Part 6

A Lovely Mixup

Wont be on much >.< my dad shut off the internet, i will continue to write my fanfic and publish when possible. ________________________________________________________________________________________

Minho’s POV

Minho turned to the left slowly and walked down the dim lit hallway back to the elevator. Ding the doors opened and he stepped on, pushing the button to go down to the lobby. The walls that lined the elevator were reflective; he looked at his reflection and took a deep breath.

“Oh .”


Nova’s POV

“What the…..awkwarddddd” she closed the door behind her.

Nova shuffled through the cabinet and found an empty jar; she filled it with water and put the fresh, red rose in it.


Jonghyun’s POV

Still in Singapore, Jonghyun sat on his bed looking out the huge window leading out to a nice view of the ocean. He took out his phone to see if he had any text from Nova. The inbox was empty.

“Oh...Why hasn’t she been texting me back?” he asked himself.

“I don’t want her to be mad, what happened just happened, it was a mistake. I just wanna talk to her and see how shes doing. Man I miss her, yeah I know we don’t really know each other but there’s this feeling that’s just different. I wanna be with her, no matter what.If she wont text me then ill just send her something else. I got it! She doesn’t like roses…ill get her chocolates!” he thought to himself.

He went through his contacts in his phone and when it came to Minho’s name he got ready to send another text message.

Hey, one more favor. Can u get a box of chocolates?
Take it to the same place.

Thanks bro.

Taemin and Key peaked around the corner. They tiptoed to the bed and jumped on it, scaring Jonghyun.

“BOO!” Key screamed.

“GAHHHHH!” Jonghyun jumped with fright.

“Haha you so just jumped” Taemin said while giggling.

“Uhmmm.. no I didn’t, I wasn’t scared at all..Psh!” Jonghyun defended himself.

“Hehe sureeee,so whatcha got there?” Key questioned, taking Jonghyun’s phone.

“Hey!” Jonghyun tried to get his phone back.

“Ooooo chocolates,eh? For who?” Key smiled.

“Is it a girl!?” Taemin squealed.

“Give me that back” Jonghyun took the phone out Key’s hands.

Onew walked in.

“Foods here!” he yelled.

Taemin and Key rushed out of the room, struggling to get out of the doors. Jonghyun sighed and then got up to join everyone in the living room area with the food.

Nova’s POV

Surfing through the channels on the TV, Nova paused to her phone vibrating. It was a text from Jonghyun. She glanced at it and closed her phone.

“I can’t talk to him, not after what happened” she said to herself.

She put the phone back on the table and continued to go through the TV channels. Knock knock It was the door. Nova got up and opened the door.

“Hi, sorry to bother you again but I was to give you this” Minho said while standing there, blank face.

“Ahh thank you...” Nova said while taking the box from Minho.

“..Bye” Minho bowed and started to walk away.

“Hey! Who is this from again?” Nova asked.

“Jonghyun..” Minho replied, turning back to Nova.

“Oh so are you his delivery boy or something?” Nova asked with a smirk.

Minho looked hesitant and scratched his head. He looked at the floor and then back to Nova. Her beauty was hard to look at without staring.

“No I’m not actually..I’m like his brother, call me Minho” Minho smiled a bit.

“Ohhh I see, hi Minho” Nova replied. “Well thanks” she smiled.

Minho’s POV

Minho stood there as Nova said bye and closed her door slightly. Minho didn’t want to leave though; he had to come up with some way to just spend a bit of time with her. He had to think quick before she closed the door.

“Wait..May I use your bathroom please?” He asked quickly.

“Uhm yea sure totally” Nova opened the door and let him in. “It’s to the left”

He walked in the door and to the left to the bathroom, closing the door. He didn’t have to use the bathroom; it was a part of his plan. He looked into the mirror and started to think to himself.

“Why is Jonghyun making me send all of this stuff? Eh maybe it’s just a fan or something. Hmmm my hands are getting sweaty; I need a splash of water.”

He took off his ring and set it on the marble counter. He splashed his face with some cold water and rinsed his hands off. He took the towel and dried his face.

“Ahh better”

He walked out and looked around the corner to see Nova sitting at the table with the box, opened. She noticed him and stood up.

“Oh! Well thanks for dropping this by, I appreciate it” Nova smiled and showed Minho to the door.

“No problem, bye” He smiled as he left.

He got on the elevator and headed to the lobby.

Nova’s POV

She closed the door.

“He’s nice, going around delivering things for his brother” She smiled.

She walked into the bathroom and switched the light on. She looked in the mirror and got stuff ready to take a nice shower. She set her towel on the counter and noticed a ring. The ring was silver with words printed on the side of it, Love is powerful.

“How’d this get here….Oh! This must be Minho’s!”

She rushed out of the room, getting on the elevator hoping to reach Minho before he left. She went into the lobby and Minho was walking out of the double doors.

“Minho! Your ring!!” she yelled out while running across the marbled floors.

Minho kept walking. Nova ran outside, the cold air hitting her warm pale skin.  

“Minho!” she yelled again

He kept walking and she kept running. He came to a stop and paused, Nova still running after him. She came closer and Minho suddenly turned around, Nova smashing into him. He took hold of her and pressed his smooth lips against hers. Nova’s eyes got huge. He let go of her, his ring in the palm of his hands.

“Thanks” Minho winked and walked away into the night.

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teddiebears #1
just popping in to some older fics to say hi .u.
KimSasaeng #2
seems interesting
Chapter 6: You're not going to continue?
Marshmallow_Bunny #4
yahhh!!! late comment! :( eh? minho AND jonghyun!!!! :) updte soon :)
hey~ I finally read this update~~ AND I LOVE IT!! gahh Nova is so lucky.. JongHyun AND Minho O_O
rockabyebaby #6
woohooooo update!!!! and i guess jjong should stop sending minho over to nova's cuz the whole leaving the ring behind was on purpose!!!! lol... he wanted a reason to see her again... awww soooo cute~ damn i like minho taking the intiative... it's so hot.. im minho biased.. if u couldn't tell... haha~ and omg the last part when he ignored her, such a tease, and then he kissed her! omg awesome! lol ok cant wait for an update.. and no worries dear we understand about connection problems... just dont forget us! hehe
NicoleCLove1 #7
damn! minho's bold! lol update when you can please :D
whoa! minho, you tease!<br />
lol. xD<br />
update when you can, okay? :P
rafithecool #9
...OH WUT?! Wow, Minho, waylt?! LOL i hope you get back on the internet soon & update!
rafithecool #10
Wahh, oh man. Minho, Minho~ I wonder what's gonna happen next XD XD XD