It’s Complicated

SG one-shot collection

Requested by PolaroidParanoid

Characters: Saskia Morimoto a.k.a Kia(OC)
Uke Yutaka(Kai from GazettE)
Serenity Morimoto a.k.a. Seri (OC)
Keito Okamoto(Hey Say Jump)
Ryutaro Morimoto(Hey Say Jump)
Shintaro Morimoto (Johnny's Junior)

One Shot Writer: hae.gi33

Enjoy !


Don’t you hate it when your family gets involved in your love life? And don’t you hate it when they start interfering? It’s one thing that the girls hate the most, when people get involved unnecessarily. It happens, and what are we going to do right?


Kai had his calendar marked hearts and love signs all over on Valentine’s Day. On that day, the great drum player of Gazette would definitely confess all his feelings for the one girl he loved. Although he and his girl were close already, he felt that he had to truly seal the deal by telling her everything that he had in his heart. Kai smiled when he thought about everything that he had planned out for his perfect evening on Valentine’s Day with his perfect valentine: Kia.

Of course, Kia was going to be waiting for something to come very soon. She stared out the window hoping for her perfect man to come and take her away and sweep her off of her feet. Seri, Kia’s sister, could tell immediately what she was thinking about and started to munch on some Pocky before seeing her two younger brothers come over to their beloved eldest sister with a fun and enthusiastic smile.

“What are you thinking about some intensely?” Ryutaro asked as he sat by his sister. He stared out the same window that she did and tried to find what it was she was looking at.

“Nothing much.”

“Please don’t tell me it’s about another guy!” Shintaro shouted shocked to see his sister so deeply in love.

“Leave her alone, she can have all the love she wants besides from you guys. She can’t always live off of your love,” Seri said coming in. She didn’t want to interfere but she always liked Kia and wanted to help her before her brothers decided to barge in between their relationship.

“Stop it!” Shintaro said angrily as he felt Seri pinch him. She looked at him with a confused but he angrily stormed off and Ryutaro also gave up trying to get some answers out of his sister.

“So how is it going with you and Kai?” Seri asked sitting down next to her.

“It’s fine,” Kia said with a long loving sigh.

Later that day, Seri caught Kai before he was going into his concert with his band Gazette and quickly asked him a simple yet blunt question: “What are you doing on Valentine’s Day?”

“Uh….” Kai said stuttering, not sure what to say.

“Okay, you want to go on a date with Kia right? But I know that it’s going to be hard because of my two brothers, so let me help you,” Seri offered before Kai could say anything.

“Really?” he asked with his eyes glistening with happiness

It was already his band’s turn to go on stage and he wasn’t sure what to do as Seri only told him one more thing, “Of course, I’ll help you in exchange for something.”

“What?” he asked. He took his drum sticks and was ready to leave onto the stage with the rest of the band while Seri had on a mischievous smile.

“POCKY,” she shouted.

Kai was caught off guard but knew that her love for pocky surpassed almost anybody love for anything else. He grinned and he shook on it real quick before leaving. Seri then concluded her small part of the deal by adding, “Lots and lots of pocky.”

When Seri entered her home, her family was all waiting there. Her best friend Keito was also waiting there. The handsome young man was fooling around with the rest of her family and looked like he belonged there. In an instant, she smiled and bubbled her way into the conversation and joked around and sometimes laughed more than she had to, but nonetheless, she made the atmosphere feel good.

“So how have you been?” Keito asked Seri when the conversation and energy had died down.

“Nothing,” Seri said quickly and looked away. A chill ran up Keito’s spine but he was fine with it. Although he kept on asking simple question, Seri completely ignored him or just gave him a dead look while she smiled and fooled around with her family.

“Stop being so mean to Keito!” Kia would scold lightly but she knew everything.

In the end, Keito left after only having a fun time with everybody besides Seri and gave Seri a small hug good-bye that she actually returned which seemed rare these days.

“Why are you like that to him lately?” Ryutaro asked as he went upstairs to his room following Shintaro. Kia went to Seri and hoped to find some answers but after all, Seri just smiled and went to her room as well.

