Chapter 11

Key and I

Susanne POV

I can hardly feel either of my legs from all the pain medication I've been given. The doctor said that if I hadn't of already been in the hospital, 15 minutes after getting my leg stabbed, I could have died from the amount of blood I had lost. 

"Get some rest, baby. You really need it. You've worked all day and after what just happened, you're surely exhausted." I said to Key who was sitting in the chair next to me, staring off into another world. He didn't move. "Key...? Key?" I poked him. "Kim Kibum!" 


"Go to sleep. You need sleep. It's almost 2 am." I said. 

"I'm going to stay awake and make sure no more lunatics come after you." He sighed. "I don't have a schedule tomorrow anyways."

"You've been awake since 4:30 am though. That's 22 1/2 hours without any rest."

"Fine. I'll take a short nap." My phone rang. "After you answer your phone." 

"Ok. Fine. But if you don't sleep, I'll be sad." I pouted before answering my phone. 

"Hey Susanne. It's Bekka."

"BEKKA?! Hi! How are you? I've missed you."

"I've been good. I've missed you too. Crystal, Amber and Brandon have missed you also. They keep asking when they get to see Aunt Susanne again." 

"I've missed them too. So what'd you call for at 2 am?"

"Oh darn. I forgot about the time difference. I'm actually getting ready to get on a plane with Shawn and our kids to see you." 

"REALLY?! That's awesome!!" I looked over at Key. "Key, Rebekka's coming to see us with her husband and kids. I'm so excited!"

"Key's awake?"

"I should probably tell you the events of the past few days. You heard I got hit by a car, right?" 

"Yeah. You were in a coma. I heard you were awake and ok now. What happened?"

"An hour ago, Key's crazy ex stabbed me in the leg. I'm ok, besides the fact that I can't feel my legs due to the pain medication." 

"Who else know about this? Does daddy know? Does your mom know?"



"No....... I will later though. You don't tell them. I'll tell them after I get some more rest." 

"Ok. Fine. But if they don't know by the time we get to Korea, I will tell them."

"Ok unni."


"It's what girls call their older sisters or close friends that are older." 

"Oh. Is Grace still in Korea? Do you think she can help us get around using her Korean and pick us up?" 

"You still don't know any Korean? None? At all? And you're going here? To where my Korean speaking husband and friends are? Wow. But yea, she probably can, depending on when you get here. If not.........good luck getting around." 

"Isn't Key fluent in English?" 

"Yes. That's not the point though. He's also fluent in Japanese. So am I." I paused. "I'm also fluent in French, Chinese, and Spanish. But you already knew that. What were we talking about? Oh yeah. What time are you going to arrive at?"

"In 15 hours, so.... Around 5 pm, your time." 

"Ok. I'll call Grace later and I'll tell you what she says." 

"Ok. Talk to you later. And make sure to tell your parents what happened."

"ok. Bye." I hung up. 

I looked over at Key who has fallen asleep with his head resting on his arm against my bed. 

"Aww. So cute!" I whispered. 

"What? Who's cute? Where's the fire?" Key shot up. 

"I said you're cute while sleeping. And who said anything about a fire..?"

"I must've been dreaming. When's your sister getting here?" 

"Around 5 this evening is what she said. Lets go to sleep. You look exhausted sweetie." 


so, about the knife in the leg part, I'm not a doctor, or nurse, or any type of medical field worker person, so that is probably not true. I just made something up. I, being the lazy person I am, didn't bother researching. XD

this is a boring and short chapter, I know. Blah blah blah. It seems like I say that every chapter. *sigh* I need inspiration and creativity. I think I'm going to ask Santa for creativity and imagination for Christmas. Haha

Ive started counting down the days until Christmas and my birthday and the Christmas parade I have to march in (15 days and we haven't even practiced the song twice). You probably don't care about any of this. 

Thank you for reading and putting up with my random ranting about who knows what. :D

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have to be up at 5 in the morning because I have to be at school early. I'd get it up tonight otherwise. Thanks for being patient, and thanks for reading.


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Chapter 30: Update soon plz
Hi there!!! :D
I'm your new subbie!!
I notice how really interesting this is but can I make a suggestion? I think you should put more tags in your story just so people are able to find it. I hate to see a good story go to waste. :)
Chapter 25: "GDragon is upstairs screaming with Key in bed." LOL I can't believe Taemin didn't freak out when hearing that! Maybe it's a normal thing that happens? haha jk :D
Hope you feel better soon!
I can't wait until the next chapter :)
Chapter 24: Great chapter, ShineeandSJ! I really like your story.... >:3 You know, saying I'm not going to make any chapters makes me want to. XD
I'm anxiously waiting for next Tuesday....
>:3 Ruby is amazing. Just saying. She's so cool. And awesome. Did I mention awesome? All of yall better love Ruby. Shes so cool.
Yup. Loving the story. Text me when you update please.... :3
I love any story with key in it ... update soon!!!
hellobabyjulia #7
why dont u have more subscribers?! this look so good ^^
KeysLove4ever #8
Chapter 14: Best story ever !!!!!! I really wish I was part of this ! I so jealous T-T
Update soon
Chapter 1: CUTE NAMES! :D I will definitely read more of your story soon... after my homework... ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 고마워요!
Chapter 12: Please update soon !!