Too Much Drama for One Day

Why is the Universe so Cruel?

"You look beautiful." Walk away, don't look back, don't look like you're lost. Just walk away. I had to keep my cool. I was already in a horrible state and looking back would only make things worse. I walked up to look for a familiar main street. I kept myself calm, telling myself that once I find a main street, I can ask for help from some nice strangers. If I don't get first a traitorous voice said. OMO I did not want to get .

I took even breaths in and out. Just continue walking, I'll find it eventually. I passed by yet another bar. The windows were open and men were all sitting inside, drinking and smoking. "Heyyyyy. Pretty ladyyyy. Come drink with ussss." I internally shuddered and walked a bit faster. They all laughed. Why were they so drunk so early in the morning? Do they even realize what time it  is? My pace picked up just a little bit.

I looked to my right when I passed by an ally. Was that CAP I just saw? I shook my head. They are probably still having ice cream, crazy as they are. Guys, they have no sense of logic sometimes. I continued and turned right when I realized that it might lead my down a better street. I had just rounded the corner when two arms grabbed me from behind and pulled me back.

"Why didn't you come in to play with us? We had to come run all the way here just to play with you." The air stank of liquor. My teeth clenched. I was so close to finding my way home and now I'm about to get . No way in heck was I going to make it easy. I tried running for it. I made it a few steps before the two men pulled me back again. Gosh, the main street was just on the other side. I saw the market I passed by on my way home and the little salon next to it. It was all so close yet so far.

I was swung around and pressed against the wall. A dirty hand came down and across my face. My head snapped to the side. "You aren't being a good girl. Do you want to be punished?"

"Oh we'll punish her alright." The other man laughed. Oh my goodness, they were so drunk. What kind of place did I move to? Scream, for heaven's sake. Scream for help. But I couldn't. It was just like the day I watched my parents get murdered in front of my eyes. I just couldn't scream until the end, when it was too late.

A hand was sliding down my leg. This was so gross. My knee came up. Hitting the right spot, the man let go of me and stumbled back several steps. I took this chance to run for it. Granted, I wasn't fast. Maybe that was why the other man caught up to me. Oh gosh, I was so close to reaching the other side. I was slammed back onto the wall and a fist connected with my cheek again. This was so painful. I just needed someone, anyone, to help me. Where was my voice? Why couldn't I scream?

Why couldn't I cry? My eyes were burning, but I knew there weren't any tears. My knee aimed again but missed this time. The same trick won't work twice. My arms were pinned to the wall and my legs wont work anymore. I was defeated and I still couldn't cry. Was there something wrong with me?

I gave a short hysterical laugh. I laughed at my stupidity and my inability to do anything. I was a failure. The drunk man smiled. "Do you like it rough honey? I'm sure you do." my arms were pinned above my head under one of his hands. The other wrapped around my throat. My feet weren't on the ground anymore. Were drunk guys always this strong? I struggled to get him off me. He slowly squeezed. "yea honey? Is this rough enough for you? Or do you want more?" Oh please, anyone, even if its a stranger-

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" I couldn't turn to look at who said that, but the voice sounded so familiar. I probably would have remembered if any oxygen was getting to my brain. "Let the girl go!" The hand squeezed tighter in anger. Can't breathe.

"Get the hell away. We're having fun here."  Suddenly he went flying. My feet hit the ground at a weird angle and I fell to the ground. I was gasping for air. The oxygen was finally coming back. Several footsteps were heading my way. They stopped in front of me. I couldn't hear anything. I was in my own world.

Breathing was so hard. Why was it so dark? My parents were in front of me. Wait, was that them? They don't look right. Why.. why..

I had to scream. The need was so strong, but I couldn't. It was stuck in my throat. I can't do anything. Why can't I do anything? I need to... I need to...


My eyes focused on what was in front of me. Two worried eyes. I looked around them. Five other pairs. I turned back to the ones in front of me. I smiled. " I never thought, I would see you again..."

"Yoona, Yoona, look at me." I was looking straight at you dummy... " Yoona, do you know who I am? Do you remember who I am?" I frowned. Mitchel was always worrying like this. "Yoona, do you remember us?"

Wait, this isn't right. Why was he so close? I frowned even more trying to remember. "Mit...Changjo?" Oh my goodness, I almost called him Mitchel. I stood up and toppled over my own two feet. It hurt, why did it hurt? I fell on Ricky. "Goodness, Ricky. I'm so sorry."

