Little by little

What is so Good about Changmin?

Hi, about this chapter: the numbers indicate the things Yoojin will put on her list

Ah, I forgot to say that Changmin in this fic is a little bit erted XD

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter!



“Is this.....a dream?” I asked dazed by his dashing smile. Moreover, I was embarrassed enough – in my situation, who wouldn’t be? - to think that reality was nothing more than a fantasy. If there was a way to first-meeting, this was the most unexpected of all.

“Haha, I guess I have to control the hotness that overflow my figure.” He spoke in a mock tone as if it was a burden that he was obligated to carry. Of course he was doing it just to break the awkward moment that was finding its place between us. Or I guessed so.

Finally my brain started to work in its normal state. God had really listened to my shouts. Changmin was really in front of me. A sudden feeling of happiness started to explode like fireworks inside of me. My future was saved.

I tried really hard to hide the uncontrollable movements that started to push my lips in a huge smile but I failed miserably. I’m almost 100 % sure that he noticed it.

His eyes flickered with interest.

“What’s your name? Did you come here to get a sign from DBSK and take photos?” Changmin’s seemed oblivious of the fanfic authors meeting.

“I’m Park Yoojin. I won the fanfic contest therefore I have a right to spend the day with one of the DBSK boys. I-“ My lips got dry and words weren’t useful anymore.

How in the world was I to prove that I had been tricked?

The witnesses needed were probably already talking with their respective partner in some place in this huge building. Besides, the most reliable person in his opinion would be Boram and I couldn’t forget that she wasn’t even in this building anymore – at this moment she should be killing some beginner for mistakes that had been made while she was out.

“Haha, are you sure you are the winner of the fanfic contest? If so, you should know how to express your inner thoughts using words.” I didn’t get his meaning. Was he being offensive? Ironic? All possible negative feelings disappeared as he beamed at me once more. I guess he likes to show his perfect, glistening teeth.

2-) Changmin likes to smile a lot!

I decided to take this up moment as an incentive. “At the begging, I took a paper with your name on it, in other words, you would be my partner, but then, I got tricked by Oh SeungAh, another winner of the fanfic contest. She switched the papers which means I have Jaejoong as my partner now. But I really wanted you and.....” I paused as I felt my cheeks burning. Soon I was red like a tomato. I couldn’t help blushing in front of him because if he analyzes my sentence according to the sequence of words pronounced, it seemed that I was madly in love with him.

I really wanted you?! What kind of phrase is that, stupid Yoojin?! I thought, mentally kicking myself for not making my words clearly enough, provoking misunderstandings.

In the middle of my embarrassment and inner fights, I think I saw Changmin’s eyes sparkling with amusement as he approached me little by little. I got surprised at how quietly he walked yet how fast he got near me. In a blink of eyes there were just a few centimeters between us.

“I don’t have proves that could work on my side yet, there were witness and if you just give me some minutes I can try to bring one of the girls that were on the same room as me and....” Changmin interrupted me putting his two hands on each side of my shoulders, as if trying to make me calm down a little.

It worked.

I was literally frozen like a statue. One of the hottest guy in Korea was touching me – I know it’s only my shoulder and probably in Changmin’s perspective it doesn’t mean anything at all but, he is DBSK! Receiving one simple and quick glance from them was something every girl had dreamed about.

“I believe in you.”

Those four words started to ring in my head like music, my mind replaying them one, two, three times yet unaware of the meaning of this sentence. I stayed quietly, just looking at him a blank face. Changmin tried again.

“I said I believe in you Park Yoojin.”

“Why? I mean, I didn’t prove anything. I could be lying, did you know that? If I was the one who tricked SeungAh, what would you do? You are judging someone without proves.” It sounds stupid but in my way of thoughts it would take at least one hour to explain my version of the story to Changmin. How could he already believe my words when I had barely said something to defend my point of view. This had happened too quickly.

“Hahaha, you are so funny, the last five minutes you were trying to make me believe that you are the good girl, now you collected arguments to go against it. Anyway, you didn’t think that Boram would be so reckless to let you girls alone here, did you? Before she vanished, she called us and told who our partners would be. When I met you I just had to make sure that you were Park Yoojin, the correct girl. I’m glad you are.” He finished his sentence with a wink and lifted his right arm, putting his hand in my view.

“Alright. Let’s go”

Changmin was offering his hand to me.

Oh My God.

I had always stored in my mind that only couples walked with their hands linked together. Even though, I couldn’t and I wouldn’t reject his offer - that I bet would happen once in a life time - so I shyly accept his hand. His skin was so soft and surprisingly warm. My hand felt comfortable and protected by his.

