Bubbles make us breathless

Thank the Cake (No Guarantee of End)

I walked back into the kitchen. Hyunseung was washing our dishes. He had taken off his hoodie and was once again in his tight, white tank top. He used circular motions as he scrubbed, and I was mesmerized as the muscles in his back and shoulder tensed and relaxed in turn. Clearing my throat quietly, I crept up behind him and slipped my arms around his waist, leaning my head against his back. The movement ceased and he set the dish back in the sink and turned around so that my head was now on his chest. I looked up just in time to see his smile burst into a small laugh. I let out a small squeal as a handful of bubbles landed on my face. 

"Oh no you didn't!" I reached into the sink with both hands and managed to grab a large handful of bubbles before I felt hands on my waist pulling me back. I squeaked and managed to twist around and cover his face with bubbles as I fell to the ground laughing. I felt more bubbles rain down and realized that AJ and Yoseob had left their place on the couch and joined in the bubble fight. Giggles bounced around the room as the bubbles were flung everywhere.

A couple hours later...

We were all covered in a soapy, sticky mess. My once wonderfully done hair was strewn across my face and Hyunseung was laying on the floor laughing. Yoseob and AJ were still trying to get each other with the bubbles and I slipped on the mess on the floor and landed on top of Hyunseung. The blood automatically shot into my face and I crawled off of him landing in a puddle on the floor. I looked up and laughed as a handful of bubbles plowed into Yoseobs face. He grabbed AJ's wrist trying to pull him off balance with a big goofy grin but lost his balance instead and managed to come crashing down on top of Hyunseung and I. Whoa! This kid has abs! I could feel them on impact. How does that work? He didn't seem to notice and giggled as he tripped AJ who immediately came crashing down on.....me. He, unlike Yoseob, did notice and gave me a smirk before untangling himself from the pile.

"We better clean this up before Doojoon sees it."

"Before I see what?" He rounded the corner and his eyes widened staring at the mess we had made of the kitchen.


(Doojoon's POV)

I returned to my bedroom and tried to drown out any and all thoughts running through my mind. I turned the volume up as loud as I could take it on my iPod and closed my eyes as the music pumped through chasing away said thoughts. I didn't know how much time had passed when my eyes opened again but I knew I was hungry. Hyunseung and that girl would be out of the kitchen by now so the coast would be clear. I left my iPod on the bed and made my way downstairs hearing giggles coming from below. What was going on?

"We better clean this up before Doojoon sees it." I heard a voice from the kitchen.

"Before I see what?" I rounded the corner to see a complete mess. As I took it in I was speechless. There were bubbles everywhere and there was a pile of people on the floor.  Hyunseung underneath Yoseob and AJ was just rolling off of the girl. My eyes widened as they fell on her. A laughter filled smile lit up her face and her cheeks were flushed and glowing. Her wet hair clung to her face and neck and she was laying on the ground her chest heaving from the laughter.  I felt my face become red and knew I needed to hide the reason. "This is not how you clean the kitchen if you were wondering." I tried to put a stern ring in my tone. It seemed to work as they untangled themselves and got up off of the floor. "You might as well make dinner after you clean up this mess." I wished I hadn't left my iPod upstairs. The unwanted thoughts had come back and I wanted them to leave. Maybe TV will work. After giving them what I hoped was a searing glare, I sunk into the couch and turned it on trying to block out the giggling that continued quietly in the kitchen.

Authors note:

This is what I have written so far. I have found that lately the chapters are short but I am pretty busy with school so it probably won't change. Hopefully it will be soon I have the next part up. Thank you if you have read this far and please please PLEASE leave me a comment?

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Chapter 1: This is really interesting! I couldn't help but squeal when Yoseob appeared xDD (he's my bias :DDD) keep up the awesome work! ^^
Chapter 17: wow your writing skills improve through the chapters ^^ Keep going your hard work FIGHTING !!
I'm looking forward an update soon
eun1mi #3
i love it :) hoping for the next chapp soon. <3
MelinaRose #4
Thank you iheartbeast and rawrimadinosaur! I'm sorry it takes me such a long time to update. Thank you all for bearing with me.
Niice story <3
MelinaRose #7
Hey guys *embarassed* I haven't worked on this story in a REALLY long time but I just started again today. I needed to have some idea of where it was going to go next and I just didn't know yet. Hopefully I will have the next part up soonish? I'm still crazy busy. Thank you for subscribing to all my new readers and welcome!<br />
I hope to have something for you in the near future.
Awwwwwww! Cute story! Luv it! Hope I see more hyunseung in the story! :) update soon ~ <3
Hi, I'm your new reader :) and I love this!!! xD I wish Alyse could have more scene with Hyunseung :P Please update soon <3