Lying down on her bed, she had a box of pocky next to her and started to crunch on one while thinking about Keito for a while. He liked her, she knew that much. She knew that he really liked her, more than friends, that kind of thing. But she didn’t really care about it, he never said it to her personally. He was always too shy and he always seemed like the calm and nice boy who never knew how to portray his feelings to his girl at all. She sighed and went to sleep after finishing the last stick of Pocky.

For a while, everything seemed to be going okay. Seri was helping Kai in trying to set up small dates that he could go with Kia before he officially had her heart. The little brothers were a pain but Seri always knew how to get them off of Kia’s and Kai’s backs.

“Ryutaro,” Seri called out. “Shintaro took your iPod. I just found it right here, lying around. I almost sat on it,” Seri said with a shocked look. She held the iPod that she almost sat on and Ryutaro angrily stormed up to his younger brother’s room.

“Why’d you steal my iPod?” Ryutaro shouted.

“What are you talking? Why would I steal yours? I have mine right here!” Shintaro said showing off his that he had in his hand.

“Well, what’s with the iPod I found on the sofa?” he angrily yelled. In an instant, the two started to get into a brawl and Seri was watching in the doorway with a small smile on her face. They were so oblivious as to what their older sisters were doing and planning. While Kia and Kai were out, Seri kept these two boys busy and Kai would come on a daily basis to fill his requirements and bought Seri packs and packs and yes, more packs of Pocky.

“You sure do like your Pocky!” Kai said handing her the bag of them.

“Well, they’re like chocolate covered sticks of love. I mean you can just fall in love with those, and who cares if it’s fattening? All I have to care about is that it’s good!” Seri said with a happy and bubbly smile. “Thank you, I won’t let you down, sir!” Seri saluted Kai and immediately let him go off with Kia at his side.

Keito came over again and he was welcomed like always. He was playing the Wii with the boys and Seri at the side and he kept on taking furtive glances towards her which she ignored immediately. She didn’t really care if he had any interest in her, she was too laid-back to overreact. Right now, she could only just observe what he was going to do next. She grinned as she took out her lovely Pocky and pop one right into and giggle like a giddy high school girl in love.

Keito asked, “Can I have one?”

“No, I think it’s better if I just have them all.” Seri didn’t even look at him and started to slowly chew on her Pocky with a concentrated face. Keito just smiled and back to his game.

Once again, Seri was in her bed chewing on her Pocky while thinking about Keito. She couldn’t really tell an exact time when he started to like but she only knew that he liked her for some reason that she really couldn’t figure out. She was always cold and negative towards him, something that friends do sometimes, but to some other extreme level. Seri, couldn’t understand how such a shy gentleman put up with her and even started to like her. She sighed and pulled herself into bed.

Kai, on the other hand, was unable to sleep. Every minute, he could only spend it thinking about his beloved Kia who was going to be his on Valentine’s Day. He grinned when he thought about Kia. She was kind, charismatic, and full of charm and always knew how to make things better. Kai could just marry her if he wasn’t such a gentleman but he always kept his composure.

One day, Kia asked her two brothers to hand something to Kai, who was too busy with his schedule. Of course, the loving brothers accepted and hurriedly went to the stage where the people already knew who they were. However, before they could do anything, they overheard something.

Kai was telling his band mates something. “I’m going to confess to Kia on Valentine’s Day. What do you guys think?”

“Well, I always thought it was the other way around, but I mean it’s cool,” said one of the guys.

“Yeah, that’s awesome! We all knew that you liked her to death,” another replied.

“What are you going to do on that day anyway?” another one asked as they all got curious and started to gang up on Kai with questions. Kai tried to explain but there were more suggestions now than questions. The two brothers stared at each other and knew exactly what was going on. Their beloved sister was going to leave them! They had to protect her from harm’s way!

They ran back home after dropping off Kia’s present to Kai at the lobby. They were home and Seri didn’t know why were they are panting but she knew that they were definitely up to something when they grabbed Kia and tried to push her into their room.

“What’s going on?” shouted Seri as she came over t the boys. She looked at them as they stared at the calendar intensely.

“No! It’s already only two more days until the Valentine’s Day!” they shouted as they panicked and didn’t know what to do. They started to panic and then stared into Kia’s eyes, knowing that they really didn’t have much that they could do.

