Before the recording starts.

About Intimate Note, Fan service and Secret Love.

[..So hi xD First Fan Fic ever for me.. I hope I'll get better with my writing the more chapters I write... yeah.. xD wait for it! Hope you like it~!]




It was already pitch dark outside as the door to BEAST's dorm opened and Hyunseung entered, throwing his bag on the floor and his jacket on top of it. He walked through the kitchen, massaging his tired neck with one hand, trying to be as silent as possible to not wake the others up, which he thought were probably sleeping already. He couldn't know that the others beside Junhyung had a schedule to attend to for the next days and only Junhyung was at home, alone with him. 

Junhyung waited for him to return but the boy didn't come back at ten, the time he said his schedule actually ended, but after midnight. He was sitting on the couch and watched him sneaking through the kitchen, a slight anger swelling up inside of him, knowing with who the other was all the time.


''You're here.'' He spoke trying to hide his slightly trembling voice.


He startled Hyunseung, making him wince and immediately freeze in his current position.


''I thought you finished at ten.. I was worried.'' he continued.


Hyunseung sighed in relive as he noticed that it was his hyung talking to him, and not one of the crazy fans which followed him to the dorm, wanting him to do whatever. His facial expression changed quickly from shocked to rather cold, his voice not showing any regret or bidding for mercy.


''Yeah.. We needed a little longer.'' He answered without even looking at him.


Hyunseung headed towards his room after, not caring about what the other wanted to say because he was too tired to not lose his temper or end up saying something insulting. That day he was extremely exhausted already and having the guy he loved from the first meeting always beside him, caring about him made it even worse. He had to force himself to ignore his band mate like that although it hurt him badly; It made his heart slowly break from the inside like a sweet but deadly toxic. 

During months, he tried to cut off his feelings, ignore them and just do his job but Junhyung didn’t make it easy for him. He kept on asking him what was wrong, why he was acting the way he did, but he couldn’t tell him. Not only because he was scared he’d get a rejection but also for the sake of beast and whole cube entertainment. The reason for his worst pain though was that even if he’d tell him what was wrong with him, that he’s in pain that much because he can’t ignore his feelings towards him and that he just wanted to be with him instead of Hyuna or anyone else, be together with him for the rest of their lives and the very slight chance that he felt the same would be true; It was impossible, because they were idols. They had to do their job. They couldn’t afford a scandal, not between two guys. So he ignored, tried to ignore everything. 


''Yah! I'm not finished with you now! Come back immediately!'' He could hear the other yell from the kitchen.


The only thing in Junhyung’s thoughts was that Hyunseung must have been together with Hyuna all the time, extending their 'schedule', or to secretly date, in other words. He clinched his fists at the thoughts which formed in his head, wishing he had never found these news being displayed on his laptop, together with a picture from just a few hours earlier, a blurry picture of a girl and a guy, holding hands with the big headline; “TROUBLE MAKER PARING, A ROMANTIC DATE IN LOTTE WORLD AFTER DISCOVERING THEIR LOVE WHILE DANCING?”

Junhyung shook his head and stood up. It was like that for over one month now, it couldn’t continue anymore. Not for him, not with the two of them.


"He’s going to create a bad scandal like that." Junhyung mumbled angrily to himself.


Junhyung wouldn't let him get away like this. He stood up and walked with a churned expression on his face past Hyunseung's room. Hyunseung himself just reached the doorframe as the other harshly grabbed his wrist and turned him around, making him directly look into his face.


“I’m tired Jun.” Hyunseung said not looking into his eyes, only wanting to be away from him and finally get some sleep.


Hyunseung freed himself from the steady grip on his wrist and just wanted to walk into his room again, as two hands slammed against the wall beside his head, making him gasp and stay, nearly pressed against the wall, Junhyung’s arms completely blocking his way, his burning eyes fixed on his.


“I won’t release you until you tell me what’s wrong with you! What the hell are you thinking?!” Junhyung raised his voice, anger growing in his words, hoping to finally reach the other’s ear. “You can’t always run away like that! Trouble Maker pairing?! Is that what you want?! Secret dating?!”

Hyunseung harshly bit his lip, sighing then turning his head away from Junhyung. Junhyung was so close.. His face inches from his, his breath against his skin, his scent in his nose and his body.. He took together the very last of his strength, calmed himself down mentally then spoke through together pressed teeth the probably most insulting thing to Junhyung.

“As if you’d care.”

His right hand slapped away Junhyung’s which was blocking his way so he was able to walk inside of his room, slamming the door shut right behind him before Junhyung had the chance to enter and locked it. Immediately after he felt like throwing up or hitting himself for saying that to the caring, always protective Yong Junhyung, but there was no other way out. 

Junhyung lift his right hand, clenched to a fist and wanted to slam it against the door but he stopped only a few inches away and bit his lip. He let out a deep sigh then turned around and spoke with his eyes closed; his head leaned against the door:


"Fine, you won. I won’t ask you what you did in that time and you know what? I don't even want to know honestly. I just thought we were close.. but yeah, looks like i was wrong if you don't even tell me that. Just don’t forget to pack your things. You know, we’re going to record the ‘surprise’ trip for Intimate Note.. Manager Hyung thought it might be good for the two of us, or rather our shippers and fans. They all crave for some Junseung and we’re actually not allowed to know but it would be better to prepare ourselves at least a bit. That’s what I wanted to tell you. Yeah.. Night."


