Exchange Look ... My

Meet SuJu They Said ... It's Gonna Be Fun They Said !

                                             Salouwa’s  POV

I can feel My  heart is racing in My chest so much that I’m  shocked  Yet i Didn’t  passe out on the ground . «   يا فضيحتي   …  Tms7at biya Lard 9dam lbnat » I cryed A bit … Anyone would’ve had in my shoes .  I Took  The deepest  breath ,  trying to calm Myself down . It was Hard for me To accept That My Ultimate Bias chose Another  Over me , Not that he was forced to choose Me or anything  , It’s Just that  … Argh , Gotta Get Him out my Head  ! But I dont get It , I danced WAY better Tho , Aiiish! Green German Eyes  Kaynesiw bnadem F khobz dar  .  Now That I’ve Cooled Down I can get out and go back To the stage or BETTER go have a Hot Cup of Coffe  , if i Met Up with a super ladie on my  way i'de go like « knt m7soura الفول و ما يدير  » If I met Up with Eunhyuk  I’ll Act  Completly normal «  alright Then Salouwa , Kaja ~ »  I wiped  my last tears Off , got my pieces together and opened the door  i was laying my Back on carefully ,  Sneak-peeked some glances to the left then right  , checked that the hallway was quite Empty  , Sighed then steped out the room  safe and sound  , But that  security of mine did not last as I heard A loud and fast shuffling coming from behind  , somebody was running my Way ...

 Is that eunhuyk ? 

 I Managed To pull myself back in the room and Slap the Door very quickly .

Salouwa : * Laying back onto the door *  nariiiiiii wld  السافلة Knt ghan9t3lo sba3o * Golden fingerz *  … Ta houwa kifetech  3liha e_e

Eunhyuk : *

Salouwa  : Tzzz 9diti tfre3 Lbetikh ba9é khsek ghé tfre3 Lbab d mwaliha e_e awa sir give me a kitkat

Eunhyuk : Yah !  Open it as long as I’m talking nicely ! PALLI-YAH !

Salouwa : *
to herself *  damn it Sal … think of something quickly . * t9lb l eunhyuk 3inih * e7em … l3roussa ba9é mawajda asidi , saynou chuiya , JIBOU L7ENA ! NARI CHKOUN ZELE3 L7ENA ?! AJI LMOK HNA …

Eunhyuk : 9aloulk 3liya kan3lef Tben ?  3ad cheftek dakhla 3ad daba , How dumb do u think I am ?

Salouwa : ehm , A lot , in fact  .__.  *
Plan  B : الصراحة  * Look , Oppa , Mianhae for leaving the stage and ruining The show and everything  But I … I just … * awdi  شبيني و بين شي صراحة  *  kan khsni ndkhel Lmr7ad  Darouuuri , Hadchi makan wllah , Im alright , realy , gwenjana , U didn’t had to come all the way here I’m  …

Eunhyuk : Moeyaa ? malki khedama 3lina msba7 wnti katsersri ? chkoun nti be3da ? wa ft7ilna lbab deghia I have to check my make-up 9bl matsala stira7a , raki 3etltina ga3 al genss .

Salouwa : *
facepalm * wili sterghfert lah * Hzat wa7d Sebnia  w lewat biha  wjha b7al ni9ab 3ad ft7atlo lbab *

Eunhyuk tar 9edam lmraya to check his Make-up baynama salouwa kat2amel fih 3an bo3d * Pabo … *. Min sala w ja kharej b7alo redlha bal katscanih b 3iniha Fih , mcha  l3endha

Eunhyuk : Yak Labass A lala ? malna 3la t7enziz ? chebehtini l chi 7ed ?

Salouwa : *
drbatha lfi9a  * لا لا لا لا ما في شي  …

confused Eunhyuk he kept  staring into her eyes , 3iniha houma l7aja lwa7ida li katban fiha 7it labssa dik ni9ab  الخ الخ الخ

Eunhyuk : * those eyes ... * excuse me , have we met befor  ? 

Salouwa : *
bl3at lbza9 *   أبدا  … I Euh … I am saudi arabic … You No see My face NO NO NO  ..   حراااااام

Eunhyuk :  AAAAAAAAAH ~ Nae ! Nae !  chlounich ? Zééén ? uhm i have to go back to work  … Ya hala Ya hala !

Eunhyuk Leaves The Area  w  Salouwa Katkchef wjeha , Out Of Breath 

Salouwa : Ouf tkhne9t ga3 … * though of what just happend * Aiiiish * sigh *  that son of a ….

