Our Love Story


Hi guys -- this is not a long fan fic, this only lasts about 1/2/3 chapters, and I will only be spending 1-3 days on it.

Thankyou~ AHAHAHA.

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Credits to : YanKyu_SuJu_eLf

Come and visit her shop HERE! 


Lee Ki Seop


You (Yoon Hye Mi)



Ki Seop ran into the room, where a man wearing black was holding a gun against his girlfriend, Hye Mi's head. 

"Oppa..." she whispered, terrified.

"L-Let her go!" he shouted angrily. "Just shoot me instead! Please, dont do it!"

The man with the gun laughed. "Why would I kill my own son? You know, that's just going to ruin me. I'm going to destroy this girl the same way you destroyed your mother!" 

Ki Seop ran forward, but two other men held him back. 

"I will let her go in one condition," Ki Seop's father said, "you at least have to get her memories erased."


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Chapter 2: I love this ....Keep on reading it!!!

Nice story unnie:)))))))
@UKISSandKISSME : thanks for reading ;) and for being the first one to comment! :DD

@applesrlol : thanks so much for reading! :) your long comment made me realise my mistakes and what I should work on. thankyou~

@mmangooes : thanks, and yeah. i guess i'll write more when i get to :L

@JungNyz902 : thanks for commenting and reading, and of course! I will write more ;)

@NerrNa : haha lool so did i. and thanks for your support ! <3
NerrNa #3
i loved this. wished it was longer...!!! keep fighting!! <3
Waaaaaa. Such a romantic story. Love it.. It is really nice.. Hope u will write more stories.. Keep on fighting...
mmangooes #5
I really like this fanfic you should write more for kiseop since this one was quite short
applesrlol #6
Nice One made me cry. I seriously loved the story and creativeness in it, I just really wanted this to be a little longer, and if the story line was more...explained and clear, this could turn into a real Korean drama! You have done such an amazing job on thinking about how the girl would feel about that boy she loved ^.^ but of course there's always room for improvement. I'll be waiting for another great story like this :)
loved this ㅠㅠ