Chapter 1

Oh my friend


Jiyong sighed as he walked down the stairs to his kitchen. Why was his mom listening to the radio, it played ty pop music. He put his hand into his pocket and got a firm hold of his iPod. He quickly unravelled the earphones and placed them comfortably in his ears.
A smile crept up on his face as the good old, familiar tunes of Queen flowed perfectly inside his head. He opened the fridge and took out a juice carton which had “THIS IS JIYONG’S JUICE, DO NOT TOUCH.” written all over it. He opened the cap and took a big gulp. He put it back and turned around to look at the watch. 7.45
“” he ran over to the door and quickly pulled his shoes on and turned to the door. On it, there was a note.
Jiyong, I’m not going to be able to come home early enough for dinner today. Make something for yourself and I’ll be home at 10PM. Love mom.

Jiyong threw the note on the floor and opened the door, closing it after himself. He locked it and ran down the two steps, running down the block. He was going to be late, he knew it.
As he had been running for five minutes he heard a car slowing down next to him.

“I knew it, you’re so slow in the mornings.” Seungri, one of his best friends, said. Jiyong slowed down and shot a friendly smile.
“Get in”
“Thanks, man. You know me too well. If you get to learn more about me I will probably have to kill you.” Jiyong joked as he got in the passenger seat in Seungri’s old, and very ugly Chevy.
Seungri’s loud laugh made his whole body convulse. This laugh was something that Jiyong treasured in life. Seungri had been his friend since he could remember, and he didn’t want that to change.
“Guess what I did last night? Or maybe I should say who.” Seungri said and smirked.
“You’re joking. It better have been Sarah.” Jiyong said and smacked Seungri, the famous ladies man, on the shoulder.
“Nope. Karen McVeigh.” A triumphant smile was plastered on his face. Jiyong could feel the shocked expression he had on.
“You’re not serious, Ri. You’ve been wanting to get with her for what, like 4 years?!” Seungri nodded, silently agreeing, never letting his smile fade.
“But still, I thought you and Sarah were like a thing now?”
“Yeah, I don’t think so. I’m too good to let just one girl have me.”
“Sure, sure” Jiyong said and looked out the window. It was a sunny day, like all other days in Cali.”
In about another two minutes they were parking the car at the school’s parkinglot.
“Hey, my mom’s not home for dinner so we can play in my garage tonight” Jiyong said as he climbed out of the car, careful not to scratch the car next to Seungri’s.
“Sure sounds good. We should get pizza and pig out.” He said and locked his car
Jiyong nodded and the two boys walked together to their first class that day, biology.
In another part of the school a new student, Choi Seunghyun, was walking slowly, looking for the teachers lounge. He was looking for someone to ask where this F13-classroom was. This school was very confusing.
E4, E5… F should be close to here right.
A little bit down the hall he noticed two boys, asian(and truth be told he though they looked Korean, like himself) walking his way. He geared up on courage and when they were about three feet away he spoke up.
“Uhm, excuse me?” he waved a little, an awkward wave.
“Yeah, what’s up?” one of the boys said.
He had pinkish blonde hair with dark roots, styled messily. His face was pale, had a pair of pretty small eyes and plump pink lips. Seunghyun found him attractive. The other boy was a little bit taller and had short black hair and was handsome but looked like he could use some sleep.
“I’m new to this school and wondering where classroom F13 is? Could you tell me?”
“Oh, you’re having biology first period? We’re going there too, come with us” the taller boy said and patted Seunghyun’s shoulder. He followed the boys as they changed names. Turns out the taller boy’s name is Seungri and that the other one’s Jiyong.
“I though you guys looked Korean, are you born over there or here?”
“Nah I’m born here but Seungri moved here when he was two.” Jiyong said and smiled and Seunghyun thought he had never seen such a pretty smile.
“Actually we’re in a band and all the members are born Koreans.” Seungri said and laughed a little. Seunghyun smiled and told the two boys that he also played an instrument.

“Oh really? What instrument do you play?” Jiyong asked.
“Bass” Seunghyun answered and shot the boy a smile, hoping he wasn’t too obvious.
“Oh that’s cool. I’m the singer and Seungri here is our trustworthy guitarist.” Jiyong said as they entered the classroom.
Their teacher’s name was Mr Collins and he was one of a kind. He was tall and skinny, had hair that resembled Jesus and a pair of circular glasses on. His clothes were… Teacher-y.
“Oh that’s right.” The teacher fumbled with a pile of papers. “Here you go… Se-Seunghyun?” he mispronounced it a little bit but Seunghyun didn’t correct him, he was probably going to mess up all other times too.
“Yeah, thanks. Where should I sit?” the boy asked and was hoping for the seat behind Jiyong and Seungri as it seemed like they hit off quite well.
“Sit wherever you like.” Mr Collins said and started scribbling stuff in a notebook.
Seunghyun decided to sit behind the two boys and the class went well. They turned back and spoke to him multiple times.
Next class was going to be gym, which neither Seungri or Jiyong had with him, which was bad. In the changing room he catched the eye of another asian kid with dark brown hair.
“Hey! I saw you speaking to Ji and Seungri before. You new here?” he asked and smiled so much that his eyes almost disappeared.
“Yeah, I’m Seunghyun by the way.” He introduced himself and smiled back.
“Oh cool, so you’re Korean too. I’m Daesung.” He held out his hand and Seunghyun shook it.
“Is this school really segregated or what’s the deal?” he half-joked
“No it’s just that we’re childhood friends. I have friends who aren’t asian” he smiled once again. His smile was really friendly.
They went into the gym together and talked while they were working out.
“Hey you want to sit with us at lunch? Then you’ll get to meet Taeyang too.” Daesung said as he took his shirt off, back in the changing room. He was really fit, but Seunghyun didn’t find him attractive that way. Jiyong was the only one in this school that was attractive in that way, yet to be seen at least.
“Sure, I prefer that over sitting alone looking like a total loser anyways.” Seunghyun smiled.
People are really nice here, he thought. He was going to like this school.


I'm sorry if this is awkward and yeah but this is so different from what I normally write. I'm used to write short and angsty fics. HAHA im sorry


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Chapter 1: Hello just wanted to know if you abandoned this doc or not& wish you an Happy New year! !!
annakaoya #2
please update soon ~
nightempress #3
I'm a firm believer of love at first sight and I'm so loving it!!
Please update soon!! Can I make a request??? I'd love to see Seunghyun play the bass while GD sings. How cool is that???
lololol oh seunghyun ofc u will like this school
bigbeast #5
OMG High school au ^_^ it seems really interesting i hope you write more, ill be waiting !!
HIGH SCHOOL AUs I love these kinds of fics. LOL at the comment about the school being segregated. 8P Just reminds of my high school days too. *sigh* *nostalgic*
waa!! Update soon! soon! Soon! hahaha please! u.u
oh god daesung's eyes disappearing and ____!gri omg
Seungri looked like he needed sleep because he was bi-ZAY
I'm excited to read more! ^-^
oh god daesung's eyes disappearing and ____!gri omg
Seungri looked like he needed sleep because he was bi-ZAY
I'm excited to read more! ^-^
always luv ur fics opap update soon kudasai