3-) Changmin's skin is smooth

“Do you usually walk hand by hand with your fans?” I asked cautiously to not bother him, secretly hoping that he wouldn't let go of my hand. I didn’t want the little butterflies dancing in my stomach to disappear. Changmin kept with his normal self.

“No, this is my first time.”

He didn’t say anything else.

I didn’t ask anything else.

The only sound that filled the corridor was our steps and the accelerated rhythm of my heart.


“Beautiful isn’t it? This is one of the various good points of being a superstar.” Changmin pointed as we walked inside of his room in the TV studio building. He previously told me that each one of the DBSK had a special room here in this building to relax before the shooting. As we walked inside of the room I noticed that it was filled with books above the table. I guess Changmin likes to read in his free time.

4-) Changmin likes to read books

The initial place chose for the meeting between authors and DBSK wouldn’t be here, but since SeungAh should be waiting Changmin in the other room, he decided to take me to his “special place”. When I thought about SeungAh something came to my mind, why would she do all that for? Did she like Changmin so much to reject Jaejoong - the God Kim JaeJoong - and deceive me?

“Park Yoojin, you can start now. Ask everything you want.” He said as he sat in a chair, sighing quietly because after the tiring shooting, now he was finally resting a little. He kept his sweat shirt. Maybe he would change it after we finished talking.

I happily took my sheet of papers and a pencil, everything I needed to complete my task, and sat in a chair in front of him. He took two glasses and put water. The first one he offered for me, the last stood with him. I took some of the water to prepare my throat and then I started.

“Okay, so first of all, have you ever read a fanfic?” I asked holding the pencil firmly as I wrote Changmin’s name on the paper where soon would be the answers.

“This one is easy. Yes I’ve read a few before. Basically I read them on, do you know this website?” Although I strongly suspected that he had already heard about fanfiction, I didn’t know that he truly read them.! This was my favorite site! I got curious about it and decided to get more information about this issue. “Okay, so what kind of fics do you prefer?”

“The ones that includes me of course!” Changmin sounded like he was full of himself, running his hand through his hair, but I had already gotten used to it. Another joke.

5-) Changmin is really a playful person.

“Talking seriously now, I prefer the general fics because they have everything in it, drama, happiness, comedy, fights. But If I could, there’s one thing I want to object: have you counted how many fics including Jaejoong in their cast exists? If you look carefully he is usually the hot, bad gangster who gets the good girl. If not, there are the vampire fics, where he suits pretty well with his dark aura and devilish face.” He noticed that I agreed with his sentence therefore he kept talking, not until taking another gulp of water.

“Look at Yunho now, in fics he is the rich, snob, pampered boy who loves to bully people or Jaejoong’s rival in gangster things. Or else he is Jaejoong’s boyfriend!!!” I tried to suppress my laugh because everything Changmin said suited very well the main types of fics that I had already read, including – they weren’t my favorite but I knew a few of them.

6-) Changmin is a observant person.

“Yoochun is the easiest to classify, he has the word 'player' attached to his face. Always change girlfriends, one night stand and so it goes. Few fanfics make Yoochun a loyal boyfriend." Another gulp of water.

"Junsu might be the one that takes a little more trouble to identify. Some fics he is a bad guy, some fics he is dorky, goofy and whatever word you want to use that means sweet and funny.”

“Finally there is you.” I added in a happily tone. I don’t know why but I felt a certain urge to cheer him up. Maybe I just wanted him to stop complaining.

Maybe it was something else.

His eyes met mine and held them like this. I didn’t look anywhere else.

“Yes, but why do I always have to be the last one? I’m the sweet guy who take care of the lead girl until some bad boy (Jaejoong or Yunho) steals her from me, or I can be the helpful brother of the lead girl who end up alone." He sighed.

"What about the nicknames and traditional couples: Bojoong (BoA – Jaejoong), Junsu – RiIn, Junsu – Taeyeon, Yoochun - Plenty of girls, Jaejoong – Yeon Hee, YunJae (Yunho - Jaejoong).” He narrowed his eyes.

“Hey, calm down, okay.” I said softly as I waved my hands up and down. I felt kind of bad for Changmin. But things would change after today, I was certain about that. “Don’t worry Changmin, I will make a pretty good fanfic for you. You can be sure about it.” I said smiling, I wanted him to smile at me again. While I took my glass with water, from my peripheral view I saw that he smiled.

“Will it be a Yoomin, you know, Yoojin and Changmin?”

As soon as I heard it I spilled the water that I was softly drinking. Was he hitting on me?!

7-) Changmin is too direct in his sentences.

“Hehehe, next question okay?” I quickly said organizing my papers and avoiding his eyes as much as possible. When it comes to flirting I really don't know what to do.....

