First Contact

Agent Against Assassin (SM vs YG)

VIP Black Jack Club
an hour earlier

    “I can’t do this,” Heechul panted as he sat inside the security van a couple blocks away from the club. “I’m not a woman.”


    “But, you look like one.” Siwon informed from the seat next to him. “Agent Zhoumi did a good job on your outfit.”

    “I think he just told you you’re y.” Eunhyuk chuckled from the front seat.

     “I did not.” Siwon frowned, “Stop fooling around. This is serious.”

    “You’ll be fine,” Agent HanGeng assured Heechul from where he sat on the opposite side of him than Siwon. “All you have to do tonight is sight your target and establish initial contact. Don’t worry about placing tracers. We’ll do that once he’s started to trust you. Act too soon and he’ll figure it out.”

    “What does the target look like again?” Heechul asked.

    “Here, look one more time.” Siwon offered, handing Heechul the file on the Dragon’s partner. “This photo was given to us from a YG specialist. She only gave us the basics, no names. You’ll have to figure that out on your own.”

     “He looks dangerous. What if he attacks me?”

     “You were trained well,” Hankyung reassured, placing his hand on Heechul’s knee and giving it a comforting squeeze. “Just remember what I taught you and don’t let him get you alone.”

     “Agent Eunhyuk, hand me his ear piece so he can leave.” Siwon ordered, his eyes narrowing at the way HanGeng was touching Heechul’s leg.

     “Here, hyung.” Eunhyuk smiled as he turned and handed two tiny devices to Heechul. “The tan one goes in your right ear and the black one pins inside your dress. This way we can hear you and can hear us.”

    “We’ll be in the van giving you advice through the ear piece, so don’t worry.” HanGeng informed Heechul as he helped the older pin the tiny microphone inside his spandex dress. “You’re s look real…,”

    “They are to an extent,” Heechul blushed, watching helplessly as Agent Geng peered inside his dress while securing the microphone. “Agent Zhoumi bought me a bra and taped my chest together. There’s some padding in their as well. It kind of hurts.”

    “Ok, that’s enough.” Siwon interrupted, opening the van door and gesturing for Heechul to get out. “We’re time sensitive, so you need to get going.”

     “Fine, Mr. Serious.” Heechul frowned as he climbed out of the vehicle and onto the sidewalk.

     “Don’t stay too long, but long enough to interest him.” Siwon instructed, “Don’t be afraid to flirt and come in contact with him.”

     “Let him touch your ,” Eunhyuk offered, with a mischievous laugh. “That might work.”

    “Hyukjae, what did I say about being serious?” Siwon scolded the intelligence agent. “If you’re not going to act right, then I’ll replace you with Donghae next time.”

     “I can do this, I can do this…,” Heechul chanted to himself as Siwon and Eunhyuk broke out into an argument.

     “Yes, you can.” Agent Geng’s voice interrupted Heechul’s chant as the Chinaman stepped out of the van and shut the door behind him, successfully drowning out the two arguing agents inside. “You’ve done well in training. You’re ready for this.”

    “Do I really look like a girl?” Heechul asked, nervously glancing down at his dress.

    “Eerily so,” Geng nodded, taking in Heechul’s full appearance.

   Agent Zhoumi had done a good job turning Kim Heechul into a female. The long sleeved, black, spandex, dress he’d chosen accentuated Heechul’s thin frame and shapely legs, while still hiding things well. Heechul’s dark hair was hidden inside a chin length, blonde wig with blunt bangs and he had on dark eye make-up and red lipstick.

    “Are these thigh highs?” HanGeng asked, reaching down to touch the fishnet hose just about Heechul’s knee high, black, boots.

    “Yes, they were my idea.” Heechul shrugged, “I thought they’d make a flirtatious statement peaking out from under the short dress.”

     “Good idea,” Geng nodded, “You should get going before Siwon stops yelling at Eunhyuk. We only have a couple hours time frame tonight.”

    “Alright,” Heechul agreed, turning to face HanGeng. “Wish me luck.”

    Leaning closer to Heechul, Geng placed a soft kiss on his red painted lips. Heechul froze in response to the unexpected kiss, staring in a slight daze as HanGeng slowly pulled away from him.

    “Good luck,” Agent Geng whispered as he took hold of Heechul’s shoulders and spun him in the direction of the club.

