Pink Alert



Pink haired GD is one you can't just ignore... even if you're -on-Legs Seunghyun.




I'm a huge G-TOP fan and its my first time writing fanfiction.


 I'm not even sure why I'm even posting this here, and I'm even attempting to write ... Oh good lord...


Please be gentle with me... its my first time after all... LOL.



And this is a one-shot deal... then from their let's see how my career as a writer go.



P.S. English is my third language (after Filipino and J3j3mOn )LOL.





I wrote this on my laptop that completely crashed a year and a half a go... it’s already 2013---OMG  almost 2014,


I thought I'll be able to resuscitate it when I got it repaired but my harddrive's got completely wiped out.... I tried writing it again, but every time I try I get really frustrated ... so I'm just going to end it as it was- something that you just have to continue on your own...


and I'll try to write new stories instead. :)




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Chapter 1: i don't know how i found this fic, but i was immediately convinced because NOBODY can resist GD with the cotton candy hair! I actually quite liked how you ended it and left it to the readers to imagine what happens next. no limits! thanks for sharing ^^
dragonpimp #2
Chapter 1: Such a great story, but too bad it's already complete T^T
Can you please make the sequel? *aegyo*
Chapter 1: Aakh.. please update.. >.<
SarahGr88 #4
Chapter 1: ooooh I like!!! I would love for you to continue :)
Chapter 1: wait... what?!!?
kekeke I love this! xD
Chapter 1: oomg i want to know what will happen next pplzz
OMG! update soon! =)
hey there!! please update soon!! this story seems interesting... i'll be looking forward for your updates... kaya mo yan!! aja!!
DragonHunter #9
I really want to read it!