
Forever Hidden



L.Joe POV:

I've been abusing Hae Jin's door for the past four hours!

Trust me, it's pretty hard.

My fists were all red and purple and my legs were aching.

But, the stupid door looked as good as a new one.

That's it I'm going home.

I hopped into my car and drive back to my house.

I took a shower to get rid of all the grime and sweat off of me and then sat down on my bed with my head on the headboard. 

What should I do next?

I unconsciously started banging the back of my head against the headboard.




Think, think, think!

I got.... nothing.


Oh great.

Hae Jin seemed to have brushed me of easily.

Like I mean nothing to her.

Was I not really her best friend?

I guess it was only Chunji.

Then again, when was the last time I only hung out with her?

I looked through the pictures on my phone.

We took one selca together everytime we were hanging out.

The last one was from.... a couple months ago...

When was the last time I hung out with Haneul?

I looked at the selca's that Haneul and I took together.

The date was from a week ago.

Wow unbelievable.

I was with my crush more than my best friend.

But that's normal right?

Okay yeah I know it's not.

How could I do that to Hae Jin?

I guess that's what ruined our relationship.

I'm really sorry.


That's why she hates me to death.

I can't blame her.

If I was another person then I would hate me too.

Oh my fudging gosh.

I am never going to be able to be Hae Jin's friend anymore.

I kinda under appreciated her.

When I think about of of the things she has done for me then it's actually overwhelming.

I've been really selfish and stupid.

And that's a fact.

I've only focused on Haneul for the past month, but she was looking at Kris.

I didn't notice that.

Did I like Haneul or love her?

Is there even a difference?

Wow I really need Hae Jin.

She would tell me what to do.

Everyday her words rung throught my ears, "You don't really know me."

I guess that's true.

Chunji knows everything about her like the back of his hand.

I just know the basic stuff now that I think about it.

Her glares and when she flung her wrist out of my grasp also floats around in my head.

Not to mention today's embarrassment.

Hae Jin  dragging me out of her house.


I knew that she was tough, but not that tough!

Why do I even think about her so much.


This is driving me crazy!

Aigoo..... What now?

I'm going to take in some fresh air.

That means that I'm just going to walk around aimlessly around the neighborhood.

I put on my sneakers and a parka.

I walked out the door and saw three pathways, one that goes left, one that goes right, and one that leads straight on.

I decided to take the straight road.

Maybe that would straighten up my feelings.


No? Not funny?

......Okay then.........

Anyways, I started randomly rapping quietly.

Then, I heard someone singing near a willow tree.

I looked behind it to see who owned that voice.

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Chapter 31: Painful ending :( But it's the reality. I so agree with this. Thumbs up!!!
Hi author :D I shall start reading this fic hehe.
Chapter 1: haneul has the same birthday as me!
Mela_Suthriat #4
Chapter 39: im soo happy!!!!! thankyou thank you thank you!!!! <3 im soo glad that it will be L.Joe's point of view!!!! <3
Gigi_L #5
Chapter 2: I feel like I'm HaeJin that is in so much pain.. T_T Ilove the story very much
Chapter 2: I feel like I'm HaeJin that is in so much pain.. T_T Ilove the story very much
Mela_Suthriat #8
Chapter 38: please make a L.Joe's POV about this.
Mela_Suthriat #9
Chapter 38: oh my god!!! my heart is hurting again. i really love this story. please im begging you. make a sequel!!!! im not in aff this past weeks becoz ive got nothing to do.