Last Time Together

Good-bye Baby


"Wait WHAT? She's moving?" Suzy blurted out. "Since when?"

"We just hung out and she broke the news to me," Samdong informed her dejectedly.

"This can't be happening. She's my best friend!" Suzy exclaimed, sitting down next to him.

"She's my girlfriend." Samdong whispered softly.

"Where's she moving?" Suzy asked.

"Parkville. That's 2 hours from Shinhwa." Samdong said. "And... I don't want to force her to do the whole long distance thing..."

Suzy stared at him. "You're not going to break up ... right?" She asked carefully.

"It's for the best." Samdong answered. With that, he got up and left the bench. He didn't even notice Suzy's horrible state of being with her bruises and all. He must be really upset.

* * *

The next day, Jieun called to ask and hang out with her. Suzy braced herself for the news. She knew what was coming.

The two met at an ice cream parlor and ordered their favorite flavors. Suzy got oreos and vanilla while Jieun got strawberry.

"Suzy, we'll always be best friends right? Even if I'm the worst person in the world?" Jieun began.

Suzy slowly nodded, unsure where this was going.

"Okay. I'm an idiot. I've been cheating on Samdong." Suzy choked on her ice cream and had to drink large gulps of water before she could breathe normally again.

"With who?!" Suzy demanded, already knowing what the answer would be. 

"Wooyoung.." Jieun bowed her head shamefully, staring at her ice cream.

"Jieun... why? Why would you do this to him?" Suzy asked, bewildered.

"It happened suddenly. I don't even know what to do with myself anymore. We hung out like twice. We kissed, but I don't love Wooyoung the way I love Samdong. It was only a brief fling.. a spur of the moment! I can't lose Samdong! And also.. Suzy, I'm moving." Jieun added sadly as she explained how her father's job was getting transferred to Parkville.

Suzy went to sit next to her friend and hugged her. "I'm going to miss you so much. But also, you have to figure this out before you leave. It's only fair for Samdong."

"I'm leaving tomorrow.. Saturday night." Suzy's eyes widened. 

"What?! On such short notice? Why? Now your goodbye party has to be tomorrow!" 

Jieun gave a sad smile to her friend. "And I have tons of explaining to do by then."

Suzy figured she also had to tell the truth about her and Samdong, but just then, Jieun's phone rang. It was her father.

"Suzy, I have to go finish packing. My parents are leaving first, but they say I can stay for the party. I'll just have to leave by train tomorrow night. See you tomorrow, alright?" The two friends shared a long hug before departing. Jieun might be guilty, but I'm just as bad.

* * *

The party was held at Samdong's house. Half of the grade was invited but Jieun stuck with her close friends the whole time. She gave Suzy a meaningful look before pulling Samdong aside into the kitchen. There was a little glassless window separating the kitchen from the rest of the dining area so Suzy could see the scene unfold before her.

Jieun's depressed expression as she revealed to Samdong her wrongdoing.

Samdong's crestfallen face as he heard the news.

Jieun's pleads for forgiveness.

Samdong's angry face as he bawled up his hands into fists and headed out the kitchen.

Jieun's lame attempts to hold him back.

What happened next seemed as if everything was in slow motion.

Suzy saw as Samdong stomped over to where Wooyoung was conversing with his best friend Taec and punched him in the face.

"What the hell, man?" Wooyoung fired back, touching his jaw. He was preparing to return the deed when Jieun jumped in between them. 

"Stop it! Don't fight, guys! This is our last time together, please." Jieun begged, tears formulating in her eyes. Suzy sprinted over, preparing to support Jieun.

"Yeah. This is our last time together." Samdong retorted. The entire room fell silent. Shinhwa Academy's best couple had just broken up. "Why would you cheat on me?"

Wooyoung's eyes narrowed. "Like you didn't cheat on her first?"

"Excuse me?" Samdoing fired back. 

"I saw you with that girl at the Fall Ball!" Wooyoung snapped at him. Samdong's eyes widened and he bit his lip.

"What girl?" Jieun asked, unnervingly quietly. Suzy closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Jieun.. that was my fault. I kissed him. I was feeling deranged because Chunji-" SLAP. A searing red mark quickly appeared on Suzy's face. 

