i'm fine (but dying inside)

“Aigoo, it’s so late!” Key complains as he rubs his tired, red eyes. Minho nodded in agreement, silence falling over the quintet.  The five wandering down the halls of SM Entertainment, passing by late practices and recordings.
Onew slid next to Taemin, taking his hand and squeezing gently. The maknae smiled up at him tiredly, leaning his head on his shoulder. Behind them came a soft gasp, but went unnoticed by everyone except the blond diva.
“Jonghyun-ah? Are you okay?” He places his hand on the small of his hyung’s back. “Are you sick again?” Jonghyun ripped his eyes off the couple in front of him and glanced at Key.

“I’m fine.”
Key began lecturing him about getting proper meals, lots of rest, and all the things he should do to better take care of himself. Jonghyun tuned him out, continuing to bore holes in the back of Onew’s head. He flinched inwardly as the elder whispered something into Taemin’s ear making the maknae flush lightly.
A hand came down onto his shoulder suddenly and Jonghyun snapped his head up at the taller boy. “What?”
“You look pale.” Minho stared straight into those sad puppy eyes and Jjong knew Minho could tell what he was thinking.
“I’m fine.”
Sighing, Key started fussing over his hyung once more, telling him he should sit down before they go home. Jonghyun brushed him off, his attention back on the couple that was off in their own little world. He felt sick, so sick and dizzy and those hands on the young back, barely touching but saying “He’s mine!” Swaying on his feet, Key pushes on his shoulder, trying to get him to sit. Jonghyun shook his head, pushing back.
“I’m fine.”
Taemin turned around, his eyebrows furrowed in worry. “Hyung…” As he approached, Jonghyun held his breath, unable to move or say anything. Soft, delicate hands grabbed his hand and pulled him down so they were both sitting against the wall. The other three followed suit; all being tired from the day’s activities.
Wetting his dry lips with his tongue, Jonghyun surreptitiously slid away when a thin but surprisingly strong arm wrapped around him. He blinked in surprise and Taemin pulled him flush against his chest and held him there. Jonghyun’s breathing quickened, starting to feel uncomfortable at the closeness. 
“Hyung.” Lips gently brushed against the singer’s ear, the voice only audible to himself. “How do you know if you are in love?”
"You know you're in love with someone when you can hear their heartbeat in their chest and pray it speeds up just a little for you."
Taemin sighed heavily, running his fingers through his hyung’s brown locks. Jonghyun wanted him to say something, anything, but heavy silence filled the hallway.  Holding back the tears that threatened to fall, Jonghyun buried his face in Taemin’s chest, listening to the soft “ba- dump” “ba-dump” of his heart. He could hear his heartbeat so clearly, but it was calm and steady.
It was then, when Onew stepped closer. “Tae, let’s get going. He needs to go home to bed”
The maknae looked up at him lovingly and smiled. “Of course, Jinki hyung.”
Jonghyun noted that Taemin’s heart sped up just a little bit when Onew spoke while his own heart shattered into a million pieces.

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Chapter 1: OMG, I love Jongtae and this story just breaks my heart </3
Very beautifully written though ^^
poor Jjong, that's gotta hurt, but YAY OnTae, I love them so much; their just perfect for each other; I'd love to see more from this, like how does Jjong handle it, are OnTae together, or do they get together soon, can Jjong find happiness with someone else, maybe Key, I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for a sequel, I think it has great promise. ;-P
phiiee #3
Ouchieeee x(
That has got to hurt so bad :(
Poor Jjong.. He should get together with Key :')
Yay Ontae~
EveNiN #4
Poor Jjong...but I go for OnTae too....
breeze03 #5
loved Jonghyun's definition.. I go for OnTae but can't help but be a little sad