Chapter 2

Through The Years

A/N: I already posted this but I guess it got deleted? So here it is again.

Exactly a year later, Big Bang officially disbanded.

Regardless that Sandara had been the one to end the relationship, rumors had spread that Jiyong had cheated on Sandara, causing people to turn their back on Jiyong and anything Jiyong related. Big Bang’s sales dropped tremendously, and in just a year, they went from one of the top groups to the bottom of the food chain. The group had hit an all time low, but as difficult as everything was, the members still had faith and wanted to continue with making music.

That is, every member except for Jiyong.

Jiyong went into depression after Sandara dumped him, and all the rumors flying around only damaged the wound. His passion for music was completely gone, and he felt he had no purpose in life. s tried to comfort him, but that only drove him away, leading him to completely vanish one night.

“What do you mean he’s gone?!” YG roared when he heard the news.

“He just left.” Youngbae answered. “Last night he said he was tired so he went to bed early, but when we woke up, he and all his belongings were gone.”

“No one has seen him since.” Seungri added.

Minji hung her head low, something she had been doing ever since the meeting was called to place. What Youngbae said was true, but what Seungri had said wasn’t.

YG took notice of the maknae’s odd behavior. “Minji, what's wrong?” He asked from across the room. “Do you know something we don’t?”

Minji forced herself to look up. All her unnie’s and oppa’s stared at her with anticipation, awaiting her answer.

“No sir,” She said quietly. “I only know what you all know.”

YG didn’t know if he truly believed her or not, but didn't question her any further and continued on with the meeting. Once all eyes were off her, Minji took a deep breath and thought back to the night before...


Minji couldn’t believe that she left her phone in the practice room, again, and quickly rushed off to go find it. She was so thankful no one else was awake because they for sure would have scolded her for being out of her dorm at this time of night, especially since 2NE1 had an early schedule prepared the next day. She quickly rushed into the practice room because it was the last place she remembered being and sighed with relief when she saw her phone sitting on the bench. She grabbed it and dashed back towards the elevator as quietly as possible, but as the doors opened, she saw someone she wasn’t expecting to see already inside.

“Jiyong? What are you-” Her eyes dropped to his feet, which were surrounded by suitcases stuffed full. “Where are you going?”

“Why are you out so late?” He asked, ignoring her question. “You could get in a lot of trouble if someone found you.”

“I had to get my phone,” She answered. “But what’s with the bags? Are you going on a trip?”

He thought about lying, saying that indeed he was, but he couldn't bring himself to do so. Instead he grabbed Minji, pulled her into the elevator and waited for the doors to close. Once the doors were sealed shut he whispered, “I’m leaving.”

Minji's jaw dropped. “What?!?”

He clasped with his hand and shushed her. “Not so loud! We can't let anyone can hear us.”

He pulled his hand away and the look on her face began to change. “Oppa, what’s going on?”

“I have to get out of here Minji,” He told her. “I just can’t take it anymore. Everyone hates me.”

“No they don’t.”

“Yes they do.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a stack of envelopes. “See this? It’s all hate mail. I never get fan mail anymore. Ever. I’m ruined.”

He handed her one of the letters so she could read it, and as he stated, it was filled with pure hatred. It was so brutal Minji couldn’t even finish it and handed it back.

“So where are you going?” She asked.

“I don’t know.” He said. “Somewhere far away from here.”

“When are you coming back?”

He let out a soft, bitter laugh. “That’s the thing Minji. I’m not coming back.”

“You can’t do that!”

“And why not?”

“Because of Big Bang!” She said. “You’re their leader! Without you, they’ll be ruined.”

“News flash Minji. They’re already ruined. And it’s all because of me.”

The elevator doors opened, arriving at the bottom floor and giving Jiyong his opportunity to leave for good. He turned to Minji and stared straight into her confused brown eyes. “Promise me you won’t tell anyone about this.”

Minji thought back to the last time she heard him say this, back when he begged her not to tell anyone about him and Sandara. She had kept her promise, but look where that lead them to.

Still, she knew she couldn’t deny him. She cared for him, and loved him too much to turn her back on him. She sighed and mumbled, “I promise.”

He gave her a thankful smile and stepped out to leave, but Minji suddenly latched onto his arm to stop him. He turned around to face her as tears stung her eyes. “Please,” She begged softly. “Don’t go. I don’t want you to leave.”

He gave her a slight smirk and said, “Don’t worry Minji. You’ll see me again someday.”

He then ruffled his hand through her hair, just like the good old days, and turned around to leave. With tears trickling down her cheeks, she stood still and memorized the sound of his shoes against the tiles as he walked straight down the hall, out of the YG building, and out of her life.


Jiyong leaving had a huge effect on everyone. And because Minji kept his secret, his whereabouts remained a complete mystery.

As a result, people no longer trusted the company. They demanded an explanation for Jiyong’s disappearance, but it couldn’t be given to them. The Big Bang member’s were completely torn, and all of YG Entertainment was affected as well.

Without their leader, Big Bang was ruined, and it was now up to 2NE1 to keep the company alive. But unable to put Jiyong leaving behind them, the group was unable to pull through. The ‘spark’ they once had died, and soon the group was crumbling just like Big Bang had. In the end, YG had no choice but to disband 2NE1 as well.

Park Bom took the opportunity to settle down, get married, and start a family. Sandara went back to the Philippines and pursued acting there. Chaerin moved to America and started a fashion label with her good friend Jeremy Scott. Minji however chose to stay at YG.

It was her home. She grew up there and had too many memories that couldn’t be replaced.

