Just like airplanes, we'll fly away but in the end we will always return.

Is this a dream?


"Somewhere in the blue sky we will meet again."

"Honey...." you said in a worried voice. Sungmin wasn't paying attention. All he could think of doing was getting away from there.

When you both were in the car, Sungmin's phone rang. "yeobseo? Oh, manager hyung!" It didn't take long for Sungmin's face to frown. "Right now? Can't it be later or tomorrow? Okay, I'll be right there. He turnd to you and sighed.

"My manager wants the members of Super Junior  to go to the SMent. building. It seems to be important. I'll drop you off at home. I might be home late too."

Since he said it in a happier tone, you weren't worried about making him feel better. He looked at you before starting the car. "You'll be alright by yourself right? Do you need me to call one of the members to hang with you?"

You shook your head. "No I don't really want to bother the other members. They probably have their own schedules."

He pinched your cheeks. "Aigoo my cutie is so sweet!" You stuck out your tongue at him. "Yes~ Only for you." You said playfully. Once you reached near the house, he tried to find the closest parking to the door so you didn't have to walk that far.

When the car was finally parked, you said "Thank you for the ride. Travel safely and come home soon!" You smiled sweetly.

As you were about to get out of the car, he whined. "Aw no goodbye kiss? I feel so unloved." You rolled your eyes sarcastically. You leaned to his side and by putting your lips close to his. You kissed his forehead instead, and got out of the car.

He had to go immediately so you waved goodbye and walked to the dorm. You didn't expect anyone to be there inside.

After opening the door, you felt relieved that you didn't  expect anything. If you had, you would have had a huge disappointment. The place felt like it was desserted. Especially since there are so many members and not one is here.

You just sighed and wondered what you should do. Since Sungmin said he might be late, you didn't feel it was worth it to try and cook for him. But then again it was still early enough to go out. Should I go somewhere?

On the other side:

Sungmin already arrived at SMent building. He was highly curious, but didn't let it bother him. When he walked out of the car, he heard screaming fans who wanted autographs. He usually would do aegyo however it was an important meeting so he couldn't be late.

Once he arrived, he saw that all the Super Junior M members were there already. They waved hi to him and pointed out a seat that was still free.

Their manager looked at all of them and said "Okay since all of you are here, I guess it's time to make the announcement."

The whole room went silent. The manager thought that they were really tired and they probably were after a long day. Despite that, he continued on anyway. He took a deep breath. "Good news boys! We're going to do some activities in China for a few months or maybe a year. We leave in two days."

The meeting about the details and such was already over, and all the members left to have some free time. He was very confused.

How will I tell her? He drove around endlessly, wondering where he should go. It was already nearing midnight and he thought he should go back home to see you. After all, he probably won't be seeing you for 2 months. Or worse, a year.

Finally arriving at the building, he waited in the car for about 10 minutes practicing on how to say it.

He gave up, thinking that he should just wing it. Or just tell it normally since he thought you deserve that much. He took the stairs since the elevators were all crowded. Maybe I should have waited? I have to walk up to the 11th floor. Dumb idea.

Sungmin finally arrived, but you were still awake. You were watching TV the whole time. Most of it variety shows.

Upon hearing the TV, he got the idea that you were probably still awake or, those were s fooling around still. He opened the door and saw it was you. The others weren't home yet though.  Shinong was on a date, Eunhyuk was at the radio station with the leader Leetuk. Ryeowook was probably watching a movie with Yesung again. And Kyuhyun probably went to drink somewhere.

You noticed that he was home so you waved hi. "Honey~ welcome home. Did you eat yet?" Sungmin shook his head. "Oh do you want me to cook you something?" Sungmin shook his head again. "No I'm too tired to eat. I'm just going to take a shower."

You just shrugged as he walked away. You already did the bedtime rituals so all you needed to do was finish up that one episode of We Got Married and you'd be in bed in an instant.

He was out before the show was done and he called for you. "Honey, let's go sleep now okay?" He was already walking towards the room.

You pouted because you wanted to finish the whole episode. It didn't matter though, you could always watch it on the internet.

Once you eneted the room, Sungmin was laying down waiting for you. He patted the space next to him. You happily obliged. Once you laid down he sighed. "What's wrong?" you asked. He said "Don't be diappointed. But I have to go to China."

You smiled. "It's okay, I know it's for your job. You won't be gone that long though right?" you asked with a hopeful face.

Again Sungmin sighed. "I'm sorry dear, but I'll be gone for at least 2 months or at the most a whole year." Your face went WTH. It was the first time Sungmin saw it, so he got a bit scared. He heard from his inlaws that you could be quite vicious when provoked or angry.

You just sighed because you still understood. "Oh it's okay, like I said it's for your job right? When are you leaving?"

He turned away, not wanting to say it. He still said it anyway. "I have to leave within two days." Your face sunk. That fast already? This is so last minute! I don't understand. How are we supposed to spend time together before he leaves?

He turned back to you. "Let's go on a date tomorrow. That way you won't miss me too much." You just smiled in agreement.