“So, about your tastes. Let’s start with.....uhn......what is your favorite food ?” I quickly asked, trying to make his eyes focus on something else than my blushing and embarrassed figure. I was ready to write what he was going to say but a loud and strange noise startled me.


I looked confused at him but he awkwardly smiled. “Sorry. I’m hungry. Hehehe” At his confession I tried hard to contain my laugh but it proved to be stronger than me. I burst out laughing so much that I had tiny drops of tears wetting my eyes.

“What do you think of taking a break. Eat a little then we continue? There is a cafeteria here where we can eat and talk, what do you think?” I nodded weakly as I kept laughing. I was out of breath now.

“Ah, just wait a little here while I change my clothes. I’m sweating since the end of the shooting TV program. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” I noticed that he started to walk in the direction of the wardrobe by my side to take some clothes. I expected him to go to another room to change his clothes but he headed toward a screen in the room.

“Are you going to change here!?” I asked in complete disbelief. He was one of the hottest guy in Korea yet he wanted to change his clothes a few meters away from me.

“Aren’t you afraid? I could easily go behind this screen where you are changing and who knows 'attack' you!” Of course I would never do that, but was he insane? In many forums I had read from some crazy fans that if they had a chance they would attack their favorite artists, in the ual way I mean.

“Hahaha, Yoojin, Yoojin, have you ever thought that you might be the one in danger?” His voice sounded husky and sedutcive. I stayed quietly trying to figure out what he was implying. Was something with me? I shrugged and decided to keep myself occupied while Changmin changed his clothes.

Suddenly I remembered that JinAh had asked me some photos fo today, if possible. I guess her true purpose was to certificate that I wasn’t lying when I showed her my list.

Big ideas came to mind. Better than photos, I would make a film.

I took my cell phone and put in the record video form. 1.....2.....3.....go!

“Hi JinAh, guess what?! I won the bet! I’m with Changmin now!” I said as I filmed myself waving to my the cell phone as if I was talking with the real JinAh. Then I decided to show her a CD of DBSK that I always take with me and that I was going to ask Changmin to sign it when I had the opportunity. Soon she should be listening to their music as well. I put my hand in my purse searching for it, not stopping the recording video.

“And there is more, I-..” I don’t know what happened but the cell phone suddenly slipped from my hand.

Oh come on.

I mentally complained as I kneeled down to take it, but as soon as I saw the place where my cell phone was, I paled, my lips got dry and drops of cold sweat started to flow from my forehead.

Behind the screen I could see my cell phone still shining a yellow light, advising that it was on the record video mode.

The problem: it was beside Changmin, recording him as he changed his clothes!!!


*What will happen with Yoojin and Changmin?
*Why SeungAh wanted so badly to see Changmin?

Stay Tuned !!!

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Chapter 5: 1) Changmin has the most beautiful smile I have ever seen.
2) Changmin likes to smile a lot
3) Changmin's skin is smooth.
4) Changmin likes to read books.
5) Changmin is really a playful person.
6) Changmin is an observant person.
7) Changmin is too direct in his sentences.
8) Changmin has a strong and warm body.
9) Changmin has a sixth sense about climate changes.
10) Changmin is an interesting person.
11) Changmin is a wise person.
12) Changmin is a good kisser.

I agree with this!!!
I love your fic !!!
Changmin is gold here (and everywhere) <3
Once again the RANDOM STORY button has become my buddy !!!
awesome love it ^_^
sodapop014 #4
This fic made me smile ^^<br />
Good job, loved it!
Smile-ssi #5
this type of FanFic.... that I really LIKE to read! you're a good writer, got me excited to the end :D
Nana_Yu #6
I'm happy that people are still reading this fanfic ^^<br />
Thanks for your comments and by spending your time to read my fanfic :D<br />
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*dewikagustina - hehe I thought Changmin was perfect for this fanfics haha<br />
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*Wrongly_Given_Love - Thanks for your comment! I'm really happy that you enjoyed my fanfic!<br />
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*theallegorist - Before writing this fic, I noticed that there were lots of fanfics about DBSK, but Changmin was usually the brother, or the one-side love, so I decided to change that!<br />
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*kYutiedOdEr - I'm glad that you liked my ending! I had to think real hard to come with it XD<br />
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*sundayflower07 - I'm happy that you liked my fanfic! And thanks for your comment!<br />
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*changdeer - hehe I agree with you!<br />
"What is so Good about Changmin?"<br />
<br />
EVERYTHING?..his tallness, his power voice, his genious brain, snarky-shy-cute personality, hot body etc etc etc *_________________*
Oh my gah... the rated scene. I love Changmin so much! Nice work here. I totally loved it!
You've got spot on descriptions for the DBSK members. Changmin is.....tall?! You definitely made my day with that! Keep up :]