What is so Good about Changmin?

What is so Good about Changmin?

Hi, finally I present you the last chapter of "What is so Good about Changmin?"
I'm so happy! Although the end kind of took me long time to write and yet it didn't come out the way I wanted to -_-
Because, well Changmin sounded like a ert in the end XD
Please forgive my grammar mistakes
I hope you enjoy it ^^


“Argh...” I protested as I tried to put my heavy and weak body into a sitting position. I blinked a couple of times before succeeding in my task.

“From now on I’m denying every feeling that I might have had for you.” With those harsh words Changmin’s form appeared in front of me. His eyes held disgust and sadness towards me. Those same eyes that had appeared for the first time in the fan-meeting. I stretch my arm to touch him, but he disappeared before I could reach his hand.


I screamed real loud this time and opened my eyes.

A dream.

I moved my tired eyes from one side to another trying to understand what was happening and at the same time I caught glances of my bedroom. My huge poster of DBSK glued on the wall near my mini-DBSK collection toys made of cotton and soft as my pillow. I heard a soft click on the door and saw my mother worried face.

“Yoojin honey, you are finally awake!” She hurriedly approach me and gave me a tight hug that showed concern about my well being. What had happened?

“I was so worried when that young woman brought you here soaked and fainted. After you had a fever and started to call for one guy we didn’t know...” She touched my forehead slightly and smiled. “Thanks God you are okay now.”

“What did Boram say? I mean, the woman who brought me here?” Since I had passed out I wasn’t aware of anything after the moment I closed my eyes.

“She was worried about you too. She found you under the rain in extreme pain for something she wasn’t quite sure. After that you started to have a high fever. Your dad and I stood here, taking care of you, the entire night and today until you woke up. Ah, she left a note inside of your purse with her cell phone number. Call her when you feel better.” My mom still patted my head softy before getting out of my room and allowing me some time to think. I guess I collapsed after realizing Changmin wasn’t coming back.

How come I have been affected so much by him in just a few hours we spent together? Was it love? And if so, how come I loved him so much?

Carefully I stepped out of my bed and slowly gave a few paces until I was standing in front of my purse. My hands moved as if they had their own life because in matter of minutes I was holding the only prove that meeting Changmin wasn’t a dream that ended up as nightmare: the VIP card to DBSK show Changmin had given me. I held it close to my chest and cried everything out. That night I promised to myself that those would be the last tears I would shed for him.

One month after

“Hello girls, today ‘Cooking with Hae In’ will show you how to make a delicious chocolate cake taking less than 10 minutes. After that we will offer this tasteful food to a few special guests while we interview them. Be sure to watch until the end!” A woman using colorful clothes played in the screen of my TV as I comfortably lie in my couch. Watching cooking programs was my daily routine now. No love story, no artist, in other words, nothing harmful to me.

Ding Dong

Lazily I stood up and headed for the main door, opening it without surprise to see JinAh's worried face in front of me. Between her hands a light brown box. She knew every little detail about me and Changmin and had supported me since then – coming to my house from time to time just to check if I was okay physically and mentally speaking. We never talked about the bet after that day.

“Hi Yoojin, I brought some cookies so we can share it together.” She tried to put her best smile and cheer me up. Everyone around me noticed that I was depressed but none of them could really turn me back into the person I was.
Except one...

“Don’t think about it!” I shouted as my brain was beginning to remember that person. I wasn’t brave enough to face pain again so I decided to avoid anything that could possibly remind me of him. The huge posters of DBSK were no longer glued to the walls of my bedroom. My CDs and DVDs were tossed under my bed and covered with dust. In my computer everything was deleted. Who was DBSK?

“You can sit here while I’ll go to the kitchen take the plates to put the cookies and a glass of juice.” I accepted JinAh's offer and returned to my old position. These days were pretty boring. In fact, everything bored me to death. Even the smiling woman on TV.

“Try one!” A plate full of chocolate cookies – my favorite flavor - was placed in front of my eyes before I could react. I decided to taste one just to avoid fights with my best friend. This entire month I had eaten less and less each time she showed up in my house. My appetite seemed to decrease due to my depression state.

