
Stand By Me


Min Hee sat down in class and sighed, June turned to her and smiled but his smile faded at the look on her face. “What’s wrong?”

“Something is up with Chunji…but he won’t tell me what.”

“Why not? You two are dating right?” He said as he hesitated on the word dating.


“Where is the kid anyways?”

“He went to go rest up on the roof.”

Just then Hana walked in and took her seat in front of Min Hee. “Ah Min Hee! You look pretty today! How are you?”

“I’m fine…did Chunji tell you anything?”

“Like what?”

“He seems a little down…do you know why?”

She shook her head and then grinned. “Maybe he cheated.” Min Hee looked at her shocked by her comment. “Just kidding!”

Min Hee laughed a bit to calm herself. “Don’t scare me like that Hana…”

June on the other hand was more observant, he figured something was hidden behind the comment Hana just made. *Maybe he cheated…what if Hana and Chunji aren’t just old friends? Would that mean that that comment was directed to her and Chunji? On top of that why is she smiling so much…*

Chunji laid on the roof and stared up at the sky. *Chunji you dumb ! How could you let something like that happen?* He was mentally beating himself up for what he did, he was so focused that he didn’t hear the door open or know someone else was up there until someone stepped by him and blocked the sun. “You in my way…”

“Get up!”

He opened his eye and looked up at L.Joe. “L.Joe…” He sat up and looked at his friend. “What do you need.”

“What did you do with Hana last night?”


“”Tell him that I had fun last night and when he is ready for more fun I’ll be waiting.” She told us to tell you that Chunji now answer me.”

Chunji stood up and shook his head. “I don’t know what she is talking about.” L.Joe then grabbed Chunji by the colure of his shirt as he raised his fist Chunji stared into his eyes. “Hit me…”


“I said hit me…I won’t fight back….” Before anything else could be said L.Joe punched him square in the face, Chunji fell back to the ground and L.Joe moved over him and began punching him repeatedly.

“I warned you from the begging! You should have left her alone!”

By now the other had made their way to the roof and Changjo ran over. “Hyung stop it!”

C.A.P and Niel pulled L.Joe off of their friend. “That’s enough!” C.A.P said as he looked at Chunji. “What is going on up here?”

Ricky helped Chunji up, Chunji turned his head and spat out blood before wiping his bleeding nose. “Just tell me what you did?!” L.Joe shouted trying to get free from his friends grip.

“L.Joe hyung you need to calm do---“

Chunji cut Niel off with his yelling. “What do you want me to say?! Do you want me to tell you that I slept with Hana last night?! Huh?! I don’t need to hear from you how stupid I am because I already know it!”

Now L.Joe stood still. “So you did…”

Ricky looked at Chunji. “How did Min Hee noona take the news?” After the pause he gave a shocked look. “You didn’t tell her hyung?!”

“Figures…so when are you gonna break it to her?” Niel asked as he let go of L.Joe.

“I’m not…” L.Joe looked at him and turned to leave. “Don’t tell her L.Joe!” Chunji called out to his friend.

L.Joe looked back and shook his head. “I’m not gonna tell her anything that is gonna hurt her. If you wanna live with such a secret then be my guest.”

Chunji watched as his friends all left one by one. *I forgot how much L.Joes punches hurt…* He fell to the ground as a tear slid down his face. “!”

Min Hee sighed as she walked to the bleachers with her lunch in hand. “Wonder if he is gonna come down for lunch. If I go up that might just make his mood worse.”

“Kim Min Hee! So good to see you again!” I turned at the familiar voice and saw the guy from the court walking over. “Do you remember me?”


He nodded a he came over with his friends. “I was just wandering how you were doing anyways.”

“Are you supposed to be here on school grounds when you don’t go to the school.”

He laughed as she nodded. “Good point…I’m just looking for your boyfriend.”

“Chunji isn’t feeling to good right now, if you guys came to cause him problems then you have to deal with me first!” She stood up, Mika stepped forward and smiled at her.

“No need to get on defense mode…where just here to see how he is coming along with what is owed. If I didn’t know any better though I might actually be scared of you.” He looked around and then frowned. “None of Teen Top is here with you though?”

She shook her head and Karam sat down by her. “You know that boyfriend of yours isn’t this great guy you make him out to be in your mind. Everyone has demons hidden in their closet.”

“Really? What’s yours?” She asked as she looked at him.

“Me? That’s easy…my mother was killed when I was a kid, it was my fault really because I was messing around with the wrong kid and beat him up pretty bad. The kid had a brother in a gang and when I was confronted by the guy my mother told them to take her instead and he did, haven’t seen her alive since that day. Then there is a lot more but some are better left unsaid.”

