The Thing's I Hated

The Twin Swap


How I hated getting up in the morning. The sun always shined in my face and some how my Mother’s cat always ended up waking me up like a personal alarm clock.

“Aish” I cursed under my breath as I twisted from one side to the other.

“Meowwww” the cat meowed in my face.

I lightly pushed the cat away from me. *Just a few more minutes please* I begged in my head.

There is another reason why I hate getting up in the morning. Since my Mother is Completely Rich we have maids, butlers, cooks, and a personal dog walkers, we even have people who pick out our cloths. Now what is there to hate about that? I'll tell you. There is nothing to hate about it if you want there help but for me I don’t. I Like doing things by myself without anyone’s help expect my sisters but that’s all I promise. Just like every morning a maid named Alice came into my room to wake me up and get me ready. She was supposed to be my own personal Maid. To tell you the truth I really liked Alice because she has been with me since birth. She was only 37 still young and helpful.

“Miss Sora it’s time for you to get up” she said as she went into my closet to pick out some cloths.

“I don’t Wanna” I pouted as I turned to her.

She came out of my closet walking over to me with a kind smile.

“You’ll be late for school” her words didn’t even bother me

“You know I hate school, beside I barely go to it” I snapped

“But going to school is better then being in a jail cell” she corrected

“Ha that’s what you think” I gave her one of my playful smirks and sat up from my bed.

“Your sister is already ready and is waiting for you in the dining room. She told me to tell you that you should hurry before Mistress comes”

Mistress was my mother. I love my mother to death but she is very strict at times.

“ Right!” I hurried out of my bed and rushed over to my bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror seeing the bags underneath my eyes.

“That’s what you get for staying out so late” Alice shouted.

“Shut up” I whispered

I grabbed my tooth brush and brushed my teeth. When I finished, I put on some make-up to hide my sleep bags from my sister. I fixed my hair and ran back out into my bedroom.

“Alice can you pick out some shoes Please” I grabbed my cloths from the bed and started to strip down. I Put on my clothes and looked into my mirror that was over by my window and next to the dresser.

“How do I look?” I turned over to Alice you gave me a pair of black heels.

“You look beautiful; now go before you get in trouble with the mistress”

I nodded my head as I grabbed the shoes from her hands.

“Bye Alice”

My Mother’s cat came walking over to the door meowing away. How I hated this cat. It always got in my way and it always followed me like I was its mother.

“Move” I lightly pushed it away with my foot making it meow. I opened the door and ran out to the long hallways that never seemed to end. I ran down stairs past the living room and the computer room and finally I saw my sister calmly drinking tea sitting at the dinning room table.

“Your late” She said without even looking at me

“I know, I was planning to-“

“Skip school again” she smiled as I sat down across from her.


“Woof Woof Woof” 3 puppies came running over to my sister.

These 3 dogs were all boys and were all my sisters’ pets. I wasn’t very much of a pet person if you could tell because I don’t like picking up after other people or things for that matter.

“Puffy, Bam-Bam, Casper!” She screamed

Yes yes I know those names are just…… are something else. I can’t do anything about there names but my god help me.



what do you think of Sora ? 

she's very out there isn' she? 

I Still have Sara, the kind one, to do so wait for her too 


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Chapter 2: Update I'm all ready loving this story
awh! how nice (: i wish i HAD a sister -.- i have a friend that's like a sister to me though ^^
update soon i want to know more about sara~
wow haha.. Sora seems really close with Alice (: and Sara's puppies names are quite cute! :P
EvilRainbowsXD #5
Cant wait for the next update :D
sounds interesting and exciting! xD
i cant wait for an update
sounds quite interesting (: