The Real D.O

A Gay Cottage?

Finally all of the morning's ruckus had calmed down and Suho made his way out of Kris' room. Every so quietly he twisted the door knob and peeked through the crak of the door. Seeing how no one was in the hallway he lead himself down the hallway for a much needed breakfast. Flicking his eyes to the counter clock he read 6:43. With a heavy sigh he opening the fridge door. He raided it of its last water bottle taking a seat at the counter. Suho opened the bottle taking a small sip then letting the bottle sweat onto the counter from the heat. Using the tip of his index finger he rimmed the hard plastic of the bottle. He was thinking. Thinking about D.O and how much trouble he had caused for him. Suho was very protective of the smaller boy so to him it came naturally to punish him if he 'did wrong'. He didn't see it as such a big burden on D.O since he continued to come back to his side.

Yixing burst through the back screen, panting since he had just come back from a run. He fumbled his way to the kitchen seeking out some cold water. Suho watched his lanky arms rip the fridge open again letting cold air poor around his body. Finding there was no water left in the fridge Yixing turned checking if there was any left on any counters. Suho offered up his still fridged bottle, but the boy just glared pulling a glass from the cuboard and taking water from the tap. Newly refeshed Yixing found his way outside again to join a group of bunkers.

Suho frowned as Yixing left. It quite clear then that everyone in the cottage was mad at him in some way. He hung his head until his forehead met the cool granite of the counter. After sitting ashamed of himself for a good ten minutes, Suho decided to drag himself back to his room. All of his steps were slugged along the hardwood. He finally started passing bedroom doors and came across one open one. Curiously he looked through the doorway. There he was. His D.O, lying motionless with an icepack drapped over his head. He looked so hurt and bruised but at the same time so peaceful. Suho almost didn't notice small little Baekhyun entranced my D.O's face. His heart practically stopped when he laid eyes on him. He was sitting arms folded over one another resting his head to the side so he could look at D.O's face properally.

Baekhyun was as still as a statue only blinking when it was desperately needed. He enjoyed staring at D.O's flawless face. He's been sitting for an hour just watching him sleep so soundly, he wondered if anyone thought the same of him. Suho moved the slightest bit in the door way creating a shadow over part of D.O's face. Baekhyun snapped his head quickly looking for the cause of the darkness. The smallest sight of Suho had Baekhyun scowling in a frightening way. Suho fended away slightly not wanting to look away from the two boys. D.O looked so much safer under Baekhyun's watching, just thinking about it made him jealous. Baekhyun stood up making sure not to wake the sleeping members and met Suho at the door. His scowl hadn't easied, but how could it when he watched D.O get hurt like this?

"What do you want?" Baekhyun asked shutting the door behind him. His words came out more angry then he had meant them too.
"I was just looking." Suho's eyes looked like he shed tears when he was alone. Baekhyun took some pitty on him calmed a bit. A silence swallowed the two and Suho was starting to regret every decision he made. He blinked away tears before they could fall before Baekhyun.
"Why'd you do it?" Baekhyun whispered slowly trying to see Suho's eyes. Suho just sniffed rubbing his bloodshot eyes with the back of his right hand. Baekhyun didn't bother press on, he knew Suho would eventually answer.
"More often then not, he reminds me about how much I'm like his father. I guess I was told so many times I took on his roll. He's a bit mischiveious at times and likes to sneek off, but I don't like when he's not with me. I told him to stop, but he never listens. If he would just listen then-"
"That's no reason to hit him." Baekhyun bit back forgetting his pitty over Suho. "He snuck off because he was trying to avoid your beatings. Wasn't that apperent?"

Suho took a step back from the fiery Baekhyun, afraid he'd make a sudden attack like Chanyeol. With no answer from Suho, Baekhyun fired yet another question at him. "Do you love him?" D.O loved Suho. He had to of, or else he wouldn't have put up with the consistant beatings. It took a moment for Suho to respond, hesitantly he let out a
"Yes," Baekhyun took a deep breathe. He couldn't wrap his head around it. If you love someone you don't hit them. Baekhyun shook his head closing his eyes and opened the door back into the room. Suho knew he would probably be distanced from D.O from now on and gave it one good shot to convince Baekhyun otherwise, "Baekhyun, right?" Baekhyun his heels softly, shaking his head. "I love him and I know he loves me. You aren't going to keep us from eachother are you?" Baekhyun didn't move. It wasn't his decision as much as he wish it was. It was D.O's overall, but if Chanyeol had anything to do with it D.O wouldn't be near Suho anymore. "Baekhyun, please. I act before I think. At least let me see him and talk to him. To apologize. He'll probably never want to talk to me again after everyone witnessed us - ..." Baekhyun didn't want him to finish,
"I'll give you half an hour tonight, after Chanyeol goes to sleep. But I'm staying with him, that's all you have. Then you can't see him anymore." His sharp born eyes were hard on Suho. With that Baekhyun strutt back into his room leaving Suho outside with a halfsmile painted on his lips.

"Baekhyun-ah" Chanyeol called groggily from Baekhyun's bed when he heard the door close. Baekhyun smiled at the sound of his name and clammered onto the bed beside Chanyeol. "Mmm Baekhyun." He hummed into Baekhyun's hair holding his body close. Chanyeol was really warm, being wrapped in the covers so long. The mood that they were lying in quickly changed though when Chanyeol came to realize where Baekhyun just came from. "Why was Suho here?" He asked very bluntly. Baekhyun a little taken aback by Chanyeol's bluntness didn't say anything, "Baek, did he touch you?" Baekhyun's unresponsiveness sent Chanyeol into a worrying frenzy. It was cute watching Chanyeol get all worked up over anything and Baekhyun didn't know how but he held back his girly giggles.
"I'm fine, I'm fine." He chanted over Chanyeol still aware that D.O was sleeping.

Taking a couple relaxing breathes Chanyeol calmed down once again, "Then why was he here?" He asked Baekhyun's side lovingly.
"Well-" Baekhyun sang having Chanyeol give him a stern look. "I left the door open and he saw me watching D.O.-"
"You were watching D.O?" Baekhyun nodded a small blush creeping on his cheeks. "I thought you were asleep with me" Chanyeol mummbled to himself letting Baekhyun carry on,
"I shooed him away. He says he's sorry Yeollie. Maybe you should ease up on him a little?" Baekhyun wore pleading eyes but Chanyeol was resistant.
"Look what he did to D.O! I'm not going to just ease up."
"Chanyeol, He loves D.O"
"Then why'd he hit him?!"
"Sometimes people act before they think."
"Yeah sometimes, not repeatedly!"
"You did."

Chanyeol choked from Baekhyun's quick comeback. He scrunched up his nose and furrowed his eyebrows. "When?" he managed to squeek from his mouth,
"Yesterday and the day before? Before we got together." Chanyeol thought about it for a second recalling everything that happened,
"That's completely different."
"No it's not." Baekhyun sang mockingly. "Listen, Suho loves him. He just wants to apologize and have him back. Wouldn't you if that was me?" Chanyeol's gaze fell around Baekhyun's lips while he talked. He nodded silently,
"I'm not anything like Suho though, so I don't want you to go near him. D.O either. I've had enough of him."
"But Chan-"
"Honestly Baekhyun, if you or D.O see him I'd be so worried." Baekhyun's heart sank a little listening to Chanyeol talk like this. All he wanted was for things to be better.


Noon rolled around and everyone was up and bursting with energy. D.O had finally caught up on most of the sleep he had missed out on sneeking out of his room at night. He woke with a smile on his face and a wet warm icepack on his forehead. Placing the pack on the sidetable he swung his legs over the side of the bed with a thump and examined himself, "Two arms," He streched up his thin arms rubbing patched of his white skin, "Two legs," He lifted them straight infront of him wiggling his toes, "Ten fingers and toes," He smiled again spreading his slender hands. A sudden wind blew in from the airconditioning and D.O shivered. "No shirt," He said to himself looking down at his bare chest. He sighed loudly when he caught glimpse of the damage that had been done to his body. It was a daily routine of his to make sure he wasn't missing or have newly found bruises or cuts on his body parts. He was always dissapointed when he looked upon his chest though. There was always bruises of some sort.