Seri, on the other hand, laughed and knew exactly what was going on. She grinned and went to the sofa, she would go see Kai later and talk out some details. However, in her moment of thought, Keito walked in with a big smile. He looked at Seri and sat next to her and the television, and noticed that she was staring at the blank screen pretty intensely

“What are you thinking about Seri?”

“Not you…” Seri said immediately. It was her usual reply when Keito asked.

“Oh well, here, I brought you some Pocky.”

Seri’s eyes glistened and she took it out of his hands and ripped the box open to eat it as soon as her fingers lay on the chocolate covered sticks. In minutes, the Pocky was gone but Keito hurried and took out another one.

“How did you know that I loved Pocky?” she asked giving him a small smile.

“Because you always have Pocky in her hands,” Keito said with a shy smile. He knew Seri way too well.

He looked at Seri with loving eyes. He didn’t know why he liked her, he just did. She was tough, cool, chic and always had a sense of humor. He didn’t care if she was negative towards him; that was just how their relationship was. He’d be the nice boy and she was the tough girl. It was always like that, ever since they were friends. However, he wanted to tell Seri so much how he felt, but in the end, her brothers made sure that he didn’t have feelings for her, and that was why he had to hold it all in at times.

“Thanks,” she said softly.

Seri thought of a brilliant plan at that moment. She grinned and pushed Keito out of the house as fast as she could.

While her brothers were worrying over Kia for the past two days, Seri was baking and making chocolate and writing stuff all over it. She was getting excited, her smile was more loveable, and her eyes were glistening with love. It was finally Valentine’s Day. Kai was waiting for Seri to give her the call and Kia was waiting for Kai to come and rescue her. Keito didn’t know what else to do on Valentine’s Day, he was just going to wait for her.

“What is this?” Shintaro asked as he saw the chocolate on the breakfast table.

“What do you mean?” Seri asked.

“That bag of cookies and chocolates!” Ryutaro shouted.

“It’s for a special person,” Seri said. Kia looked at Seri alarmed and wondered who this person could be.

“I knew you loved me best,” Shintaro said as he went to reach for the bag. Seri slapped his hand and mad sure that he didn’t do anything more.

“Then it must be me!” Ryutaro added. He went for it too but Seri slapped his hand as well. Their father didn’t even bother with his daughter who was being serious about this for the first time ever. After a while, Seri stood up, took the bag and headed for the door.

“Where are you going?”

“To give it to my love.”

Seri confidently walked out. However, Shintaro and Ryutaro hurried to follow her out. They were close on her heel and they made sure that they weren’t seen. Seri knew her plan was going perfectly well, but as she was going to give the chocolate to the special person, she couldn’t help but to wonder why she felt so happy just going over there with a smile.

Kai, on the other hand, knocked on the door, and met with his beloved Kia.

“I love you,” he said as soon as she opened the door. Kia was shocked but took the rose he had in hand and kissed him sweetly on his cheek.

“I love you too,” she said with a red blush.

The two went out. They weren’t followed, they were being stalked. They were being themselves and hoping that nothing could stop their romantic date. Kai had it all planned out. Watching a movie on a romantic story, dinner at a romantic restaurant, and to top it off, a romantic evening walk in the moonlight, everything was perfectly set. He was also going to give her the ring, that he bought earlier, to her as well. The night was going to be perfect for those two.

For Seri, on the other hand, she was being followed but she was confident. She knocked on the door that the two boys couldn’t recognize but a simple boy came out. He was still in his pajamas with his messy hair. But when he saw Seri, he quickly said, “Oh! Seri, what are you doing here?”

“For you.” Seri gave the cookies and chocolate.

“That’s Keito!”  the brothers yelled.

“What’s this?” He took the cookie that read: To the sweetest guy ever.

He smiled and went over to Seri with a candid face.

“What?” Seri asked.

“For the sweetest girl I know.” He leaned over and gave her a small kiss on her lips.

So ladies and gentlemen, you should very well know what it feels like to have family barge into your life. Sometimes, that’s what makes things happen and makes fate work its magic. Kai could have never been able to grow such a love for Kia if not for her brothers always trying to keep them apart. Seri would have never figured out her real love for Keito if not for her brothers as well. So what did you learn from this? Don’t brother your brother or sister’s life but don’t think a little involvement is bad.


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