Not Over You


**One day, you go to a NU'EST concert in Seoul, South Korea, after the concert there is a fan signing in the courtyard. Minhyun gives you a note saying to meet him near the back gate after the crowd clears so he can talk to you. The rest shall be read in the story~~


You (Haneul, 하늘)  

~You are known to be a bit wary about dating because of some things that have happened to you in the past. You are 17 years old and a 3rd year high school student (Senior in American school). You're grades aren't the best, but the music from your favorite group nu'est helps you feel better~


Best Friend (Dayeon, 다연)

~Dayeon has been your best friend for many years. She has a very quirky attitude and is also 17 years old. She quickly develops a crush on Aron at the concert because of his english skill~

Minhyun (민현)

~He is the one member of the group known to be closed off and secretive, and not open to a relationship. But who knows what could happen?~

Ren (랜)

~He is very cute-sy and is closest friends with Minhyun. He calls Minhyun "Eonni" for some odd reason~


~He already knows you and Dayeon from your old elementary school. Now that he's grown up and become a star, there are rumours that he is a bit of a player amongst girls~


~Being the oldest, and supposedly the wisest of the group, he does his best to take care of everyone in the group. But wow~ Dayeon looks pretty cute^^~

Baekho (백호)

~He's also known to be a bit shy, just like you. But maybe for other reasons....there are rumours that he has a crush on someone in the group~ OOOHH ~

[Extras to be added throughout]

**This is my first fan fiction ^^; I hope you like it!~ I'm sorry if it's bad or anything. Just message me for any suggestions!!~~






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I_Love_you4orever #1
Please update author-nim!!!! ❤
I_Love_you4orever #2
Please update author-nim!!!! ❤
I_Love_you4orever #3
Please update author-nim!!!! ❤
I_Love_you4orever #4
Please update author-nim!!!! ❤
I_Love_you4orever #5
Please update author-nim!!!! ❤