"Okay let's really sleep now." he said. You petted his hair and turned away. You didn't want him to see you sad. You tried your hardest to sleep and actually suceeded.  Sungmin did as well. The other members came home, but they were super quiet so they didn't wake up.


The sun was brightly shining. It was already 8:00 and the members left for their schedules. They indeed are very busy.

Only the two were left inside. You woke up first and decided to wash up. After taking a shower, you thought that you should make breakfast first before waking him up. So, you made something easy like pancakes. You took culinary in high school so you definately were not a bad cook.

The aroma of the pancakes was so appetizing that you had to wipe the drool that was falling for your mouth.

You went back upstairs and found Sungmin still deep in sleep. You felt bad that you had to wake him up but he said he was going to take you for a date.

Gently poking him didn't do a thing. Then you tried tickling him. That didn't work either. Calling his name and poking him? That didn't work out so well either. Your last resort was to kiss him on the cheek. Or lips if you felt like it.

It was your last chance since you didnt have any other tricks up your sleeve. After all, you didn't wanna pour water on him.

You looked for a free spot, and aimed. You missed and kissed his nose, but that was an effective attack. His eyes opened in an instant and he glanced at the time. "Oh, morning already? Ah! I smell something good. Did you cook anything?"

"Yeah, I made pancakes. Now wash up so we can it together. Okay?" He groaned because he was still half asleep.

You just laughed at his cuteness and set up the table before he came back down. Once he got down, he sat down next to you. "You should eat first since you're the lady." You argued back in a gentle way "No, you should so that I know if it's good or not."

"Yah! You're going to use me as a taste tester?" he playfully stuck out his tongue. "Haha, sure why not?"

He took one bite out of the pancake and his face went into a huge grin. "Wow! This is the best." he continued eating as you started. Once you were done, you cleaned up everything while he was getting ready to go out.

After you were done in the kitchen, you too got changed. You didn't like tight clothing so you didn't have any in your closet.

You only had dresses,rompers, skirts, hoodies, shorts and shirts. Skinny jeans were nowhere to be found. You went downstairs, but Sungmin wasn't there. He's probably in the car already.

Sungmin was inside the car waiting for you. You knocked on the window to let him know you were there.

His hand shot up to unlock the door for you. You sat down and asked "So, where are we going to go for our date?" He the engine and said "I kind of want to watch a movie  after we go to Lotte World before I leave tomorrow. Is that okay with you?"

"Mmm. It's fine with me." The drive was a bit awkward. There was no music playing and there wasn't any talking either.

They both wanted to give the other space. Sungmin thought that ____ might be disappointed. ____ thought he was in a bad mood and didn't want to bother him too much.

When you went to Lotte world, you rode all the rides.  At first you were reluctant but Sungmin convinced you that it wouldn't be scary if you held his hand. (A/N yay for skinship!) But you spent so much time there you had to rush to watch a movie.

At the movie theater, you and Sungmin took a long time to figure out what genre movie you'll watch. He wanted to watch a new action movie that just came out. You on the other hand wanted to watch a comedy since you were in love with them.

It was a huge problem because niehter of you wanted to give up yet wanted to be considerate of the other person.

Sungmin eventually gave in because he's a gentleman. He paid for the tickets as you two went inside. After the movie was done, you two were so full on popcorn and tired from the days activities that you wanted to return home so you could see him off.

You both took a shower and did bedtime rituals before immediately falling asleep once your bodies got in contact with the bed.

Day of Sungmin's departure:

Everyone was up early. The rest of the Super Junior members were waiting downstairs. They were all rushing to put their bags in and get the best seat in the car. That way they wouldn't be squished or can sit next to the member they're most comfortable with.

You and Sungmin didn't have time to eat breakfast nor did the other members. They did pack snacks to eat on the go though.

You  and Sungmin followed them in Sungmin's car. The ride to the airport seemed fast. Way too fast. They arrived just in time but still wanted to make sure they were there for the departure. Sungmin and you got out of the car.

Sungmin opened the trunk while you took out his luggage which surprised him completely. He thanked you, gave you the keysand gave you a big hug. "I'm going to miss you." You hugged him tighter. "I'm going to miss you too. Now hurry before your members leave you.

He rushed to them. You didn't want to see him leaving so you turned away and started driving away. You didn't know where you would go, but you flipped a coin to help you decide. I hope he has a safe flight. Now what am I going to do?


Hi everyone! If you read my story I'm truly grateful to you and thank you very much. You guys are the best! Like I said at the end of the last chapter, a lot of things would happen in the next chapters. It's not quite there yet but this is setting the scene basically. Umm, I have school tomorrow and a test to study for. Blehh >< So I'm not sure if I can update tomorrow. But, I promise it'll start rolling along soon.

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Aha "you need to get pregnant." My face -----> o.o omg.... Sequel please!!! :D
is there a sequel
butterfly555 #5
damn drama dramaaaaaaaaa of the exssss lol
DivineHarmony #6
@Skizofrenia<br />
Thank you for reading! I'm working on the second chapter now.
ArrisaKwon #7
hi, this is so interesting.....<br />
Hope u'll continue then update this one soon....<br />
Fighting !.... :)