Kyuhyun's last chance

Kyuhyun's last chance


When Cho Kyuhyun was asked if he would like to dress up as a woman for a skit in SNL his answer would have been “no”, IF this wasn’t his only opportunity to make his hyung fall in love with him. You see, Kyuhyun has been in love with Yesung since the day he joined Super Junior. He found the turtle lover guy extremely cute and beautiful. 
 Kyuhyun thought the man was beautiful. But this term was mostly applied to express the man’s personality and voice. He was happy that Yesung had kept the promise he made when Kyu had the accident. But at the same time it made him sad, because he thought that was the only reason Jongwoon would treat him nicely. He had tried many ways to make the guy notice him but all of them had failed, and he didn’t want to risk their friendship. He hadn’t told any member about his crush and Kyuhyun was planning on keeping it that way. Unfortunately, he had to find a quicker way, because time was running out and Yesung’s army enlisting would arrive soon. So, when he was offered to dress as a girl, without hesitation, he answered “yes.” It was something he wasn’t used to do, but he had to give it a shot. This time, Yesung would finally look at him the way Kyuhyun has seen him for the past 6 years.
                                                                     ~* KyuSung*~
Yesung was shocked. 
When he heard that Kyuhyun had accepted to play the role of a woman for Saturday Night Live’s skit he thought Leeteuk was playing a joke on him. But when the older man assured and showed him the script, he knew it was real. So, when the recording day arrived, he asked if he could go watch. He HAD to see this. After all; it was his evil maknae acting as a girl.
Since Kyuhyun became a member of Super Junior, Yesung had declared the younger man his most precious possession. Although, no one else but himself knew about that. He had to know why the boy decided to accept playing that part, he knew the evil maknae always did things for a reason and he wanted to find out why his BabyKyu had accepted to become a woman. It was not normal for Kyu to choose to be under the spotlight. Kyuhyun had always been shy, so Yesung knew there was something on the maknae’s head to make him take such decision.
When they arrived to the set, Yesung was feeling anxious. He wondered how Kyu would look as a girl. Would he look pretty? Or would he look like an old ajumma? 
His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the director calling everyone to be ready because the filming was starting right now. 
Yesung took a sit behind the cameras to avoid disturbing the director and all the people in charge of the scene. The set went silent when the camera began filming. The first scenes, were the ones where the narrator introduced the prisoners of the village, they took a good 20 minutes to finish before Kyu’s appearance.
When the police car arrived, Yesung’s heart began beating faster. He could feel his palms sweating.
The car stopped and Kyu’s feet were visible. It wasn’t until he walked inside the village that Yesung could finally see his whole body.
He could swear his heart skipped a beat when he saw the Beautiful woman standing before him. It was nothing like he had imagined, he hadn’t thought Kyuhyun would look so gorgeous. 
Yesung was so busy admiring Kyuhyun’s beauty, that he didn’t notice the boy watching him. Kyu was surprised to see the elder man on the set; he hadn’t expected Yesung to go watch him film. He thought Yesung was supposed to be somewhere else finishing today’s schedule, not here watching Kyuhyun with such a deep gaze.
With Yesung here, he wouldn’t be able to concentrate, Kyu knew he would be secretly looking at his hyung.
 “Stop it Kyuhyun! You can’t ruin it! This is the last chance I have to make Yesung hyung fall in love with me.”
With those new thoughts in his head Kyuhyun decided to ignore the presence of his crush and focus only on becoming the best actor of the show.
The filming went smoothly for Kyuhyun. 
He didn't make many mistakes; in fact, he was doing better than the rest of the cast. He was really enjoying being a woman. Kyu was actually having a lot of fun. Who would've thought being a girl and having men fighting for her, would be so much fun! 
 One day, Heechul approached him and said:  “if a man can look as a beautiful woman, then that means he is a handsome man.”  Kyuhyun took that very seriously, so right now his ego was boosting like crazy.
Kyuhyun thought acting while trying to ignore Yesung would be very hard to accomplish, but he found a solution when he decided to imagine every male of the village was Jongwoon. His favorite scene, was when they had to introduce themselves to the other prisoners; when they asked him if his s where real, he hoped Yesung had seen him because even though he wanted it to look real he was feeling very embarrassed by it.
