Chapter 1

Chrome Heart

“Hey Takeru, wake up! You're going to be late if you don't get up. And I know you have a test today.”
“Unh...” A young blonde groaned from his bed. After that last warning he threw his blanket off and reluctantly got up.


* * *

“Oi Takeru! Wait up!” A tall raven haired man called out. When Takeru turned, he waved to Tora who was followed by Nao and Yuji. All four had been instant friends when they met at the opening ceremony for all college freshman. “You barely made it in time. What took you so long?”
“Didn't want to get up, I was up until 3am working on a new design.” Takeru stretched his arms over his head as the four walked together down the hall. “Why do we have to take tests anyway? Making a new design should be more than enough to pass.”
“Takeru, it was a math test. Designing clothes and math are completely different things!” Nao said with a slight tone of laughter in his tone.
“He's right you know. Besides, we all had to take the test.”
“I agree with Takeru. I won’t ever use math when I'm playing music, there's no point.”
“They've still gotta test to make sure you can count Yuji! You use that for music all the time!” Tora teased as he laughed. Everyone chuckled at that comment. “And if they tested you on your designs only Takeru, you'd be passing everything with 300%. Your designs are brilliant. It comes naturally to you.”
“Mmmmm.......” Takeru nodded his head, but trailed off in thought. It didn't come all that naturally. He had to push himself hard to come up with designs. They had to be he could get him back.


* * *

In the beginning of Takeru's 3rd year of high school, he started dating his first boyfriend, Saga. They both had an interest in fashion which sparked their fast friendship. Takeru had known for years that he fancied boys. Saga however wasn't sure. But Takeru worked up his courage to confess his feeling and force a fast peck on Saga's lips. Takeru was so nervous not knowing what his reaction would be. Almost seconds after, heat flowed throughout Takeru as Saga had answered with an awkward kiss of his own. His lips lingering on Takeru's for what seemed like an hour. Of course neither of them had any experience in this. Saga had dated some girls previously, but this was a wild new sensation. At the time Takeru thought his heart would explode from the excitement and joy. That was how they began, enjoying the love of their youth. Takeru thought they were perfect for eachother. Saga would model the clothes Takeru made, which always made them the center of attention with their classmates. Everything was perfect, until their graduation day came.
After the official ceremony, everyone went out to karaoke to celebrate. Once the party had ended, Saga and Takeru walked together hand in hand. Saga took the usual path to Takeru's place that cut through a park. Also as usual, they stopped at a hidden park bench. Saga was always the one to reach over and pull Takeru into an impatient kiss, Instantly plunging his tongue into Takeru's mouth. With no resistance, Takeru parted his lips to allow saga entry taking full joy in the hot, wet kisses he had come to crave so much. Always the first to break away gasping for air, the blonde left Saga no choice but to start exploring other areas. However, this night was different. After breaking away, Saga hung his head down panting.
“What's wrong?” Takeru asked still dizzy from the kiss.
“I.... have something important to talk to you about.”
“Go ahead, you can talk to me about anything.” Takeru added trying to regain his composure.
“I've decided I'm not going to college.” Saga said looking up, waiting for Takeru's reaction.
“What? But... then what are you going to do?” Suddenly Takeru was alert. “We were going to move into the dorms together.”
“I haven't told you yet, but I got scouted a few weeks ago on the street. The guy took some photos and we got to talking about modeling. I've already signed up with his agency and have a shoot next week.”
“That's great! A pro You're going to get famous fast with your looks.” Takeru was in awe. Saga would be a perfect model. But he was a little sad that the college life they had pictured together was no longer there. “Well I suppose I could look for a job so we can live in a regular apartment together and....”
“Hold on, there's more Takeru. It's so I put this?”
“Just tell it to me straight. No need to hold back, I can take whatever you have to tell me.” Secretly he was very nervous. Takeru just knew it was going to be something like a forced company dorm. They wouldn't get to see much of each other if it was that.
“I'm breaking up with you Takeru.” Again Saga watched his face. It felt like a punch to the gut. Takeru had no idea what to do, say, or think.
“What?” a whisper escaped his lips.
“I'm sorry, but it just wouldn't work with you in college and all. Plus if anyone were to find out about us...”
“But I though that didn't matter to you? What about all the 'I love you's?' the time we've spent together?!” Water began to well up behind Takeru's eyes. Saga rose from bench looking down at Takeru with a somewhat annoyed expression.
“You can't believe we were going to be together after high school? It's not like we were a serious couple or anything. Just a high school romance. It wasn't going to last.”
“Not a serious couple?!” Takeru raised his voice, hurt by that one comment. “I put my whole heart into this relationship! I was serious from the day I confessed to you!”
“I was just curious!” Saga yelled. “It was something different. I'm not gay like you! And I certainly will not give up my chance to model! If anyone found out I was getting it on with some guy I'd be finished without a chance! Besides, I'll get to wear REAL designer's clothes. Not just some designer wanna-be still in school. If your designs were out there and famous it would be a different story. But they're not,'s over Takeru.” without another word Saga turned and left, never once glancing back at Takeru who sat motionless on the bench. Slowly Takeru got up and began walking home moving like a zombie. The only things echoing in his brain were Saga's hurtful words over and over again. Before he knew it, Takeru was unlocking the door to his brother's loft apartment. The lights were on and Maya had been waiting for him.
“Ahh you're back! How was the party? You're back later than I told you... hey are you ok?” Takeru was just standing in the doorway staring down at his feet. “Takeru, what happened? All the color is gone from your face.” Tears trickled down Takeru's cheeks one after another as the reality of Saga's works finally hit. “Oh... Takeru...” Suddenly Takeru was flying through the apartment, shoving Maya out of the way, racing for the closest bathroom. When he reached it, he collapsed over the toilet as his stomach rejected everything inside it. Maya was right behind him already rubbing his back.
When the nausea had subsided, Takeru began to sob uncontrollably sitting on the bathroom floor. Without any words Maya shielded his brother in his arms and sat with Takeru until exhaustion won out. Maya carefully helped Takeru to his bed where he would spend the next week.


