status –– ★ –– teaser

earcandy✿「apply open 」

Check if your name is here or not. If your name is not here, do inform me.

Lee Sorin ★vvmykki223  
Lee Haemi ★ DreamsUnlimited
Lee Kyojin ★MaknaeChen
Jang Hyeseul ★ Beautifulove
Nam Jieun ★ ahjumeonni
Lee Eunbin ★  LadyRed
Kim Sujin ★  Yeonju
Jung Kisa ★  jungkisa_
Park Rima ★  blurryvisioned
Jae Isabella Lee ★  Kangjaelin
Kang Suri ★  TheUnicorn
Kim Seorin  ★ AigooKeyandTaemin
Choi Joori  ★ –xbubibu
Oh Daemi  ★ 2hjloverashli
Kim Sungyoo  ★  SecretBigBang_
Jung Sehyun  ★  SNJaholic





Seulmi groaned in frustration as the instructor clapped his hands, signaling them to stand up. She has no choice but to stand up although she has no mood and tired. She dusted her pants and tells herself just to bear with it.

Before their dance routine began, the instructor phone rang. At that moment, Seulmi swore she saw the instructor’s face turned red. While he was cursing under his breath, the others began to snicker and giggle.

Usually, Seulmi would join them but she’s too tired to laugh. Everybody knows the main rule. Turn off all the phones when it’s dance routine. It turns out that the instructor himself doesn’t turn off his phone.

The routine ended just like that after the instructor told them that he’ll be leaving due to his busy schedule.

Tired and all sweaty, Seulmi forced herself to stand up and headed towards outside of the building.

“Ouch.” Seulmi hissed as a red headed girl “purposely” bumped onto her. Seulmi knew Aejoo hates her guts. Lately, Aejoo has been trying to make Seulmi’s life more miserable.

“Oops, I’m sorry. Did I hurt you?” Aejoo asked in a fake concerned voice while her friends giggled behind her. As much as Seulmi wants to punch her in the face, Seulmi decided to just forget it. Aejoo isn’t going to bring her down.

“I’m fine. Now, can you please go away?”

“Tsk. Always thinks she’s the best.” Aejoo scoffed, “Let’s go girls. I heard the new noraebang is open today.”

“Stuck-up idiot.” Seulmi muttered under her breath when Aejoo was no longer to be seen. Seulmi sighed again for the umpteenth time of the day as she spun around, looking for her mother’s car.

“Excuse me.” A voice said.

Seulmi turned around, to find a handsome young man smiling at her. Seulmi looked behind her and sure, there was nobody. Could this guy probably want to talk to her? What kind of guy wants to talk with Ham Seulmi anyway? Seulmi has never talk to any guys before.

“H-Hello.” Seulmi said as she bowed her head a little. “Are you… talking to me?” Seulmi asked, pointing to herself.

With a charming smile, the man nodded at her. “Yes. Do you know anybody named Song Aejoo?”

Seulmi’s face immediately fell as Aejoo’s name was mentioned. “Yes I know her and no, I don’t know where she is right now. Also, I’m not her friend.” Seulmi replied as she turned around, not wanting to face the man. She have much more things to do than talking to a man who is searching for Aejoo.

He pursed his lips as he put his hands in his pockets. “Aish. I heard she is the best dancer here.”

Seulmi’s eyes twitched. Turning around to the man, with hands on her hip, she immediately said, “Ugh! No way! Only blind people see her as the best dancer. She can’t even do split.”

“You… are you jealous?” The man asked and immediately said, “I mean, it seems like you don’t like it when I mentioned she’s the best dancer,” as Seulmi glared at him. If looks could kill, the man could be dead by now.

“To be honest, I think I’m much better than her. I just don’t like it when people stare at me while I’m dancing, my level of confidence will drop.” The man nodded as he listened to Seulmi’s rambling. “I’m quite good, it’s just that I lack of confidence. That’s what my mother said. I don’t know why Aejoo always manages to get an A+. I bet she gave the instructor money or something. I just don’t get it.”

The man let out a small laugh as he shook his head. “Aigoo, girl. You’re a self-praiser, aren’t you? Well okay now, I was actually planning to take Song Aejoo as a trainee but since you claimed you’re better than her, I might as well just take you instead.”


“The question is, do you want to be a trainee under Scribbles Entertainment or not?”

“What’s a Scribbles Entertainment? I’ve never heard of it before.”

“It’s a new entertainment. So… do you want or not?”

Seulmi paused for a while and regretted praising her own self in front of a stranger. It would be an epic fail if she actually screwed up her dancing when he decided to test her. It took her a while to answer him and he was already raising his eyebrow as he waiting for her answer.

“Well… okay. I’ll try.”

“You will only be accepted if your dancing skills are like what we’re searching for. Are you sure you want to be a trainee under our entertainment?”

The tone in his voice shows that he was challenging her. Even his face shows it. Seulmi loves challenges and proving people wrong, and so she decided that…

“Yes. I’m sure.”


–– ––


So here you go! First teaser and the status list. I notice most of your surnames are 'Lee', haha l0l. I hope you guys like it. I was shock when I got quite a lot of amount applicants but it's okay. I enjoy reading all of your applications. I'm thinking of changing the layout to the color soft pink or peach. Is it okay? haha. さようなら!

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[EARCANDY] I need a lead dancer and also main visual.


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Seulmi sounds scary to me... in a way x)
i made it for 3-4 hours xD
lol. i hope you will like kim seorin c:
hwaiting! ^^d
oh~ I wouldn't mind being a visual. ; 3 ;
:D I can be main visual too if you want :)
Just add stuff onto mine :D I'm fine with it!
i'll be applying soon! do wait for me. c:
Hwaiting Seulmi, you can do it ^^ She's not your character? OvO Hur hur. I dont like Aejoo :[
Anyway, here's my appie
ouo thought Seulmi ish chur character? XD
I have exams too :'D