Awkwardly standing on his two feet D.O looked around the room he was in. It wasn't messy persay but it deffinately wasn't as clean as he kept the room he shared. Absentmindedly he started to organize things. Throwing what looked to be dirty clothes beside the closest suitcase and straightening out the beds. Before he decided to leave he checked himself in the bathroom. The light blinded him while he stood infront of the mirror waiting for his eyes to adjust. When his pupils finally came to size he frowned at what he saw. His hair was tossled messily in all different directions and the black eye on his right was not doing him much justice. He ran the tips of his fingers over the cut shyly placed over his left cheek wincing a little. His opposite hand fiddled with the tap until it poured luke warm water on itm then he splashed his face giving himself a second wake up.

Slowly D.O looked down from his face and looked at his chest. He swapped his lip into his mouth looking at the bruises that covered him completely. He could barely see the whites of his skin poking out from underneath. Timidly he brought his trembling hands to the outline of a hand hanging off his collar bone. Just hovering over it he could fit his hand into the clear shape of it. Closing his eyes he braced himself for impact. Ever so gently he rest his hand over top but even that was too much. He fliched and removed his touching body parts whimpering. D.O crossed his arms over the sink and bent back burying his face in his arms. What was he going to do?

Eventually D.O left Chanyeol and Baekhyun's room scanning throught ever bit of the hall way as he left. D.O had never really looked around the cabin since he was always glued to Suho's side. Breaking past the hallway the noise level got louder. People were up and laughing and talking. There was the occasional yell that frightened D.O but other then that it looked like a rather friendly environment. He glided to the kitchen and poured himself a glass of juice sitting at the island by himself. Baekhyun being as wellsighted as he is, saw D.O wallowing alone and came to his side. "You're up" He smiled taking a seat beside the smaller, "I changed your ice pack while you were sleeping." D.O bowed his head slightly showing thanks.

"Why don't you head over here with me? Matt, Taeyoung, Nick and Chanyeol were talking about going out to the lake again today." D.O made a very hesitant and cheesy smile at Baekhyun's offer, but before he could decline Baekhyun was dragging him to the group of boys. "Hi guys," Baekhyun called cheerfully pulling D.O behind him. He stopped wrapping an arm around D.O's shoulders causing him to wince a little. "Oh my gosh, sorry. I forgot." Baekhyun tore his arm away from D.O's aches and held them up in defense.
"It's okay," D.O murmured looking down at his feet. All the boys around the circle continued talking and D.O was being intimidated by their deep loud voices. He was hiding behind Baekhyun clinging onto the back of his shirt.

"So are we going down to the lake?"
"Yeah, I'm up for it."
"As long as I'm not the only one in a kayak."
"Let me grab a couple beers first"
"Baek, you coming?" Boys started to file out the door like an army of ants going after food. Baekhyun looked over his shoulder at D.O who was wide-eyed and heavily braced for anything that would come his way.
"Let's go down to the dock." Baekhyun smiled hoping he could will D.O to go with him. D.O shook his head though,
"I'm not really - uh- good with water" He hid his face slightly behind his hands,
"Yeah right, you were down there yesterday!" Baekhyun laughed. D.O was slightly annoyed at how persistant Baekhyun could be,
"I don't really feel like it today," D.O said softly trying to pry away from Baekhyun.

"Baekhyun, are you coming?" Chanyeol called out once again from the screen door, this time a little more irritated.
"Yeah, yeah, hang on." He yelled back not bothering to look his way. "Please D.O-hyung" Baekhyun batt those dark eyelashes of his and D.O caved in taking his hand letting Baekhyun whisk him outside. D.O hadn't seen Suho at all, he didn't know if that was a good or bad thing. All he did know was that it felt so wrong without Suho at his side but the same time free. He sat at the edge of the dock hugging the post and letting his feet dangle above the watch. Baekhyun had been dragged in fully clothed leaving D.O all alone again. Not that he minded being alone, it's just that Baekhyun begged him to come down here with him. He enjoyed watching him and Chanyeol wrestle though. Chanyeol would always let Baekhyun win in the end, since he could obviously win with the major height advantage.