He shook his head. "It's okay Yoona, but are you alright? They didn't .. do anything to you right?" I shook my head. He looked relieved. "Good. We should take you home now." He stood up and I had to lean on him for support. "Yoona, what's wrong? Is your leg hurt?" I shook my head. It was no big deal. I tried to stand on my own. I took a step but had to drag my other foot behind me. I pouted. I tried again. It hurt too much to walk normally.

"CAP carry Yoona to  my house. We'll stay there for today." What, was Changjo the boss or something?

"What? No!" My voice cracked so I cleared my throat. "I'm fine walking home myself."

"After getting yourself in this situation, you still have the nerve to say you can go home yourself? You must be kidding me!"

"I was actually looking for a place to buy storage bins, thank you very much." Mostly true. "I know my way home" I snapped.

"Like we can let you go home yourself after this. Are you out of your mind? Those guys might come back for you! And your leg is sprained. How the hell do you think you'll get back home in that condition?"

"I can  walk just fine."

"Like hell. CAP carry her."

"No you don't need to."

"Would you rather me carry you?"

"Leave me alone. No way do I want to be seen carried by you."

"Shut up and get on his back."


He snarled. CAP got a look from him and quickly told me to get on his back. He was supposed to be the oldest one but he was scared of Changjo. What kind of world is this? I gave up and climbed onto his back. As we walked down the street, I quickly hid my face. I did not want to be seen like this.

We eventually reached Changjo's house. I got on the floor and was pushed to a couch. I sat down and pouted. Changjo rolled his eyes and walked to what looked like a kitchen. I took this time to look around.

It was amazing. There was so much room. The other guys made themselves comfortable. Ricky was on the floor watching me. I sat at the end of the couch. Next to me was CAP then L.Joe. Chunji and Niel were trying to wrestle each other off the couch. They all looked very comfortable here, like it was their second home.

Changjo came back out with a bag of ice. I eyed it suspiciously. It looked like a lot of ice. What in the world did he need it for?

My leg was suddenly in his lap and i gasped in pain. I glared at Changjo for the sudden movement. He looked like he was going to say sorry but when he saw my glare, he settled for a smirk. The bag of ice was wrapped around my ankle. I closed my eyes and ground my teeth. I wouldn't scream but the pain was really really evident. When I got used to the cold, my eyes opened and met Changjo's. I looked away but didn't know where to stare. I was still mad at him but I guess I should really say thank you.

I looked at him and took a breath. Just when the words started forming in my mouth, He looked at Ricky. "Hey, what game do you want to play?" Ricky jumped up in excitement.

The rest of the day went by awkwardly for me. I sat there watching the boys play games. I didn't move. It was fun watching their reactions when they won or lost a game. L.Joe would smirk and brag when he won. Ricky would jump and dance around. CAP would just rub it in their faces. Niel would smile and pump a fist.

Changjo didn't react that much. He'd shout in victory then look at me and be silent again. Did I really anger him that much? I sighed. They all turned to look at me. "Is there something wrong Yoona?" Ricky was always so concerned. He was really sweat.

"No, I just wanted to get up and go to the..." I thought for a second. "The kitchen. I want to go to the kitchen." They all looked at me weird. It was the only place I could think of at the moment. I didn't really eat today. And I needed to get out of the room. So I thought maybe i'd make myself a brunch. If I was going to stay here the whole day, I mind as well make myself useful."Do you guys want to eat anything? Maybe i'll make lunch."

It was a tempting offer so I doubt they could say no. Changjo insisted that he helped me in the kitchen. I rolled my eyes but let him come with me anyway. He supported me as I limped to his kitchen. I stopped at the doorway, amazed at what I saw.

"Wow" I blurted out. He laughed. I glared at him and hobbled towards the refridgerator. He came over to help me again. There wasn't much in his refridgerator. I was stuck with very little ingredients. After thinking for a bit, I decided to keep it simple. I was not a great cook but I managed not to ruin simple dishes. I ordered Changjo around. Telling him to get the vegetables, put water in two pots. It was pretty fun. I cut up everything that needed to be cut. When the water boiled, I put noodles in one pot and sliced rice cake in the other.

