Sinners who know how to love are considered Angels.

The Angels and Sinners Trilogy


Sinners who know how to love are Angels.

The Epilogue.


Little Taemin roamed around his territory in a separate room near the house garage, full of colorful lights and his so-called ‘property’, as Appa would call them. He looked around and found Uncle Jonghyun approaching. He suddenly ran towards him and flashed his big smile.


“Dada Jonghyun!” He nuzzled his nose against his uncle’s knees and hugged his legs.


“Hey, buddy. How’s it going?” Jonghyun brought the little kid up in his arms and hugged him tight.


“Umma says that if I top the exam today, I can go with you in your trip to France!” Taemin excitedly blurted out as they made their way towards the main house.


Jonghyun made a hearty laugh and patted the child’s head. “That’s right! I have already persuaded your Appa about it and he finally agreed. How about that huh? Better do your best and don’t let your parents down, alright?”


“But Appa says that the exam’s going to be hard. Dada Jonghyun, what if there are other kids who are better than me?” The little kid suddenly frowned and wrapped his arms around Jonghyun’s shoulders.


“He’s right about the fact that it’s hard, but I think that if you just concentrate and think about France with Dada Jonghyun and Jessica, you’ll see! You’re going to beat them all! Hahahaha!”


“Yah, hyung, what are you teaching my son?” Taemin’s Appa suddenly emerged from the house and walked towards the two.


 “I was just telling him that he shouldn’t worry because I am perfectly sure he will ace his exam.” Jonghyun just smiled and winked at the kid in his arms.


“Says the one who doesn’t care about exams.”


“Are you talking about me? Of course! Exam results doesn’t define you intellectually.” Jonghyun said as he put the little kid down. The kid then ran to his father and did the nuzzling thing again. “But not with his Appa and Umma, who were always grade-conscious.”


“Appa, I wanna go to France! I want to pass the exam.”


“Are you sure, Taemin? No one will take care of you there.” Minho smilingly said as he patted the boy’s head.


“Yah, Choi Minho! I know how to take care of your son!” Jonghyun defensively blurted out as Minho chuckled lightly.


“We’ll see about that, hyung. But first, let’s go and take this little man to school now.” He said as he carried Taemin in his arms.


As soon as they got into the school, several parents are seen with their kids, some giving them last minute reviews and some just talking to them and boosting their confidence to be able to pass the exam.


Minho put his son down. “Okay, this is it, Taeminnie. Just remember the things that you and Umma have studied okay? I’m sure you’re going to be fine.”


Minho’s son nervously clutched his arm and nodded. “Taeminnie will do his best for Appa and Umma!”


“Ne, ne. And for Dada Jonghyun too! For France!” Jonghyun winked and threw his fist in the air.


Taemin gave them a thumbs up and quickly entered the room in time for the start of the exam. “Fighting! Taemin is going to France!”


One and half hours later, the boy went out of the testing room, looking rather tired but a big smile plastered all over his cute face.


Minho looked at his son lovingly while he was walking towards his direction. “So... how was it, Taeminnnie?”


“I was able to answer the questions. Weeeeee!” Little Taemin couldn't hold the excitement anymore so he ran towards his Appa. “The things that Umma taught me last night, most of them were in the exams! Hihihihi. Appa! I'm going to France!” His laughter was music to his Appa's ears, as he carried his son and embraced him tightly.


“Jinjja? See? If you study hard it won't be that difficult for you.”


Jonghyun was busy watching the precious father and son moment that he didn't notice a pair of loving arms encircling his torso.


“We're here and we bought food. So? I heard Taeminnie. I guess it will be the three of us in Paris now. Hahaha.” Jessica leaned closer and put her head over her husband's shoulder.


The husband caught his wife's lips and grinned. “Get ready to be the devoted babysitter, Baby.”


“I am. Who wouldn't be? After a year of babysitting you. Hihihihi.”


“You silly girl.” Jonghyun pinched Jessica's nose and they laughed together.


“Yah, can you stop all that lovey-dovey thing you're doing. It makes me sick, really.” A voice was heard behind the couple which made them turn around.


“Umma! Umma!” Minho brought his son down as he ran towards his umma. “I'm going to France with Dada Jonghyun!”


“Hey, what lovey-dovey thing are you talking about? We just learned it from you and Minho!” Jessica jokingly blurted out.


Minho burst out laughing as he walked towards his wife. “No, it definitely wasn't from us.”


“Yeah! Definitely. Jonghyun had it in him since he realized he has the hots for you.... Ooooh, yes, yes... baby Taemin is going to France with Dada Jonghyun, isn't he?” Taemin's umma spoke with tenderness as the seven-year old was being carried in the arms.


