
The Princes of Jangwae High School

Hey guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so sorry for not updating sooner. At first, I was trying to find some more inspiration, then my internet went *BOOM*, then the whole revisions that are going on with the website. I've probably had to rewrite this chapter three times... -.-' Ugh. Anyways!!!!! Simple chapter... somewhat... ENJOY!

Song of the chapter:

Tae Sun's POV

The Weekend... FINALLY! I got up and washed up before running over to the dining room where Ae Soon and a hot, fresh apple cinnamon omelette were waiting for me. I thanked her for the delicious breakfast and dug in. "So what are we doing today, Unnie?" I asked before stuffing another bite in my mouth. "Not sure. We have to work this evening, but until then, the day is ours. We can go shopping or some--" 'Somebody turn the lights on! Somebody tell me what's wrong! I'd be lying if I told you, losing you--' Ae Soon looked at her phone, confused, before answering the phone. "Yosobseo? Oh, hey Shin Bae! No not right now, why? Oh? Yeah, sure! Yeah, we have matching outfits for that, so it should work out! Snacks?... Sure we can pick some up! See you in half an hour. Bye bye." She hung up and smiled at me. "I know what we're going to do today!" I just looked at her, confused. "We're going to Hyun Jae and Kang Ho's soccer game! Put on your cheerleader outfit!" "You mean the one we wore for Halloween last year?" She nodded and I just rolled my eyes. After breakfast and cleaning a bit, I went to put on some make-up and my cheer uniform and wore a large hoodie over it... With bunny ears!!! We met at the front door then ran out, ready and pumped up. We got in the car and started driving to the store. "So, Unnie, why are we doing this?" I asked. She just sighed and stopped in a parking spot at the store. She looked at me after turning the car off. "This is the first year that Hyun Jae has played a game without at least one of his parents in the stands. The guys thought that this would motivate him if we went. As for Kang Ho-sshi, this is his first game since an ankle injury last year. From what Shin Bae said, it was very serious. They thought he wouldn't be able to play anymore. He must be nervous.." I nodded as we got out of the car. The whole time we were in the store, I was in a daze. I never knew that about either of him. Out of all of us, Hyun Jae seems closest to his family. And Kang Ho... You can't even tell that he broke something. I was so deep in thought that I accidentally ran into Unnie while she was waiting in line to pay for the snack. "Mianhe Unnie..." I looked down, embarassed. She just patted my head and I looked up to her sympathetic smile. "Don't worry about them. They're fine, right?" I slowly nodded. After paying for the yummy snacks, we headed back to the car and were on our way to the school. We entered the parking lot and got out to greet an awaiting Shin Bae and Jin Hwa. "Okay ladies, time to take off the jackets." Jin Hwa said, a smirk growing, as we obliged. We threw our jackets in the car and pulled out the bags, handing them to the guys. "We bought, you carry." Ae Soon said flatly. They nodded as we walked out to the soccer fields. I could feel the guys staring at us from behind and it made me nervous. I clinged onto Unnie's arm the whole way to the fields.

Hyun Jae's POV

I'm sitting in the locker room with my teammates. Coach just finished his pep talk... Somehow, it really didn't motivate me. It's times like this that I really miss my parents. They always brought snacks and cheered for the whole team, not even just me. Sometimes, they would wear matching outfits, just to embarass me. But I loved it.. This is the first time that they weren't there. Kang Ho sat next to me and patted my shoulder. "Did you hear? Shin Bae and Jin Hwa are planning a surprise for us... Aish, what are they up to?..." I just shrugged. "How's your ankle?" He was silent. "Sorry... I shouldn't have said anything.... But..." I knew I shouldn't start, but I couldnt stop. "You've gone through more than enough therapy and you've fought enough. We practice and practice and I don't think that you've faltered once. It's almost like that fall never happened. Trust in your ankle, it won't fail." He just took a deep breath. "It aches sometimes, so I put medicine on it... But... What if it goes completely out?" He looks back down, frustrated. "It wont. I promise." He nods as we pull put our jerseys on and join the team on the field.


(Team Uniform)

As soon as we got on the field, we turned our heads to the sound of cheering and squealing girls. My eyes went wide when I saw two familiar figures  jumping up and down happily. The queenkas were cheering for us happily. "GO JANGWAE HIGH!!!!! GO GO GO!!!! HYUN JAE AND KANG HOOOOOOOO! YOU CAN DO IT!!! GO JANGWAE!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I started laughing, then looked over at Kang Ho, who was smirking. This really boosted me up. Was this Jin Hwa and Shin Bae's idea of a surprise? Well... it worked. They looked beautiful and... y! Definitely something that will pump us all up. Every single of my teammates was staring and so were a few members of the other team. I was so happy right now.

korean-cheerleaders-3.jpeg?w=460(cheerleading outfits)

With that, the game began. With my new-found motivation, I was able to stand my ground as middle forward. The person that was my opposite couldn't keep up with me. And like that, I made the first goal. But whenever I passed the ball to Kang Ho, he fumbled. He just couldn't get it through his head that his ankle was fine. And it didn't help that his opponent was beastly. He was fast, strong, and skillful. Normally Kang Ho could take him easily, but we need to fix his problem first. I had coach call a time-out and ran over to Shin Bae, an idea forming in my head. When I got to him, I whispered the idea in his ear. His eyes widened and a smile formed on his lips. "Ok, hyung! Leave it to me." I went back to the field and resumed playing. I saw that Shin Bae had left and sighed, hoping the plan would work. We were tied, one and one by the time that Shin Bae got back, carrying a stereo and some huge speakers. Our eyes met and he nodded, plugged his phone in, and turned it up.