Memories of Jiyong.

YG wasn’t quite sure if he had the courage to try again with an artist after everything that had gone wrong, but Minji was extremely talented and he wasn’t going to let that go to waste. So he took a risk and debuted her as a solo artist, hoping that the fans would accept her.

The response was amazing. It was almost as if everyone forgot about everything with Jiyong and focused on Minji instead. In just a year, she became one of the most famous celebrities in Korea. Her dancing had caught the attention of many, and her voice touched people around the world.

She was a superstar, and nothing was going to bring her down.


“What can I get for you Mr. Kwon? The regular?”

Jiyong put down today's newspaper and turned to look at the chef standing on the other side of the counter. “Do I ever order anything else?”

The chef smiled. “One breakfast deluxe coming right up!”

Jiyong smirked to himself and turned his attention back to his newspaper. It was just another day for him, coming to his favorite café to eat his favorite meal. It wasn't the busiest of places, but that's why Jiyong liked it. It was the perfect place for him to relax.

He turned the page in his newspaper just as the bell to the front door rang, signaling that someone had walked in. He turned to see a man struggling to carry a huge box through the doorway.

“Can I get some help?”

One of the waiters dashed to his side and helped assist the man with the box just as the chef came out to see what was going on.

“Oh, it’s finally here!”

“What?” Jiyong asked. “What is it?”

The two men planted the box on the counter and started to open it. “Oh you’re going to love this Jiyong.” The chef told him as they ripped the cardboard apart. Together the chef, the waiter, and the man who delivered it lifted out the item and held it up for Jiyong to see.

“Tada!” The chef called out. “What do you think?”

Jiyong examined the item in their hands; an expensive looking flat screen TV. Jiyong smiled and flashed two thumbs up for approval. “Now you can keep track of all those sports teams you always talk about.”

“Exactly!” The chef answered. “Plus, it makes the customers happy.” He turned towards the two other men and patted their backs. “Well boys, why don’t you set this thing up?”

The chef went back to his kitchen and Jiyong went back to his newspaper as the two men set up the TV. In no time, they had it hanging from the wall and running.

“Hey boss!” The waiter called out to the chef. “Come tell us what you think!”

The chef emerged from the kitchen and slid Jiyong’s plate of food to him before looking at his new electronic hanging on the wall. “Looks great guys.”

“So what channel should we put it on?”

“Hm, let's see…” The chef picked up the remote and flipped through random channels. Jiyong reached down for a sip of his coffee just as a new commercial came on.

‘It’s the moment you all have been waiting for!The concert of the year is right around the corner. You love her songs. You’ve mesmerized by her dance moves. Now come see her live! The one, the only…Minzy!’

Jiyong nearly choked on his drink when he heard her name. He hadn‘t heard anything about anyone from YG since he left…until now.

“Hey, isn’t that that Chinese girl?” The chef asked.

“Korean.” Jiyong quickly corrected.

“Who cares what she is? She‘s hot.” The waiter said as he pointed to the screen. “Have you seen the way she dances? I swear I’ve never seen any other girl who can move their hips like that.”

“I know right?” The other guy replied. “Imagine what she's like in bed.”

Jiyong cringed a little. He had never heard anyone talk about Minji like that, and he wasn’t quite liking what he was hearing.

The waiter continued to ogle at the screen. “Man, if I was lucky enough to get her one-on-one, I would totally-”

Jiyong cleared his throat, not wanting to hear the rest of that sentence. “Dude. Keep your fantasies to yourself. Please.”

The tone of his voice and the look on Jiyong’s face made the two shut up and go back to their business. Jiyong slowly turned back to the TV where a clip of a more mature Minji smiling at the camera was playing. He couldn’t help but smile back after seeing her charming grin. There was no doubt, he missed her.

It made him think back to the first time he met Minji. She was so cute and innocent. It was practically impossible to resist pinching her chubby little cheeks. He then thought about how he watched her grow from a sweet little girl into ’ero Minzy’ and how he used to . He also remembered all the times they laughed, and how she was his favorite girl.

Jiyong's eyes fell to the floor. He thought about her often after he left, especially since she was the last person he saw. The look on her face when he said goodbye was still painted in his brain, and he started wondering how she was doing now. Was she happy? Was she still the same, or had she changed? Did she miss him like he missed her? Did she even remember him?

All the thoughts of his past made his head start to spin. Usually he tried to avoid thinking about his past, but after seeing a glimpse of Minji, he couldn't. Jiyong knew he needed to go clear his head, so he threw some money on the counter and stood up to leave.

“What’s this?” The chef asked. “I’ve never seen you not finish your food.”

“I don’t feel good. I’m just going to go home.”

“Well do you want a to go box?”

“No.” Jiyong answered as he headed out the door. “Just feed it to some dogs or something.”

Without looking back, Jiyong left the café and headed straight home, the commercial for Minji’s concert kept playing on repeat in his head.

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Chapter 3: Nicely written (:
MindragonFan #2
Oh my gosh this was amazing!!! Sad they all drifted apart like that :/ but jiyong and minji were awesome :D
I wonder do they 2ne1 girls stay in touch?I wonder what Ji thought right now..haha
Yay you updated!!! ...but they disbanded!? noooo, I refuse to let my brain process that, nope never. always and fovever will they stay together! Lol Anyways can't for more... Ji's gonna return right? Oooo update soon please, need to know what's gonna happen... Fighting! :)
bjvip93 #5
OOOOMMOOO! This is soooo gooood!!! Loved it, loved it... looooved it! can't wait for more... there is more.. right? Update soon... please!