Next thing She Hears , somebody's running back in the hallway , agressively opening the door wide & befor she could even make it to turn around ,  she Found Herself Smashed To the wall , hands Blocked , Salouwa couldn’t believe seing Hyukjae back crushing his Lips against hers So hard like it’s the only thing he needs to stay alive ,  her eyes tfet7o 9ed Lbermil  , she was so confused that she was letterly talking into his mouth but the only sound Heard was   some “ hum hum hum “  . Eunhyuk Grabed her head inbetween his hand to stabilize It and deepen the Rough kiss . Salouwa tried to break the lip contact but it’s was soon that she stoped resisting  , shuting her eyes slowly down , By allowing his tongue comlete freedom

. Eunhyuk took his time , siyed maskhach brasso , then pulled back slowly biting lower lip , nao their faces are inches away , both getting butterflies in their stomachs , hardly breathing . Salouwa couldn’t stop lustfully staring at his soft-looking lips  wanting them back on hers بأي ثمن   .

Eunhyuk *brushing his lips teasingly against salouwa’s * : Seriously , How fuking dumb do you think I Am ?  *smirk *

Salouwa *
feeling her heart pounding against her ribs * : for doing this … you must be the Mayor of idiot-ville

just when Eunhyuk Leaned back to kiss her again she stoped him


Eunkyuk  : mal waldik 
? mabghitich nbousek ? ._. 

Salouwa  : Jedek li mabghach (o(  ser ched lbab lewel 3endna nmchiw fiha kefta .

Eunkyuk *
smirks * :  Hiya li mat3awed :B

safé hiya hadik, b9aw mbl3in lbab morahom kayt9fou s9ef wllah kbir .
Back to Starking stage , the show goes on . L MC 9alhom ghaydirou dik l3ba dial “Exchanging looks”

MC : kol w7da mn Super Ladies ghanjibouha m3a biasha w nw9fouhom face to face bach ytbadlo nadarat lgharam w dik z3boul  lakhor . arasso ?!

Super Ladies : Arassooooooo  ~
Mc  : Alright ! naaae : we start off wiiiiith : ………..  The Two Leadeeeeeeeeeers !  please step into the center stage , nae !

Leeteuk nad ja wa9ef w Youssra maja kat3rej w katkhcha f souftha dayra fiha 7chmana  .

Youssra  :  aniiiiiiiii !  no >.< !  but I cant , im too shy , 

 Leeteuk  :  Naaae , Im ready !

w9fou face to face while the MC was holding the piece of paper that seperates the two persons' faces .

MC  : 1 …2…3 EXCHANGE LOOKS ~ *
pulls the piece of paper up *

Youssra : *biting her lips * 

what she thinks she looks like*

What she sadly looks like *

Leeteuk : kyuhyun aji lhna noubtek hal3ar ila makheliwni nmchi b7alati

leeteuk  jer kyuhyun lblasto w jbed ri7 .

Youssra : 3jebtou ,  tze3et fiya

Kyuhyun :  chkatsayni chi 7aja ? Yallah chi sparkyu fikom tji tw9ef 9edami  … w madabzouch 3lia , there’s Enough me for everybody  c:

MC : 3afakom li lBias dialha kyuhyun فلتتقدم مشكورة    !

chuiya kaytsme3 lghwat In the back … kolchi kaydou ychouf  Manal Katkhébét yaminan yasara , Lamiss w hajar  Jarenha mn ydha ,  Houda w khaoula hazinha mn rjelha w jayin biha l3end Kyuhyun


Lamiss  : debrou 3la chi courda nrebtlkom mha  w nthenaw  e_e
Hajar  : manal 7na 3arfinlk msla7tek ! STFU!
Khaoula :  wa yeeeeeh bnadem kayhreb mn rez9o ._.

wslouha tal 9edam kyuhyun w nezlouhalo temma bach y’exchangiw looks

Manal * crosses hands and poots * 9awedtouha m3aya  !

MC   : okey ?! 1….2….3 ! EXCHANGE LOOK !