“Yoojin have you thought about what I said earlier? You can’t keep in this state!” I just shrugged in return. A few days ago she had assumed that my state was getting worse by each day so I needed to see a doctor before I went insane. “I’m perfectly fine.” At my response she made a face but didn’t say anything.

As I was slowly munching my cookies something made me choke at my food. Cold drops of sweat began to flow from my forehead. Until today I had cautiously watched everything I did 24 per day to not hurt myself and yet, it seems my efforts weren’t good enough.

“Hello, we are Dong Bang Shin Ki!!!”

I forced my eyes to look away from the screen of my TV but even this simple task required too much effort from me. I was forced to stare at the five perfect creatures that lived between the human world. Among them was the one who hunted me for the past days. So they were the special guests 'Cooking with Hae In' had brought...

Suddenly I was curling myself in a shell form, at the same time that my hands wrapped along my chest trying to protect what was left from my wounded heart. JinAh must have seen my awful state because instantly she turned off the TV and hugged me like a mother would do to protect and calm her child.

“You can’t forget that man, can you?” I shook my head at her rhetorical question. It was pretty obvious that what I felt for Changmin was way deeper than just a crush. In question of minutes he had managed to capture my heart and claim his space there every time I tried to erase him.

“So, Yoojin listen carefully to what I’ll say okay, if you pronounce a single word before I finish my speech I’ll take my purse and get out of here. Ah, I’ll take the plate of cookies too!” She pause for a moment verifying if I understood her threat and waiting for my head to nod slightly. Then she continued. “Your...guy, appeared in my house yesterday.”

My head turned up immediately allowing my eyes to see JinAh's smiling face after seeing my puzzled eyes. “I must admit that yesterday I had this same face of yours. An unknown yet handsome guy knocking on my door, longing to talk with me. I took a few minutes before realizing he was your Shim Changmin.” Curiosity was killing me inside, yet I feared what I might hear from my best friend.

“I shouldn’t be telling you this because I promised to him that I wouldn’t open my mouth. Even so, I believe it’s for the best of you two. He came to my house to talk about you. He asked about your personality and what kind of bet we had done before you went to the fan-meeting. I explained him everything I knew. His expression while talking or even listening to me clearly showed that his affection for you still lingered inside of him. He looked kind of sad though.” Then she looked at me and placed a warm smile on her perfect lips.

“Fight for him, Yoojin.”

I felt touched by the words my best friend had pronounced. So Changmin hasn’t given up on me...

“Thanks.” This single word couldn’t express how I felt right now. It was a mix of relief that Changmin’s feelings for me still existed inside of him even though they were tiny now; and I felt lucky that I could rely on my best friend who had tried everything she could to keep my soul mate with me.

It was time to do something. For me and for Changmin.

“Ah, there is one more thing, yesterday Changmin came with another friend of his boy band, his name was JaeJoong...” A brief pause on JinAh sentence and a quickly sparkle in her eyes were the only signs I needed to preview a romance between those two. After I rearranged my relationship with Changmin, maybe I could do something for my best friend. “Anyway, he told me that Changmin was never the same after the fan meeting. He loses his focus easily and often forgets the lyrics of their music or the dance moves from their dance routine.”

I took a deep and long breath before standing up and smiling. After days without moving my lips - except for yawning – I gave my first and bright smile. I knew what I had to do.

For one entire week I gave myself to my work. I spent almost 20 hours per day in my computer as I tried to finish my work in time. Whenever I felt tired, uncomfortable or even in pain I still was able to suppress it. My task was bigger, my aim was higher. Only when I decided it was perfect, I took my cell phone and called Boram. She kindly accept to help me.


“Come on guys, 30 minutes before we start the show.” I heard a stressed guy scream behind me. I guess his work depended on DBSK successful stages. As I walked on the backstage of DBSK’s show I couldn’t help but notice how people looked with suspicious eyes at my face, taking me as an intruder. From time to time I had to put my VIP card in front of my eyes, acting as if I was taking a good look at it, but in fact, showing them that I was allowed to be there.
My steps got slower as I neared my destiny. I was afraid.

Last week I put all my efforts in what would be my last plan to regain Changmin’s love. If it still didn’t convince him of my sincere feelings then nothing else would do.

