Chapter 3

Bright Star


In a spacious office at the top of the YG building, Yang Hyun Suk leaned back in his chair.  He rubbed his chin absentmindedly as he watched the playback of the slightly distorted figures in the recording studio on the cctv monitor.  Her style was unique, but she wasn’t being marketed at all.  He thought it was odd, but Americans were odd so he didn’t dwell on it.  This was an opportunity, but he wondered how it would be best played out.  He’d give it another day before asking Teddy how things went.  It was all about timing .. and these days seemed pregnant with possibility.



That night a storm hit the city.  The rain beat against the hotel window furiously, but Noelle hardly noticed.  She leaned over the computer monitor like an addicted gamer drinking in another world.  A tray of half eaten food had been abandoned beside her right hand; the mouse occasionally bumped into it as she reached to click another link.

When she returned to her hotel room that evening after a full day of recording with Teddy she had resolved to get up to date on YG’s artists and their music.  She quickly discovered that she was opening a very small door into a very, VERY big world; a shiny, flashy, eye-candy catching world of gorgeous boys and girls who could sing and dance .. and DANCE .. what the hell!!?? She clicked from link to link in a total drunken addicted stupor, oblivious to time .. the urge to pee .. and everything else for that matter.

And Minzy .. her adorable Kairi .. she could sing like an angel! And it was 2NE1, not twenty-one .. and look at those videos!  And Se7en .. he gave JT a run for his money.  She played Drips over .. and over .. it had to be illegal it was so hot.  Noelle was blown away.  There was something inexplicably attractive about this style the Korean music industry had created.  Maybe it was because she couldn’t understand most of what was being sung, or maybe it was a cultural identity thing; but there was a child-like innocence to it all.  It was attractively refreshing, addictively cute and totally lovable.

She kept clicking.

TVXQ, Superjunior, MBlaq, Rain (wait .. that guy looks familiar), MissA (you dun know me!), 2PM, Tara and Kara?, SS501, JYJ (wait .. they broke up???), Epik High, U-Kiss, SNSD, Shinee (how was it possible for the lyrics “ring ding dong” to be so catchy???), Brown Eyed Girls, and on, and on …. Noelle’s head spun under the deluge of information.

And then .. she’d been putting it off because she felt slightly stalker-ish .. then she started through a series of youtube videos on BIGBANG. Music videos, interviews, variety show appearances, live performances, documentaries, reality type TV shows .. insanity .. craziness ..  she loved every second of it.  G-Dragon, Taeyang, Daesung, Seungri and T.O.P…. Top, top, tabi.

She sighed. 

His name was Choi Seung Hyun.  She wondered how it was pronounced.  Like sanguine maybe? That would be fitting. She leaned back in her chair and took a deep breath; then she leaned forward again and continued.

At 3 a.m. her body gave up.  She fell asleep over the keyboard.



Minzy strained her neck to get a better view.  The American girl and Teddy were huddled around his computer.  She bit her bottom lip and contemplated interrupting.  She wanted to ask the girl if she wanted to have lunch.  Minzy was curious and the girl was seriously interesting.

“What!” the sudden voice sent her flying into the glass door with a loud thump. “… are you doing?”

Top laughed at her.

“Ahh .. you scared me!” Minzy pouted as she rubbed her bruised nose.

Top leaned around her and took in the scene.

“What do you think of her,” he asked.

“She seems nice,” Minzy turned back towards the door to watch with him. “She sure is pretty.  Did you notice her eyes? They’re so blue.”

“Mmm,” he responded.  “Her voice is really good.  The music is nice too, very melodic and surreal.”

“Really?  Ohhh .. I want to hear!” Minzy shifted her weight impatiently.

“What are you guys doing,” a voice approached from behind them.  Minzy ducked her head and drew her shoulders in shyly. 

Top tilted his head towards the group in the studio.  Daesung leaned forward for a peek.

“Is that the American singer?” he asked.  Top nodded before reaching for the door handle.

Left alone in the hallway, Minzy snuck a glance at Daesung from under her bangs.  He was looking down at her and shaking his head.

“Ignoring me again? You never greet me.  I guess I’m just not worthy of mighty Minzy’s notice.”

“Whaa?” Minzy looked up at him in horror. “I’m not ignoring you!”

“Yeah, yeah.  I see how you are.”

Embarrassment raced through Minzy’s body painting her cheeks bright scarlet and making her earlier hesitation to enter the studio disappear.  She ducked in and hid in the back where Daesung couldn’t see her face.  He clucked his tongue behind her and wandered off.


Startled, Minzy looked up blankly and found the blue eyed girl beaming at her.   Though still shaken, it was impossible for her not to return the smile.

The door burst open.

“It’s time .. to .. EAT!” Park Bom announced.

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teddiebears #1
just popping in to older fics to say hi .u.
Chapter 30: I really liked it.
Thanks for a twisted dramatic TOP romance fanfic.
Time to recommend it to someone else.
Chapter 22: Wow! This is more dramatic than I thought it would be.
Chapter 17: Cuuuuuuute! !
This chapter was filled with cute.
Chapter 5: What....just happened???
Chapter 2: Noelle! Noelle!
No you can't do this to me!!!!!
My heart ached so freakin bad.
My toppyT^T

I love to sing and I think I'm pretty good, so reading this made me live that fantasy I always had deep in my heart.
Thank you, that was a beautiful chapter.
I loved the poem. X $
This. Is. Precious.
You're a good writer~ :DDDD
Keep it up! <3
This was so beautiful!