Chapter 12

|Culture Shock|Lee Taemin|


(Yes, I know about the random margin on some of the dilogue. I don't know why it's there and I can't get it off.)

I woke up with the sun glaring onto my face through the blinds. I winced and went to roll over. I had expected to see Key sleeping next to me, but there was nobody. Then I realized that there wasn’t anybody in the room. Feeling uneasy about this, I sat up quickly and moved to the edge of the bed. Then, I heard laughter coming from the other room. I sighed with slight relief and stepped onto the cold floor and walked towards the bedroom door. I pulled it open and the laughter quieted.

I tip toed around the corner, squinting as the sun from the kitchen window shone into my eyes. The boys were sitting around the table, smiling, as they ate breakfast. Key acknowledged me first.

Good morning, Ryver. Did you sleep well?” He asked me, his mouth full of food.

I slept fine. When did you guys wake up?” I asked as I walked farther into the kitchen.

Probably about two hours ago,” He answered and I nodded a little.

Minho stood quickly, causing me to jump a little, “Are you really not going to offer her something to eat or even a place to sit?”

“oh, it’s alright Minho. I don’t want to interrupt your meal. I’ll just start getting ready,” I said.

He reached out and grabbed me by my wrist, pulling me over, “You have to eat something, Ryver. Key made enough.”

Minho pushed me into the chair he had been sitting in and moved his plate to the end of the table as Key places a new plate in front of me.

You guys really don’t have to cater to me,” I pushed.

It’s not catering. It’s making sure you’re well fed before a long day,” Minho pushed back, “Now eat.”

“Yes, mother,”  I retorted and started eating.

I ate spoonful of rice as Taemin spoke up, “So what are we doing first today?”

First we should get Ryver’s cell phone,” Jonghyun answered, “After that we can just go shopping for a bit.”

I silently ate my food and then stood up, “Now I’m going to get dressed and ready.”

I turned and walked away, going to the bedroom to grab my clothes before I walked into the bathroom to take a shower. I set my clothes on the counter and the water for it to warm up while I undressed. Finally, I stepped in and let the hot water wet my hair. The steam filled my nostrils and I closed my eyes. I was mostly excited to finally get a phone and call my mom.

After standing in the hot water for a few minutes, I washed my body and hair and stepped out, drying myself with a towel. I put on my clothes and continued to towel dry my hair. There was a knock on the door that caused me to jump.

What is it?”  I asked.

Jonghyun has to use the bathroom,” I opened the door and saw Key leaned against the door frame.

I’m finished anyways,” I sighed and returned to the bedroom where I pulled my brush out of my bag and started brushing the knots out of my hair. Everyone seemed to be dressed and ready to go, so I tried to hurry. I slipped on my shoes and went into the living room.

Taemin, Minho, and Onew were all sitting on the couch waiting. Key was standing in the kitchen and Jonghyun was still in the bathroom. When he finally came out, everyone stood up and seemed to file into a line as we exited the dorm. The streets weren’t as busy as I thought they would have been. We’d decided to walk instead of be driven. The boys thought it would be nice for me to become familiar with my surroundings.

They took me to the first phone store that we came across, Key pulling me inside. I immediately went and looked at the Galaxy S3 and pointed at it, knowing that this was what I wanted. A store clerk approached me, glancing at the boys that surrounded me. You could see in her eyes that she knew exactly who they were.

I just moved here from the United States. Can you please help me get this phone?” I asked, sounded nervous and struggling with my Korean.

The clerk nodded and unlocked the phone case, pulling out the phone box and motioning for me to follow her. I noticed Onew following me over to the counter and felt a little safer. At least now if I stumbled on my Korean he could help me.

First, what kind of plan do you want for this phone?” The clerk asked, eyeing Onew.

I opened my mouth to speak but was cut off by Onew, “The most important thing is that she can make calls to the states. Her family is there and she wants to be able to call them.”

I smiled a little, slightly embarrassed that I would have completely forgotten to mention that. The clerk smiled, “of course. What’s your first and last name?”

Ryver Fultz,” I said and Onew shook his head.

The clerk looked at me, “Do you have a Korean name?”

I was about to shake my head when Onew gently pushed me to the side, “We have one for her.”

What is it?” she asked and I looked at him with widened eyes. I didn’t know the boys had a name they called me by. I didn’t even know I had to have a certain kind of name.

He sounded out the consonants and I listened intently, “i-gang-eun.”

I had to think about it for a second before I realized what it meant. “The River”. Seemed easy enough…

and I could see where they got it. Duh. Ryver, river.  I guessed he’d just improvised with the last name.

He looked at me and gave me a reassuring smile. I gave the clerk the remaining information and she finally handed over my phone and we went to meet back up with the others. As soon as I got to them, Key snatched my phone and started pressing buttons.

I’m putting my number in here. Just in case you ever need it,” He explained.

Me next!” the boys all called one after the other as we exited the store.

You can all have your turn. It’s not like I don’t live with you,” I teased.

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Chapter 17: Oh my god Key, I love you! This is perfect
Chapter 17: I loooove it! I can't wait to read more and see what happens between Ryver and Taemin! :)
Chapter 17: Awwww, i just love it when they dance together!! and ballroom dancing no less!!! Kyaaaaa! >.<
please update soon!! XDD
Chapter 17: yay! Taemin ballroom dancing!
its funny that i was thinking of this story earlier and then now its updated! YES! ^^
Chapter 16: New reader...
I.Love.this.story!!!!! Please update sooon!! I'm diiiiiing to read another fluffy and cute and sweet and jealous-Taemin chapter!!! *^^* Hwaiting!
Chapter 16: This is an amazing new developemnet
ososhinee #7
Chapter 16: OMO, complete surprise!!!! Best kind of plot twist though xD
kiki_muffin #8
Chapter 15: Naawwww^^ Tae is so sweet, brushing Ryvers hair<3
BeautifulNightmares #9
Chapter 15: thanks for updating!
Chapter 14: Loved the update!