“Make that fanfic was one of the most difficult things I have ever done in my life.” I mumbled to myself as I touched my pained wrist – I didn’t stop pressing the buttons on the keyboard until I had completed my text. Without a break to regain energy, I ended up with a terrible pain.

Yes, my utmost plan was a fanfic I wrote with every note I had written about Changmin and what we had faced together in that fan-meeting. After I finished writing it I asked Boram if she could deliver it to Changmin so he could read it. My way of indirect apologize to him...

My lips curved in a small smile as I remembered the title and the first page of my fic.


Title: What is so good about Changmin?
This fanfiction is dedicated to a person I hurt unconsciously yet deeply. I hope one day he will be able to forgive me.

First page: What is so good about Changmin?

1) Changmin has the most beautiful smile I have ever seen
2) Changmin likes to smile a lot
3) Changmin's skin is smooth
4) Changmin likes to read books
5) Changmin is really a playful person
6) Changmin is an observant person
7) Changmin is too direct in his sentences
8) Changmin has a strong and warm body
9) Changmin has a sixth sense about climate changes
10) Changmin is an interesting person
11) Changmin is a wise person
12) Changmin is a good kisser.

List made by Park Yoojin a clumsy girl who just wishes for forgiveness.


Knock Knock

I waited impatiently to the voice who would allow me to open the door. A sudden movement on the door handle made me jump though. I wasn’t prepared for it. My breath stopped.

“Chan-Changmin!” After looking at his eyes I wondered how I managed to endure such a pain for one entire month. How I missed those eyes.

He didn't seem surprised. He stretched his right arm and I could see my fanfic on his hold. Due to his lack of words I had to interpret his facial expression. It wasn’t somber anymore but I couldn’t describe quite well what he was thinking. I didn’t even have a clue if he had read my fic or not.

“Let’s go guys!” Yunho’s voice startled me as he gathered the guys to start the show. It means I should be going to my place now. Usually artists prepare themselves minutes earlier to check if everything was alright. I didn't want to bother.

“Changmin, let’s meet after your show ok?! I still have a couple of things to say to you.” A quickly and nonchalantly nod was the only response he gave me after pacing towards the stage with the rest of the boys. What if he still hated me and for this reason had decided to not read my fic? I shook my head from one side to another trying to stay positive about my chances.

I sat on my privileged chair in the front line and waited impatiently to the show. In fact, the funny point was that for the first time what I truly wanted was the end of the show so I would be able to talk with Changmin again.

First was my index finger tapping slightly on the fanfic I was holding in my right and sweat hand. After the middle finger. When I realized it I was tapping all my fingers in a way to vanish the anxiety inside of me.

“Uhm...” I groaned and started to flip the pages of my own fic with nothing to do. It was when I decided to take a look at the first page that my breath stopped. I blinked a couple of times before realizing what it meant.


Title: What is so good about Changmin?
This fanfiction is dedicated to a person I hurt unconsciously yet deeply. I hope one day he will be able to forgive me.

First page: So What is so good about Changmin?

1) Changmin has the most beautiful smile I have ever seen
2) Changmin likes to smile a lot
3) Changmin's skin is smooth
4) Changmin likes to read books
5) Changmin is really a playful person
6) Changmin is an observant person
7) Changmin is too direct in his sentences
8) Changmin has a strong and warm body
9) Changmin has a sixth sense about climate changes
10) Changmin is an interesting person
11) Changmin is a wise person
12) Changmin is a good kisser.
13) Changmin loves Park Yoojin

List made by Park Yoojin a clumsy girl who just wishes for forgiveness.
Changmin reports that this clumsy girl was forgiven.


He had added the two sentences handwriting it with a marker. I went crimson as I re-read this page once, twice, until I was convinced that it wasn’t my brain playing tricks on me. Until I was sure that Changmin wrote it by his own will.

“We love you DBSK!!!” Fans started to scream from every corner of the crowded place making me look at the stage. Five gods appeared literally flying in the sky – the ropes holding them were almost invisible due to the effects - and started to sing for thousands of privileged human being. They reached the stage slowly and sang there until the end of the show with flawless and blessed voices. My eyes didn’t left Changmin. The whole show sounded as if he was singing for me. Just for me...

