~ Love, save the empty!

A present ^^


*Actually this was planned to be an one shot, but I got inspired and I decided to finish it with this new chapter! * enjoy ~ 

P.S http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1xdaZbu-Tk <---- The lyrics in this chapter are from this song which I listened while I was writing it so it would be nice if you hear it too! ^.^


You woke up really early this morning. There was no sun, only dark clouds which covered the sky and made it grey. You reached for your phone to check what's the time. It was 7:30 PM. It was too early, but you decided to get out of bed instead of sleeping more. You changed into some other clothes and went out of the room. The house was still quiet since no one except you was awake.

You were going to the bathroom, but on the way you passed the guest room where Zelo was sleeping. He decided to stay here since last night there was no electricity more than 2 hours and it wasn't very safe to go home with no lights on.

You turned around and put your hand on the lock. You gently pushed it so it wouldn't make a noise and open the door. You looked at the bed and saw a sleeping Zelo. He was so wrapped up with the blanket that the only thing you could see was his blond hair. You tried not to laugh at this picture. You were about to go out the room, but then Zelo turned around and his face was no longer turned to the wall. You slowly approached him and kneeled next to the bed. Zelo looked so cute, so defenceless in his sleep. You were staring at him when suddenly he opened his eyes wide and asked:

"Why are you stalking me when I'm sleeping?"

You screamed and fell back because he scared the hell out of you. He sat in his bed and started laughing at your reaction.

"I'm not..I'm not stalking you...I just..."- You started mumbling something.

"I'm joking....your reaction was priceless." - Zelo said and countinued laughing.

Then I entered in the room and asked:

"What are you screaming about so early?"

You opened your mouth to say something and then looked at Zelo.

"Well Mira was stalking me while I'm sleeping and...oh Zico hyung!" - Zelo started explaining, but then he waved his hand and stopped talking.

You turned around and saw a waving Zico behind me.

"What is he doing here?" - You asked.

"Um well...because of the blackout..." - I tried to say something, but Zelo cut me off.

"You were playing with nuna, hyung, weren't you?"

"Shut up, you.." - I yelled at him, but Zico interrupted me too.

"Yup, she's really good in those kind of games!"

Then they both bursted into laughter.

I turned bright red and went out the room. Zico went after me screaming:

"Come back, woman! You know I love you!"

Zelo countinued laughing for a while and then he turned to you asking:

"Wait...wasn't she with Joon?"

"No, they're on bad terms." - You answered.

"That's bad I guess...he was funny....anyway, let's go eat something." - Zelo said and kicked out his blanket on the floor.

He went out of the room, walking like the house is all his.




"Hmmm...there isn't a thing in this house. We have nothing to eat, guys." - I said while looking at the fridge.

"Yeah...nuna, go to the shop and get something." - Zelo said to me.

I turned around and looked at him:

"Will you please stop acting like a boss? If you're hungry you go and get food!"

"Eh, nuna, why are you so evil today?" - He asked me with that annoying voice he always made just to irritate me.

"I'll go to the shop. You two stop arguing." - You said and got up from your seat.

"I'll come with you, Mira. I feel like if I stay here nuna is going to kill me." - Zelo said and stood up.

Before going out Zelo said to Zico:

"Hyung, it's your fault! You haven't satisfied her last night and now she's evil!"

I threw at him some towel that I got and yelled:

"Shut up and go out already!!!"

And then they both started laughing like crazy again.

"Oppa, what's your problem?" - I asked Zico.

"Sorry, the kid's just too funny." - He said and went to hug me.

You rolled your eyes and went out with Zelo.

It was still really cloudy and soon the rain was going to fall down for sure.

"We have to hurry....it's going to rain soon!" - You said.

Zelo looked up and put his hood on. Like he was ready for the rain...

You two countinued walking in silence. It was really awkward as you didn't know what to say...neither did he.

Then you entered the shop and you started picking some things as Zelo was following you around like a puppy. He had his hands in his pockets and he was just casually walking around, he looked kinda absent-minded. You decided not to give this so much attention and you focused on what to buy for the breakfast.

There was a song in the background. The sound was kinda quiet, but still..you could hear the words.


* ~Little girls don't how to be sweet girls, mama didn't teach me
Little boys don't how to treat little girls, daddy didn't show me..~ *


At the moment you two went out a few raindrops fell on your head.

"Great..." - You let out a deep sigh.

Zelo looked down at you and ped his enourmous hoodie. He took it off and passed it to you.

" I'll take the groceries. You put this on."

"No, I can't...why would.."

"Just put it on!"

He sounded somewhat irritated so you just quietly took the cloth and put it on. It was really big for you, it went down covering your knees.

"Sorry...you were just going to catch a cold." - Zelo said quietly.

You didn't say anything. He was acting really strange around you. You've never seen him irritated or angry. That was the first time he was talking like this.

The rain was starting to get heavier so you put the hood on.

"You are really cute like that."- Zelo said.

"Thank you."

You kept walking in the rain when he stopped you by grabbing your arm.

"What is it?" - You turned around and asked.

The raindrops made it harder to look up at him.

"Mira...I'm sorry I act like that. You know I don't behave this way. It's just...I like you a lot and sometimes I don't know what to do. And I'm not sure if you like me too."

He stopped talking and looked down at the pavement. You smiled a little and reach to remove the wet hair from his face. He stared at you and grabbed your hand. You were a little shocked so you just looked at him without saying anything. Zelo pulled you closer to him and kissed you. Your eyes were still open because you didn't even expect something like that from him.

When he pulled away you laughed a little and said:

"You stupid boy, of course I like you! I thought you don't like me!"

He kissed you again and then hugged you. You stood like that for a while and then Zelo whispered in your ear:

"Nuna is going to kill us. Look at the groceries"

Yes...the groceries were all wet because of your lovey-dovey attitude in the rain.

"Yeah she's definetely going to do that."- You stated.

Zelo stood silent for a while and then blurted:

"Zico hyung is going to tame her...."

You both started laughing....


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Wonapham #1
i like it, awesome
Amazing, amazing!!! Love it! Saranghaeyo! ^^