Kyuhyun :


ManaL : *mkhesra kmarta * ghatmchi dere9 zlaftek , La ? Pfou 3la khanchouch d Nm … -_-

: walayni lesbiana m3a rassk


Kyuhyun  :  lbnat l3adiyat ida  btasmtlhom  kay nsahrou  w yewliw sa2il bin sba3i nti zaydaha blm3iyar b7ali 9tltlk khouk

ManaL  :  saliti ? wa aji nmse7lk kaka

Kyuhyun : * inches away from her face , tkhenziring * ghanrebik ana ila mamrebiyach f darkom

3ala wachk tne9ez 3la Kyu gher chedouha LBNAT *

Youssra :  a safé a dak lmra n3al chaytan ! matwesakhchi yedek fih   … 3TEHLI ANA NWERIH L7DAGA KIDAYRA WAAAAAAA3 *
ta hiya n9zat 3lih w chedouha lbnat *

MC      : pchaaaaakh romancia 3la jhd rebbi …

min theden kolchi  >

ManaL : safe tel9ou meni bishes maghndilro walo  … wa7a9 sidi rbi *
tel9oulha , khenzrat f Kyuhyun a7ssn tkhenzira * baghini ndoublek ? huh * smirk  استهزائية * wa daba nchoufou chkoun ghaydoub Lakhor …

min jat ManaL Tquitter stage 3klat , cuz her knee was injured from last time and it was trarting to bleed , Manal jat tay7a lard

ManaL : AIIIIISH   !!!! *screamed of pain *

Kyuhyun , surprisingly , felt a Kinda guilty about her so he decided going over to her Helping her Up without forgetting to add one of his spiky comments that are parts of who he is .

Kyuhyun : *
offering Manal his hand *Pwahaha ida ma9adach 3la Talon l3ali 3laaaaaach katlebssih almoughafala  ? 

tsdem min 3elat fih wjha covered in tears , w zad tsdem min chaf rjel lbent ghar9a Dem 

Kyuhyun : Bo…Boeya ? wait a sec .... 

Manal *
crying her eyes out of pain and anger,  taking off her highheals and throwing them at kyu rejecting his hand * 3teni gher tissa3 ... makhsni mnek ta 7aja khra ! *manages to get up then  3erjat her way out *

Kyuhyun : YAH ! CHA … *
but she already left* … kkaman… *sigh*

Donghae : safe bekiti l bent ? ma3endi mansalk alkidar

Super Ladies : …

Super Junior : …

MC : hal3ar ila mansaliw hadchi deghia mrati katsayni f dar

Houda : *
to MC * bazlk katfeker fel 7w*  f had dourouf lma2sawiya 

MC       : aaaah w malki nti 7sedtini diri b7ali e.e zido nsaliw hadchi  … chi fish tji lhna .

Hajar : naaaaaae 7adera :3 *
walks to the centre *

Donghae : OMO !  my little baby sister’s here ~ *
pinches her cheeks *

Hajar   :  riye7 a sat chkadir ? machi 9dam 3ebad llah >.< nedemtina ga3

Donghae : achghanedmk wnti khdoudk cha3lin lol yakma 7echemtek ? Do u love your Oppa ?

Hajar  : *
embarrassed , whispering to him  * Donghae oppa , can u please stop it ? it’s embarrassing …

Donghae : Im just making a joke , no one’s supposed To fall for his older brother , right ?

Hajar : why … why not ? is it a crime to fall for someone ?

super ladies m3a b3diyathom : reditou lbal kay3amlha b7al chi bezza     wa yeh ba9é khesou ghir ybedelha pomperz 
 wa hitach Hajar is TOOO cute l darajat anaha katban sghiwra w ktikita     malki mza3ta fiha ? – MZA3TA F MOK !     a7a7 msikina hajar  b9at fiya ,  wach donghae mkelakh wlla malo ? she’s a fish y3ni she’s INTO him     wa daba ghir 9di siyed chuiya mfe3fe3 … nsiti ‘ EFL ‘ haha     Come on dak ‘EFL ‘ was just a typo è_e   –    lmo7amia detected e.e  nari lbnat hajar chadaha lbekia , chi wa7da tmchi tn9ed lmaw9if   ch7al tkhalss ? – 9AWED !!!

Khaoula : safé hahiya macha ! * goes to the stage centre  , turns  Hajar away from donghae * salat sa3tek  a chrifa ^.^ * gives her donseang the warmest smile  and sends her back to the girls *  donghaaaaae wa fiiiiiin a s7aybé :D t9ele3 w sayfet wa7d Ryeowook m3ak  ._.

Ryeowook *
arrives * : Wa7d salamo 3alaykom !

Khaoula  :  zayn diyali tina *W* !

Ryeowook : Hein ?

Khaoula : La walo  ………..   *W* a to7fa lfania diali !

Ryeowook : ida fhamt menek chi 7z9a aji ka7alli ._.

