She's Back

Stand By Me

~She’s Back~

Min Hee’s POV

I smiled as me and Chunji walked to school, when we got there everyone was rushing to get in the door. “What’s going on?”

He looked at me and shrugged as the others met up with us. “You guys know what the deal is here?”

“Nope…but I do know waiting for this crowed is gonna be a big bother.” L.Joe said as he rubbed his head furiously, he has the tendency to get easily aggravated.

“Then we make a path for ourselves.” C.A.P said as they walked up to the crowed, Chunji grabbed my hand so I wouldn’t get lost in the mix. “Alright guys out of the way!”

‘It’s Teen Top…” One of the girls said as they stepped to the side, the whole crowed parted for the boys.

“Woah…it’s like magic…”

Chunji laughed as he looked back at me and pulled me along. “Then consider me your genie.”

“Min Hee!” Ji came from what appeared to be the front of the crowed and gave me a hug. “Min Hee you have a big problem!”

“What?” I asked a bit confused by her actions. “Is everything alright? Is it June again?”

She shook her head but before she could speak a voice broke in. “Chunji…it’s been a long time hasn’t it?” Ji looked back at the girl who now stood before us, she quickly looked up at Chunji.

I looked at Chunji as well, he was starring at the girl in shock. “Chunji…you okay?” I asked as I snapped my fingers in front of his face. “Chunji?”

“W..What are you doing here?” He asked as he finally came out of his trance.

“I came back for school of course…” She looked down at our hands and giggled. “I see after I left you found a new toy.”

He slowly dropped my hand and looked away. “It isn’t like that…”

L.Joe stepped in front of me. “Listen here Hana…you aren’t wanted here so if your gonna go to the same school I expect your presence to remain unknown. I don’t want you talking to anyone and I don’t want you coming near my friends.”

She gave a hurt expression as she looked over at Chunji. “I only came to make peace. I want us all to start over and be friends again.”

I was now confused, very confused because Chunji looked out of it, all the guys where on edge, L.Joe looked like he was ready to kill and Ji wouldn’t stop starring at me. “What is with all this tension?” I said as I stepped in front of L.Joe. “Um…Hi there…I’m Kim Min Hee.” I said to Hana and put my hand out. “I don’t really know what’s going on but if you’re looking for friends I’ll be glad to lend a hand.”

She took my hand and shook it. “Well Kim Min Hee I’m Lee Hana…you sure are sweet for someone who is so close to these guys.” She then pushed her hair back as the bell rung. “I better get to class, I can’t wait to see you later and catch up with you Chunji.” She said as she ran off.

I looked back as all the students began to part. “Guys…what is wrong with all of you.”

“Min Hee…that’s Hyungs---“

Chunji stepped in front of Ricky before he could finish speaking. “It’s nothing…just surprised to see and old friend.”

“Okay…so then what’s with the hostility…”

“Just drop it…let’s get going!” Chunji grabbed my hand and led me off.

“Alright…I’ll see you at lunch Ji!” I said as I waved to her, she gave a small smile and waved back. I don’t know what but someone isn’t telling me something.

L.Joe’s POV (A First)

I watched Chunji and Min Hee leave I sighed. “So then he isn’t gonna tell her…”

“If he won’t I will!” Ji said as she got ready to leave, I grabbed her hand and stopped her, she looked back at me confused. “What?”

“It’s best not to be messenger and get in the mix of this. Chunji is a smart kid when things get serious. If he really cares he won’t screw things up.”

“But this girl is bad news, I don’t want my friend getting hurt!”

C.A.P stepped forward and looked down at Ji. “Nobody wants to see neither of them getting hurt but we can’t tell a secret that isn’t ours to tell. Think of it in reverse and it was something Min Hee didn’t want to tell him and one of us wanted to tell him. You being her friend would stop us no matter what right?”

Ji nodded and freed herself. “Fine…my mouth will stay shut.” With that said she stormed off.

Ricky looked at us and then sighed. “Do you really believe he won’t mess things up..I mean this is Hana were talking about here.”

“I bet you twenty that he does something stupid before the week is up.” Niel said as he looked at the others.”

Changjo smirked as he shook his hand. “Deal, my money is on he won’t. I’m sticking on Hyungs side.”

C.A.P thought before he spoke up again. “I have to be on Niel’s side with this one…”

“Then I’ll be on Changjo’s!” Ricky said as he stood by Changjo. “What about you L.Joe hyung?”

“I don’t know…” I said quietly before walking off. *I’ll have to keep a close eye on the situation.*

Chunji’s POV

Turns out we had many classes with Hana, she made it her goal to talk to Min Hee in all of them. Min Hee told her many things including how I asked her to be my girlfriend and how she still gets nervous when it comes to pda. Hana kept glancing at me which in return made me look away nervously. She was up to something.