Junhyung turned around and walked into his own room, falling on his bed fighting against the urge to fall asleep, not wanting to wake up the next day and go to that show all alone with Hyunseung. Although he always told himself there was nothing he felt for his fellow members beside brotherly love, deep inside of him he knew it was a lie, but at the same time he just didn’t seem to realize it...yet.

He ended up falling in a light asleep early in the morning, haunted by bad nightmares about BEAST disbanding because of various scandals.

In the meantime Hyunseung lay in his bed, unable to close an eye, starring at the ceiling through the darkness in his room. ‘Intimate note..? Alone… With Junhyung?!’ There was no way he would let that happen. It would break him apart to do all these skin ship things on a reality show but pretend to be awkward and not really enjoy it but at the same time he exactly had to do that for fan service, and he was absolutely sure that that special episode, with the special and famous ‘Junseung’ couple would be a lot more hardships to them than all the other 'normal' episodes before. But how was he able to escape that?

Sometimes he really wanted to curse his fans for shipping them, but how could he? He loved his fans of course and Hyunseung and Junhyung were to blame actually for acting that close in public -what they actually were but it looked like they were slowly moving apart..
He was scared, scared that he’ll be enjoying being near Junhyung too much and that the shield he built for such a long time would break into thousands of pieces but he had to act close to him, in the end at least. The thoughts about that the recordings already started the next morning, that they would leave for the trip to the special episode and that they wouldn’t be able to talk before after their little fight gave him a bad headache. He massaged his temples, plugged in his eardrops and closed his eyes, trying to think of a way out.




Hyunseung’s buzzer rung at 4.45 am, his mind only slowly waking up, forming one single thought in his head together with a sigh; Showtime. He opened his eyes and slipped into his role as an idol, pretending to be awkward with Junhyung, pretend to feel nothing for him but brotherly love, or Bromance. Hyunseung walked into the kitchen to make breakfast, not bothering to go to Junhyung’s room on purpose to ask if he wanted some too as he usually did, because he had heard the stuff from Intimate Note entering a few hours before, installing their cameras everywhere in the hole dorm, including his room. He was about to fry eggs as 

Junhyung entered with messy bed hair and still in his sleeping clothes. Not sure how he should react towards him, he simply tried to ignore him, frying the eggs in front of him. Junhyung looked slightly confused as he greeted Hyunseung and only mustered him from head to toe.

"... Good morning "He said after an awkward silence and staring, scratching the back of his head, looking rather clueless.

Hyunseung concentrated himself on frying the eggs to an extent where it would be described manically already, starring at them as he wanted to kill them, although they were dead already, practically.


Hyunseung then finally looked up into the others eyes, staring at him for a moment.. At him, his perfect figure, the way he looked like as he just woke up, his bed hair, his eyes, his- Snapping out of it again he let his eyes face the floor, mustering the wooden ground, feeling ashamed about his actions from the day before. 

Junhyung just nodded his head a tiny bit before he walked into his room again, away from the other one, making the situation really awkward which they didn’t even had to produce that moment. It was just not the day to start recording something like Intimate note for them, not in their current situation, after their fight but they had no chance.. 

Hyunseung sighed as he heard the others steps going further away again, whishing nothing more but to make him stay and share his breakfast with him, forgetting the fight they had before and see him smile his dorky but not half as charming smile again. He took in a deep breath before he put his eggs on a plate and sat on the table, starting to eat by himself, alone, thinking about the possible locations they'd be sent at, because that was the only thing unknown to them. 

Junhyung appeared again in his normal clothes, dressed and showered. Ready to record, he sat down across from Hyunseung, but didn’t even gift him with a glance.

“Nice weather today..” Junhyung said, still looking somewhere else but Hyunseung.

Hyunseung waited a few seconds, until he simply responded with a slight nod, finishing his food.




Junhyung’s POV




Junhyung woke up as he heard the door to Hyunseung’s room open then close again, having nothing else in his head but their fight and Hyunseung's words 'As if you'd care.'. He opened his eyes though he still stayed under his warm blanked, his arms crossed with his head on top of them. Frowning lightly, he took in a deep breath, trying to interpret everything possible into the other's insulting words. 

“Why did I get that angry at him..? Am I caring too less for him?” He asked himself.

Lightly tilting his head, he starred at the ceiling above of him, releasing a sigh

“..Because of a scandal.. Of course. And maybe I really do..”

Although the solution he found indeed sounded good and also trustworthy, something inside of him knew there was something wrong.. He didn’t exactly know how long he was lying there in the exact same position, thinking about that there really must be something strange happening with his fellow member, because as they still were realy close, about two months before, Hyunseung had assured him he would never begin something with HyunA.. 

As he finally got up and walked to the kitchen, he noticed Hyunseung was already standing there, making breakfast as always, though, he could see there was only enough for one person. Blinking lightly the scratched the back of his head with one hand, greeting his band mate confusedly.

