
it all started with banana milk


“Eomma, we are out of banana milk!” i yelled to Yeoreum in the kitchen. She really isnt my mom. I just call her that because shes an old lady. Hmmm i should call her grandma instead. But she might get mad. Eh, she is my best friend so I’m allowed to be mean to her.

“aish, go get it yourself.” she whined back.

“uh, its not like you’re busy”

“but I am.”

“doing what, eomma?” Liar. Shes on her phone.


Kris?… “fine. I’ll be back”

When i arrived at the store i immediately headed for the sweets.

It was beautiful! So much choco pie and pocky and just everything.

but i wasnt there to get anything else except banana milk. 

Eh, oh well! I felt like i was in the movies and shows when people put their arm in the shelves and walk down the isle, pushing everything into the cart. 

Yep. I did that. and now its like heaven in the cart. 

Enough sweets for a month.. or a week with the way Eomma and I eat.

Now to get what i really came here for. Banana Milk~

I passed by the ramyun. and rice. and meats. and everything else i want.

But a boy caught my eye. 

He was a few inches taller than me. His hair was died red and he appeared very fashionable.

This kid has cart full of banana milk!

I walked up next to this perfect stranger, trying not to let myself stare. 

Okay, Emily. Focus on the banana milk! You c-

“thats a whole lot of sweets for one person” 

i looked up from the milk to find the boy smiling down at me. that perfect, angelic smile.

“u-uh, its not all for me. its for eomma, erh, i mean my friend…. too”

oh god, im ruining everything. then he started chuckling. 

a sheepish smile spreaded across my face. 

i knew he could tell i was nervous. 

“Im Taemin, nice to meet you” he did a 90 degree bow.

“Im Emily.” i said as i returned the gesture. 

“Ive got to finish shopping. see you around.” he smiled then turned and walked away.

I grabbed ten packs of banana milk, although it probably wouldnt last long in our house. 

As i was putting my groceries, if they even deserve to be called that, on the conveyer belt, i saw him again.

I dont know what it was that was so captivating about him. 

The cash register lady finished ringing me up and i threw the groceries in the cart.

But then he appeared at the end of the line. and i caught myself becoming flustered again. 

I ended up dropping one of the bags. Luckily it was just some choco pie.

But i figured it was best if i got out of their asap before i could damage anything.

“eomma, im home!” 

“as if i curr”

“you know you missed me” 

“maybe. but dont tell anyone. I’ll deny it if you do.”

Yeoreum started stocking the cabinets.

“hey, i though you were going to get banana milk”

what is she talking about? i got it.

“i did. i bought 10 packs.” 

She shook her head in disagreement.

i ripped apart every bag, but there was no banana milk to be found. 

“uh, oh.”


**Knock Knock**

I looked at Yeoreum, who was utterly confused.

I opened the door to find Taemin standing there. Thats when my heart beats rocketed off.

“uh, hi again.” his smile was different than the one in the store. It was more shy this time. “i think you forgot this at the store”

he handed me two bags of banana milk.

“at least someone knows how to bring home the correct thing.” Yeoreum pushed through and grabbed the bags.

“you must be Eomma” he said looking straight at Yeoreum. her eyes went wild for a second and darted to meet mine.

uh oh.

“why yes i am. I am Eomma.” Im definitely going to get hit once he leaves.

” uh, thanks for bringing that over”

“oh yea sure. no problem. but can i ask a favor in return”

i just stared at him, too scared to say anthing but too excited to move. so i just stared… like an idiot.

he was looking at the ground.

“I, uh, I have a couple of unused movie tickets that are going to expire next week…” 

his voice trailed off. What should i say? I mean i could hardly move. 

His eyes eventually reached mine, searching for an answer. 

“you dont have to answer now.” he handed me a piece of paper. “when you decide, call me.”

he started walking away. 

*Hello, hello, naega jom seotuljin mollado

Who knows eojjeom urin jal dweljido molla* 

he pulled his phone out of his pocket.



his phone returned to his pocket and he kept walking toward his car. 

“I will return at 7 tonight to pick you up. Wear pink so we match” 

the smile was shining through his voice.

and with that i went inside to drink some banana milk and get ready for my date.



Once again i apologize for this crappiness. 

I hope it doesnt make you vomit too much D:


and yes i really was going to end with the "call me maybe" just to troll.

but that would be too mean.





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