“Good job guys, I love DBSK!!!” The same guy I had encounter earlier – the stressed one – was just smiles and happy feelings now. I guess his job was safe – our world can transform any healthy person in an unhealthy one. I sighed quickly then put my best smile as I marched towards the place Changmin should be. Relief was seen in my face. Since I knew he had forgiven me, there was nothing I should be afraid of.

I didn’t need to knock on the door because when I arrived it was opened wider as it goes. Inside I found Changmin sitting in a chair. His face smiling in my direction. He supposed I had already read his notes in my fic. How I missed his warm smile...

“So what did you want to say?” I took a long breath and replied aloud so everyone could hear me.

“Park Yoojin loves Shim Changmin”

Our eyes never left each other as confessed my love for him. I must confess it was pretty difficult for me. I hated being shy sometimes. He stood up from his chair and slowly approached me. I felt goosebumps when his hand touched mine. It felt so long since we had stayed like this.

“Let’s go.” Changmin didn’t wait for my reply as he leaded me hand by hand to the corridor. Just after a few paces and one door opened I realized we were going to his car. “Hey, where are you taking me?”

“You know, I read your fic and I must say your writing skills are quite amazing. There is one missing thing though.” He looked at my puzzled eyes and smiled real big this time. “Since the fic is all about us, you forgot to add a few parts of our relationship...” I tried to think on what he was implying. What could I possibly have forgotten?

“What are you talking about? I just wrote what really happened between us. Nothing was created by my imagination.” I tried to defend my piece of work. My fic consisted basically of everything: how I had won the contest; my bet with JinAh; my ignorance when it came to Changmin’s good points; the start of our love until my mistake with the cell phone and my wishes of forgiveness. I described everything with maximum of details so he would be able to understand it all without a single doubt. And it was a secret between us since I had printed just one copy and handed it to him. No one else knew about it – except by Boram and JinAh but they promised that no words would come out from their mouths concerning this issue.

“You forgot to add our rated scene..." His sentence made me go crimson. I started to fan myself with my own hands. I was almost sure the blush on my face would stay for a while. “I don’t know what you are talking about. We never...”

“Yoojin, where do you think we are going right now? Don't forget to update your fic!" I didn't have time to react because as soon as he finished his sentence, he put me in his car and drove off.


The End

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t! ^-^

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Chapter 5: 1) Changmin has the most beautiful smile I have ever seen.
2) Changmin likes to smile a lot
3) Changmin's skin is smooth.
4) Changmin likes to read books.
5) Changmin is really a playful person.
6) Changmin is an observant person.
7) Changmin is too direct in his sentences.
8) Changmin has a strong and warm body.
9) Changmin has a sixth sense about climate changes.
10) Changmin is an interesting person.
11) Changmin is a wise person.
12) Changmin is a good kisser.

I agree with this!!!
I love your fic !!!
Changmin is gold here (and everywhere) <3
Once again the RANDOM STORY button has become my buddy !!!
awesome love it ^_^
sodapop014 #4
This fic made me smile ^^<br />
Good job, loved it!
Smile-ssi #5
this type of FanFic.... that I really LIKE to read! you're a good writer, got me excited to the end :D
Nana_Yu #6
I'm happy that people are still reading this fanfic ^^<br />
Thanks for your comments and by spending your time to read my fanfic :D<br />
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*dewikagustina - hehe I thought Changmin was perfect for this fanfics haha<br />
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*Wrongly_Given_Love - Thanks for your comment! I'm really happy that you enjoyed my fanfic!<br />
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*theallegorist - Before writing this fic, I noticed that there were lots of fanfics about DBSK, but Changmin was usually the brother, or the one-side love, so I decided to change that!<br />
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*kYutiedOdEr - I'm glad that you liked my ending! I had to think real hard to come with it XD<br />
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*sundayflower07 - I'm happy that you liked my fanfic! And thanks for your comment!<br />
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*changdeer - hehe I agree with you!<br />
"What is so Good about Changmin?"<br />
<br />
EVERYTHING?..his tallness, his power voice, his genious brain, snarky-shy-cute personality, hot body etc etc etc *_________________*
Oh my gah... the rated scene. I love Changmin so much! Nice work here. I totally loved it!
You've got spot on descriptions for the DBSK members. Changmin is.....tall?! You definitely made my day with that! Keep up :]