D.O's very shy. He hadn't really worked on his social skills after he met Suho. Suho would always do the talking when they met new people. D.o rarely ever had to say a word, even if he did it would've been something he had probably well rehersed in his head several times. Being around so many new people and not having Suho around was going to be the biggest challenge for D.O. He was already hiding behin Baekhyun when he was around, and even thr post he was clinging onto now was scarier than Baekhyun could ever be. D.O's trance like watch on Baekhyun and Chanyeol was rudely interrupted when two hands grabbed his shoulder's tightly shaking him.
"Ow!" D.O cried in pain clutching over the hands,
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! I didn't know you had bruises near your shoulders!" The voice was light and feminine and the face very vauge to what D.O remembered. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you."
"I-It's okay. I'm fine. I was just surprised." D.O said a little shaky from the new face.
"Well then, I'm Minsoo." Minsoo stuck out her hand for D.O to shake. Doubtingly he took it,
"D.O" He tried to smile but his nerves got the best of him and he awkwardly changed his attention back to Baekhyun and Chanyeol.

"What's up?" Minsoo asked not caring of D.O was listening or not.
"Nothing." He replied simply still watching the lovebirds mess around with eachother. Minsoo watched D.O carefully. His eyes following every where Baekhyun and Chanyeol went and the smile that would try to tugg at his lips from time to time.
"You want a relationship like theirs." She began to watch Chanyeol dunk Baekhyun's head in the water.
"I-I never said that." D.O retorted quickly in defense,
"You didn't have to." Minsoo smiled taking a quick glance at D.O who was a little uneasy.
"Well, I'll have you know I'm not looking for a relationship right now." His tone rang out matter of factly.
"I know, I know. You're gay and in a relationship with that guy who's not good enough for you." She rambled on kicking the water with her feet. D.O's eyes went bigger than they were before,
"Don't say that! You don't even know him. You don't even know me!" Minsoo raised an eyebrow then shrugged it off.
"I know that no one should be hit and this morning that's exactly what he was doing. You deserve more than that." D.O bit his tounge before he could defend Suho because really he knew that  he deserved better than that.

They didn't say anything more, or anything less. Minsoo left the conversation how it was and left D.O to sit by himself again. D.O took a final look at Baekhyun and Chanyeol before lying back on the dock. Maybe he did want a relationship like theirs. Playful and carefree, where he didn't have to constantly sneek out and come back before Suho woke up. He sighed loudly to himself closing from the hot sun.


*A/N: Here we go again with the promotion of leaving comments ; LEAVE COMMENTS! I like hearing what you have to say about the story and honestly find it quite amusing when you guys yell at the characters.

40 subs? Whoa, thanks people! I never thought I'd get 40 subs ...

Loving how this started out at Baekyeol but it sorta went from Baekyeol drama to fluff and now theres a bunch of Sudo drama. Whatever Baekyeol's trying to make everything better so it's okay.

School in *pulls out calculator* 1 day! Let it be known I hate school, why you may ask; because it cuts into writing time of course. Yes School is my main interferance with my writing so if chapters start coming out shorter than previous I"M SORRY. I try to take long but I had 2 stories (sorta kinda 3) and I want to write another but sometimes I like to sleep too ... I actually write everyday because my social life is nonexsistant. Well no that's a lie, my other interferance is that I do cover dances so that takes a lot of time. sorry T.T

Happy reading, Ship on


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Chapter 14: /creys


...but you don't have to if you don't want to......
PrncssPatty #2
Chapter 15: KAISOO!!! I BEG YOU!!
Chapter 15: Kaisoo pleaseeeee!
Chapter 15: The survey is not opening.
Chapter 13: qwudwieredjehywgdjewwkfkuwefkyhfwehayf! BAEKYEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL~@@@@ XD


*gets shot*
Chapter 12: asdfs i lost an update, glad that you are back
Chapter 11: Gay romance lol I hateee OC/female's and you's xD
Chapter 11: dfjahjfhjsghkgfjadgsfydsgfadsbv!!! OKAY, LEMME GO AND BUILD A DAM OVER HAN RIVER AND THEN JUMP TO DROWN... *goes off and jumps off Han River*

Chapter 11: Chanyeol I thought ur weren't gonna hurt baek... Skipped the questions part but got a glance at some. I ship a lot of ships . - fan girl heeeeere