Khaoula : tina mka77al ktar meni kad7ak 3lia -.-

Ryeowook : éééééééwa ? *
awkwardly *

Khaoula : ewa ewa !    *
awkwardly ² *

Houda : somebody just kill those two faking dorks , please!

Ryeowook : katfarej choumicha ?

Khaoula :  lawah kantfarej osar wa 7ouloul

MC : yallah à vos marque . 1…2…3 EXCHANGE LOOKS !

Ryeowook :

Khaoula   : [ katferga3 3lih b da7k 7ta khrejlha lbza9 ] 

Ryeowook : [ d
ewech bl bza9 d Khaoula ]  Mamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !

Khaoula  :   laaaah mcha Rajl

Youssra  : daba sba3 f 3aynek

Khaoula : La tina 9ditiha za3ma (O(

Siwon      : *
steps forward as Ryeowook leaves *  bsa7t  khouya tedwicha  !

Ryeowook : nghtassb mouk ana -.-
MC :  chi Siwonest layjazikom békhér 

 Super Ladies 9elbou wjhom ldirection d Afaf  li kant galssa fl9nt , mrfou3a f أرض الأحلام  . 

Lamiss : *
snaping her finger infront of the dreamer’s face * waaaaaaa l anissa wa sb7anllah !

Afaf     : *
fa9t *  chkayen  ?

Lamiss *
pointing at Siwon *  : Solider of the Light is waiting for You ~

when Afaf and Siwon held Eye contact  bjoujhom  tzengou , tfekrou dik nhar li kant Afaf bayta m3a SJ f Dorm  .

Afaf *
mfe3f3a * : EHM … I … shiroyeo ! I’m good here where I am , but thanks anyway Tho …

all siwonests of  the World  }

Houda : the kid’s Drunk   e.e

chuiya katsm3 wa7d L’invitée mn L Idols تتطوع

HyunA : I would Do it with Siwon Oppa ! No problem *giggles *

Afaf *
dareft fiha * ti berki 3la trmtek chmen  … I mean … what ever …

 Super Ladies all talking at once :  AWILI HYUNAAAAAAAAAAA ? :O  / aji hadi machi dik li jat m3a Psy fchi blassa ? / SKOT chewahti bina /   omg im your biggest Fan , please signili f zki *W*   /  fiya jou3 chkon haz m3ah chi Tonik  ?! /

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Chapter 14: a bnt naja7 ktebti fhad lfic!! 3ad wslatni kmala (knt out wa7d lou9ita)
Mouhim, allah i3tik se77a 9tltina d7k!
diri chi bdarija
Chapter 3: I'm laughing hard at this! XDDDDD wa 3bad lah every freaking line is awesome!!! HahaHahahahahahahaha waa am just looling hard at this fic!!! XD Teukiwa, you are really amazing!!!! *.* OMG no wonder I feel in love with ya babe! XDDDDD so creative, I envy u ya know?! *pout* >.< wanna be able to write something beautiful like that!!!! >< OMO!!! And u know what?! All the bad languages here z3ma tkhessar lhdra 100% make remember a movie, Casa negra!!!!! O.o OMG!!!!!! I love it love it waaaaa am ____ing addict to this fic!!!! and am so happy I can finally leave some comment!!!!!!! Ghir blati tchoufi !! *smirk*+*my famous evil laugh* Mouhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha am reading this for the second time 7it tlefou lya dwassa, well chap3 done~ going to read the next one!!! >.< argh damnt I am so ____ing slow, blame it on my lack of reading Arabic-French writing! '^^ (dayra fiha gawrya like people tell me but I swear its hard for me) :(
anyway anyways anyway, youssra and hind here are soooooooo crazy! *.* The hottest super crazy character!!!.:D
zoooouuuut *Out* am eager for more... have to keep reading wakha my mouth, my head and my eyes hurt so much! XDDDDD
Ryeoula #3
Chapter 14: OMGGGGG THE chapitre's Extra Super Duperr AWSOOOOOOOOOOOOME :D <3 <3 <3 <3 I LOOOVE Ittttt #________# & The Xomixa part killed mee XDDDDD
OMG!Kan9ra jouj klmat wtchedni d7ka..mama daba ys7ablha 7ma9it x)
walakin machi mouchkil éwè
Li 9tlatni hia "ou7awilo litissar 3ala al 3alam"...w dak big big enough * mimi out*
lola-love-SuJu #5
can't wait for the Newt one Bestieee !!! <3.<3 I love It Greaat joob !! =DD (aba w madslmxé 3la wookie mllé talaa9aah !! -_-" mad3rafni man3rfek !! )