October 3rd, 2008.



October 3rd, 2008.


To my dearest hyung,



Hey hyung! So~~ today, after lots of insisting from Kyuhyun of going out for a drink, I finally accepted and we went to a bar near the park I always go to read. But hyung, I don’t like bars… ah… I didn’t tell you before right? I don’t like noisy places, I like calm and relaxing ones~ that’s why I like reading in a park! It makes me feel at peace. And I didn’t want to drink alcohol because hyung, if I can’t control myself around him sober, how will I become drunk? Sigh, I don’t want to think about it.

So I think he saw I was really uncomfortable and he offered to go out to another place, I quickly nodded because it was really noisy but then I regretted it because being in a quiet place meant we could talk more and that wasn’t exactly what I wanted… suddenly I wanted to be drunk or have drank some alcohol and pretend I was.

We went to a café, it was really comfy but I was pretty nervous to look around for details. Hae betrayed me! Can you believe it! He suddenly sent a text that he couldn’t go when I was already there! That fish… he wants to make me crazy! Hyung! Hurry and take him away, he only will listen to you!

Anyway, so he started talking, I was afraid to do so because I knew my voice would crack any time soon, so I let him talk, it was just about his school and such, I didn’t want to turn up but then I thought it was rude so I did. Hyung, he has the most perfect lips I had ever seen. I wonder how it feels to kiss those lips. I bet they’re soft… is Kyuhyun a good kisser? I think he is…

And then he asked me how was I doing at college, I gulped and looked down before just mumbling something like ‘yeah, everything is fine’ but he kept on asking and then suddenly it went even more personal so I just wanted to go away from that place. He asked me if I had someone I liked and hyung, I couldn’t lie so I told him that I did. He stood quiet for a while, maybe a little disappointed? Hahaha, no, but I wish he was disappointed at that! I’m almost sure he knows I like him now! And then he asked me who it was, or if he knew her…

I didn’t think clearly at that time when I told him it wasn’t a ‘she’ but a ‘him’… but he just smiled and hyung, that was the smile that makes me melt! Then he asked me something like ‘is he more handsome than me?’ hahaha is there someone more handsome than him hyung?! Ahh… at that time I laughed at the question and since I was already telling the truth… why not continuing? I mean, he wasn’t going to be mine anyways? So I told him that the one I liked was equally handsome as him. I wanted to sound mockingly but I guess blushing didn’t help at all and he laughed at me!

After a while I think his method of laughing at me worked because we weren’t awkward anymore, I could be myself in front of him, I don’t remember the last time I had so much fun hyung! I didn’t even remember I could smile so widely! My cheeks hurt but everything was worthy! ^^ We stayed chatting and drinking non-alcoholic drinks until four am hyung! I showed him the park I like to go and he said it was really nice~

Has he always been this caring hyung? He so polite and educated! I think he thinks of me as a girl because he opens the door of the car for me, he even lets me pass by the doors first and he was the one paying for everything…

Ah~ it felt like a real date! ^^

Hyung, now I know why I love him so much, and somehow, I don’t want to stop doing so.





PS: Hyung, did you know? People are more likely to tilt their heads to the right when kissing instead of the left (65 percent of people go to the right!). Hyung, I really want to kiss those lips. Would he turn to the right?

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975 streak #1
Chapter 21: This is so sad, yet so beautiful.
I just wished that Kyu didn't end his life. But then, that was how he wants to be with Hyuk.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Chapter 21: T.T! why does all ur fic make me cry so hard D: D: but its well written ! i was trying to find out how you would end this story! but it was better than i expected! hahaha! :D all along i thought sungmin was dead, thats why he didnt reply :P turns out to be hyukkie :(
Chapter 21: It's 11:42pm and I'm crying! Srsly this is whyI hate angsty fics...
Buy I must say that the end was beautiful, I was hoping to see Sungmin in the end, wonder why Hyuk never send those letters.

Truly beautiful, and Sungmin's postcript in the end, ufgh.
Chapter 20: even though i accidently read a comment before, i still cried:'( everything was so happy and the it was so sad:( though i'm happy kyu&hyuk and hae&min ended up together...good job authot-nim:)
CookieSoo #5
Chapter 21: Awwwwwwhhhh why the sudden cancer? :'(
kriena #6
Chapter 21: I've cried before reading fanfics, but although I really wanted to when I finished this one, I didn't. I think it's because I spoiled it by reading the comments and finding out about someone dying, and then I guess I kinda braced myself for it.

But it was so beautiful, I wanted to be a little mad at Sungmin for not visiting earlier, but I can't bring myself to be and instead feel so sorry for him, but at least he has Hae now :3
pillow4hyukjae #7
Chapter 20: this is ____ing well written! bt i still am cnfused...sungmin is dead right? since u wrote that he nver visited his hometown for years means he's dead right? oh god kyu..u love hyukkie sooo much.
NevertheMaknae #8
Chapter 21: ... CRIED SO HARD!!!!!!!!
loved it!!
Keep writing good stories!
I cried so hard ohhh the angst T.T but at the same time it was a truly beautiful fic. I really want to thank you for writing something that touched my heart :)
BriBri228 #10
You are an absolute genius. Never have I cried before while reading a fanfic about somebody dying but your story just made me burst into tears at the end. And throughout the whole story I was happy for hyukie and kyu and it made my heart happy. Thank you for righting such a heartfelt story that managed to make somebody, who unconsciously smiles at somebody's death, cry. It is truely a five star story and I just love it.