Why not?

My One Night Inspiration


"you're right...i don't know EVERY thing about you...but does that matter? is that what your heart is telling you?" I asked her as i simply her hair carefully.
she sighed. "i don't know. it feels so wrong. i just can't." she sat up and turned away from me. "i feel like if i do this, i wont ever see you again."
i got behind her and laid my head on her shoulder, "but what if you don't do this, and never see me. don't you think you'll regret it?"
She looked at me for a while and took a deep breath "okay, i'll be your one night inspiration..." she said and leaned in to kiss me,
i kissed her back using my tounge to explore her entire mouth, she pulled away from the kiss, "i-i i can't" she whispered looking down.
ughh this little...i got up and lit up a candle "what do you want? romance? like a room full of lit candles?" i asked her lighting a few more.
"You-You had candles?" she asked looking at me light the candles.
"yeah~" i said going back and standing in frount of her.
"Even with that i can't do it" she said looking back down,
i don't know why but i felt angry that she turned down my offer so i pounded my fist against the bed and ploping myself next to her.
The bed was wobbly and unstable. "be careful.." she said softly, trying not to look at me.
"You know what?" i said trying to get her on my side, "i understand, i've been in alot of trouble these days and you could ruin my whole image, its okay, i just wanted to repay you for getting me back on my feet." i said patting her shoulder.
She looked up at me, i was expecting a look of simpaty but she looked scared...scared? of what?

Molly's POV

this offer was way too much i'm glad he understood, he was emotionally un-stable and i'm guessing this was part of his depressing state....
but whoa, i smelled something un-usual, something burning....i looked up and saw flames behind GD making him look very seductive,
wait, i blinked, Noo This wasn't my imagination, "G-G-GD~!!! YOU" i yelled at him waving my arms around like an idiot,
he looked un-amused "yaahh~ if your angry with me you don't have to yell" he said.
"NO NO NO MY MY MY APART" I yelled getting up and running to the fire
He causally turned around and saw the flames, then the color from his face drained.
I began to throw water on it and stomp on it like and idot as he stared at it like an idiot.
but it only got bigger.....
"Oppa~!!!!" i screamed stomping on it as it got bigger,
he blinked his eyes and ran to grab my arm, "No, just leave it, i can't let anyone know i was here~!!" he pulled me to a fire escape as the fire alarm bell rang
"GD~!! what are you doing?!?" i said pushing him away "i have no where to go!!" 

he just ignored me and flung me over his shoulder and started running as fire fighters, news reporters and police pulled up to the building.
He ran to a bus stop and jumped in pulling me with him


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MY FEEEEELSSS!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Yuna_Nuna #2
Chapter 14: Yaaaaaay you're back! <3muuuah<3
Yuna_Nuna #3
I read your chapters again. Ugh it's such a great story! Please come back to us!
Hmmm this Cho Shon sounds amazing. :D ♥
Awww Dae Y yuh no notice? :/
Omo Seungri.... .-.,,,
Chapter 10: I will <3
Chapter 10: update!!! XDD ♥
omo omo omo!!!! I love it! ♥
Don't worry i was planing and shizz
... Update... Q~Q