Before Diner

U-Kiss's Dormitory

Let's look at Kevin's situation.


Kevin knocks at Manager Shim's room.


Manager - Kevin ? I'm busy discussing with Soohyun about your schedule now. Is it important ?


Kevin - Sorry to interrupt you but... Please ! Change my room-mate !


Manager - Come on... That's the only thing I can't do.


Kevin - Why !? Why the hell am I with him ?


Manager - I was suspecting you two to be in a bad relation ship.


Kevin - I can't see his face more than 5 secondes !


Manager - Well, do what you want to do but you have to keep staying in the same room as him, and only him ! Alright ?!


Kevin understands that Manager Shim doesn't want to change his decision.


Kevin - Yes…


Manager slams the door. Kevin is upset. He decides to go to Kiseop and Eli's place to spend some time and forget bad moments.


Eli - Kevin !!


Kiseop - Kevin, what's up ?


Kevin - Ha~ I'm kind of relieved to see you guys…


Kevin is welcome to their room. Eli begin to stick Kevin, same as Kiseop.


Kiseop - Eli, stop sticking Kevin !


Eli - I should say the same to you !


Kevin - Haa~


Eli and Kiseop stops speaking for few seconds.


Eli - Did something happens with Hoon ?


Kevin - He asked me if I hate him, I said "yes" then I wanted rectify because it was a lie but words would come by their selves… I had been just so 

irritating. I even ask to manager to change rooms but he doesn't want to.


Eli - Don't tell me you actually really appreciate Hoon ?


Kiseop - Ah, Eli you weren't aware ?


Eli - About what ?


Kevin - Sorry Kiseop, could you tell him ? I need to rest a little…


Kevin gets on the little sofa and closes his eyes, while Kiseop starts to explain Eli the situation between Hoon and Kevin.


Kiseop - Well, do you remember when we were in Japan for forbidden love ?


Eli - It's such a far away happening. Ok, I remember…


Kiseop - Hoon was really sticky with Soohyun at this time. Kevin was really friendly with him since then… Uh... Well... Kevin kept to tell me that he was upset to see these two stick together all the time. Then I asked him if he was jealous...


Eli - I don't understand…


Kiseop - Kevin loves Hoon ! He was jealous of our Leader.


Eli does understand Kevin's feeling since he is himself in love.


Eli - You know Kevin, if you need some comfort I'm here.


Eli had a smirk on his lips. Kevin suddenly open his eyes.


Kevin - Wha-


Eli approach to Kevin's side while Kiseop looks at him, mouth widely open.


Eli - Can I kiss you ?


Kevin - You don't mind even if I'm in love with someone other than you ? Ok, let's give it a try.


Kevin close his eyes again, waiting for a kiss. Eli draws near his mouth to Kevin's lips to kiss him. Kiseop was crush the bed sheet in his hand.




Hoon's currently empty room…


Hoon was just out to drink something and is going back to his room. He enters, and sees that there is nobody, as he thought…


Hoon - Why the hell Kevin hates me ? What did I do wrong ? !!


Someones knock to the door.


Manager - Hey, Hoon ! Its diner time ! I know Kevin's not with you so I came to bring you to the living room.


Hoon opens the door and close it after he get out of it. Then Soohyun was running and sees these two.


Soohyun - Oh, manager, Hoon !


Manager - Where were you until now ? I still have to talk to you about schedules !


Soohyun - Haha, I was in toilet… Sorry.


Manager - It's nothing, lets talk after diner.


Shim was thinking about Kevin's matter.


Soohyun - It's already diner's time ? Oh my god, I have to change outfits !


Hoon - It's ok leader, your outfit isn't weird.


Soohyun - You think so ? Ok then, let's go !


Hoon and Soohyun are going to the living specially prepared for UKiss members and staffs.




Dongho and AJ's room before diner ?


Dongho - Oh, I'm still so confused…


AJ - Why ? Don't you love him ?


Dongho - Actually, I admire someone else… It's not love but... This is really confusing.


AJ - Hmmm…


AJ approaches to the half sleeping Dongho.


AJ - Do you admire me ?


Dongho - … You were aware of that ?


AJ - Wow, what a surprise !


Dongho stares at AJ then sits on his bed next to him and leans his head on his shoulder.


Dongho - What am I supposed to do ?


AJ - Let's wait until Soohyun revealed us !


Dongho - He won't…


AJ - Then…


AJ stole Dongho a kiss.


Dongho - Wh-


AJ - Let's date. What do you think about that ?


Dongho - You do love me ?


AJ - Love ? I don't know, but still, I really like you, maknae.


AJ's charming smile makes Dongho's heart melts now... But what will happen if Soohyun get to know about their new relation-ship ?

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FlamingMinho #1
Please do update soon!
UPDATE soon. Whhaaa..I want HonVin's chapter again >.<
Agh. Past tense. Anyway. I like this. <3 It's kind of like a reality show!
Omg this is so funny~ please update soon ^^
Update soon! This got good~
Update soon, please ^^
update soon !
i wanna know more :D
I really like the story but the font is hard to read =_=
iamanonymous #9
I see potential in this story. :) but I have to say that font makes it really really hard for me to read on my iPod.