Chapter 9

Key and I

These past two days have been extremely boring. Key and the rest of SHINee have been super busy, so they rarely get to come see me. Grace is busy looking for an apartment and taking care of EunMi and DaeHyun while Key's busy. And mine and Grace's parents went home two days ago. The only time I get to see Key is for 15 minutes in the morning, if I'm lucky. I guess that's what I get for falling in love with a famous singer. 

Among my boredom, I have rediscovered my love of crocheting. When I was in third grade, my grandma taught me how to knit and crochet like she did with my older cousin. I would spend most of my time doing one of those, especially if I didn't have any school work. I was always better than crocheting than knitting, because I could control what I was doing better. Anyways, I taught Grace how to crochet and knit also because she thought it was cool. She was never good with knitting, no matter how much I tried teaching her. By eighth grade, though, I stopped because I thought it was "uncool" and because I didn't have anytime with all the schoolwork I had. 

After very little convincing, I got Grace to bring me a crochet hook and four balls of yarn. I decided to make two baby blankets. A blue one and a pink one (you can probably guess who's is who's.) DaeHyun's is already half done and I started it yesterday; that's how much time I have. 

"Hey, Susanne!"

"Sooyoung! It's nice to see you! How have you been?" I smiled and put down the blanket. 

"Great! I figured Key was super busy and you'd be lonely, so I thought I'd stop by. I made these cookies. They're chocolate chip." 

"Thank you! That's so sweet of you!" I smiled. 

"Can I ask you something?"


"Do you think, that even after you leave we could still stay in touch? My mom passed away when I was 9 after giving birth to my brother. I don't have any aunts or older sisters. I miss having an older female in my life."

"Of course! That's really sad that you lost your mom at such a young age." I paused for a moment. "But you have to promise me something." 


"You can't tell anyone where Key and I live. We'd never get any peace from fan girls." 

"I promise I won't!  Speaking of your house, how are your babies?"

"Theyre great." Grace walked in, pushing them in their stroller. "I thought you'd like company, but I guess you already have some." Grace smiled and looked at Sooyoung. "Hi. I'm Grace. Susanne's friend since we were 5."

"I'm Sooyoung. My brother is in the room next door." She looked over at the twins. "Oh my goodness. They're adorable! She looks just like You and he looks like Key!"

Grace, Sooyoung and I talked for the next hour while playing with the twins. 

"I gotta go. My dad just texted me. I had a nice time talking to you two. And thank you again Susanne." 

Just as Sooyoung was walking out, another girl walked in. 

"MinJung," I gasped, with fear in my voice. 



heyy! Here's another chapter for you guys! 

Its 11:15 pm and I'm watching the 3rd Harry Potter movie and I'm like "this movie is two hours long....I can't still for that long...OOH I'll write another chapter!" 

Anywho, I hope you liked it. (Sorry for the cliffhanger...) 

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have to be up at 5 in the morning because I have to be at school early. I'd get it up tonight otherwise. Thanks for being patient, and thanks for reading.


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Chapter 30: Update soon plz
Hi there!!! :D
I'm your new subbie!!
I notice how really interesting this is but can I make a suggestion? I think you should put more tags in your story just so people are able to find it. I hate to see a good story go to waste. :)
Chapter 25: "GDragon is upstairs screaming with Key in bed." LOL I can't believe Taemin didn't freak out when hearing that! Maybe it's a normal thing that happens? haha jk :D
Hope you feel better soon!
I can't wait until the next chapter :)
Chapter 24: Great chapter, ShineeandSJ! I really like your story.... >:3 You know, saying I'm not going to make any chapters makes me want to. XD
I'm anxiously waiting for next Tuesday....
>:3 Ruby is amazing. Just saying. She's so cool. And awesome. Did I mention awesome? All of yall better love Ruby. Shes so cool.
Yup. Loving the story. Text me when you update please.... :3
I love any story with key in it ... update soon!!!
hellobabyjulia #7
why dont u have more subscribers?! this look so good ^^
KeysLove4ever #8
Chapter 14: Best story ever !!!!!! I really wish I was part of this ! I so jealous T-T
Update soon
Chapter 1: CUTE NAMES! :D I will definitely read more of your story soon... after my homework... ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 고마워요!
Chapter 12: Please update soon !!