A collective gasp emitted from the room. A few people began to leave, sensing the party was over. Others stayed to watch the drama before them.

"You were my BEST FRIEND." Jieun accused. "How could you?!"

"Why would you hit her? You have NO idea what she's going through!' Samdong shouted.

"Oh, so you're taking her side? FINE. You guys are just so PERFECT for each other. I am so glad I'm leaving this town!" Jieun yelled. She turned around and shakily asked Wooyoung to drive her to the train station. 

Furious, Samdong stormed out of the house.

"Can everyone please leave?" Suzy weakly asked, sliding down on to the couch and clutching her face. Taec helped usher everyone out before nodding at Suzy and leaving himself.

No. It can't end like this. I have to make things right.

* * *

Suzy knew Samdong would be at the bench near the end of her street.

"Hey." She called softly. Samdong looked up. He had clearly been crying but had stopped. He offered her a weak smile. 

"It's all my fault." Suzy said, tears beginning to spill out of her eyes. "I ruined my friendship with Jieun and your relationship with her. I'm a homewrecker!" She furiously wiped at her tears.

"No.. don't say that." Samdong said gently. Then his expression hardened. "She's been cheating on me anyway. I don't need that kind in my life."

"But don't you see? You guys lasted for a year! You were absolutely perfect together - a match made in heaven." Suzy began.

"No we're not." Samdong muttered bitterly.

"All of us wish to have at least half of what you guys have! You can't let it end this way. It's not right!" Suzy began to sputter, tears cascading down her face. 

"She freaking cheated on me! She doesn't care about us anymore!" He suddenly yelled out.

"No! You don't get it! Look I know she regrets it. She loves YOU. Not Wooyoung! They kissed, but so what? So did we! It doesn't always mean something, just like us." The last few words broke Suzy's heart, but she knew that it was true.

"What do you know about relationships? You failed your only one." Samdong stated, looking away.

"I was cheated on. I know how it feels. But you two? That kind of relationship comes once in a lifetime. You guys.. I know you will last. You're meant to be."

"No we're not. She's such a - I can't. She betrayed us. With one of my best friends!" Samdong furiously spat.

"Why can't you see?! You guys are precious. Your love.. that kind just doesn't exist anymore! You're so freaking lucky and you can't even see it. Samdong.. you have to go after her!" Suzy pleaded.

"What about us? Don't you like me?" Samdong desperately asked. "We could be perfect. Just as perfect. No, we could be better!" 

Time stopped. Suzy's heart began to flutter. Did he mean it? Samdong grabbed her suddenly and was just about to kiss her when Suzy rashly pulled back.

"You don't mean it. I know you and I know Jieun. You love her, not me. Don't use me as an excuse or as a rebound." Suzy said understandingly. "Go."

Samdong bit his lips and stared at the ground. He stood up and Suzy followed. 

Samdong hugged Suzy tightly. "Thank you," he whispered before quickly sprinting away.

Suzy watched sadly as the man she loved went to chase another woman. Tears flooded her face and her heart ached, shattering inside of her. But no matter how much pain she was suffering both physically and emotionally, she knew that for once, she had done the right thing.

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KPBae9 #1
Chapter 11: Everyone knows who Samdong is right?...still that ending of that drama still pisses me off.
Chapter 19: Hope all this is true and not just a joke ! x)
Chapter 18: Aigooo poor Suzy ! Hope someone will save her from that hell
soomuch_A #4
Chapter 18: I REALLY REALLY HATE THAT MADAM !!!! Suzy, please don't go back to that hell... ! Please... i don't wanna see you get abused again.. :(
soelle1000 #5
Chapter 18: Awww that's soo sad! Lol madam came back :( ... Anyways! I update soon plz!!! >.< ^.^
Chapter 17: OMAGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD !! Why ?? Why ?? Poor Suzy , She doesn't deserve this AT ALL ! She suffered too much TT
soelle1000 #7
Chapter 17: Awww soo sad!! Lol PLZ PLZ update soon!! ^^
Nicolekpop #8
So sad !! Please update :)
Chapter 15: AIGOOOO !! Suzy be strong girl
Chapter 15: Jieunnie, come backkk!!!! C: