★SuJu One-Shot Collection★


{ 안녕하세요 }


MingsBunny here~ 

I shall write One Shots featuring DongHae and SungMin, or HaeMin but if I get bored, I MIGHT write other pairings such as EunHae, KyuMin, EunMin~ ^^;;

UPDATE [ 3/8/2012 ] = I decided to add in OC x Idol one-shots too but I guess I'll post more on HaeMin :D

Some of the stories I post may as well being posted somewhere else (LiveJournal, deviantArt) under my account. :D

Well, happy reading~! 

Comments and Subscribers are love.


Credits for the main image and the background:

» s c a r l e t footsteps.


{ Contents }


[x] You Don't Know How I Feel - DongHae x SungMin

[x] 마지막 인사 (Last Farewell) - EunHyuk x OC

[x] Hyung's Unconditional Love - DongHae x SungMin (A slight hint of SungMin x KyuHyun)


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loveSungmin #1
that's weird ir says u have four chapters but I only see one.
kyaaaaa!!!! so sweeet!!! i like!!!! n i want it more!!!!!
haemin is so sweet!! Minnie love hae....he always look after donghae!!!!!!!cute......
loveSungmin #4
i can't wait for your haemin.
You should tugged as haemin ...