
Scape Goat

Hebe. Hebe will be her name. Hannah thought as Hebe replied to her cuddle with wailing crys.

"She's beautiful, Mrs. Tian" the nurse smiled, as she swept away the salty sweat drops cascading down her relieved forehead.

Hannah would reply but the labor did live up to it's definition; hard work and she was honestly too exhausted but had little enough energy to muster only a smile before she drifted to slumber.

Worried but jubilant, the father, Ping had his face glued to the transparent glass observing his baby girl from a distance. Ping saw only the lips and nose of his new born. A small pudgy nose that stood out for its size and a mouth that would soon rebel against anything that she wouldn't consent with in her later teenage years. A girl.. Troublesome.. He thought, in dissapointment.

Ping really appreaciated and loved the opposite but as man raised from China, he always prefered a male. They were the ones who usually made the most money and were physically and mentally stronger. Also, they had less drama than girls did.

The more he thought about it, the more dread clouded his head. He wouldn't stand being the only man in the house with his girls hogging the bathroom for god knows what they do. Ping sighed, exasperated already.

But still, even if all those upcomings were going to be tiresome, she was HIS child. He peered closer, hoping to find positive qualities with girls and he found it. Even if the things he saw weren't neccessarily good deeds that girls could do, all Ping found was traits that belonged to his or his wife's family.

Maybe a girl wouldn't be that bad. Ping thought, a smile beggining to spread across his cheeks. She has my nose.

The doctor mouthed some words to the nurse.

"Sir. You can come in to see her. Congratulations by the way. She's gorgeous." the Nurse reported.

He nodded, and rudley barged in the door to hold his new female infant. Got to thank her later. Ping made a mental note.

"Mr. Tian, your little girl is waiting for you to hold her." he smiled welcomingly.

Ping was happy that he would be the first to carry her in his arms so she was hugged gently to his chest instantly.

"Aww... Hello there.. My precious little.." he was about to say her name but realized she didn't have one yet and his wife was asleep. He didn't dare wake her up after the overwhelming labor she experienced nor could he name his new daughter without his wife so he was left regretting not naming her before hand.

My daughter.. Your so beautiful.. Incredibley beautiful.. Ping gazed at the chubby face.

"Your child is beautiful. What's her name?" the Nurse asked.

"Thank you. I don't know yet. My wife will be the one giving her a name but shes sleeping at the moment."

"Oh, I see, but I'm afraid the baby will need to be confiscated." She held out her hands with a serious expresson.

Ping's face looked baffled, then angry and then he protectivley wrapped his baby girl with his muscular arms.

The nurse's face turned softer after realizing how intimanating she just sounded."Oh no, I didn't mean it like that, Sir. I'm sorry. I ment she needs to be tested to see if shes fully healthy. So, what I mean is that, I have to take her to Doctor Tam for inspection."

Ping was a little relieved but a tinge of suspicion still hovered over him but after the nurse's impatience grew evident in her face, so he tucked his baby into his arms. He tried to erase any bad thoughts by manifesting himself with happy thoughts of his family when they could all reunite again just so he would look like he was a man of homage that could endow his wife comfort and support after her formiddable labor. Ping sighed and swallowed the air.

Nurse's P.O.V.

"I'll be taking her away now." I said, doing my duty.

"Yes.. Yes.. Please take care of her!" Mr. Tian said nervously and a little desperatley if you asked me. And I thought he was cute too. Sure, he is starting a family but who am I to deny him a good time? That's what a pathetic nurse did to my family, so why can't I share her legacy? Well, whatever. I had to pay the bills and support my own kids for now.

I nodded, turned to the door, and as I was walking with leisure and swift steps, I wondered if my dad has ever been so heartbroken to let a complete stranger handle there baby. Then I suddenly remembered an conversation of pure family time I had with them before that stupid pedofile decided to break up us.

"Listen, Megan Laura Vo. You should have seen you're Papa's face when he saw an nice lady in a white cap hold the baby first. I wanted to do the honors of course but that lady just swooped in to cradle and laud you in her arms! I was surprised and unhappy but I couldn't do a thing because I was that tired but anyhow.. your Papa was so furious, he almost sued the hospital! So, you tell me if he cares for you or not, Megan!" my Mama had once lectured me in my teenage years of when I felt kind of depressed.. Long and sad story..

Of course, I cheered a little as I brought the new child to Dr. Tam.

"Is that Tian?" He asks.

"Yes, doctor." I say.

"Put her in the blue bed." he instructed.

I did as I was told so then I decided to leave but before exiting the room, Doctor Tam sent me to another station.

"Hello." I said, entering another show of new life already beared.

"Great timing! Your Nurse Vo, right?" A mature voice of a women asked, sounding relieved.

"Yes, and I've come to transfer your child to the care of Dr. Tam for inspection of her health." I replied, making sure to be exact.

"Hurry, will you? Bring our Tian there quickly." a booming deeper voice demanded.

"Of course." I said, beggining to start a brisk walk to the baby but the word, "Tian" ceased my motions.

"Wait.. Tian? Did you say Tian?"

"Yes, now will you please, hurry?"

"Sure. Sure." I gestured him to calm down.

Tian.. I thought. Small world.

Then, I successfully soon arrived at Doctor Tam.

"Sir, where do you her?" I asked.

"Oh yes, your back quickly. Let me see, " he rubbed his chin, "Put the little unnamed infant next to Tian." and that's what I did but somehow, those words seemed to bother me. I began to wonder but Dr. Tam broke my concentration with another task so I went off to take action again.


Shirleynator wrote the proluge don't you think it's good? (:

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MikiLiLikesDrawing #1
I loved the prologue and I've applied for the story. I'll be looking foward to the first chapter.
shirleynator #4
Wonderful I will join. <3 <br />
Haha jk but but. <br />
Yay we got a person. <3
__eccedentesiast_ #5
There's a lot of roles but the main roles where looking for are:<br />
Hebe's childhood friend<br />
Tian's childhood friend<br />
Tian's helper [Person that helps makes Hebe life a mess]<br />
and more but those are the only ones I can think of right now ^^
ShinHyeJin #6
uhmm... hi there :D, uhmm...i've applied in the story :D, if you get chosen, what will be your role in the story?