The kitchen was really small so I didn't know where to eat. I asked Changjo if he had a dining room area. When he nodded I told him to set up the table for seven of us. He came back and I was reaching for the bowls on his top shelf. I was so close to getting it. It was just out of my reach. His hand reached up to grab it for me. I stuck my tongue out at him while he smirked. I turned around. I took a deep breath as I handed the first bowl to him. "Thank you." He nodded. He came back for another bowl and I added "for everything that happened today." He looked at me in the eye then nodded. We went back to silent mode as lunch was put on the table. There were seven bowls of tteokguk and in the center, a large plate of japjae.

Changjo went to call the boys for lunch while I slowly hobbled from the kitchen to the dining room.

I was impressed with the designs in this house. Who knew the space could be used so well? All the guys sat in their seats. I ended up sitting on the bench between Ricky and Changjo.

Lunch with them was fun, despite the fact that I hardly said anything. They complimented the food so I smiled and said thank you. After lunch, They all took the dishes to the kitchen. They were going to play a game. Loser does the dishes. I rolled my eyes and said I would do it. Changjo sighed and said he would help me. "Its my house after all" he said. I washed and he dried. After that I felt very tired. It was too much drama for such a short period of time.I wanted to go home. "no" Changjo said when he heard my request.

"oh please, its not like i'm gonna get lost."

"Thats not what i'm worried about."

"I'm just going home to sleep! Besides, when did you even care?"

His face got red. I made him angry. "What if you slip and fall?! No one is going to be able to help you! Then we'd be blamed for not taking care of you!"

"Oh so that's the only reason why you're taking care of me? What a selfish BRAT."

"No. I have other reasons too!"

"yea? Like what?"

"Things you don't need to know."

"Oh please. That is the lamest excuse I ever heard."

"Arrrg. If you wanna sleep, go to my room and sleep. You are not going anywhere by yourself until your grandparents get home."




"FINE" we both turned away from each other. I walked to the living room where the guys stared at me strangely. Changjo came out behind me. "One of you take her to my room. She's taking a nap."

"I could have asked myself" I snapped.

"Well too bad."

I glared at him before turning around to follow L.Joe up the stairs. Do not think of killing him. Killing is bad. He saved you before. DO NOT THINK OF KILLING HIM.

It was surprisingly clean in here. Like the rest of the house. I sighed. Why was I so fustrated by this guy? I turnede to L.Joe and thanked him. "You know, I've known Changjo for a long time." I nodded. "He never got that fustrated by one person before." I cautiously nodded. "Just saying." Then he left, closing the door behind him.

I sighed. What was the point of telling me that? I pulled down the shade and sat on the chair. After moving the keyboard, I put my head down and fell asleep.

I dreamt of Mitchel and my parents. It seems like forever since I last thought of them. My parents, alive and happily eating dinner with me. My parents dead on the pavement. Mitchel, always so sweet. Mitchel as he walks away.

I woke up with burning eyes. I still couldn't cry. I stretched in the chair and yawned. Slowly, I walked downstairs to where the boys were still playing their game. Having gone down the stairs with no problem, I limped over to the couch. Chunji won this game, Apparently they didn't realize I was up because they all turned to stare at me in surpise when I cleared my throat. I went back to the end of the couch to watch them continue playing.

My grandparents came home and were very worried when they saw me limping from Changjo's house. I told them that I fell. It was true technically. I just didn't need them to continue worrying. We all had dinner together. It was quiet.

That night, I closed my eyes and said something I haven't said in a while

Goodnight World, Goodnight family, Goodnight Mitchel, I love you all...



Sorry for the bad ending. Sorry for the weird stuff in the middle. Yes I added links so you can see the rooms. XD I finished all of this within a day so I'm feeling very proud of myself at the moment. XD

Thank you all again for supporting me and reading my story. Seeing as I've spent exactly seven hours on this, I will now post it for you XD Goodnight world, Goodnight family, Goodnight readers~ I love you all~

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HAHA!! Please update soon ^^
NamHee #2
hehe update soon! xD<br />
NamHee #4
haaaa xD
OMG NO wonfer he was sooo suprised when she called him that lolz uipdate soon
awww i feel bad foe changjo though i dont know why lols update soon
hellokittyluvr143 #7
anyone, please follow, i follow back(:<br /> <br />
<br />
errr what happened with changjo and mitchell?
Omg I feel soooo bad for her :( <br />
It'd cuz u like changjo more now <br />
Mitchel didn't even remember u!!! <br />
Update soon
NamHee #9
YAAAAH! i'm too excited and i dont know how to do////awwww eottokke????
hellokittyluvr143 #10
UPDATE OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!