But unlike Kyuhyun, Yesung was not enjoying the performance at all. Every time a man approached his beloved Kyu, a rush of jealousy would possess his body. The only thing he had enjoyed was when Kyuhyun was telling them his nose and s were real. He was too focused on Kyu’s fake s, imagining they were real, that he didn’t notice the maknae’s deep stare. A part from that, he had a lot of trouble restraining himself from hitting Male no.1. Especially in the last scene, when he grabbed Kyu's fake s and his precious, delicious and… 
“okay Yesung, I think that’s enough about Kyuhyun’s ”.  He thought to himself.
Yesung was about to go punch him in the face when he remembered all that skin ship had to be done for the show. He was actually glad, when female Kyu struggled to push him away. 
After that last scene, the director announced the filming was over. He thanked everyone, and the crew members began picking up everything before returning to the main studio of SNL.
Yesung left from the set before Kyuhyun could see him, he didn't want the younger to know he had been watching the whole thing, but we all know a certain maknae had acknowledge the elder’s presence since the beginning of the skit. That’s why, before going into the Van, Kyuhyun looked everywhere for his hyung, but failed to find him. He was about to make a double check for him, when his manager called and told him they were about to leave. So, without an option he went to meet with the rest of the members at the studio. Hopefully, Yesung would be there.
When he arrived at the studio, he went straight into the changing rooms to change into his normal clothing. He looked at his reflection in the mirror and saw a beautiful young woman staring back at him. His own brown eyes had a tint of sadness and disappointment. He had hoped for his plan to actually work. When he saw Yesung there he was sure his plan was successful, but when he left, the idea of Jongwoon being disgusted with his temporary appearance wouldn’t leave his mind. 
Kyuhyun’s heart felt heavy all of a sudden. He knew falling in love with his band mate had been a bad decision, but he couldn’t help it. His hyung was the best person in the world; he would always spoil him and defend him from the other hyungs even if Kyuhyun had been a brat with them. And when he caught him talking to his turtles he found that simple and dorky action simply adorable. 
Yesung was perfect.
 He had fallen hard for him and the worst thing for Kyu was that he wasn’t able to let go of his hyung. It was as if Jongwoon’s essence had carved a permanent place inside his heart. 
He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the door closing.
Hadn’t he locked the door when he got inside?
Maybe he forgot to do it.
He turned around and his eyes went wide when he saw the man standing in front of the door.
“Yesung…” he whispered
“H-hi Kyuhyun” 
“Hyung, w-what are y-you doing here? I thought you were busy with your schedule.”
“Um, yeah I was. But when I heard you were cross dressing, I thought I should take a look. Don’t get me wrong! It’s just that, well you don’t like to get that much attention, so…” 
Kyuhyun smiled at that.  His plan had partially worked; at least Yesung had showed interest in his actions.
“Well, I wanted to try something different”
“You look beautiful, Kyu” 
When Kyuhyun heard those words he tried to hide his blushing face y looking at the wall. Yesung treid to do the same, but he looked at the floor instead.
“Th-thank you, hyung.”
No one spoke after that.
Kyuhyun was shifting uncomfortably and playing with his thumbs, while Yesung found his fingernails to be really interesting. Both of them were waiting for the other to speak. 
It seemed like an hour had passed before Kyu found the strength to finally say something.
“I saw you today, when I was filming.”
That took Yesung for surprise, he was quite sure the maknae hadn’t seen him spy on him when he was working.
“Oh.” Was all that came from his mouth.
“You hate it, right?”
“Huh? What do you mean Kyuhyun-ah?” Yesung was really confused. 
“With this! With the way I look! You are disgusted with me, right?” Tears began forming in his eyes. He didn’t want to cry, but he was so frustrated right now to try fighting his tears back.
“Wait! Don’t cry! That…That’s not true at all” He got closer to the boy and embraced him “I don’t think you’re disgusting.” He whispered on his ear.
Kyuhyun loved being hugged by Yesung. It felt as if he was in the safest place on the world and all of his problems were washed away by just feeling the older man’s embrace. He placed his head on the crook of Yesung’s neck, and took a deep breath, taking in all of his hyung’s scent. 
“You’re perfect Kyuhyun.  Even if you’re wearing a garbage bag, you’d still look perfect.” Yesung smiled at him.
