooking skills. The time when you were eating was unusually quiet.

You both were already done and you put the dishes in the sink so you could watch them. You let Kevin onto your computer and he found an article that made him really pissed. You turned around to see if you missed anything and you saw a pissed look on Kevin's face.

"What's wrong Kevin?" you asked worriedly.  He looked at you with a worried face. "I'm not sure if I should tell you this."

"Tell me what?" you were nearing him. "Stop!" He yelled out with both of his hands in front of him. "Seriously Kevin, if you tell me that I'm going to want to know more. So what's up?" You fought back with your hands and restrained him. You looked on the computer screen and saw. "Woman claims she's Sungmin's wife."

The article read: Recently, Sunny from SNSD (A/N I'm sorry SNSD fans and especially Sunny fans!) went to China and claimed she is Sungmin's real wife. Below is a video displaying the moment of confession. Sungmin has yet to confirm or deny those claims. Where is Sungmin's supposed wife? Or more importantly, which one is the real one?

Your heartbeat stopped for a few seconds. Tears were falling down your cheeks. Why would someone do this to us? Please tell me it isn't true. You trusted Sungmin and he trusted you. You were grateful that Changmin didn't claim anything such as this. It was if she was out to destroy you.

Despite trusting Sungmin, you texted Changmin. " Hey, I'm in Hawaii. Would you like to come?"

You turned to Kevin and hugged him. "L-let's stay in Hawaii for a bit longer. Maybe even forever."


Aloha everyone! I appreciate you reading. I'm getting writer's block so I'm sorry if I take longer to update >< Got any ideas? I'm willing to accept anything. Please subscribe and comment :D

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Aha "you need to get pregnant." My face -----> o.o omg.... Sequel please!!! :D
is there a sequel
butterfly555 #5
damn drama dramaaaaaaaaa of the exssss lol
DivineHarmony #6
@Skizofrenia<br />
Thank you for reading! I'm working on the second chapter now.
ArrisaKwon #7
hi, this is so interesting.....<br />
Hope u'll continue then update this one soon....<br />
Fighting !.... :)