I scream

It's a story!


“Looks like there’s no need to do so now,” Splitz said as she stared out the window. 

Brrrrringggg… Lee Teuk’s phone rang. “Hello?” He spoke into the phone. “Ah, yes.” He paused while listening to the opposite party. “Okay.” “Who was that?” Yesung asked him. “The principal called.” Lee Teuk said as he shrugged his shoulders. “Today’s only the first day and they got into trouble already?” Yesung asked Lee Teuk in shock. 

“Aish, you guys.” Lee Teuk said as he walked into the room. Sarra stood up and went forward to close the curtains. “Why’d you here oppa?” Xin stood up and went over beside him. “The principal called.” He said as he looked at Xin. “It’s only the first day of school and you’ve been called to the principal office. You guys are A+.” He said as he gave them two thumbs up.

“Whatever, it isn’t our fault in the first place.” Splitz told him, “The spat on Xin’s face. You’d kill her too if it happened in front of you.” “Watch your choice of words Splitz!” He told her off. Splitz shrugged her shoulders. “Seriously Teukie oppa, you’re sending us home? You could have called the manager.” Jam told him. “And save us from all these trouble.” Sarra said as she opened the curtain and shut it when fangirls were screaming. 

“I can’t do anything. The principal called.” Lee Teuk tried to explain. “Ah oppa, you’re not driving right?” Xin turned and asked him, “That’s the most important thing.” “Of course not! I wouldn’t risk your life.” He told her. “Yesung drove here.” “That’s a relief.” Sarra told him. “So, can we get out of this really horrifying school now?” Jam asked Lee Teuk. 

“Why are they taking such a long time?” Hangeng asked Yesung, “It’s getting on my nerves.” “Aish, can’t you just keep calm and sit down?” Yesung asked him. “You’re making me feel jumpy too. By the way, where’s Kyuhyun?” “Kyuhyun?” Hangeng asked. “He left some time after Lee Teuk hyung.”

The car door opened just then, “Oppa!” Sarra said as she ran over to give Hangeng a hug. “How’s school today?” He asked her. Sarra just shrugged and smiled. “They said it wasn’t their fault.” Lee Teuk said once he stepped in the car. “Oppa, let’s go eat ice cream.” Splitz asked Yesung. He looked at her and shook his head. “Don’t you ever get sick of it?” He asked her. “You guys don’t have any schedule after this anyway” Splitz tried to convince him.”

“Oppa, let’s go eat ice cream okay?” Xin tried to convince Lee Teuk. All of them looked at him for 20 seconds. “Okay okay okay. Stop looking at me like that.” Lee Teuk said as he raised two hands up. “Yah yah yah. Where’s my oppa?” Jam asked them. All of them calmed down and looked at each other. “He went after Teukie hyung.” Yesung said. 

Where are all of them, Kyuhyun thought deeply. And why is this school so huge with no signs anywhere? He was dressed in a button down shirt with a pair of black jeans. He had his sunglasses and cap on to prevent people from noticing him. I better just get back to the car, He told himself.

Kyuhyun opened the car door and got in. “Oppa!” Jam said and she went over to give him a hug. “Aish. Why is your school so huge? And it doesn’t even have a sign.” He complaint. “You guys are the one who sent us here, why’d you ask me?” Jam told him. He kept quiet thinking that it’s the best to just keep quiet since he will never be able to beat his dongsaeng. 

“The loser will go get the ice cream.” Kyuhyun suggested. “Not again. It’s supposed to be your turn.” Hangeng mumbled in chinese. “Yeah. Kyu oppa, it’s your turn this week.” Xin backed Hangeng up and then high-fived. “No one understood what he said earlier, you might be lying.” Kyuhyun told Xin. “It’s your turn Kyuhyun-ssi.” Sarra then said. “Just go do it since it’s your turn oppa,” Jam told him. “You don’t know how scary the fans are.” Kyuhyun said showing a sad face. “You should do fine.” Sarra told him. “You weren’t trailed by any fangirls earlier at school.” “That was because hyung settled them for me.” Kyuhyun told her. Lee Teuk looked at him with his left eye higher than the other and said, “Since when?”