“The hots?! Oh... I see... Doctor Kim Jonghyun here told me I was the first one to get attracted to him. Turns out he was a liar. Hahahaha!” Jessica teasingly caressed Jonghyun's cheeks, making the latter blush in guilt. “I did? No, I never told you that! Who gave you that idea? Hahaha.”


“How many times do I have to tell you, Sica? He has been your fanboy since he was in second year college.”


“Shut up Minho! No, no, no. Blah blah blah.” Jonghyun growls like a dinosaur, causing everyone's laughing fits.




As a celebration to little Taemin's preparatory examinations to international school, Dada Jinki gave a small party in his house.


“Okay, Taeminnie. You pour this carefully over your biscuits, okay? Be careful. It's hot chocolate.” Jinki sat beside Taemin and showed him how to eat those freshly baked biscuits together with his wife's homemade hot chocolate.


“Ne! Algesseoyo, Dada Jinki!” Taemin smiled as he saw how it was made. He got a small portion of the biscuit and took a bite. “Hmmm! It's so yummy!”


“You're eating sweets again, Choi Taemin.”


“Umma... just little bites, please?”




“It's okay, let him enjoy these simple things, you know.” Jinki smiled and looked up to find the creasing forehead of Taemin's umma glaring at him.


“Yah, Jinki! These simple things can actually lead to bigger things like diabetes or tooth decay or worse, he can be-- Yah!”


Taemin's umma couldn't continue anymore as Minho grabbed his wife's arm and walked hastily towards the house's terrace. “Lee Jinki, we're borrowing your terrace. Taemin enjoys the hot chocolate. Be sure to give him 2 cups of it! Hahaha.”




“Sure sure! We'll take our time here.” Jinki grinned as he followed his gaze towards the couple's direction.


The said couple settled in the wide terrace. It overlooks the beautiful blue sea. Minho pulled his wife closer to him as the other tried to let go. “You're being a very bad Appa, you know that?”


“Really? How about I become a bad husband also? What do you think about that?” Minho asked playfully, making the other laugh awkwardly.


“Bad, bad, bad Minho appa you are...”


And they kissed passionately.


When they broke apart, Minho was smiling foolishly. “Don't forget, you're the one who named our son. Don't expect him to behave normally. Especially if he has an umma who is as stubborn as you are.”


His loving wife put his arms around his neck. “You are the foolish one to do as I said. When I saw that baby and played with him, you just called the Mother Superior and told her you will name him Taemin and adopt him. You know how naughty he was at 2 years old.”


“When I saw him looking lovingly at you and playing with you longer than with most of the kids in the orphanage, I just knew that he's the one.”


“Well... after 5 years of being his umma, I can attest to that.”


Minho stopped in his tracks and looked into his wife's eyes. Yes, 5 years. 5 glorious years has passed after those painful incidents. And look where they are, still standing, still growing stronger. Minho couldn't believe it


“5 years... Kibum... I can't believe we would make it.”


Key smiled and looked away. “Yeah, me too. I can't believe I could make it. Thanks to you I was able to make it. You took care of me while I was in the lowest point of my life. I guess without you I won't be able to survive.”


Minho caressed Key's arms and he grabbed the younger's right hand in time. He kissed it and smiled. “And of course, if Jonghyun didn't come in time... I know I would surely lose you for good.”


“Yes, Doctor Jonghyun and I studied poisons together. He surely knows what the right and wrong things to do.” Key was thankful that he found his true friends. Jonghyun is one of them.


“And if it weren't for Jinki, I wouldn't really know of this.” Minho pointed a frame hanging in the terrace's wall. Key looked at it and blushed.


Conquering Mathematics and the Equations of the Heart

By Kim Kibum
Three-time winner of the Mathematics National Competition – College Division


[]...If I leave this world tomorrow, I know that it will be for the good of that person. I hope that I will live this legacy-- having conquered Mathematics due to his help-- and he will always remember the times when he was patiently teaching me all about this complicated subject.[]


[]This is the end, Minho. Goodbye.[]


“I thought Jinki was just joking when he said he will grant immortality of my foolishness. He was really serious, huh. That hooligan.” Key made a mental note to smack his friend's head after this.


“He said you were determined to get that cut in the college paper to have this published. They thought you wanted to make a news out of yourself, but it turns out you just wanted to make a suicide note. Hahahaha.” Minho laughed thinking about the past, when he saw that article in the newspaper and the first thing that came to mind was Key.