“…Good morning”

He had to wait quite a while before Hyunseung then finally answered him, together with a long, intense stare. Junhyung bluntly stared back for a moment before the other broke the eye contact apart again, looking down. ‘He obviously isn't over our fight..’ 

His sight traveled to a little calendar, standing on top of the counter, wanting to slap himself immediately for forgetting.

‘Damn it. Intimate Note. Today.’ Junhyung thought then immediately walked back into his room, getting ready for the ‘surprise’ by the staff arriving soon.

Taking a long time to shower, he had a little bit more time thinking about Hyunseung's strange manners and how he could show him that he indeed cares for him. He had never seen Hyunseung like that.. That silent and strained since his training with HyunA started.. But something was obviously strange with the 'Trouble Maker pairing' Junhyung just didn’t know what.. Hyunseung wouldn’t have said these things, talk back at him like that nor avoid his gaze or don’t even bother to ask him for breakfast or.. Did he talk to him that less the past weeks so he didn’t even notice how Hyunseung changed? Did they meet that less? Did they drift apart that far..? 

Sighing deeply, he let the drops of water rain down onto his head, whishing it would not only wash away the dirt but also his unstoppable thoughts and the 'Trouble Makers'.

“What’s up with him..?”



In less than about ten minutes, the two of them were dressed and their suitcases packed, the excited stuff members had already inflated the dorm with loud noises of happiness and joy, “surprising” the two of them.
They congratulated them to the filming of a special episode in front of the camera, explaining the further steps to them in silence, without any cameras rolling.

The seeming to be very young PD walked up to them, the word ‘happy’ writing all over his face. Both of them were able to tell that he was very new in his job but to their surprise he sounded really experienced already.

The show would include about seven episodes, all recorded at the same place they'd stay for 7 days together at a house and there would be missions flying down from time to time, telling them what they had to do and in case they passed the mission, they’d receive more food, for example.

Hyunseung’s eyes widen in shock at the PD's words. 7days..8 nights.. The two of them.. And the missions they'd get through letters falling from the sky anytime. No other stuff members beside the camera men.. Feeling his stomach turn and a light headache creep up again, bringing up his hand to lightly massage his temples, making it look like as if he'd only be tired, rubbing his eyes so no one would notice his dislike.
He wasn't prepared for the next thing the PD said at all.


"Right, it's recorded 24 hours, not only from the camera men. There will also be hidden cameras in the house you two live and the surroundings. That’s variety! That never existed! Something new! Boom neh? But the most important thing; Think about the fun and the great place the two of you are heading to~!"

The PD said with a very happy, bright expression on his face, forcing the edge of his lips up to a wide and bright grin, not noticing the darkening expressions on the two faces across from him over his own joy.

“OK! Let’s Go!” The PD's overly excited voice echoed through BEAST's dorm, followed by a lot of ''Yes sir!'' and ''Prepare the cameras!''

Hyunseung forced himself to concentrate on what the PD was saying instead of thinking about the actual situation. Sure, they were just acting awkward but still, thinking of fan-service and seven lonely days with Junhyung after the talk they had the past night made things even worse for him. And 24 hours? They wouldn’t have privacy at all.. Even if not everything would air..

He tried to see the things like an idol should see them, as ‘fan-service’ and he did it for his fans, but still, it seemed quite crazy to him, a seven days special. 24 hours recorded. As if he wouldn't suffer enough from one single recording with his fellow member already..

Sighing deeply he stretched his arms and closed his eyes for a tiny moment, trying to prepare himself for the following week.

The PD's voice brought him back to reality again as the whole stuff was nearly finished removing all of the cams from the dorm again, ready for departure.


"So guys, I know it might be hard for the two of you to do all that couple stuff and look good 24/7 but let's just give our best neh? I will look that the two of you will have some free time too. A few hours.. Maybe a little trip without cameras.. Whatever, we’ll see." The PD spoke up with a charming smile forming on his lips.


Both of them nodded slowly, Hyunseung totally lost in his own thoughts again, chewing on his lower lip while Junhyung was simply starring at a point further away, sighing but seeming quite happy to Hyunseung’s big surprise. He wasn’t able to ask him what his thoughts were, because as soon as everything was explained, they had to enter the van after packing more stuff into their suitcases, enough for seven days..

The place they'd go still unknown, just as the PD’s actual thoughts for the recording..


[Hope you enjoyed chapter 1! ^^ Sorry bit short ^^;; Reveiling the 'special place' and the first mission in the next Chapt! Thanks for reading! <3]


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vanilLaJae04 #2
wow so excited for this. i'm loving this story already. <3
I hope there's a real program/episode like this, esp made for JunSeung fans. just to get them out from being so ninja. XD
b2utyAngel #3
nice story!!
cant wait for next chap ^^
Ahhh! Can't wait for the next chapter! Kekeke
JokeRancho #5
i just need to love this story. I can't wait for JunSeung moment! Authour ssi fighting!!
MilkyFisho #6
again me like update soon
me like update
Looking forward to this~ ^^