“I’ll go get it with you oppa.” Jam said. Kyunhyun held Jam out of the car and they walked together into the ice cream shop. “You know what the girl’s want right?” Kyuhyun asked Jam. “Sure.” Jam said. “Give me a scoop of cotton candy, strawberry, melon and chocolate. All with fruity pebbles topping please.” She looked at Kyuhyun. “Uhm. Cookies and cream, vanilla, mint and a chocolate.” Kyuhyun told the lady. “Take away please.” 

“These ice creams cost me 10,000 won.” Kyuhyun complaint. Just then, his cap flew due to the heavy gust of wind. Making sure he doesn’t lose Jam, he quickly grabbed hold of her hand and went to chase after the cap. “Isn’t that Super Junior’s Kyuhyun?” Everyone quickly went after him and started taking out their mobile phones to take photos. Kyuhyun managed to grab his cap back and pulled Jam through the crowd and got to the car as soon as possible. 

“Kyu oppa. Where’s my ice cream?” Was the first thing that Splitz said when they got back to the car. “Kyu oppa, you’re trending on twitter.” Xin told him. “It’s that a compliment?” Kyuhyun asked her, “It’s getting harder and harder to buy ice cream now days.” Splitz took the paper bag from him and searched for her ice cream. “Thank got the ice cream is okay.” She said as she opened it. “Thanks kyu oppa.” Xin and Sarra said raising their ice cream cups.

“We’re home!” The girls shouted when they walk through the doors of the dorm. You may be wondering how all of them squeeze in that dorm. It actually has a staircase in the dorm that leads to the basement, which is a level down, and another dorm, a level up. The basement holds a practice room for them, which saves the trip for them to travel to and fro from the entertainment company. Obviously the practice room is soundproof. 

Ever since the four girls moved in, the sleeping arrangement has changed. The four girls now share a room on the main level of their dorm where the living room and kitchen is. They share the same level as Ryeowook, Hangeng, Yesung as well as Kyuhyun. The other members sleep on the higher level or sometimes they just end up sleeping in the practice room. 

The girls became good friends when their oppas started training together. They feel like they could relate better with one another. They had protective oppas who care for them a lot. Even when they had training, their oppas always call them to make sure that they are fine. In elementary school, they worked hard together to ensure that they got into the same high school. When their oppas debuted, they all go to their dorms after school to play and wait till their parents picked them up. The oppas would then make their meals and help them in their work.

Just recently, their parents decide to go for a long trip together. They had to move to Super Junior’s dorm that year. As their school was too far from the dorm, they had to switch school. With this, the company made use of the opportunity to film the program they wanted to ages ago. The show aims to show how the four girls live with their Super Junior oppas. Looks like the program is really working out so far. 

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blastoise #1
Awesome haha
koreankendi #2
Done reading!! ^_^<br />
Me likey!!!!
vikKiBeoMin #3
<br />
anyway, love your story!<br />
imma read the sequel! ;p
kaytbear3 #5
aww cute ending for all of them!!! too bad the story is done tho, it would be nice to have a sequal or just more chapters but its your story so you can end it however.<br />
o yeah i forgot.... I LOVED THE STORY!!!! IT WAS SOO ADORABLE!!!!!!!
:O!!!!!!! XD I WISH THIS IS LIKE REAL!!! we need hankyung back :[ oppa..... ;w;
O.O :D xD omg update that bridge chapter is making me wanna scream xD from eagerness ;) I love it update soon hwaiting
:O it says u updated but chu didnt o.o
:O HWAITING XIN :O i hope its gonna b ike usual >.< i think shes gonna feel sad if they treat her mroe special than others D:
:O teukie oppa dun cry </3 D: both of u don't deserve to get punished DX update soon!!