Expect the Unexpected PT 3


Well, this was really the main part of the Chapter :D "Things just happen so fast." Hope you enjoy ^^




After the conversation of the two friends, they went back where their friends are as if nothing happened.

"What took you guys so long?" Yuri asked the two when they approached their friends.

"Ahh..nothing, we just talked about some IMPORTANT matters." Taeyeon answered emphasizing the word.

"What was it then?" Sunny asked curiously looking at the two.

"Nothing." was the only answer of Sooyoung.

"Don't mind them guys, let's just start our day now." Tiffany interfered.

They then went around the mall happily. They were all laughing here and there as they were having jokes while they are walking. They are entering each stores and buy some stuffs. After some hours, they will take a rest from their stroll. All of them are busy with each other except for some.

"Soo.." Dara called the girl softly.

"Hm? Is there any problem?" Sooyoung answered in the same low and soft tone.

"Dad called me a while ago."

"What did he said?" Sooyoung asked facing the other girl. They were sitting quite far from the otherss so no one can hear them.

"He wants me back there." Dara answered shortly. A tear was nearing to escape her eyes.

"He wants you where?" Sooyoung asked as if she was confused.

"You know what does that mean, Soo. He wants me back there....for good." the girl answered.

"Why? You won't go, right?"

"I will. I need to go there. I must." then the tears fall.

"Are you serious!? You're going to leave me here!?"

"I told you, I have to! I need to go back there! I must go back!" Dara exclaimed to the other girl.

"Why!!?!! What about us!!?" Sooyoung answered in the same manner. Their friends are staring at them but they were so busy to give a damn. No one from their friends wants to break their bickering as well. No one wants to interfere for they know it was a private matters between the two.

"Our business needs me. Dad needs me! We can continue our story even if I'm away, you can follow me or you can go with me as well!" tears fall down Dara's face. She was now crying. Sooyoung felt so weak.

"Then go back there. No way I can go with you, I also have my family here. I understand you. But.... When you leave, forget about me. What we had and what we are suppose to have." Sooyoung said calmly.


"I don't think I can manage to be in a long distance relationship. Don't worry, I'm okay. I'm hurt again, now, but it's okay. I just thought that you are different. I admit, I haven't really recovered from the pain that I have been through and I haven't really moved on and forgot about my feelings. I'm still in love with her and so I tried my luck on you to forget about it and start a new and I am sorry. I'm starting to learn to love you the same way as I loved before. I'm starting to forget about my feelings and forget about the pain because of you. But I guess, fate brings me back to still be in love with her in pain. I accept it. When you leave, just leave. Don't worry about me." Sooyoung said her real feelings to the girl. A tear escaped her eyes but she quickly wiped it. She needs to be strong.

"Thank you for telling those things to me. Now I am relieved that I am leaving without hurting someone, like you. You're so special to me Soo. I didn't know you're gonna use me like that. I guess my decision of leaving is a very good decision."

"I'm sorry Dara. but know that I didn't use you. I also had a feelings for you. I loved you but it just happened that that love was not the same as how I fell in love with Jessica."

"You're rude."

"If that's how you see me, it's okay. I'm leaving now. Just tell it to them that you're leaving for good." with that word, Sooyoung left. Then Dara told them everything. Of course, they were all shocked about her decision.



tbc :)



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Chapter 9: please update soon
foreversphere19 #2
I love your story so much
But can you please put sooyoung and jessica together ???
Please....Pretty pretty please
Chapter 15: Still waiting figthing
glam_9168 #4
Chapter 15: Welcome back author-ssi:)
Noir25 #5
Chapter 14: Yah Author-sii..
Is this going to be a soodara fic instead? :/
Soosica please

Cant wait for the next update!
Sootuff #6
Chapter 13: SooDara!!
But Sooyoung is hurt again...
malasiregar #7
summerwinter #8
Chapter 13: This is unexpected!! Hahahaha thanks for update author :)
Chapter 13: I'm just found this story and this story was awesome :D

Dara is leaving, and now Jessica it's your time :D

author-ssi FIGHTING :)
Chapter 13: Heol dara is leaving