When the bell rang for lunch I quickly grabbed Min Hee’s hand. “Let’s get going!”

“Chunji! I was hoping we could catch up during lunch.” Hana said as she stood by Min Hee. “Then again is wouldn’t make sense to catch up with me and miss time with your wonderful girlfriend.”

Min Hee smiled as she looked at her. “I don’t mind if he spends lunch talking to you today.”

“Really?!” Hana said in an excited tone.

“Really?” I asked in a “are you serious” tone.

Min Hee nodded as she looked up at me. “I mean she was a friend so you two should be able to catch up. Besides I’m gonna get scolded by June after Saturdays incident so I need to make sure I have some pocky ready for my long apology to him.”

“Thank you so much Min Hee!” Hana said as she gave her a hug.

“Sure thing…see you two later!” Min Hee said as she ran out the room.

We silently walked up to the roof top and stood there in more silence for awhile. “If you have nothing to say then I’m going back to my girlfriend.”

“She sure is naïve isn’t she?”


“After this morning’s reactions and L.Joe’s attitude she still left us alone? Your girlfriend is kinda dumb.”

“You don’t have the right to talk about her like that.”

She laughed as she looked at me. “Look at you, defending the weak. I would have thought you to go after a girl who knew when to be on alert.”

“Who do you think you are coming here after what you did and then talking about Min Hee like that?!”

“What did I do?”

“What did you do? How about all the games you played with me, all the times you cheated on me?! I risked so much to save your sorry and then you repay me by doing any guy you could get your hands on!”

“So your gonna play the victim card? The last time I checked you weren’t the world’s best boyfriend.”

“I was trying…you wanted everything thought…nothing was ever good enough for you!”

She laughed as she pushed her hair back. “So then you settle for that? I mean that girl is so kind…I don’t like that girl. All that talking she does its so---“

I pushed her up against the wall where the door was and got close to her face. “Don’t speak badly of my girlfriend in front of me or you’ll regret it!”

She smiled at me. “Don’t get so defensive Chunji…in any case you should really keep an eye on that girl.”


“I think she actually thought we were becoming friends back there. Girls like her are so easy to use…and it won’t take long before she feels threatened by the fact that I used to go out with you.” I looked away at her comment and back up, she laughed at this. “No wonder why she likes me so much. You didn’t tell her. Maybe I should---“

“Keep your big mouth shut Hana! I don’t need her worrying over such a mistake.”

“I’ll stay quiet but I want something in return…”

“Like I’m making deals with you…” I opend the door to leave but stopped at the thought of how Min Hee would take the news. “What do you want?”

Hana laughed as she walked up behind me. “You really care for her…back then you wouldn’t even listen to the idea of making a deal with someone to protect someone’s else’s feelings. I’ll tell you what I want when it’s needed…as for now I’ll be seeing you later. I would love to meet Min Hee’s friends.”

I watched her go and looked down, I balled my hand into a fist and punched the wall. “Dammit all! Why the hell did she have to come back?!”

Min Hee’s POV

June rolled his eyes but took the pocky box. “You know I was really worried about you! Now you’re going out with him and you’ll forget all about your best friend!”

“Not true! We can still hang out like we always do June…come on don’t be mad at me!” I said as the others watched with amusement.

Ji hit him upside the head. “If you don’t stop torturing her I’m gonna call up you know who.”

June rubbed his head and smiled at me. “Alright Min Hee…give me a hug and its all forgotten okay?”

I nodded and hugged him. “Yay!”

“What’s this? Does your boyfriend know about this guy?”

I looked back to see Hana smiling. “Hana unni!”

“Who?” June asked now confused.

“This is an old friend of Chunji and the guys…Lee Hana, this is my friend Hyun June!”

“He’s a cute one.”

“He’s taken!” Ji snapped as she glared at Hana.

“Ji don’t be so mean!” I said as I looked over at her.

Hana shook her head. “Don’t worry…I’m new to her so it will take awhile for her to like me. I hope we can be great friends though Ji.”

“Don’t hold your breath for it…”

“Where is Chunji?” C.A.P asked as Hana looked around and shrugged.

I looked around the lunch room but he was nowhere in here. *Wonder if he’s alright…* 

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RainaTB #1
Thanks for reading and i'm glad you liked it! :)
DeadBlossom #2
Oh My Gawd ,the last time I had cried so hard was... well ,I don't even remember! I totally and definitely love this story! The best ever ,especially the last chappie <3
RainaTB #3
Thank you for reading, glad you liked it and sorry for making you cry!!
RainaTB #4
Thank you so much for reading!! Sorry I made you cry!
_OhMinAh_ #5
RainaTB #6
Oh no...sorry about that.
-xttran #7
UNNIE! Ur Story Is Makin' Me CRY!!!
RainaTB #8
Lol thank you for reading and I'm glad u liked it! (^ー^)ノ