“Stop laughing. I was dead serious at that time, you know.” But honestly, Key didn't know what drove to him to do the things he did.


“I know, and I also want you to know how scared I was at that time.” Minho's face became serious as he cupped Key's cheek. “I thought it was the end. You seemed like you wanted to give up but then... fate let me have you back. The moment you opened your eyes in that hospital room was the most rewarding moment in my life.”


“I'm so sorry for making you worry. I was just... I mean... I was...”


He was cut with a soft kiss. “Shhh, it's okay. Past is in the past. You're here with me, and that's all that matters.” Minho nuzzled his nose on Kibum's and inhaled his sweet strawberry scent. He was suddenly transported back in the days... those memorable days...


“Can I ask you something, Key?”


“Yes, Minho?”


“Are you an angel?”


Key looked straight into his husband's eyes, and smiled a sweet smile. “I can't possibly answer that, you know. It's much harder than the math equations that you made me solve before, hyung.”


“Hyung?! What? Why are you calling me--”


It was Kibum's turn to cut him with a kiss. “Taemin's going to France for two weeks. Maybe if you behave like a good Appa, it will be two weeks worth of heaven for you, hyung. Hahaha.” He said teasingly.


“Fine, fine, fine. Whatever you say, cheesehead.”


They spent the rest of the night by themselves until their tired son Taemin asked them to go home so that he can rest already. It was all in all a wonderful day for the Choi family.





On the third shot:

***If you're wondering about this conversation between Chansung and another person, it's obvious in Minho's reaction that it was Yuri, and not Key. Minho was devastated to find out that after all these years, and after all the effort he's been putting to make their relationship work, Yuri was still seeing Chansung behind his back. Minho completely dumped Yuri, causing the other to regret because she was also dumped by Chansung to pursue Key. Key, on the other hand, after his failed attempt to take his life, figured Chansung still loved Yuri and asked him to follow his heart (funny how he told Minho the same thing before, right?). Key followed his own and married Minho after he proposed.


Yay and now it's finished! How do you guys find it? I know it was a bit crappy and some inconsistencies will emerge anytime soon, but I'm happy to finally finish this. Thank you for patiently waiting. I know it's not really that good but the comments I received with the last two shots were very heartwarming. Thank you so much! XD


A little trivia. The first shot, Some Say Love is Not For Sinners was originally titled ‘Unfaithful’ and should have been 100% Minho’s POV. But then again, I couldn’t do it (for some reason that I couldn’t understand) and it ended up being a 3rd person POV. Onew should have been Minho’s best friend, and Jonghyun should have had the role of Chansung, but as you can see, things changed bigtime. Haha. I randomly clicked shinee_replay 's SHINee Prompt Generator and there I saw: Minho/Key, Some Say Love is not for Sinners. So there. ^^ The two other titles are, yes, song titles.


And oh, if you like Minkey... look forward to more Minkey stories from me. LOL yeah, I'm currently writing a chaptered fic, and I still have an unfinished one posted in my Livejournal. /takesforevertoupdate. XD 


Please look forward!

All the best, joiceechan. ♥

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Chapter 4: Reading this again after years.. Still made me cries.. U n ur minkey. I really miss ur writing. U n lene combo. I miss those gloriuos day at SFI. Hahahah..
Chapter 4: T^T gosh you almost break my heart-- no, scratch that! YOU BROKE my heart at the 3rd chapter :'( but you revived it with all those fluff in your epilogue <3 ;)

actually, I think I've read this long time ago... but I can't remember anything aside the 2nd chapter... it's odd because I remember everything in the 2nd chapter but aside from that nothing T^T well good thing I've stumbled to this while browsing complete MinKey fics 'coz really... it worths the time :D
unknowngirl00 #3
Chapter 4: i was so so shocked at the end of chapter 3!! ><
but the epilogue made up for everything hehehee :)
thank you for sharing the story with us! and i noticed, it's not complete yet? will there be another chapter? ><
Chapter 4: I'm happy that finally you finished this story... :)
And yes, I also read your fic "the last resort" and need the continuation of that story... X)
Chapter 4: I cried all throughout this fic but was glad that Kibum was alive and now he's with Minho~

Good job with this!
Chapter 4: Oh my god . I love the epilogue..
It's 4.24 am and I read your story <3
Thankyou for finish the story .

Chapter 2: wow im stunned this was so amazing please update soon^^ oh and write more minkey please
Chapter 2: wah... i miss ur minkey..
gonna wait for the last part
Chapter 2: really love this!!! my fave couple minyul and fave otp minkey... but I'm rooting minkey for this..