
The Art....(Heebum the cat)


I was born in a box outside the walls of a red-bricked building, along with my siblings and mother. It was a big enough box for all of us, we had some kind of padding underneath us, and mother had a bowl of water next to her head, but it started to get smaller as the days progressed. Every so often, I felt that my mother would leave us by ourselves only to come back when we started to call for her. I guess she left because she couldn’t handle us all the time, or maybe she was getting food. Either way, there was not much we could do.

As the days passed, we slowly started to open our eyes and our sounds started accumulating. Not to brag or anything, but I was the first one who opened my eyes. I didn’t see much besides my siblings and a blank wall. Sometimes I did look up and I saw things go across, I didn’t know what they were, but I wanted to go too. Every once in a while, there would be a creature I didn’t know, and they would look at us, make some kind of weird sound, ‘Aw~ how cute!’ or ‘mommy, can we get one?’ sometimes even ‘ugh, stupid cats’. I could figure what some meant by the tone of their voices or the expression on their faces.

Then, one day, when our mother wasn’t with us, another human appeared, looked inside this box, gasped and picked up the whole box. Almost running, making us bounce up and down, inside the gates and into the building. I was scared, mother wasn’t with us, and we didn’t know what was happening to us.

This human turned at one point and made us be practically thrown across the box. My siblings started calling out for our mother, but of course, I knew it was useless. We were now in the hands of some human, and I had a feeling that we were never going to see our mother again.

The human set us down, and talked to other humans, it sounded like it was giving instructions or something. Then, a hand reached in and grabbed one of my siblings. I had to do something, so I started clawing at the hand. I managed to make a scratch and immediately, the hand dropped my sibling, and retracted.

“HEY!! Kitten, we are trying to help you! God knows how long you’ve been out there without your mom. Least you can do is not scratch or bite.” They turned and yelled a bit louder. “Hey, I think I might need a little help getting the kittens out of the box. This one might try and attack if I try again.” Almost immediately I heard footsteps coming closer, I backed away from the sounds and started hissing. I puffed up my fur and raised my tail, arching my back as well. I glared at them but it didn’t seem to make any effect.

Multiple hands shot into the box and grabbed my siblings. I tried to get to them, but it was no use. Before I knew it, they were all gone, leaving me alone. I sat dejectedly in the corner. My eyes looking at the empty space around me, where my siblings and mother once laid. I couldn’t believe that not too long ago, we were all together.

A hand blocked the light, I looked up, but didn’t move at all. I didn’t care anymore. We were separated and we weren’t going to see our mother anymore. If only I could talk to these humans and tell them what our situation was. I’d like to do that, along with actual hands and thumbs.  The hand grabbed me, and tucked me into the chest of the person carrying me.

I looked up at him and made a small sound, ‘I give up, do whatever you want with us. I can’t keep us together anymore.’ They put me on some surface and I laid down on my side, defeated. I picked my head up and looked for my siblings. The humans were moving about, blocking my line of sight. I gave that up and closed my eyes, letting the exhaustion take over me.


REEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLYYYYYYYY short update............................sorry about that :/ next chapter i will try to make it longer and hopefully get it at a faster pace......this probably wasn't what you thought it was going to be like......

i'll try........... but it's kind of hard when no one says anything about the stories......any of my stories... no one comments :/ i get no inspiration when people don't comment.........oh well

until next time,


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Aki_Hikari #1
Chapter 2: Sad past of Heebum ;(
It hurt to 'know' what cats feels in moemnts like this...