     Heechul remained in a daze as he walked the three blocks to the VIP Black Jack Club. Though, he’d given Agent Geng his own surprise kiss before, it had felt different. This kiss felt more meaningful than the first, but why he did not quite know. The VIP Black Jack Club was a private club for YG employees and their associates. No one got in without a password. Hopefully, the one the YG informant had give Agent Siwon was correct.

    “Crayon,” Heechul stated to the bouncer at the club door, his voice pitched up to sound more female.

    The bouncer eyed him curiously before nodding and opening the doors. Heechul let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding as he entered the noisy club and began scanning the room for his target. The small space was packed with people, making it difficult to see faces clearly. There were also two levels to the club. On the first was a dance floor, bar and seating. The second floor overlooked the first and was lined with tables and sofas, as well as private curtained booths. Deciding the bar was a good place to start, Heechul took a seat on one of the stools and ordered a couple shots for courage.

     “Do you think drinking’s a good idea?” Siwon’s voice sounded in Heechul’s ear, causing him to flinch in surprise. “You’re here to work, not play.”

     “I can handle my alcohol.” Heechul answered in a hushed voice.

   “Have you located the target yet?”

    “No, stop talking to me. People are staring.” Heechul cut off, thinking his mumbling to himself was drawing too much attention.

    “Hello there, beautiful.” a male voice greeted, pulling Heechul from his thoughts. “I’ve never seen you here before.”

     “Uh, It’s my first time.” Heechul smiled to the young man with a close hair cut and cheesy grin.

     “I’m Seungri, can I buy you a drink?”

     “I already ordered one.”

    “I’ll have it delivered to my table. Is that alright with you, darling?” Seungri grinned, motioning to the bartender.

    “Well,” Heechul began, but found himself being drug off his stool by the pushy male and through the crowd.

    “So, what’s you’re name?”


    “That’s a pretty name.” Seungri compliment, “Sorry for dragging you away from your drink, but my friends and I are having this contest to find the best looking girl here and I think I may have just won.”

    “Thank-you, I guess.”

    “Where did you find her?” a blonde man gaped as they neared a booth next to the dance floor. “You cheated.”

    “I did not,” Seungri defended, scooting into the booth next to the blonde and pulling Heechul in with him. “Where’s your girl?”

    “None of the good ones would talk to me.” the man pouted, seeming hurt by this fact.

    “That’s too bad Dae. It looks like I win by default. This is Hee. Hee, this is my partner, Daesung.” Seungri introduced.

    “TOP hyung still has a chance.” Daesung informed as a waiter appeared with a tray of shots.

      “He can’t top, my Hee.” Seungri chuckled, taking a shot off the tray and handing it to Heechul.

     “I usually never admit defeat, but you may have won this time, Seungri.” a deep voice commented as a man with dark eyes and messy dark hair slid into the booth across from Heechul. “I’m TOP, and you are.”

     “Hee,” Heechul answered, his eyes going wide as he now found himself face to face with his target.

     “A girl like you shouldn’t be spending her night with someone like him,” Top smiled, gesturing to Seungri.

     “Hyung, this one’s mine.”

     “I’m not an object. I can be with whom I wish.” Heechul quipped, having trouble keeping his attitude in check. He was never comfortable being treated like something to be passed around.

     “I like her,” TOP laughed, his hand beneath the table finding its way to Heechul’s knee. “She’s too tough for you, Seungri-ssi. You’re going to get chewed up and spit out.”

    “And you think you can handle me?” Heechul teased, downing his shot in one go and turning the glass upside-down on the table.

    “I can handle anything.” TOP declared, seeming genuinely interested in Heechul’s strong attitude.

      Deciding to run with his normally aggressive nature, Heechul placed his hand atop TOP’s on his knee and began tracing patterns on it with his cherry red nails.

    “Have you made contact?” Siwon’s voice echoed in Heechul’s ear. “Who are you talking to?”

     “Would you like to dance, Hee?” Top asked, receiving a foul look from Seungri.

     “I’d love to.” Heechul smirked, sliding out of the booth.

    Following TOP onto the dance floor, Heechul mumbled his conformation phrase to Siwon in the van, the loud music muffling his words. He’d made contact with his target and said man seemed interested in spending some time with him. All he had to do now was make sure TOP kept that interest. The music playing was medium tempo and thumping. It was a beat meant to be danced to in a sensual way and TOP had no qualms about doing just that.