* * *

Takeru shuddered at the memory of graduation day. He hated that memory, but it was also his motivation. After a week of being depressed Takeru made a resolution. He would do whatever it took to become a world famous designer that saga would be proud to model for. Then they could be together again. Somehow he knew there was no way it could fail. It was his only option.
“Hey Takeru, what are you doing now? Have class?” Nao asked as Takeru snapped back to reality.
“I'm going to Chrome Hearts. I've been saving up for a cool necklace. It's designed and hand crafted by an independent artist. He just uses Chrome Hearts to sell his merchandise.”
“Oh, I was gonna see if you wanted to hang at my work and play a game. But don't let me stop you.”
“Next time. I've got to get you back for winning the last online battle. Next time don't look at my computer screen to see where I'm hiding!” Takeru laughed as he was already starting to separate from the group.
“Yuji, Tora, I'll text you guys later to plan something now that tests are over.” Both of them waved as they headed to their next class.
Takeru hurried to Harajuku barely able to sit still. He'd been pining over the necklace for months. To his joy no one else had purchased the necklace all these months. The designer in question was simply named Keiji. An odd name for someone who makes jewelry. The shop manager told Takeru it was just a pen name, which made sense to Takeru. He planned to use a fake name when he made it big. Takeru greatly admired this Keiji's work. So much so he begged Maya for chores to earn money to buy just this one necklace.
Walking into the store he went directly to the small section that cased Keiji's small collections. The necklace was still there. Takeru waved for the clerk to help him. They both walked up to the counter to finish purchasing.
“Finally saved enough huh?” the female clerk asked to make small talk.
“Yes! I was so happy to see it was still here again!”
“And now it's yours to keep.” They both politely smiled at each other.
“If you'd like, since you were so ardent about that necklace, I could give you the personal website where Keiji sells more of his creations. He usually tells select individuals, but you really like his necklace so much, I think he wouldn't mind.” a huge grin appeared on Takeru's face.
“Yes please! I would love to see his full collection with all my heart!”
“Alright, just excuse me a moment while I go get that.” The clerk disappeared behind an 'employee only' door. Takeru was so excited he couldn't contain himself. That's when he noticed a peculiar man standing behind him staring. His heart jumped into his throat at the sight. The brunette stranger was, to Takeru, gorgeous. A little taller than himself, and his eyes... they seemed to burn into Takeru's. He had to rip himself away to avoid staring back. But good lord Takeru couldn't get his heart to calm down. It was almost like when.....when he met Saga.
“Hey.” Takeru jumped a little. “What do you have there? Did you buy something good?” the stranger gestured to the little box Takeru held.
“Y-yeah I did. It's a necklace made by an independent artist named Keiji. I really admire his work.” Takeru secretly thanked karma for giving him a chance to speak with the beautiful stranger.
“Quite a lot of money for that. Most necklaces by Chrome Hearts is cheaper.” the stranger slid his hoodie off his head revealing his straightened hair.
“That may be true, but this guy's work is definitely worth every cent.” God he hoped the stranger couldn't hear his heart beating so fast.
“How so, if you don't mind my asking?” the stranger remained calm and collected.
“Because Keiji puts all his heart into creating his pieces. No offense to Chrome Hearts, but most of their stuff is made with the purpose of being sold. It's the only thought that makes the piece. You can tell Keiji creates his pieces from his heart and whether it sells or not never crosses his mind. It's like a more honest type of creation.” the stranger stared at Takeru again which made him blush slightly. “ least that's the impression I get from his works.”
“Ha.... I like you kid. You're honest and have a good eye. My name is Ruki, I'm a friend of the manager here.” he held out his hand for Takeru's.
“Oh, I'm Takeru. I'm just starting college this year.” Takeru's hand burned when his skin touched Ruki's. This was weird, reactions like these only happened with Saga, unless... in an instant Takeru jerked his hand away and turned bright red.
“You ok? You're turning all red.”
“Oh I'm fine, just a little warm in here is all.” just then the clerk returned with a business card that she handed to Takeru.
“Here you go. Oh Ruki! The manager is back there if you wanna see him. “she gestures towards the employee door.
“Ahh thank you. Takeru, it was nice to meet you. Maybe we'll meet again.”
“Uh yeah.. that would be nice. It was great to meet you too.” Takeru hurried out of the store glancing back to see Ruki disappear behind the door. If Takeru's hunch was right, then he was in for some trouble. His head and heart had to figure some things out if Takeru wanted any piece of mind. He had a feeling that he would definitely see Ruki again.


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I dont know.. But I keep waiting for ur update (":
vanilla_lilly #2
Chapter 5: Yay and update! Sounds like some fun people I wanna hang out with them. Keep up the good work Meggles!!!
Sweet another Jrock fan!! From what I've read this is really good.
sweettoxickiss #4
Chapter 5: I never thought that I would like this pairing so much!! PLEASE KEEP UPDATING ^^
Chapter 5: Ohohoho, someone's naughty c; omfg this story's so awesome <3 hoping to read more from you, Author-san! <333
OnigiriSan123 #6
Chapter 5: aww poor takeru </3
OnigiriSan123 #7
Chapter 4: thank goodness! i really love this story TT^TT
Chapter 3: This is freaking awesome!!!!!! pleaseeeeeeeeee!!! update soon!!! >.<
Chapter 3: I really like your story its cute and really good *hugs* and lots and lots of love