Min Hee looked at him, although he spoke of his dead mom he kept a smile on his face. “Doesn’t sound to me like it was our fault. So you beat a kid up, big deal! You didn’t know he had a brother who was bad…and even if you did you where a kid so you wouldn’t have done anything different. It’s not like you intentionally got your mom killed.”

He laughed at her reasoning. “You know Kim Min Hee your not that bad, even for someone who dates Chunji.”

“You don’t have to keep saying my full name…”

“Alright then Min Hee!” He wrote down something on paper and handed it to her. “Call me any time you need anything and I’ll help you out.”


“Because you’re nice, people usually walk over nice people so someone has to make sure you don’t get stepped all over.”

Hyunmin turned to the side and smiled. “Ah there are our friends!” Teen Top walked over and L.Joe looked over at Karam and Min Hee sitting by each other.

“What’s going on here Min Hee?”

She looked at him and smiled a bit. “They just came to say hi…they were just leaving!” Min Hee said trying to avoid anything bad from happening.

“She’s right…” Mika said as he smiled at him. “No worries there…were heading out.”

“You’re not welcome at our school!” Niel said as he stepped forward. “Don’t come back again!”

Injoon stepped forward and got mad. “Who do you think you are telling us what to do?! Have you forgotten that that boy of yours owes us?!”

“Calm down Injoon…” Jay said as he looked back at Min Hee. “Keep your mouth shut in front of the girl, we wouldn’t want you to say something secret in front of her now would we?”

Karam stood up and smiled down at Min Hee. “Before things get out of hand we’ll take out leave, remember what I said though okay Min Hee?”

She stood up and nodded. “Make sure you and your friends stay safe Karam.”

“Of course!” He gave Min Hee a hug, as if on cue Chunji happened to be walking over when he saw them hugging.

“Back away from her!” Chunji made his way to Karam and punched him off the bleachers, as Karam fell Min Hee gave Chunji a shocked look. “You okay?”

“Chunji! He didn’t do anything…” She looked at Karam who slowly stood. “Are you okay?”

He laughed and nodded. “I’m fine…been hit worse than that.” He shot Chunji a look. “See you around…Teen Top…”

DGNA left the school ground and Chunji glared at Min Hee. “What do you think you’re doing talking to those guys?!”

“I can talk to whoever I want! What is your problem?! You can’t just come out of nowhere and punch people Chunji! What if you hurt?!”

“Who cares if I hurt him?! You need to stay away from him!”

Min Hee looked at the others. “Your acting really crazy right now…I’ll talk to you later.” She went to leave but he grabbed her arm. “What?”

Chunji gave her a sad look and then he looked away. “Don’t…don’t break up with me.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I mean…stay with me…even when I do something to piss you off, or I screw up big time stay with me. I like you, I really do but I’m stupid.”

“Chunji…why would I break up with you over something as stupid as a small punch. Karam said he was okay so no harm was really done.”

“You shouldn’t hang out with DGNA.” Niel said as he looked at her.

“Why not?”

“Because there bad noona…” Ricky said as he smiled at her. “But as long as you’re one of us we’ll protect you! Hyung likes you a lot so you’re our sister now got that?”

Min Hee looked at the boys and sighed. “You’re not telling me something about your guys and DGNA. Look they seem really kind to me aside from the tension between all of you but if you guys want me to stay away I’ll do that.”

All the boys nodded as the bell rung. “You should head to class.” Chunji said as he gently pushed her along. “I’ll catch up with you later.”

Min Hee nodded and gave him a hug. “Take care of the makanes while I’m away.”

They watched her leave and L.Joe looked at Chunji. “I hope you know what were gonna do to pay those guys back…if not there is a huge chance she’ll be in danger.”

“I know….” Chunji said as he closed his eyes. 

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RainaTB #1
Thanks for reading and i'm glad you liked it! :)
DeadBlossom #2
Oh My Gawd ,the last time I had cried so hard was... well ,I don't even remember! I totally and definitely love this story! The best ever ,especially the last chappie <3
RainaTB #3
Thank you for reading, glad you liked it and sorry for making you cry!!
RainaTB #4
Thank you so much for reading!! Sorry I made you cry!
_OhMinAh_ #5
RainaTB #6
Oh no...sorry about that.
-xttran #7
UNNIE! Ur Story Is Makin' Me CRY!!!
RainaTB #8
Lol thank you for reading and I'm glad u liked it! (^ー^)ノ