“You’re just saying those things because I’m the maknae and you love to spoil me” Kyuhyun said pouting.
“Aish, you look so cute when you do that” Yesung said while pinching Kyu’s cheeks. With that a small blush began taking place on his face.
“Yah! Stop that” 
Yesung laughed at the maknae’s actions. “Ah! So that’s why I fell in love with you.”
“Hyung? Do you love me?” Kyuhyun’s eyes went wide after hearing Yesung say that.
Yesung covered his mouth with both hands. He had spoken out loud. Oh God. What was he going to do now? What if Kyuhyun didn’t love him back?
“Yesung…Do you love me?” Kyuhyun eyes were shinning. Did Yesung just confess? He had to be sure what he just said was true. His heart was beating at an uncontrollable speed.
“Yes. I fell in love with Kyuhyun a lot of time ago.” 
Kyuhyun smiled at him warmly.
“I’m glad to hear it, hyung. I’ve been in love with you from the start. But I was afraid you would reject me. I thought you didn’t care for me the same way I did for you, but you just made me the happiest man on Earth.” 
Yesung couldn’t believe what Kyuhyun had said. He was in love with him too? So it wasn’t one sided like he had thought? He grabbed Kyuhyun’s hand and gave it a small peck. They stopped hugging and look at each other in the eyes. Both had a big grin on their faces.
“I never thought I would hear you say that Kyu. But, I have a question I’ve been meaning to ask you all day long.”
“What is it, hyung?” The younger inquired.
“Why did you accepted the role of dressing as a girl? Not that I’m complaining, I’m actually enjoying seeing you like this, but I thought you didn’t like to attract that much attention?”
“Hahahaha! Well, it was all your fault! If you had told me earlier that you liked me I wouldn’t have done this! I did it to get your attention, I told you before, I thought my love was one sided.” 
“Well, you didn’t need to do that, you’ve had my attention ever since you arrived as the new Super Junior Member. You have always been my BabyKyu.”
                                                           ~ *KyuSung*~
As soon as they got out of the changing room, and Kyuhyun was back being a male, they announced their relationship to the members. They all answered with a “finally!” “Why did it take so long?” which left Kyuhyun and Yesung shocked. They hadn’t expected their friends to know of their feelings they had for each other. But they were glad they decided the support them, and promised to keep the secret of their relationship from the manager and the media.
After that they ended up on Kyuhyun’s bed with their hands intertwined. Yesung moved closer and with his other hand he embraced Kyuhyun. They fell asleep on that position, hoping what had happened today was not a dream, but reality. 
In the end, Kyuhyun’s Last chance was successful. 
                                                               -THE END- 
A/N: Hi! well this is my first fanfic, I want to apologize if it was not what you expected. This was just an idea I got after watching Kyuhyun's skit on saturday night live. I really hope you enjoyed it.
I wanna thank all of the people who read this and the subscribers (: If you leave feedback that would be a lot of help hahaha I really want to improve my english writing skills. Thanks again! and I'll be around here with more stories ;D
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Chapter 1: Kyu got it 😃
Kekekreepy #2
So cute! Great story~
misakiiryuu #3
This is so sweettttt~~~
<3 Thank's for writing !!
Your writing is excellent you know! ^o^ Love it, love your story and love your KyuSung moments! :D

aww those cute idiots were feelings the same thing for each other and didn't know it! Eventually their brothers already saw it! xD They are both clueless in the end! :P
WOOAh but it's really good thing, because them not knowing about the other feelings, the just acted naturally and tried to change it! Of course Kyunie was the one who dared make the first move.!!! :D And we gotta see him like that: SO DAMN BEAUTIFUL!!! *.* xDDD

Thank you so so much for the story! :D It's was your first time and It's a success! :D I really can't wait for your next update! Especially if it will be all about Yesungie! :D (YeWon - KyuSung - YeChul - KiSung) :p

Well, Fighting! ^.^ <3<3<3

KyuSung Forever Fighting! <3<3<3
kyusungnista #6
I like Kyuhyun in the domination
And Yesung DOWN
Hahahahaha but I hope to update :D
WOAAAAH! Don't tell me he will be the bottom, the girl in their relationship? é.è
I like it more when Kyunie is the dominate one! Oh my KyuSung, they so Perfect! Hope your story will be so long and full of their sweet moments! :D
Fighting for your writing! :)

Hwaiting! ^.^
sounds good update soon please
I just totally loved that skit, Kyu was so pretty XD
Really curious what your thoughts behind that are ^^