    TOP’s hands found their way to Heechul’s thin waist as they began moving together, making Heechul incredibly nervous. Keeping an appropriate distance between them, Heechul placed his own hands on the younger man’s backside. It was a bold move, but it seemed to excited the assassin. Demure wasn’t a trait TOP seemed to be into, which suited Heechul just fine. He wasn’t the demure type.

     No words were uttered between them as they danced. TOP let his hand trace Heechul’s sides and move over his spandex covered backside as they moved. Heechul felt comfortable with letting the younger explore his body, hoping it would strengthen the interest. As long as his hands stayed away from certain vulnerable areas, it would be just fine.

    “Follow me,” TOP whispered into Heechul’s ear as the song ended and he drug the older off the dance floor.

     Nervously, Heechul followed the assassin to the stairs and up onto the second level. They were getting further and further away from the other club patrons and that spelled trouble to him. Hankyung had told him to avoid being alone with his target at the beginning stages. Too many things could go wrong and the whole mission would be blown. Locating an empty private booth, TOP pulled back the curtains and gestured for Heechul to step inside.

     “I thought we could talk better here.” TOP smiled, “It’s much quieter than on the main floor.”

     Glancing nervously inside the small booth, Heechul tried to decide what he should do. If he left now, TOP may believe he wasn’t interested in him and making contact later would be more difficult. If he stayed and things went too far, his cover could be blown.

    “You do want to get to know each other better, don’t you?”

    “Say yes.” Siwon stated in his earpiece, reminding Heechul he wasn’t alone in all this.

     “Of course,” Heechul smiled, stepping into the private booth, which consisted of a rounded leather sofa, mounds of pillows and small tea table. This room wasn’t meant for casual drinking like the booths on the first level.

    “So, tell me more about yourself, Hee.” TOP stated as they took a seat on the sofa and the curtains fell back into place, sheltering them from the chaos of the club. “What do you do for a living?”

    “I’m a secretary,” Heechul answered, not exactly lying.

    “For the company?”


    “Then one of our partner companies?”

    “Tell him you work for JYP nation. It’s a bank that YG does a lot of deals for.” Siwon suggested in his ear.

    “I work for JYP.”

    “Oh,” TOP nodded thoughtfully. “I work for the assassin department. I hope that doesn’t make you uncomfortable?”

     “No, I find it exciting, actually.” Heechul flirted, scooting closer to TOP and placing his hand on his knee.

     TOP took this action as an open invitation, placing his hand high on Heechul’s leg. Heechul wasn’t sure how to react to the younger’s advance and opted to ignore the contact. Though, what came next, was a bit harder to ignore. Before he was able to move away, TOP had bridged the small gap between them and captured his lips in a hungry kiss. Heechul’s initial response was to tense up, but he quickly ditched that plan in favor of kissing his target back. It was his job to gain this man’s attention and trust. What better way to do it than make out with him.

    Lacing his finger’s in TOP’s dark hair, Heechul pulled him deeper into the kiss, even though his lungs were screaming for air. TOP pressed himself closer to Heechul, breaking the deep kiss in order to nibble and on his neck. Heechul tried to suppress the high pitched sounds coming from his throat, but it was hard to do. It had been ages since anyone touched him like this and TOP was a very attractive man. TOP’s fingers played along the tops of Heechul’s thigh high fishnets, bordering on dangerous contact. Heechul’s arms shook as they moved to embrace the man pressed against him. Things were moving too fast.

    “No, no…,” Heechul taunted his target, moving away just as TOP’s hand decided to slip beneath the hem of his dress. “I’m not that kind of girl.”

    “What kind of girl are you then?” TOP slurred, moving in for another kiss that was soon interrupted by a very angry voice.

    “Choi Seunghyun!”

    “Ji-young-ah,” TOP began, pulling away from Hee to look at his partner standing in the curtains. “I thought you were going home.”




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mochulshipper #1
mochulshipper #2
matrixim #3
Chapter 13: author-nim, please update !!!
Chapter 13: are there plans to update this story?
lynn88mr #5
Chapter 2: Hi author-nim. I really like this story. So you have any plan to continue the story in the near future? Or should I just unsubscribe the story and focus on your current work?
blingblingcutelocky #6
Natural_Sapphire #7
Chapter 13: I wish there will be update for this story. It's interesting and I want to know what happen next. pleaseeee
imnobody930817 #8
Chapter 13: uwaaa...i want to know what happen next
Chapter 13: Plz update again I want to know what happens next
Chapter 13: Update soon please