"Wolrd Girl Group [Open For Apply]"


"Headlines! World a new Korean Girl Group made by Mr. JYP himself.

JYP or Jin Young Park wanted a girl group that was unique and different from most and that is World. Mr. JYP has made such groups as 2PM, 2AM or better know as One Day. He also produced Miss A, Rain, JOO, Wonder Girls, and many more.

JYP is known for being a great big family. JYP as the Appa or father as you might say in English while the other groups are his children. Would you like to be part of  Mr. JYP's new multicultural girl group World? If so please fill out our forms in Chapter two and read the rules. Oh and Have Fun!!."

-This has been reporter Kyumin 


Chapter One: The Rules

Chpater Two: How to Apply


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Waahhh can i join ? Its interesting ^^
ilabya41 #2