As soon as the whistle blew, I saw Kang Ho's eyes grow. Then he developed this fierce look on his face. I knew that face... Anyone would have thought that it was his normal, emotionless face, but it was more, he was in the game now. What some people don't know is that when it comes to music, Kang Ho is enveloped by it. It controls him, his actions, and his attitude. Normally, he'll listen to something light and soft, but for occasions like this, he listens to something rough and hard. I sighed and smiled. It was time for the second half and I kicked off right to him. In less than 15 seconds, he had given us another goal. The score was now 3-5, we were down two points. I went over Kang Ho. "Don't Stop. Let's win this." His smile got wider and his eyes became more wild. I turned to Shin Bae and nodded. He brought another song full of beats and energy. Kang Ho was revibed but now his opponent was playing hard. The girls were still cheering in the background, which gave me confidence. We had gained two points, tying us with a minute on the clock. I looked at Shin Bae who did yet another high pumped song. I had an idea on how to win, but... I didn't know if he was up to it. "Kang!" I yelled and he looked over at me. "Rattlesnake." Before he had time to react, I was already working the ball down the field, he followed, still letting the music run through his veins. I kicked the ball into the air, then swung my legs towards the ball, shooting it over to Kang Ho. I regained my balance and looked over at him. He was in the air, upsidedown. His foot was holding contact with the ball, before extending his leg and throwing the ball into the goal right before the buzzer gave its final. I ran over to Kang Ho, who was now on his feet, breathing hard. "Hyung, why didn't you tell me beforehand?" "I did!" "Before thirty seconds ago." "You would have said no." I pouted. Before he could retaliate, we were both pounced on by two excited cheerleading queenkas. "AIGOO! You guys did so well! I'm so proud of both of you!!" Ae Soon said with a giggle, squeezing my neck. A wave of excitement came over me and I lifted her up and twirled her around, happily. We looked at Tae Sun and Kang Ho who were just standing there chatting, excitedly. Then she was pushed out of the way by a greedy Shin Bae. "ME NEXT! ME NEXT!" I smiled, as Kang Ho picked up the kid and twirled him around bridal style. We all laughed and the rest of the team surrounded us. 

Ae Soon's POV

We were surrounded by a group of happy, sweaty soccer players. Tae Sun and I had decided that if they had won, we would give them each a kiss on the cheek. So we did. They were so happy and excited that we did that. After everyone had gotten that little bit of attention, I yelled out. "Hey guys! I know that all of you guys have worked really hard, so to show our appreciation, we brought snacks!" I pointed to the stands where a bunch of different types snacks were laid out for the players. They all cheered and ran over there. I looked over at Hyun Jae, who looked like he was about to cry. Tae Sun and I ran over to him to see what was wrong and he just hugged us. He hugged us both so tightly, whispering, "Thank you guys... Thank you for helping us with this game." We smiled and both patted him on the back. All of the others of our little group came over and we all talked and congratulated. We were about to head back to the stands but we were cut off by a familiar figure standing in front of me, blocking our path. "Long time, no see, Ae Soon-ah. My my, you've become quite trashy, haven't you?" I didn't need to look up to know who was talking to me. My knees unbuckled right under me and I began to sink towards the floor. Tae Sun caught me and held onto my arm. "Lee... Eun Joon.." I whispered. Tae Sun's eyes widened. I could feel her body tense around mine. "He's the one that..." I nodded. "Come on, let's go." I said, standing. I regained my posture and started walking away, Tae Sun right on my heel.

siwon005.jpg(Lee Eun Joon played by Siwon :))

Jin Hwa's POV

To have such a reaction like that... I wonder who that guy was and what he wanted with Ae Soon. I pulled Tae Sun back as Ae Soon kept walking. All of the guys stopped. "Who was that?" I whispered. "Ae Soon's ex boyfriend. This is the first time that I've seen him, but I've heard plenty. They were in a year and a half long relationship. Throughout the whole relationship, he abused her and cheated on her. She could never stand up for herself. It was her sister that took action after finding her in the corner of her room crying. She--" "Hey, are you guys coming?! It's lunchtime!" Ae Soon called. "Don't tell her what I've told you, this was a hard thing for her to even come to me for." She glared at us and ran to Ae Soon, leaving us all in a state of shock. We turned to where Eun Joon was previously standing, furious, but he was gone. Sighing, we walked back to the them, putting on a happy face for the girls who had been fighting their whole lives.


Okay guys! Your turn to talk. Who do YOU want to end up together? And why? I'm taking a vote!!! BUT VOTE ON THE CHARACTERS IN THE STORY AND THEIR PERSONALITIES! Not the Idol that portrays them! Let me know and we'll see what goes on from there!

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LovingKPop4Lyfe #1
I LOVE THIS!!!! i cried a little about her past.... im such a wimp... still good story!!
toowhiteforkpop #2
i've only had time to read the first chapter but this is good ^-^ haha i love that Martina is the english teacher! their class would be the best! i will try to read more when i get time >.<
B2UTY-K #3
Please update when will minho & yoseob come in ?
Please update unnie
I really liked.........